What's keeping the West from making DOAX style games?

Helter Skelter

New member
Jul 30, 2016
Gengisgame said:
1. Look at the level of hostility of it even existing in this thread alone.

2. Shaming at the idea of owning it, this only really applies to men, same reason sex toy's for women are far more openly acceptable.
This isn't really true of most people in this thread, but by posting that way you've neatly grouped everyone who disagrees with you in the same pile without having to actually present your own argument. Please don't think any of that went unnoticed.


New member
May 7, 2016
Gengisgame said:
1. Look at the level of hostility of it even existing in this thread alone.
Hostility at it existing? Where?

If there's hostility at it, it's at the attitude that the game not selling well is somehow some sort of massive liberal conspiracy.

2. Shaming at the idea of owning it, this only really applies to men, same reason sex toy's for women are far more openly acceptable.
I own far and play more racey and far more explicit material than DOAX, and am not shamed for it. Nice try.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
I guess I'll be an echo here...but anyway there's a combination of factors. For one thing, games like DOAX just don't sell well here. There's also the fact that the US is perceived to be really prudish about anything sexual. Whether or not Americans on the whole are or are not though, the perception is that we are so publishers are less likely to make or market that kind of game to the US, even if an American company makes it. There's also the past of sexy games that happened in America that didn't take off: The Guy Game and BMX XXX sold really poorly. I just don't think people are willing to invest time or money into something that wouldn't make that money back, even though there is a niche.


New member
Feb 15, 2015
Helter Skelter said:
Gengisgame said:
1. Look at the level of hostility of it even existing in this thread alone.

2. Shaming at the idea of owning it, this only really applies to men, same reason sex toy's for women are far more openly acceptable.
This isn't really true of most people in this thread, but by posting that way you've neatly grouped everyone who disagrees with you in the same pile without having to actually present your own argument. Please don't think any of that went unnoticed.
Your making things up.

Did I say all posters? no, I did not. My point stands, this is far from uncommon, I once posted a thread about sexy female characters asking that comments about this being sexist etc not come into it, there where still a lot of passive aggressive posters, many posters commented about how this was a sh** storm waiting to go down and then the real icing on the guy was a thread popping up about sexy male characters by the creator themselves stating that they made it as a protest to the other thread.

A lot of people don't like things, normally if you don't like something and complain about it's very existence your rightfully called an entitled whiner, example people who don't like shooters complaining about shooters dudebro shooters.

But when it comes to things of a sexual nature people actually praise each other for saying these things.

So it's silly to think that this would not encourage people to voice these views. That is just how it works.


New member
Feb 15, 2015
Smithnikov said:
Gengisgame said:
1. Look at the level of hostility of it even existing in this thread alone.
Hostility at it existing? Where?

If there's hostility at it, it's at the attitude that the game not selling well is somehow some sort of massive liberal conspiracy.

2. Shaming at the idea of owning it, this only really applies to men, same reason sex toy's for women are far more openly acceptable.
I own far and play more racey and far more explicit material than DOAX, and am not shamed for it. Nice try.
I am tired of arguing the hostility point, just because people don't like getting called on there actions doesn't mean they aren't doing it, I refer you to my last post.

Your last point means nothing for 2 reasons

1. Your an individual
2. You don't even mention the idea of being ok with sharing this with people you meet to show that it isn't shameful to you.

One of the most common used insults aimed at men on the internet is along the lines of "this guy is loser who sits at home looking at porn".

It's an effective shaming insult against men true or not. If it wasn't it wouldn't be used so much.

Sort of like calling a woman a slut is highly effective, the major difference there is that it's frowned upon to do that when there both essentially the same thing, judging and insulting someone based on there sexual life.


New member
May 7, 2016
Gengisgame said:
Your last point means nothing for 2 reasons

1. Your an individual
Is that still a thing? I have a hard time telling around the internet these days.

2. You don't even mention the idea of being ok with sharing this with people you meet to show that it isn't shameful to you.

One of the most common used insults aimed at men on the internet is along the lines of "this guy is loser who sits at home looking at porn".
Which is something I don't subscribe to.

I only consider you a "loser" for it if you, say, quit your job to do more spanking.

If it wasn't it wouldn't be used so much.
So is calling men manginas, SJW's, feminnazis, ect. And it's just as meaningless and petty.

