What's Your Gaming First Love?


New member
Mar 31, 2011
Crash Bandicoot 1!
Man, my gaming abilities were just skyrocketed as soon as I started playing that, does anyone even remember HOW HARD Crash 1 was??

It's still hard! You have to be ABOUT perfect on those boulder levels!

Ah, childhood memories.


New member
May 9, 2011
Gran Turismo 2, Smugglers Run, Midnight Club, and GTA 3. Thats where it all started. Many Hours Logged.


New member
Jun 23, 2011
Mega Man 2... I recall vividly everyone (my brother, three of my cousins, and I) trying to figure out how to beat Wood Man. As the youngest, I wasn't allowed to try. How could Sam beat it when we can't? So I snuck into the room while the others were playing outside (I wasn't allowed to play cause I might break the system. whatever. jerks.). After three or four tries I beat him. I was so proud of my leaf shield.

I was kind of a sega fanboy in my childhood. Sonic the hedgehog ftw, but Mega Man was my secret gaming love. I didn't own my own Mega Man game until years later when I got Mega Man X. I wanted a regular Mega Man game, but they were sold out of Mega Man 7. So I had to choose between Mega Man Soccer or Mega Man X. Thank god I chose X. One of my favorite games to this very day.


New member
Dec 31, 2009
Perfect Dark 64, on the N64. It was my first game on my first console, my brother and I played that game for days.



New member
Nov 21, 2007
I was inducted into the world of gaming at a young age. I was around for the Atari's, the NES, SNES, and Sega's. As such, I could list dozens upon dozens of titles. Anything from Starcraft to Earthworm Jim to Doom to Super Mario Bros. However my first "true gaming love", as in the first game(s) that I unconditionally loved through and through, came in the form of two different games. The first was Banjo Kazooie on the Nintendo64. The second was Half-Life on PC.

Both games took the concepts of their respective genres, turned them on their heads, and refined, tuned, and perfected them. They became the benchmark for all games to come in their respective genres. To this day, when I'm feeling nostalgic, I'll play them again. And, I still find them just as fun as they were back then.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
Spyro the Dragon... Year of the Dragon was especially my favorite.
Even though the series has gone to hell and back since then, I still stick with it if only because it made up my whole childhood.


New member
Mar 12, 2011
StarStruckStrumpets said:
Kingdom Hearts.

Bought the game on a whim at around the age of 7-10 (I seriously can't remember), but that game made me who I am today, and now I've played every game in the series. It's my childhood, just like a lot of people's would have been Zelda or FFVII.
Kingdom Hearts at 7-10?

You are really young...

My first "love" for gaming would be... San Andreas. I have been gaming for a while but that was the first game that had me go crazy for it. I seriously couldn't sleep at night because of how much I loved that game.

I've had other games, tho. All of the Sonic series, the Metal Gears, Kingdom Hearts, Pokemon, Star Wars Battlefront, and the list goes on...

Man do I miss that feeling of wonder and anticipation for games... I just don't feel it anymore. Closest thing now is the hype for Skyrim but even with all the love I seem to be accumulating for that game, it just doesn't reach the level of batshit-crazy excitement I had for games back then...


Resident Furry Pimp
May 8, 2011
I feel old. I loved the shit out of 3D boxing, Tanks.exe, (The tanks were 14 tiny lines in that shape, and shot bullets that could bounce or break walls, depending on the variables set) and when we got a copy of Wolfenstien 3D, I was all over it.

Although, some people are mentioning some great games from a few other eras that I absolutely loved. Sonic, Mario on the GENS and NES, Contra, In the PSX era, I had Crash, Soulblade, MGS, Brave Fencer Musashi and Megaman Legends.

After that... I went to the PC. That's when I saw Half-Life, it's mod-ability, and my taste in games would continue to evolve.


New member
Jan 17, 2009
sergnb said:
StarStruckStrumpets said:
Kingdom Hearts.

Bought the game on a whim at around the age of 7-10 (I seriously can't remember), but that game made me who I am today, and now I've played every game in the series. It's my childhood, just like a lot of people's would have been Zelda or FFVII.
Kingdom Hearts at 7-10?

You are really young...

My first "love" for gaming would be... San Andreas. I have been gaming for a while but that was the first game that had me go crazy for it. I seriously couldn't sleep at night because of how much I loved that game.

I've had other games, tho. All of the Sonic series, the Metal Gears, Kingdom Hearts, Pokemon, Star Wars Battlefront, and the list goes on...

Man do I miss that feeling of wonder and anticipation for games... I just don't feel it anymore. Closest thing now is the hype for Skyrim but even with all the love I seem to be accumulating for that game, it just doesn't reach the level of batshit-crazy excitement I had for games back then...
I'm 16. I know I couldn't have been much older than 10. Time has gone by so fast for me I can't remember how old I was when I got the game, and I reaaaaaaaaaally couldn't be arsed to look up the release dates.
Feb 3, 2009
I remember watching my Dad play Turok II Seeds of Evil in the dark (the catacombs level). I played games before that obviously, but that was what really spawned my love for games.


New member
Jun 19, 2011
I wish I could say my first love was Perfect Dark but, it has to be Ceasefire on ZX Spectrum. Or Attic Attack, loved those games when I was a kid.

Am I old?


New member
Feb 27, 2010
Doom. When I bought my playstation back in... 97, I think, the game I bought along with it was Doom. I still play it, on the pc now, and it is still the greatest FPS of all time.