What's YOUR zombie escape plan?


New member
Jun 11, 2008
@everybody that thinks they are set because they live next to a military base

A large portion of the population within a 100 mile radius are going to be heading straight for that miltary base thinking that they will be protected. Considering that containment and defense are easier to maintain than an extensive screening process for the infected people; you will either be gunned down on approach or get shuffled into the mix of a massive quarantine process.

Either way, your fate wouldn't be in your hands.

The Iron Ninja

New member
Aug 13, 2008
I live pretty near to a large expanse of forest. For some reason I can't imagine shambling zombies being able to navigate very well there.
So I guess I'd gather up all the food I can, grab the sledgehammer from the garage and leg it. However if it turns out there are Zombies in the aforementioned woods I guess I'd try and link up with friends or family and barricade somewhere (and barricade it good)


New member
Jul 24, 2008
BallPtPenTheif post=18.68064.625375 said:
@everybody that thinks they are set because they live next to a military base

A large portion of the population within a 100 mile radius are going to be heading straight for that miltary base thinking that they will be protected. Considering that containment and defense are easier to maintain than an extensive screening process for the infected people; you will either be gunned down on approach or get shuffled into the mix of a massive quarantine process.

Either way, your fate wouldn't be in your hands.
or if everyone in the base is already zombified, that'd be fun...


New member
Apr 3, 2008
I'd stock my upstairs with loads of food and refrigeration equipment and then steel a cement truck from the yard round the corner and seal off my stairs and just life upstairs - but if they learn to climb then I'm in trouble.


New member
Aug 9, 2008
In this case, immediate escape would be first priority. I have swords, knives, sports equipment and firearms in my room, so I am not that worried about that. After escaping, the single most important thing would be to obtain a riot squad suit and, as weird as it sounds, a gimp suit with mask. Full kevlar body suit + full face/neck leather mask = biteproof. Who cares what the zombies do after that point? All you have to do is outlast...


New member
Jul 30, 2008
when writing these you really gotta consider if they would realistically work, I mean do all of you carry your equipment with you? I seriously doubt zombies know what time out is.
best zombie weapon=police baton its made for beating! its heavy and collapses into about an 8 inch handle that is easily carried on a belt in its case


New member
Jan 8, 2008
The answer: arm myself with whatever I can find

the plan goes something like this, in a perfect world:

1: Locate a tall building. Anything will do, but tall enough that the roof is fairly inaccessible. Before going here, I would find a source for some thermite [aluminum powder and iron oxide powder] or an oxy-acetelyne torch, like a construction site.I would proceed to seal all entrances and exits from the roof including the fire escape, leaving a defensible large platform to operate from. I would have a back-door, which would be a single rappelling line to a vehicle in case of dire emergency.

2: food, water and other necessities. I would plan for two weeks of unsupplied operation. That means two weeks of imperishable food, preferably MREs due to the ability to eat on the go in a battlefield situation. Two weeks of water, at approx 1 gallon per day per person would be about 15 gallons worth of drinking water. I would not trust tap water, as it is one potential source for the infection. Several radios, including at least two high powered 2 meter hand-held radios, a weather radio to receive EAM communications, and perhaps a CB type radio for communication and coordination with other survivors. Night vision goggles would be nice, but are not necessary. Most important would be spare batteries for the radios, enough for four weeks of continuous operation. A cellular telephone might also e useful, in case the phone system still works. Also required is a good pair of binoculars, a signaling mirror, warm clothes, several sets of clothes, rain gear, a shelter, matches, and other various survival equipment.

3. Weapons and ammunition. I will not go for the bludgeon/cutting type of weapons. They require too much skill to operate and the enemy [in this case, zombies] gets much to close to you, considering the fact that they can 'kill' you with a bite. My preferred long range weapon would be a M-14, with a low-power telescopic sight. The sight mounts on the m-14 still allow the use of iron sights, and the telescopic sight would have many uses besides being a sight for the weapon. If I could get my hands on a M-4 or M-16 I would not leave it behind, it would be a potential backup weapon, and a primary when on the street. A shotgun would be a must if the fighting got a little more intimate. I would probably use a M4 Super 90 [m1014] semi-automatic shotgun, if I could find one, otherwise any pump-type 12 gauge shotgun would fit the bill. The benefit of the semi-auto would be a quicker follow-up shot, but nine times out of ten that is not required. I would carry a .45 caliber sidearm, probably a m1911a1. A combat knife would also be a must, but it would probably be used more as a general survival tool rather than a weapon. I would acquire as much ammunition as possible, with at least 200 rounds of 7.62mm NATO for the M-14, 100 12-gauge shotgun shells loaded with buckshot, and 100 rounds for my .45 (the last being for me).