Sort of like calling a woman a slut is highly effective, the major difference there is that it's frowned upon to do that when there both essentially the same thing, judging and insulting someone based on there sexual life.
Actually, the GamerGate side justifies calling a woman a slut with the cute little meme about master keys and shitty locks. Ever seen that one?

Metalix Knightmare

New member
Sep 27, 2007
Smithnikov said:
Actually, the GamerGate side justifies calling a woman a slut with the cute little meme about master keys and shitty locks. Ever seen that one?
You mean the lady who cheated on her boyfriend with at least five other guys in the name of her career advancement got called a slut? Last I checked, that was a pretty good description of such a person.

Also, no. I've actually never seen that meme used in GG circles. Might have missed it, but that's all I can say about it.

Mr. Popplewick

New member
Aug 4, 2016
Metalix Knightmare said:
Smithnikov said:
Actually, the GamerGate side justifies calling a woman a slut with the cute little meme about master keys and shitty locks. Ever seen that one?
You mean the lady who cheated on her boyfriend with at least five other guys in the name of her career advancement got called a slut? Last I checked, that was a pretty good description of such a person.
What's the name for the neckbeard shut-ins who spent two years circle-jerking over that infidelity, while desperately pretending it was "Junrlizm"?

I think "Thundercunt" might be a start, but you seem to have a creative mind, so I'll leave you to it. :)

Mr. Popplewick

New member
Aug 4, 2016
slo said:
Smithnikov said:
Actually, the GamerGate side justifies calling a woman a slut with the cute little meme about master keys and shitty locks. Ever seen that one?
Actually, this cute little meme is ages old, and GG does not have central authority. Please avoid judging anonymous communities as if they're a single individual, because this is the shortest path into the strawman territory and "us vs them" mentality.
"We cost Gawker a million!"
"We were shut down at the SPJ"

But there is no "GG" when the shit comes down, is there? Of course now, at this late date, you're finally correct and there is no GG anymore.


Trash Goblin
Apr 1, 2016
United States
Mr. Popplewick said:
I think "Thundercunt" might be a start, but you seem to have a creative mind, so I'll leave you to it. :)
I just wanted to pop back in and say that I am simply baffled by the pure majesty of this word and will be using it for the rest of my living days. Thank you


New member
May 7, 2016
Metalix Knightmare said:
Smithnikov said:
Actually, the GamerGate side justifies calling a woman a slut with the cute little meme about master keys and shitty locks. Ever seen that one?
You mean the lady who cheated on her boyfriend with at least five other guys in the name of her career advancement got called a slut? Last I checked, that was a pretty good description of such a person.

Also, no. I've actually never seen that meme used in GG circles. Might have missed it, but that's all I can say about it.
No not that one. I mean the meme that gets posted every time someone asks "Why is a woman who sleeps with lots of men a slut, but a man who sleeps with lots of women a stud"


New member
May 7, 2016
slo said:
Smithnikov said:
Actually, the GamerGate side justifies calling a woman a slut with the cute little meme about master keys and shitty locks. Ever seen that one?
Actually, this cute little meme is ages old, and GG does not have central authority. Please avoid judging anonymous communities as if they're a single individual, because this is the shortest path into the strawman territory and "us vs them" mentality.
The die has already been cast. Horse has left the barn, cowboy.

That "anonymous community" saw fit to judge me, so I'm simply returning the favor. As for "us vs them" territory? They made it clear I'm one of the "them"'s, being as I've been assessed as a cuckold mangina SJW given my defense of State of Decay.

Metalix Knightmare

New member
Sep 27, 2007
Smithnikov said:
Metalix Knightmare said:
Smithnikov said:
Actually, the GamerGate side justifies calling a woman a slut with the cute little meme about master keys and shitty locks. Ever seen that one?
You mean the lady who cheated on her boyfriend with at least five other guys in the name of her career advancement got called a slut? Last I checked, that was a pretty good description of such a person.

Also, no. I've actually never seen that meme used in GG circles. Might have missed it, but that's all I can say about it.
No not that one. I mean the meme that gets posted every time someone asks "Why is a woman who sleeps with lots of men a slut, but a man who sleeps with lots of women a stud"
Dunno where you're getting the idea that GG supports that kind of mentality. One of our biggest supporters is a frigging porn star.


New member
May 7, 2016
Metalix Knightmare said:
Dunno where you're getting the idea that GG supports that kind of mentality. One of our biggest supporters is a frigging porn star.
/pol/, /r/edpill, /gamergateHQ/, /GGrevolt/ mainly.

