What's the most you've ever been dissapointed by a game?


Neloth's got swag.
Aug 22, 2011
Demon's Souls, because I thought my years of grinding with Diablo II would have given me useful reflexes. I'd heard about the game's difficulty, but chose to downplay it. I mean, it couldn't be that bad, right?

I was wrong. Dead wrong. I still can't get past the Boletarian Palace, Phalanx keeps kicking my ass no matter what I do. This is a game where I'm deeply, desperately yearning for a trainer. I'm not ashamed to say it.

I can understand that the brutal difficulty might be an attractive aspect to some, but it was a serious turn-off for me.

Then Spore. I was hugely stoked for the game, hoping the Science camp would win out. Turns out the Cutesie-Poo Brigade wiped the floor with the entrails of the more serious proponents and absolutely bastardized the core concept laid down by Will Wright.

I still bought it, I still played it. I even got the two expansion packs. I can safely say I gave Spore more of a chance than it deserved. Mods made the experience somewhat better, but once you're given an unlimited Staff of Life, what does the game boil down to? An endless series of terraforming procedures and colony-building, peppered with the occasional distress call from a backwater colony that's - OH, GOD - an entire spiral arm away?

No. That, Maxis, will not do. I am disappoint. Immensely so.


New member
Apr 13, 2010
Erja_Perttu said:
Final fantasy X-2

The first game was a lovely, sad, sombre kind of game. The sequel turned the woman who was willing to sacrifice her life to save the world into a pop singer whose powers came from the wonders of CHANGING OUTFITS!
Was gonna say DNF. But then I read this.
Completely Agree. I played it once. Never touched it again. xP


New member
Apr 6, 2009
MSG 4 - It's not a game it's one long cutscene and i susspect that my PS3 resent's me for being in the same room while it plays with it self...it's not a game it's a PS3 masturbation disk.


New member
May 8, 2010
Seeing as Spore has been mentioned a lot, I'll go with Final Fantasy 8. After 6 and 7 I was more than a little bit of a fanboy for Square, but 8 killed whatever steam they had going, and I wasn't feeling the main characters of FF9 either... or the antagonist, and hell, after FF10 I just gave up on the franchise.

Corpse XxX

New member
Jan 19, 2009
Borderlands.. I had great hopes for that game.. but the interace, menu, guns and leveling system was absolutely dreadfull..


New member
Jun 27, 2011
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
Bioshock. Yes, the first one. Yes, I am serious.

I just didnt think it was anything special. The whole time I was sitting there thinking "Its going to get awesome any time around now!" It never did get awesome.

I am disappoint.
It took me three playthroughs before I liked it. Now, it's one of my favorite games. It didn't help that the big twist was spoiled for me before I played it.


New member
Jan 17, 2011
Alcamonic said:
Yes. I completely agree with Hellgate: London. While I was reading this thread I was thinking back over the years, then this hit me like a knife in the heart... damn you hellgate.

Which is this other MMO you speak of?
It's Hellgate Resurrection or something similar.

Basically, the company that bought the rights to Hellgate butchered it, removed a bunch of the story and text dialogs to replace them with really bad Engrish, added a FTP cash shop and stripped away the ability to play offline. All without offering those of us who had purchased the game originally any bonus at all.

What infuriated me the most was the Engrish, to be honest. It always infuriates me in any game that is released with an "English" client, they should hire professional translators to ensure it is 100% correct... but with a game based in England itself and created in English, their need to change it at all was bizarre.


New member
Aug 27, 2011
I've said it before and I'll say it again.
I followed it for years, bought it as soon as I could, and got to the Space Stage the same day. The best part of the game(and the reason I still have it installed), coming up with wacky creatures only lasts half an hour followed by almost never seeing your critter. So what looked like the best game ever turned out to be an art program for making ducks with top hats. (Or whatever.)
Oh, and I still want to know why they cut the underwater stage. Dammit, I wanted to make murderous dapper hyper-intelligent dolphins!