The Plan: Go to the aforementioned tall building, pausing while en route to gather weaons, ammunition and supplies as needed [mostly weapons/ammo]. When I arrive, I would clear a path to the roof and the roof and close the door behind me. I would use the thermite to weld the door to its frame [preferred] or to fuse the hinges/doorknob/lockset on a wooden door, sealing the door ehind me. Whatever thermite I did not use would go towards cutting off all fire escape access, trapping me on a roof. I would place my rope/rappelling gear in the correct spot, hookedto the structure of the roof but with the rope still coiled on the roof. This would be an incredibly safe, secure, defendable location that I could wait out the next two weeks in. I would attempt to use my weapons as sparingly as possible, so that I would conserve my ammunition.

Unfortunately, even if I did survive it would be a Pyrrhic victory of sorts. I guess that's just how it goes though.

Elim Garak

New member
Jan 19, 2008
I live in the northwest - wet place. I would go out camping for a month or two. In that time all of the zombies would either rot away into skeletons, or die from hunger - depending on the type. Also, in the east it is pretty empty - very few fresh corpses around.


New member
Jun 16, 2008
AfroNinja post=18.68064.624667 said:
I would bring some slut up with me so I could repopulate the earth
GZ, you just got 3 cute little babies with your slut. Now tell me, who will they mate with in order to continue the repopulation?


New member
Aug 13, 2008
ANTI-SANTA post=18.68064.623317 said:
Haliverd post=18.68064.623276 said:
Well, I own a pair of kama sticks (small scythe like weapons supposedly used by ninjas for silting throats and quickly tripping people) but they're made of stainless steel to they would only be able to kill one... maybe. I'd put on my huge boots, and my classic paint ball mask(it covers my entire head, and neck and has metal plating on the inside disgusting to look at and very uncomfortable, but I need something for my head) cover up the rest of my body in my coat suit(I don't know what its actually called, but its a padded suit for extremely cold weather, If I get bit, no teeth would get through, my bones would probably break depending on where I was but, but its better than becoming one of them) grab my cast iron crowbar (to take out any zombies I can't otherwise evade, and to open a door if need be) then make it over to my older brother's house. hes got the largest truck I've ever seen with a 2ed fuel take for emergencies, plus several rifles. hes VERY slow at just about everything so he'll more than likely still be there getting ready to get out of the city when I arrive.
Very good plan, sir. AND you have equipment that can provide protection. BUT carrying all that crap around will tire you out. if you were grabbed by a zombie and were to weak to push it off it might rip you mask off and take a nice juice bit out of you face. And even more important were would you go? What safe haven awaits you outside the city? Your not planning on taking the highway out are you? You and about a million different people just had the same idea, do you think you all going to quickly and safely get out? Sorry, you tried harder than most people, but you dead.
I live in southern KY, theres not even 10,000 people within 50 square miles (I realized I said "city" and not "BFE", my bad) plus I only mentioned my suit (which I can easily move around in) and a crowbar, so that stuff wont slow me down too much. I can make it a half of a mile, I believe. (the distance to my brother's house) there are many (and when I say many I mean MANY) dirt roadsthat few people know of, and stretch out for miles that will take us out of harms way. I think I'm set, bring it on zombies!


Apr 24, 2008
Do... do i need to find and copy in my zombie survival plans from the past 745872659762 of these threads?

I admit, they're fun, but nothing tops Rolling Righteousness.


New member
Aug 14, 2008
We've got a kind of seed dibber in our garage that has like 5 shuriken shaped rotating discs set at alternating angles, so when zombies attack I'll grab it and roll the shuriken things over those undead mofos. also, the whole apparatus id mounted on a pole so I can poke holes in the zombies from a distance and I'd fight my way to a gun store or garden supply store nearby with my dad's gun as backup. In addition I'd take all our kitchen knives w/ me just in case.


New member
Jan 2, 2008
Assuming we're discussing a full-blown zompacalypse, fighting isn't really a good answer. I'd put together a team of survivors (and the first qualification of joining my team would be, "What weapon do you have?" and if it's melee, they can't come).

In a situation like this, options are very limited. Head far enough north to hole up and the zombies, having no warmth, would freeze solid before they could get to you. However not only would that be a terrible life for those that survived, but what would we do for food? You can't grow much in that climate, and the hunting is limited at best. Plus, the longer we stayed in a given location, the more likely that zombies would make it part way, freeze, and then become a snack for the local wildlife, who would then, by wiping each other out, effectively nullify our food supply.