Also, Mercedes Carerra believes women shouldn't be allowed to vote contrary to their husband's opinions. Sure you want to hold her up as a bastion of sexual liberty?

Not to mention she's starred in scores of lesbian porn, but routinely calls people "faggots" without a hint of irony? Has given oral scores of time on film, but has no problem using "cocksucker" as an insult?

Metalix Knightmare

New member
Sep 27, 2007
Smithnikov said:
Not to mention she's starred in scores of lesbian porn, but routinely calls people "faggots" without a hint of irony? Has given oral scores of time on film, but has no problem using "cocksucker" as an insult?
Are...are you new to the English language or something? Like, seriously, are you? Especially with that second half there, "Has given oral scores of time on film, but has no problem using "cocksucker" as an insult".

You think that just because a person does that sort of thing literally, they should not be able to use it in a figurative sense? I jerk off all the frigging time, doesn't stop me or anyone else who masturbates regularly (Which would probably be a little less than 99.999% of all living humans) from calling people jerkoffs or whatever the female version of masturbation is called. Heck, the gay people I know are also pretty darned liberal with calling each other faggots when one of them is being a pain in the neck.

Smithnikov said:
Also, Mercedes Carerra believes women shouldn't be allowed to vote contrary to their husband's opinions. Sure you want to hold her up as a bastion of sexual liberty?
Considering a big part of feminism is supposed to be choice? Yes. If she believes that, that's her goddamed right as a person and an American. Who are you to tell her otherwise?

Smithnikov said:
/pol/, /r/edpill, /gamergateHQ/, /GGrevolt/ mainly.
/pol/ has it's own agenda that often doesn't coincide with GG's ideas, same with /r/, /GGrevolt/ I can't say much of due to not visiting them often and most GG affiliated areas wishing to distance themselves from it (Seriously, bring up revolt on HQ. See how many people accuse you of shitposting) and /gamergateHQ/ has been pretty upfront with NOT supporting that mentality beyond /pol/ and the like shitposting.

Also, as would be said on each of those boards, yes because /pol/, /r/edpill, /gamergateHQ/, /GGrevolt/ are hive minds.

Seriously, may I recommend you stay away from anything Chan related? You've already proven LONG ago you don't really get the cultures over there, and every time you bring them up you just weaken any arguments you have. Stick to Kotaku in Action on Reddit.

Edit: Also, where the heck did you get the idea that /r/edpill had any close affiliation with Gamer Gate? I actually had to google that name to see anything pop up! Pretty much the only real major common ground is a regular use of the word Beta to describe the men who are against Gamer Gate, and a distaste for feminism which in the case of Gamer Gate mostly stems from horrible people trying to hide behind it as a criticism shield!

Seriously man, this is starting to enter lizard people territory.


New member
May 7, 2016
Metalix Knightmare said:
Are...are you new to the English language or something?
Far from it. It was my best subject in school and I take things like grammar and vocabulary use very serious.

You think that just because a person does that sort of thing literally, they should not be able to use it in a figurative sense?
Oh they can use it all they like, but I'll call them out on their hipocrisy for doing so. It doesn't speak well for their character, to me, to use "cock sucker" as an insult when one does it themselves for pay.

I jerk off all the frigging time, doesn't stop me or anyone else who masturbates regularly (Which would probably be a little less than 99.999% of all living humans) from calling people jerkoffs
You want to be that way, be that way, just don't let it be known that fact or people will likely dismiss you for it, and rightly so.

Considering a big part of feminism is supposed to be choice? Yes. If she believes that, that's her goddamed right as a person and an American. Who are you to tell her otherwise?
Because she's saying that women should not have that same freedom.

/pol/ has it's own agenda that often doesn't coincide with GG's ideas
Demolish feminism and liberalism. Reestablish universal male dominance in sexual relationships (hence their constant use of "cuckold" so wildly, broadly and inaccurately against their opponents). Protect artistic mediums from left wing ideals and influence. It's even spread over to tabletop games now, and GG has been discussing in /tg/ how to keep RPG's good and conservative. What am I missing?

Edit: Also, where the heck did you get the idea that /r/edpill had any close affiliation with Gamer Gate?
Memes of the positives of chugging red pills, and cartoons of Vivian James chugging red pills as well.

Pretty much the only real major common ground is a regular use of the word Beta to describe the men who are against Gamer Gate
That too, thank you.