What's the game that scared you the most?


New member
Jul 16, 2008
The first time I every played Resident Evil, for the Playstation. I was staying at my friend's old wooden victorian house. Him and his family had gone to sleep and I was up late playing Crash Bandicoot. I couldn't sleep because it was raining HARD outside. I saw RE on the table and decided to play it. I was 10 at the time and the first time I went through the dining room and into the hallway with the first zombie chowing down and noticed me I freaked out. Loved that game, though they have gotten progressively less scary. The Gamecube remake is very very good.


New member
Aug 8, 2008
the-loopy said:
The Ocean House Hotel in Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines. *shudder*
I came at this topic with that game (and particulary that part) in mind, it combines the cheap "Hey it's sure calm around her-*loud noise followed by something crashing near you*" and the psychological effect of the atmosphere.


New member
May 11, 2008
I think the majority is what im going with, Silent Hill 2 had me on nerve pratically through the entire game.

Condemned was also a huge scare once I started getting into it.

The original Resident Evil is also up there, along with a handfull of others that I can't remember.

I really am hoping we get another good scary game before the year's out, doubting Dead Space or Silent Hill will pull it off. Put then again sawing apart enemies that just won't give up might get freaky. We'll see.


New member
Jun 21, 2008
Project Zero 3/Fatal Frame 3. Holy crap, it was the most unnerving experiance I've ever had playing a video game. This thing messes with your head so much, a great example of a horror game done right. Haunting Ground was disturbing also.


New member
May 17, 2008
Just going to parrot back this post.

Silent Hill 2, Thief, Bioshock,

Unusual ones - Daggerfall. I got to a part where my fatigue was too low and I hadn't saved (in the old game, if your fatigue fell to zero you passed out. In a dungeon that meant you were good 'n fucked). And let's just say, I was ill prepared for the Vampire I encountered and guess what they drain. They have this really creepy sigh/shout/erotic gasp thing they did that was just disturbing. And all the dungeons had an unsettling quietness about them.

System Shock 1 - The hairs on the back of my neck would prick up whenever I heard the radio static that meant a lovely call from Shodan. Definately gave me a tingly pit in my stomach. Also, when you get turned into a zombie cyborg when you died was really horrifying to me.

A bit about Thief - Shadlebridge cradle is disturbing but one of my most jump-out-of-my seat moments was in the 2nd game. Got to the forest part to meet Viktoria at the end of a level. Heard a growling noise and I was like "where the hell is that coming from". Just then the huge tree right in front of me takes a swing.

Disappointed with Doom 3. It took too many "cheap shots" and you became desensitized to the whole thing because they were ALWAYS in that dark nook and corner.

Lord Krunk

New member
Mar 3, 2008
The White Chamber. I feel dirty, because I haven't promoted it in a while.


Vampiric Puppet

New member
Aug 6, 2008
Vampire Masquerade Bloodlines - the Ocean House Hotel level.

The first time I saw it I was 12 and was watching my brother play through it at 2am. Well that was a mistake! :) I ended up running for my baseball bat and jumping at loud noises for days.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
Good scares: SH, Thief, All ~shock series games up till the halfway point of bioshock where you became a god with a wrench, CBU.

Bad attemps at scares: Doom 3, CBJ the latter half of bioshock

Reasons why they failed:
D3 - EVERYTHING was hiding in those dark corners, you could anticipate every single fight by looking at the dark places.
Biosock - If i can heal faster then anything in the game could possibly harm me, the game is not scary.
Jericho - combination of the above, when you see a pool of gore you can bet your supernatural ass that something's going to jump out of it. That and the chaingun+infinite ammo approach made enemies rather pathetic instead of of scary(exept for the fat cultists, those were annoying the first time you encounter them in Al Khali and are still annoying when you see the last of them in Godseal).


New member
May 24, 2008
DOOM. My heartbeat was at about 150 every time you got some clip and the lights went out o_O! My excuse: I was like... 6 years old back then ^^!

Juan Regular

New member
Jun 3, 2008
As much as I love SH2 I don´t really think it was scary (except for the underground labyrinth where Pyramid Head suddenly appears out of nowhere), but SH1 has to be the scariest game of all time. The run to the lighthouse in the alternate reality scared the shit out of every cell in my body.

Clock Tower 1 was extreme too.


New member
May 21, 2008
When I was 5 my mom was playing a little game called Maniac Mansion on the NES.
I walked into the room, watched her play until some bad guy appeared (I remember his face was blue, like all the other bad guys)...

I hid under the table until she stopped playing.


New member
Aug 6, 2008
Silent Hill 1, the school after the lights have gone out. Didnt help that I was playing at 2am in the dark.


New member
Jul 24, 2008
oh i have a list... resident evil 4, i entered the village, ran along a bit exploring, ran into the chainsaw guy and had my neck sawed off... i had never played any re game before and had no idea what to expect from the game... i literally dropped the controller...
and condemned criminal origins, which was scary, which is scary, which will always be scary, no matter how many times you play it.
and some portions of doom 3 in my first play through... again i had only heard about doom and just started playing fpses and my control was horrible at the time... but once you get used to the whole cheapo darken everything and one enemy at a time tactic.... it transitions from scary to frustrating.
also the dahaka chases in warrior within on my first playthrough... everytime that dahaka chase music started and i would be like, oh god not again... now i think they're fun... and dahaka is cute... very cute....


New member
May 21, 2008
wahi said:
oh i have a list... resident evil 4, i entered the village, ran along a bit exploring, ran into the chainsaw guy and had my neck sawed off... i had never played any re game before and had no idea what to expect from the game... i literally dropped the controller...
You should've been there when the first RE was released.
Picture this, You're playing as Jill and you've just encountered your first zombie, and you're sent back to report to Wesker. Wesker's gone, so you'll have to search for him on the other side of the mansion.
You walk into this hallway, completely empty, nothing strange in sight. Halfway through the hallway zombie wolves jump out of the windows, you panic while they feast on your character.

Took me about a week before I dared to play that game again. Then again I was like, 10 or something.


New member
Jun 23, 2008
For me it would probably be F.E.A.R. My 5.1 helped out alot, that games got some fantastic sound design.

Other than that, I can't think of too many times I've been legitimately creeped out or afraid to walk around a corner in a game.


New member
Jul 24, 2008
actually after fininshing the game i thought it might be fun to try the original, but i could only get the playstation version, and after a year or so of HD gaming, i just couldn't bear to look at the unsophisticated graphics :( same thing happened with half-life.....
so now i have discovered that i can only play anything post-halo... it are the old games that i just can't enjoy :(


New member
Feb 25, 2008
playing resident evil 2 when I was only 7 years old, I wish I never did.

EDIT: my friend telling me to shoot the water 5 times in RE4, you know that secret :D