There's the option to get a very large ship, fill it with rations and fishing gear, and get out into the middle of the ocean. Fishing itself would be dicey though, because I'm not confident that I'd be able to tell a normal fish from a zombie fish on sight. Also, out in deep water, the fishing experience you had with your dad in the boat floating in the government seeded pond would do very little good, as we'd need someone with a knowledge of the intimate workings of industrial fishing equipment. Oh yeah, and we'd all have to really like fish.

Everyone on this thread who says they'd grab a melee weapon or who lists their martial arts training as an asset is basically instant dinner, so first priority would be to get some heavy duty sniper rifles. If I'm winking at a zombie from closer than a mile away, I'm in major trouble.

So let's see. We've got a situation where the whole world is turned except myself and my pocket of survivors. There are no barriers (water, mountains, deserts, etc) that will realistically stop the undead, and they come directly to us no matter where we are. Hm...

Okay. First stop is a survival nut's gun shop. Stop two is dead of nowhere area where I can put together a small team of qualified survivors and hopefully gather more supplies in relative peace. Next stop would be dead (ba-dum tish) center of the country to hold out as long as possible (this will centralize the zombies as much as possible). When it's impossible to hold out any longer, we evac in the prepared vehicles and make for the Pacific coastline, which will hopefully be cleared by the zombies having moved inland to get us, and grab the largest ocean-worthy vessels we can, with all the fuel, rations, and supplies we can carry. My fleet, which I dub "The Floatilla" would then move out into a Waterworld-like existance on the ocean, with the rule that no one touches the water. Ever. We live out life as best we can from there.

- J


New member
Aug 14, 2008
First off i would like to clerifie some things,
Zombies are NOT slow or shambling, they are vast in number (depending on what class the outbreak is)
complete brain distruction is the only thing that kills em
Zombies cannot unnaturally sense granted they use their sence of smell more then we humans (humans are very sight dependant)
Any contact where they connect and break skin turns you.
Animals bitten by zombies will die, if they are bitten animals are wary of humans so the smell that zombies emit would scare them off imediatly (not so say they wont all die)Military/Police would be organized if citizens were, but they arent so the will storm police stations, creating mass havoc that would allow zombies to kill all of them.

Now then, my plan of action, because i live in a large city, i would destroy my stair case leading to my 2nd floor, fill my bath tub and sink with water, get my rope ladder (yes i have one), get my bike powered generator, my radio. I would then wait, killing zombies if and when they came to me. After my suplies were low (5 days worth) i would go through my window, down to the ground, get on my mountain bike, and start traveling. I would try to get others, and travel to alaska, (less people). I would then live off the land, being always ready for zombies. I am tired so i don't feel like going into any more detail.

Edit: Items i would bring along:

1. Bolt action rifle, 700 rounds.
2..44 magnum 200 rounds, or AK-47 500 rounds
4.Crowbar (great weapon, and opens thing)
5.Hatchet (can be used as weapon, and to chop things)
6.Food, and water
7.sleeping bag
8.short wave radio
9. batteries
10. earplugs (drown out the moan of zombies) (only for use in "safe" place)


New member
Jan 2, 2008
Hey, Crack_Duck's breaking the rules. If I had known that we could make up what we think the zombies should do, my plan would've been way easier.

- J


New member
Jun 11, 2008

most of your weapons are firearms.

unless you plan on starting an all out war with a million man mob then all you are going to do is fire a gun and draw all zombies within ear shot to your location. oh, and those zombies moan, which attracts other zombies from further out to their locations. it's like an audio daisey chain once they get going.


New member
Jun 17, 2008
tiredinnuendo post=18.68064.627626 said:
Everyone on this thread who says they'd grab a melee weapon or who lists their martial arts training as an asset is basically instant dinner, so first priority would be to get some heavy duty sniper rifles. If I'm winking at a zombie from closer than a mile away, I'm in major trouble.
Since the only way to kill a zombie is to remove the head or destroy the brain having only guns is moronic. YOU WILL GET FUCKING DESTROYED. They won't just be straggling around, there will be thousands of them, coming right at you. You can't pull off head shots just like that because for the millionth time THIS ISN'T A VIDEO GAME, YOU WON'T GET HEAD SHOTS EASILY. And just shooting constantly at any other body part will do nothing but slow them down. Guns only = you're dead. You're just a product of the video games you play and will be dead within a day, and I'll be alive and well.

Oh and you'd die of starvation if you plan on fishing for life. Especially if you have more than like five people. You're only hope on a boat is that you find a nice little island with fruit and some wildlife.