New member
Jan 1, 2011
CoD: MW2; Awful story, ridiculously unbalanced multiplayer and Spec Ops was horribly underdeveloped. Whenever someone asks me what MW2 needed, I reply "Another year of testing and balancing and the writers and level designers to be ordered to do it properly or be fired." A couple of levels were good and a few set pieces were nice but at the end of the day, urgh...


New member
Feb 27, 2010
honestdiscussioner said:
Sixcess said:
Fallout 3. It's the last game I ever bought 'blind' (i.e. knowing virtually nothing about it except what was on the box) and in a shop. It sounded good, it looked great... and the awful character animations, slow and unintuitive shooting and constant crashing just killed it for me.

In some other reality there's a Fallout 3 that was made with a good FPS engine, and that game is probably in my all time top 10.
You did use VATS, didn't you? I almost gave up on Fallout 3 after a few hours or so. Once I started getting into it and wasn't coming out barely alive of every encounter, it became one of my greatest gaming experiences.
I did, but I really dislike VATS. I know it's intended as a nod to the original games' turn based roots but it for me it just made the combat halting and disjointed, not to mention being utterly anti-immersive since every time I pulled the trigger I had to essentially pause the game and bring a menu up to shoot something.

I wouldn't have minded so much if VATS had been optional, but trying to shoot without VATS was far more difficult than any decent FPS I've ever played, so unless I was will to waste ridiculous amounts of ammo on most kills it just wasn't viable.


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Mar 12, 2009
gears of war 3...i was expecting for my brains to burst out all over my room, however, i've only suffered a major brain hemorage from shear awesomeness.

i'm just trolling, but i, and everyone else, was veeery disappointed with duke nukem forever. i don't see why there's the fandom. i caught on to it at first because of how generic it was. halo and gears of war have become so unique i have to take 1 minute to submerse myself in it's universe with all the names of the characters, their plots, stories from other things like books and comics and the previous games, before i start playing (seriously, play any recent halo title and look for all the hints and references to plots from previous titles or from plots to the books or some shit)

duke nukem: u kill aliens while looking like a boss. i love that idea, and it was executed like shit. i am disapoint. but there's no sense in complaining about it now is there?


New member
May 17, 2011
Simeon Ivanov said:
Half Life 2 ... it's hyped as shit, I was expecting to be blown away ... and then I played it ... you can hate me now

Too many people make it out to be the best damn thing since sliced bread. Yeah, I got through the whole thing, it's not as compelling or enjoyable to play as other fps' I've played, and dear god those vehicle sections were dragged out far too much.

Look player! ANOTHER teeter tooter puzzle, we have a physics engine! Be amazed!


New member
Aug 29, 2011
There are quite a few, but most recently has been Sonic Unleashed. It was going to be Sonic's first successful transition into the Nex Gen consoles. The daylight stages were so awesome and truly what Sonic was all about.

Then the night time stages came...


...to be fair, there was nothing wrong about the sudden shift in gameplay. In SA2, you have different play styles and there nothing wrong with that. The GoW-style combat was actually fun.

But the night time stages were soooo long, the controls were a bit off, and if you died after the last checkpoint, there was no way you were getting a S or A rank.

Here's hoping for Sonic Generations!


Ruining videogames
Feb 3, 2011
there is a LONG list for me because I tend to get caught by the hype train, but most of them someone else has already mentioned (bioshock, dragon age, duke nukem, final fantasy XIII and X and so on) so i'll go into detail on one that no one else mentioned: the original S.T.A.L.K.E.R I have something like forty hours play time on call of Pripyat so I was expecting great thing from the original partly because so many hard core fans say it is the best of the three games, but when I got around to buying it I was massively disappointed, the UI took way to long to figure out the weapons have no impact and awful accuracy, which doesn't stop the AI from having prefect aim and the ability to spot you from a hundred miles away, and that's just the worst things off the top of my head. I honestly don't hate the game I just felt that COP was better in every way


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Nov 18, 2009
I finished it but only because it felt like I wasted my money if I didn't, they even fucked up the DLC character with the collectors edition, he certainly wasn't as good as Shale.

I got burned on DA1 DLC and never bought it again, I got burned on DA2 so I shall wait for public opinion before thinking about getting DA3