What's your take on the English riots?


New member
Feb 28, 2010
So, what do you think about them?

I think they're a symptom of a sick society that values flat screen TV's and tracksuits more than human life. A sickness has been left to fester by the current government, making things cushier for themselves and their rich buddies at the expense of ordinary people. In situations like this it is always the people at the bottom that suffer - young people from poorer areas with less hope for the future and less chance of improving their own situation. Push people to the outside long enough, tell them they're scum long enough and they'll lash out. It happened the last time the tories were in power, it's happening again now.

Do you think that these people have the right to riot?

Of course not. Nobody has a right to riot. But there have been multiple attempts to talk to the government peacefully and they've all been written off with the same rhetoric. "We're all in this together," "we're in a credit crunch," "national deficit," blah blah blah.

Alternative methods of healing the economy haven't even been given the dignity of a response. Peaceful demonstrations are ignored. Is it any wonder people have started lashing out?

Do you think that they are sick, greedy human beings?

Holy leading questions, Batman!

But to an extent I think these people are greedy. But no greedier than the bankers that've been gambling with the economy, no greedier than MP's claiming second homes through their expenses, no greedier than the phone hacking, opportunist, game blaming tabloid media. In terms of damage to the country, these riots are small change.

It's too easy to write these rioters off as being greedy and sick. There are a lot of complicated elements at play here. Nobody burns down their own neighbourhood, trashes shops and torches cars because they're happy with their lives.

Do you think that some Libyan TV presenter loyal to Gaddafi is controlling the riots using his power over spirits?

That's crazy talk. I blame Lord Xenu, the volcano god!

Do you even care!?

I don't condone these riots in any way at all. It depresses me to think that this is what has to happen. I read a quote yesterday that I've been scouring the internet for the entire time I've been writing this. Can't find it at all. But it was something along the lines of 'I was a part of a peaceful protest that got ignored, I kick a shop window in and I'm on Sky News,' - I wish I could remember the quote, but it sums up my entire point.

People weren't being listened to, they were angry, and they were given an opportunity to express this anger through violence and destruction.

'A riot is the language of the unheard' - Martin Luther King.

Seriously though, all this violence is disgusting. We should just deploy the army and gun all these bastards down in the streets! Let's see you riot when you're dead! /sarcasm


New member
Jan 1, 2011
My sympathies go out to the poor folks who've had their businesses trashed, their livelihoods ruined and even their persons harmed in some cases, by a bunch of yobs out for the lulz and the 'free' stuff. Major companies are the least likely to be hurt by this; they can rebuild and will have enough insurance money to buy a small country, but the small shops have been been hurt far more and I doubt all of them will be able to make a comeback. I can't stand these people trying to blame society, the government or whatever; people are ultimately responsible for their own actions; if you choose to go out and riot and loot, you chose to do so.
Whoever said misery is the easiest thing to spread certainly knew what they were talking about.


New member
Mar 7, 2010
Considering I actually live in the UK and an American told me that there are apparently riots happening in the UK, I was actually quite confused XD

Rioting in general is stupid and only leads to people being hurt, property damage and generally lives being ruined. That's about all I can say for that really.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
The riots began for a stupid reason, and now they're going on for no reason at all. Even a complete moron could tell you that if you're pissed off about cuts and whatnot, costing the country yet more money when it can't afford to spend it is not the way to go about things.

Anyone who gets arrested for it can spend 12-hours a day every day for as long as it takes to clean the cities up again. And then they can pay fines or serve jail time.


New member
Jul 5, 2009
TimeLord said:
The rioters, and looters both, are poor excuses for human beings and I am ashamed that groups of people will brazenly submit to broad daylight looting just by taking advantage of what was originally a peaceful protest. This is not a country where they are rioting against the government or against society, they are rioting for the sake of it and looting and activly ruining lives and destroying businesses because they can.
They are all scum and should be beaten with very large bits of metal for their idiocy and for being generally douches in a supposed civilised 1st world country.

The events outside of London even more so.

other then the the guy the police shot i don't even know why they are rioting and four people have died because of this (three ran over by a car defending their property and a 4th was shot and later died in Hospital).

and after all this the rioters (and everyone else) will be paying for the damages through taxes.

whatever the riot was for it is no longer relevant, its now just to destroy and loot.
May 7, 2008
For fuck sake I am getting pissed off with all the people pointing the fingers of judgement and damnation from their ivory towers.

LOOK I know you are unhappy about what is happening but think about what is happening to our country right now, we are in the middle of a massive ressetion the price of everything is going up, there is huge unemployment and those who have jobs are seeing their income going down. Our elected leaders are an out of touch indistinguishable mass of public school and oxbridge educated drones many of whom publicly broke promises they made to the people who got them into parliment. Add to that nice mix the youth in the areas where these attacks are happening who have been failed by their parents the school system and the local authority and just been given up on by the country as a whole. Now make that combination angry and apply the crowd psychology to it and what is the result? Chaos and the tragic part in all of this is that we learnt these lessons in the late 70's yet as a country we just ignored what happened in the past, not for the first time I must say.

