What's YOUR zombie escape plan?


New member
Aug 11, 2008
stormcrow5 post=18.68064.632673 said:
INFO:zombies dont have superhuman sences they wont find u if your on the different side of the planet, you need to remember that zombies if they did come back they would just be rotten flesh they wont be super strong they cant seance you from anywhere they will only find you if u alert them and if that happened they would let a low moan because that's the only sound they could make with rotten vocal cords what would alert all nearby dead to you then they would all start following you till they loose your trail or they all get a bullet into there head.
Thank you.


It took 6 months to read my title.
Jun 6, 2008
To people defending melee as quiet, you've obviously never beat somebody's head in with a shovel. First there's the pang of the object (blunt or otherwise) and then there is the groaning. You can stealth a zombie but it will still put out an audible groan that's as good a lure as any.


New member
Jul 14, 2008
My attic is out of the question so i guess I'd just have to bash my way through hopefully these are normal zombies and not the 28 days later variety 0_o


New member
Aug 10, 2008
first i would shoot it in the head, if that didn't work I'll lite it on fire, and if that didn't work ill probably become a zombie :)


New member
Aug 16, 2008
first i need to explain my living plethora:im on bottom floor and theres a patio on my right and a chainsaw on the patio and i live an hours walk from macdonalds but i could drive if i can get there so what i would do is grad a duffle bag and pack my ps3 and mgs4 and gtaIV and go get the cahinsaw and go to the garage and get something like a big van for other survivors and thenwold drive to macdonalds first and steel some bad food and then head out to te mall(all while looking for survivors) and wen i get there their would (probably)alredy be survivors they so i would barricade the entrance with teh van...get the chainsaw out! start mowin through zombies and find my way to survivors and since its a mall ittl have a gun shop(at least mine does) and ill steal some guns.then we and some survivors would drive to wal mart across teh dah treet from teh mall and would barricade that pace ans since it has a macdonalds in there we could live till the military get orgabised(riiiiight) and then exit and "repopulate the earth" but here my slternate scenario: if we knew teh goverment owuldnt do any thing we would head for alaska and ive out there but if we coudnt get to alaska we would haed down to the states and see who livin (i live in canada)


New member
May 21, 2008
I notice that some plans include going to the country alone keeping ahead of the zombies.
You would most likely go insane from seclusion. At least zombies keep you company in a way.

get supplies move into an RV play chess with a bust of Ceasar to avoid bordem. Keep moving untill I can turn safely turn me into a terminator get weapons and distroy all zombies, find survivors, make planned community, restart humanity like in the garden of Eden exept we don't trust no friggin' snake.


New member
Jun 22, 2008
zachbob2 post=18.68064.635700 said:
I notice that some plans include going to the country alone keeping ahead of the zombies.
You would most likely go insane from seclusion. At least zombies keep you company in a way.

get supplies move into an RV play chess with a bust of Ceasar to avoid bordem. Keep moving untill I can turn safely turn me into a terminator get weapons and distroy all zombies, find survivors, make planned community, restart humanity like in the garden of Eden exept we don't trust no friggin' snake.
I would find one women, I would then enslave her until shes my sex slave, and slave.


New member
Jun 12, 2008
let's see... very cluttered house (zombies can only get in one at a time unless they think to smash the glass back door) full of paper waste (very flammable), katana and wakizashi downstairs, wooden staff near my bed, bow and LOTS of arrows lying around... guess I'd arm myself to the teeth, throw open the back door, sneak out the front, climb onto the roof, and when the house is full climb down and practice a little arson. Then, depending on the level of the infestation, repeat and form a survival party.

EDIT: Or maybe watch the Thriller video so that I can dance while I join the winning team.


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Aug 15, 2008
I'm on the 3rd floor of my house so what I would go is move everything against the door (and i've got alot of junk in my room) and grab my baseball bat and turn on my amp and rock out on my guitar! And I don't have to worry about food cos I got loads in my room.


New member
Aug 14, 2008
BallPtPenTheif post=18.68064.628701 said:

most of your weapons are firearms.

unless you plan on starting an all out war with a million man mob then all you are going to do is fire a gun and draw all zombies within ear shot to your location. oh, and those zombies moan, which attracts other zombies from further out to their locations. it's like an audio daisey chain once they get going.
You saw my initail post, i edited it. And the things i added are things i own, or know where to get :D. I don't know of any stores that sell crossbows, if i did i would add that to my list, number one silent killer (excluding SBDF). And with the weapons i named, why would you even think i would try to go on an all out war, these are weapons that are great for defending places, ei a home. And while you might be thinking why all the ammo, i ask why wouldnt i have ammo? Gun stores arent every block.

The Iron Ninja

New member
Aug 13, 2008
Its very unsettling how many people claim to have Katanas.
Anyway I'd try and get to a large grocery store and then barricade the hell out of it using the shelves (Maybe get some help with this as I assume large metal shelves are not the lightest of things). Then I ration all the foodstuffs as much as I can and wait until I'm all out of food before moving on.


New member
Jul 24, 2008
Yeah, an aircraft carrier would be good. You could survive for ages with stockpiled food and fishing equipment.


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Aug 17, 2008
Take my large collection of sharp pencils and pretend I'm the Joker until I find some real weapons - preferably long, sharp swords (+ whetstone) and other bladed weapons and proceed to run up behind every zombie I see and slice their hamstrings. Once they're pulling themselves towards me, I'll proceed with a sledgehammer and smash their shoulder and / or pelvis and lastly their skull : ).