New member
Aug 11, 2008
Okay, I know now how to survive. So this is the perfect plan. But I would be prepared before The Outbreaks.
Outbreak Class 1: Gather all canned goods and bring them up stairs. Next turn on and fill all sinks, bathtubs, water sources before water is infected. Destroy the staircase. Contact my group squad and prepare to move out.
Outbreak Class 2: Pack-up and prepare to leave the city. Design a route to meet the others.
Outbreak Class 3: GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE CITY. Escape on motorcycle. Meet up with others and head towards a private, natural harbor. Head towards sercert and private Fort already prepared and fortified.
Outbreak Class 4: Hopefully it doesn't come to this. Listen to radio until there's nothing then wait 7-10 years and send out a search party.
If no one comes back wait 5 more years.

3 possible Outcomes: 1- Zombies are still powerful in numbers and we wait it out. 2- Zombies are very very very small numbers and easy enough to retake. Either Goverment will come out of exille and we restart or a seires of Warlords and Dictators work surivors as slave.
The 3 and worst of all options- All undead are decayed and wipedout but not before all other humans are dead and gone. Refugees, Raiders, and Survivors didn't make it. My group and I are the last humans.

List of stuff to carry on foot if your on the run from zombies-
Hiking/Combat boots
2 Pairs of socks
Wide mouth waterbottle
Water purifier tablets
Wind/Water Proof matchs
Small Flashlight(triple A batteries)
Small Singalling Mirror
Sleeping Bag
Sunglasses(Poliroid Lens)
Palm Sized First Aid Kit
Handheld radio with ear piece
Primary Firearm(50 rounds or 30 per person)
Cleaning Kit
Secondary Firearm(25 rounds)
Hand Weapon(machete)
Signal Flares
Silenced Weapons(Extra ammo for 15 kills)
Telescope Sight
Medium Med Kit
Two way radio with headphones

Good luck and survive


New member
Aug 15, 2008
There is absolutely no way my chubby clumsy self would be able to outmaneuver the zombies on foot (even the slow shambling ones -- if they're in great numbers and it's 100:1, then I'm going down). If I could make it to a car, I'd get as close to a mall as humanly possible so I could die reenacting the greatest moments from Dawn of the Dead (complete with awesome retro hair and some dude named Roger in a wheelbarrow, but hopefully without the pregnancy). With my luck I'd be taken down by that pesky Hare Krishna zombie.


New member
Jan 8, 2008
Shivari post=18.68064.628760 said:
Since the only way to kill a zombie is to remove the head or destroy the brain having only guns is moronic. YOU WILL GET FUCKING DESTROYED. They won't just be straggling around, there will be thousands of them, coming right at you. You can't pull off head shots just like that because for the millionth time THIS ISN'T A VIDEO GAME, YOU WON'T GET HEAD SHOTS EASILY. And just shooting constantly at any other body part will do nothing but slow them down. Guns only = you're dead. You're just a product of the video games you play and will be dead within a day, and I'll be alive and well.
I do have to say that I disagree. I feel that using firearms, one of the most common ranged weapons nowadays, would contain benefits that would outweigh the inherent drawbacks to their use in the zombie situation.

1. Range is your only ally in the situation. The farther the zombie is away from you, the better it is. This is especially true when you consider that they can kill you with a bite, which can only happen at very close range. If you have weapons that only work at hand-to-hand ranges, you are allowing the ombies to come too close and your risks for getting bitten go up exponentially.

2. Marksmanship is key to the firearms type of defensive strategy. If you don't know how to use the weapon, you cannot be as accurate and you will probably fail. That having been said, if you have/practice with your rifle, you can pretty reliably take headshots from a hundred yards, especially when you are using a telescopic sight. Shotguns are good for when the zombies get to close range, say anything less than about 15 yards. Sidearms are only for last-ditch effort, or the suicide shot [don't wanna be a zombie, not ever]

3. There really is no reliable way to avoid detection by zombies. Sorry, but anybody will make noise, smells, etc. This will draw the enemy to you. Besides, shots from firearms are rather difficult to place by sound alone, especially in a place with echoes, like a city.

4. There is more to a firearm than just using it as a firearm. It makes a rather hefty club too, esp. a rifle or a shotgun.

5. Skill. It takes far more practice, skill, and luck to get a clean decapitation with a sword or knife than it does to get a headshot [from a longer distance away] with a pistol.

I have to say that the penchant for using knives/clubs is more influenced by the video game culture of today than the use of firearms. As far as I see it, the firearm would be much more useful in the long run as well, because you can use your rifle to hunt for food, whereas your sword or club would be somewhat less useful in terms of getting food.