As for dealing with this, plastic bullets and water cannons' yeah we used those in Northan Ireland and look how that worked for us. The Army, every time the British Army has been called in to deal with a riot the death toll is high and more oftern than not the people who die are the people the Army is called into to protect, lest we forget this all started with one person being shot dead what do you think shooting more people is going to do?


New member
Feb 16, 2009
JasonKaotic said:
The majority of them are just doing it to jump on a bandwagon because they think it's fun or whatever. Eg: The news asked some girl rioter why she was doing it, she just said she can do whatever she wants. There's England for you.
That may be her reason as she sees it, as she rationalises it for herself in the context of her own life, but she may not be aware of the real reasons why she is doing it while we are not. We have to look at what has led her life to the situation it is in now where she can justify doing this. Because it's not going to go away once the police start smashing skulls. If anything it will get worse.

Someone linked to this article in an earlier post, I think it's worth linking to again: http://www.independent.co.uk/opinion/commentators/2333991.html

We can either help these people, or hurt them. On the one hand we can only make the situation worse, on the other hand we at least stand a chance of making it better. There is a multitude of social problems barring these many many people from being included in normal society. They act like animals because it's all they know, because civilised society has excluded them, originally through no fault of their own. They are not intrinsically different from us. They need help. We solve nothing by excluding them even further.

There are rioters in Gloucester right now, so I'm worrying for my life over here.
My little sister is living in central London.


Resident Juggler
Apr 17, 2008
I strongly believe that people really need to stop saying "duh, they're scumbags and all deserve to be beaten up and shit". That doesn't help the situation at all.

Rather than thinking "oh lets punish them all like this and this", I really think we need to consider "why has this happened at all?" These riots have shown a deep-seeded psychological undertone of our society, and its something we need to work out; why have such things have happened? Is it because people are unhappy with the economy and our government? Is it something to do with the way we're raising our children these days? Such questions need to be answered, and desperately so.


New member
Oct 10, 2009
CakeDragon said:
As someone who works in a shop in Birmingham suburb nearby to the city centre (where the main rioting has been happening), it frightens me to think that we could be next.
Yesterday we got word through on the shop radios that gangs of youths were planning on attacking our area. A lot of shops closed up, and I tell you, I was pretty scared. In the end nothing happened, but it was better to be safe than sorry.
There is very little we can do to stop these thugs destroying our livelihoods, homes and futures. In my opinion the police need to use more force in order to control the yobs. The police are ineffective as scare tactics because they are unable to follow through with their threats of violence and control (which I partly blame the media for). Nowadays if a policeman hit someone with his baton it's an infringement of human rights, or whatever they think they can get away with. I hate how people are blaming the police; they are doing all they can to help but they can't be everywhere at the same time.
These rioters are not rioting because of the man who was shot dead by police a few days ago. They are opportunists looking for trouble; blaming the government 'or somet, innit' because they are bored and have nothing better to do. It sickens me when I see reports on the TV and Internet showing shops that I frequently vist, with shattered windows and looted stock.
Tonight we face another wave of attacks, round more of the northern suburbs of Birmingham and no doubt the centre itself. I hope to go into the city centre tomorrow to catch a train to Coventry to see my other half, but currently I don't want to go, because I am so scared.
Dude.. I am so sorry to hear all this. I wish I could do anything to help, but of course there is nothing I can do but wish you the best of luck and hope you will pull through more or less unscathed.

I heard there was like 16,000 policemen in the greater area London as of yesterday. Is that incorrect?

Sounds to me like it's time for a bit of the ol'e martial law and start prosecuting these hooligans.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
It reminds me of the movie Harry Brown with Michael Caine, but that's about it. Too busy with work of my own at the moment to keep up with the news about it.


New member
Feb 16, 2009
karloss01 said:
other then the the guy the police shot i don't even know why they are rioting
I'm just going to link to this again: http://www.independent.co.uk/opinion/commentators/2333991.html

And if you still don't know why they are rioting then you kind of deserve the same punishment as the rioters themselves IMO.

and after all this the rioters (and everyone else) will be paying for the damages through taxes.
I don't think the people rioting pay much tax. (What's twenty per cent of no income?)

In future (because these riots will keep happening until we figure out why) instead of having to spent taxpayer pounds on clearing up riot aftermath, we could spend them on social projects to help get these people included in society instead of excluding them even further. Then they could actually get jobs and buy those electronic goods that society pressures them into desiring, instead of looting them.


Senior Member
May 8, 2011
This sketch from Not The Nine o' Clock News seems to pretty much some up my feelings on the London riots.



New member
Jul 18, 2011
Smokepuddle said:
In Montreal there have been several riots over stupid stuff like hokey so they should be aloud to riot with an actual reason in the U.K.
There isn't an 'actual' reason though. No one cares about the guy who was killed by police, they are just using it as an excuse to be the vermin they really are by trashing, looting and setting fire to businesses and peoples homes! The reasons I've heard from rioters are ridiculous! "It's all about showing police that we can do what we want" or "How often do we get an opportunity to get free stuff?"



