What's YOUR zombie escape plan?

savior in death

New member
Apr 17, 2009
Salmon said:
Sat in work, I think I'd not have much chance of getting away...

I could try the window, jump out into the smoking area, avoid the inevitable flood of zombies, in the smoking area... they smoke, they'd not be able to get away fast enough, having to finish their smoke and putting it out before even attempting to run, the zombies would just eat them up... if I managed to get to the car, with my brother.. Who's car it is... otherwise I'd never be able to drive... then I'd have to some how get out of an industrial park, with people panicing, trying to escape in their 18 wheelers and the hords of zombies...... so really my chances of escape are very very slim... with no real weapons to hand either as I look around the room... maybe my monitor, it's large, and quite light to carry... but it'd probably only survive one slaying...

Now if I was at home it would be another story... weapons are in the shed, by weapons I mean, Spade/shovel/garden fork... the usual stuff.. and as the "Main entrance" that people use is the back one, then the garden is out of the question... escape through the front would be pretty useless as well... so I'd head upstairs... close the baby gate, they're dead and dumb, they'd never be able to open something as complicated as that baby gate... it stops everyone who ever enters the house and tries to use the loo, and the stairs would make a great bottle neck for the zombies, allowing us to take out the one at a time as they climbed the stairs.. and got stuck at the gate... as for weapons, I'd break apart the beds and use the wooden planks as weapons, chair legs and the such could also be used... including very heavy computers and stuff, matrices could be used to block the stairs as well, as well as hiding my daughter and her mother upstairs in the attic, as they'd be relatively safe up their as it takes either a big ladder, or some very handy footwork and jumping to get up their otherwise...

thats my survival plan, although escape would be alot harder...

um how do u plan to eat?

it depends on weather im in my house or out and about like in stephen kings the cell. in my house i would use any nife or sharp objects i could fine as i slowly fight my way out of the apartment(first floor only one door)as i head out i grab all the food i could carry

now if were talking outside id run to the nearest sword store. and if there is none around id fight with anything sharp close range ya alot of work but not as likely to brake if i hit it against something really hard. i.e a wooden bat. brake into a couple food stores and such


New member
Jun 3, 2008
ahh...all my friends come to my house with bats and food. we smash skulls all the way to a car. then we ride to the national guard of something armory near my house. we take guns, and go to my old school. large reinforced doors. only two ways to leave the 2nd level. if shit goes in the fanward direction, we go to the roof through way of one of the rooms. then we climb down the ladder and run again!

Sir Ollie

The Emperor's Finest
Jan 14, 2009
stinkychops said:
Call the police, I'm sure they'll know what to do.
If not I'll write an angry letter to the council.
I can imagine that

Dear sir/madam

to my displeasure they're are still zombies outside my house, for three weeks now I've had the refuse collectors trying to collect my bins and each time the zombies keep fucking eating them!


New member
Mar 25, 2009
1) Get surviving family members from the area.
2) Load up on supplies, weapons.
3) Leave at dawn for Syracuse.
4) Snag/ Hijack a plane.
5) Fly to Seattle, refuel somewhere in the Midwest.
6) Get other relatives.
7) Load up on supplies in Seattle tri-city area.
8) Pilot a boat up to the San Juan Islands.
9) Find shelter on one of the more inaccessible islands.


New member
Mar 28, 2009
I'd grab the closest shovel and head to Wal-Mart (Luckily it's right across the street) and stock up on supplies and barricade myself on the roof or in an enclosed space. Then I'd wait until the military arrive, hunting zombies to pass the time...

Toaster Hunter

New member
Jun 10, 2009
In my car I have a folding shovel/pickax from East Germany, a military style first aid kit, several knives, an army ACU, a few packs of MREs, a tool kit, a roll of duct tape (the greatest invention of mankind), and in my room there are several swords. I also hold a black belt, so I'm pretty sure I could take care of myself. There is a gus shop nearby, so I would grab an M-1 Garand and all the ammo I could carry and head to the nearby university campus, climb the bell tower there fortify it and light up anything that comes within 500 yards of me.

Lazy Kitty

May 1, 2009
If a zombie (or any other form of attacker), were to come in my room right now, I'd be screwed. There's only one entrance/exit and the closest thing to a weapon is a dagger-like envelope-opener, which would take too long too take and for which I'd have to get really close to my attacker. I could probably break some bones, but a zombie probably wouldn't care too much about that. Now did I read something about killing the with brain trauma? I might have a chance after all, I could introduce them to maths.


New member
Apr 3, 2009
I have a bow and a round 24 arrows in the garrage, that should suit me, as well as a few kitchen knives to choose from and a couple of cricket bats in the garden shed. So i should be ok for self defense.
Maybe as a long term survival plan, steal a car, or if my freind down the road is alive use his car has transport, drive to B&Q or a camping shop in the nearby town and raid it for supplies. Then drive into Wales, find a remote spot that is defensable and hunt sheep for food, chop down any trees for wood and raid any nearby towns and villages for anything else.


New member
Feb 7, 2009
Zombie_King said:
metagaia said:
You think I'm revealing my plans!?

I know better than that, Fangface is clearly a death cultist wanting to porepare counter-stragegies for the coming apocalypse!

Well, one of my back-up plans is to challenge the zombies to a game of scrabble with my life on the line. They won't have the tiles to put down "Gragggghhlle!!!!!" so I think I'll comfortably win.
Zombies are cheaters. They'd so look at your rack.

Anyways - half of you would die. Running outside with fragile items and no plan does not a solution make. A close friend of mine who lives a couple minutes drive away from me has a rifle. I'd grab my shovel (I have no swords, besides, you have to realize most are replicas and break easily; plus aluminum bats bend and wooden ones break), a whole lot of gatorade and powerbars (just to fuel me for the run there), siphon a couple gallons of gas from cars on my block and put it into a jerry can and run to him, and most importantly, grab Max Brooks Zombie Survival Guide. My load should only be 45 pounds (including the jerry can), and I'm an expert hiker, so I'd make it there within a half an hour. Suck on that.
What if your friends dead. Now your tired and have nothing to do.


New member
Jun 25, 2008
i have successfully completed 357 simulated zombie escape plans. 157 involve living among penguins. 50 involve me get super powers 25 involves blowing up the world 124 involve coconut bombs and 1 is just me running down the Street with an AK-47 killing everyone while reciting Shakespeare and wearing a funny hat.


New member
Jun 18, 2009
My chair has wheels, so i would glide across the crarpet kicking randomly as i went. Maybe I'll hollow out a space in the seat for my survival guide.


New member
Feb 1, 2008
Put a balaclava + goggles on, find a sharp weapon, hack away. And mow em down, as someone's gotta clear all the infected out.

Teh Ty

New member
Sep 10, 2008
I would probably stay on a roof with supplies and a sniper rifle. And a book or something. A better idea would to be on a roof of a barricaded super market, so you would have food and stuff.


New member
May 30, 2009
Escape plan? ESCAPE?

Why on Zeus' green Earth would you ever want to escape?

You have a perfectly viable excuse to kill inconsequentially. No legal repercussion OR moral remorse. I say let the fun begin!

I'd grab my katana which sits against the wall here between my computer desk and bed and I'd take a stroll down decapitation lane.