New member
Jul 11, 2008
It is kind of depressing to see, both that it's even happening and seemingly out of boredom and a total lack of respect for the law, and secondly that a riot turns most people into far right crazies who think litterers and jaywalkers should be hung drawn and quartered.

Yes the police should have more powers in these situations, no they shouldn't all be given a machine gun and told it's ten points for a headshot.

I was in a supermarket for about 20 minutes picking up a few bits and I overheard THREE seperate people saying stuff along the lines of 'just shoot em' or 'shoot a few of em in the head and the others will get the message'.

Yes the riots are bad, and things are out of control, but we need a strong police presence, preferably backed up by the army, and the majority arrested and convicted. We don't need to just shoot a few hundred people to make the Express readers get a stiffy.

The media, as ever are fuckwitted and making things worse, blaming the police, when the police are the only people actually trying to control the chaos.

Also, it's a tired old line, but it's totally valid, where are the parents?

I'm going to sound about 70 here, but if I was a kid when this was happening, I'd probably not even be allowed out of the house, and if I walked in with a new, boxed 32" TV, I wouldn't get 'nice work son, thanks!", I'd get marched down to the police station and handed in by my own parents, same as if they saw me on the news.

There really has been a huge shift in the last 20-30 years or so, from kids having some respect, or even mild fear of retribution from parents, to not giving a shit.

Sizzle Montyjing

Pronouns - Slam/Slammed/Slammin'
Apr 5, 2011
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
This thread is absolutely shocking. Im tired of setting these "herp derp harder punishment will solve everything" idiots straight, so I wont bother.

My take on the riots? My take is that we have way to many threads on them already and the OP should have refrained from opening this one.
Sorry, guess we should all get back to talking about the last thing you killed in a video game threads, huh?

The reason there are so many threads about it, is because the subject matter is important and interesting.

And since you have such strong views, would you mind contributing and telling us what you would do?


New member
Jul 11, 2008
Simalacrum said:
I strongly believe that people really need to stop saying "duh, they're scumbags and all deserve to be beaten up and shit". That doesn't help the situation at all.

Rather than thinking "oh lets punish them all like this and this", I really think we need to consider "why has this happened at all?" These riots have shown a deep-seeded psychological undertone of our society, and its something we need to work out; why have such things have happened? Is it because people are unhappy with the economy and our government? Is it something to do with the way we're raising our children these days? Such questions need to be answered, and desperately so.
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
This thread is absolutely shocking. Im tired of setting these "herp derp harder punishment will solve everything" idiots straight, so I wont bother.

My take on the riots? My take is that we have way to many threads on them already and the OP should have refrained from opening this one.
In full agreement here too, while of course things need to be done NOW to quell the levels of violence and destruction, and most people agree, these aren't 'protests' they're opportunistic crime sprees, there's deep rooted underlying problems at work here.

While it's not the same, I remember we had, what, about half a million peaceful protesters at the student marches, and all that got reported was the few dozen smashing things up, so I wouldn't be surprised if that sent a strong message from the media that if you want anyone to pay attention, peace isn't the answer, violence is.


New member
Sep 2, 2009
It's pathetic absolutely pathetic! Rioters beating up and mugging innocent people isn't political maybe it started that way but now its criminal behavior by, let's face it...kids who parents should be ashamed totally ashamed of there poor excuses for sons and daughters. I hope the police get the go ahead to use more force failing that get the army n special forces to manchester n London


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
SenseOfTumour said:
Yes the riots are bad, and things are out of control, but we need a strong police presence, preferably backed up by the army, and the majority arrested and convicted.
Using the army for police matters is something you really, really don't want to do. The two are seperate in most western nations for a reason.

On the other hand, using the police for police matters sounds reasonable. I can understand, sorta, the worry that things will get more inflamed, but things look pretty bad as they are.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
JWRosser said:
Pathetic, animalistic, mindless, opportunistic, waste of space, sub-humans with no respect and complete disregard for animal life.

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-14458424 <- this is how fucking retarded they are (video).
I actually consider the BBC to be fairly balanced and unbiased, but damn, if ever they wanted to show these people in a bad light, they chose the right people to talk to.

However, I'm fairly confident that the girls being interviewed were fairly average among the looters and rioters, not knowing who's in government, not understanding that running a business doesn't make you rich, that being unemployed doesn't entitle you to be a criminal, and last of all, admitting to stealing and looting on camera on national TV isn't the work of a master criminal either.

It's often hilarious in a dark, dark way when you see the troublemakers interviewed, reminded me of the EDL lot getting asked why, and blaming it on 'iraqi sharon law' and 'losing the right to speak britain in my own country'.

Think you can partly blame twitter and facebook as I don't believe half of these people could have navigated their way to london without their phone beeping every 30 seconds to tell them which way to go.