What's YOUR zombie escape plan?


Lock 'n' Load
Feb 22, 2008
needausername post=18.68064.622839 said:
And also I'm slightly concerned about the amount of people that have (or at least claim to) own a sword/fighting axe that is kept next to their bed alongside a gun.
Do you think there's a Zombie forum out there with a thread entitled "Attacking Gamers in their domicile", with reoccurring posts such as 'Me sIck (nO punn iNtenDed) oF aLL tHe FuckiNg kAtaNas In bEdrOOoms!'


New member
Jun 30, 2008
Shivari post=18.68064.621650 said:
Everyone here is missing the same component, longevity of their supplies. A bit of canned food and some bottled water will get you no where, even if you take hold inside a grocery store you'd need heavy rationing to last even a chunk of time. I'm assuming that these zombies will never die unless personally killed, so you need a solid plan.

I'd need about 20 people at the most for this. I'm setting this right where I live so the locations will follow suit. I will quickly grab a few blunt objects (probably baseball bats and then a large shovel) to make my way out of the house, I will then gather about 20 healthy and capable people to work with me. We will hold up in the Walmart or Target here (they're right next to each other here, so I'll pick whichever one isn't occupied or out of supplies.) We would split up into 2 teams. One will stay back, filling all containers with water (as running water will soon disappear, along with electricity.) The other half will head to Home Depot, and grab tons of gardening supplies and seeds for vegetables. We would also get stuff to fortify the entrances and generators for electricity which will be rationed so that we don't waste it.

Keep in mind that guns are hard to aim in real life, especially in a situation like this, so they're essentially worthless. On the way back we would stop at places that have some weapons that don't require ammo or anything, mainly blunt objects (bats, shovels, and the like) and check the sword shop that's here (it mainly sells replicas, but on the chance that they have authentic swords it's worth a check.) We may not do all of this in one trip, but they're things that need to get done quickly. We would blockade all doors with what we can and continue filling containers with water. Assuming it's the right season we will immediately turn the roof into a garden, this is why we stopped at Home Depot. We need soil and supplies for this. We would plant vegetables and stuff and when they're good we'll keep most of it for the winter. We would probably also check grocery stores around before we hole up for good for any more non-perishable food and to the library to get tons of books. You need something to do when not fighting for your life.

We would ration food (especially if we have more then the 20 max. limit) and just make any adjustments needed. We'd upkeep blockades daily and then probably start making babies. Hopefully someone is in whatever store (Walmart or Target) that we didn't go to and also have a good situation so that we can trade supplies if one is in need and there is a surplus. We might even build a small bridge between the two as a little job for people to keep themselves from going insane (which will happen to some.) After that, we just survive.
See I have a plan similar to that because it involves a wal-mart and a Gander Mountain right next to each other. For anyone who doesnt know, Gander Mountain is everything under the sun for outdoors stuff and they have enough guns of all types in there to supply a militia. Basically while guns arent that hard to aim (at least for me, a practiced shooter) you could assume your average person can at least point a gun towards a zombie. So this is where the beasuty of shotguns would make for great zombie killing weapons as anyone can shoot one pretty much. Also at gander mountain they have a caged, tracked vehicle that looks like, and pretty much is a small tank. Its also amphibious. 2-3 of those would be the main method for moving people as the protected cab can hold 3 people and the back could hold up to 10, and or any combination of men and supplies.

Now once the group is armed and in the tracked vehicles, we would also make the trek to every home depot and Lowes in the area and go back and forth bringing in all of the gardening equipment available. Also an empty vehicle would always go both ways to pick up more survivors. Once the group grows large enough it is imparitive that you send a team to secure and hold the local water tower. Once there you shut off the water and save it (sucks for other survivors but this is about survival). The trick to all of this would be the intellect of the zombies. If they are the stupid kind, that is best, because speed doesnt matter if they are stupid. A group would also go and secure gas stations around the area. Then you could start moving convoys to and from the water tower and each of the gas stations to keep everything well supplied with water and gasoline. Then you would have to start expanding.

I would begin this process with creating an armed perimiter around the wal-mart and begin constructing a strong outer wall made of metal and wood brought in from Home Depot and Lowes. If you can make a strong wall then the area around the store will be like the inside of a castle and you can keep supplies and people inside of there. You then slowly construct walled in passages that run to each of your major outposts (the water tower and gas stations) and wall them off as well. This will keep zombies out because they are too stupid. You can then freely move from your major supply areas inside the walls. Then it becomes a Bio Dome like situation where you keep expanding by building more and more walled in areas, some for field, some for living quarters, etc. A system for collecting and purifying rain water would also be needed soon after because the water in the tower will not last forever. Then you can start doing things like getting pipes layed from the tower to make running water in your civilization as well as getting the pump station to the tower working. Also early on it would have been a good idea to send a team to the nearest hospital and bring in all the medical supplies you can, as well as any doctors.

From there it is all a matter of expansion. As you move out you can take over more and more places such as factories. All the equipment should still work so its a matter of getting the materials they need and you could probably with enough time start producing things. Other things such as capturing and demestocating animals would be priority as well.


New member
May 22, 2008
Most of you guys are pretty scary. Why do you all own katanas/maces/battleaxes/etc?
Okay, maybe its an American thing. I'm from Australia and we can't legally own a weapon without applying for one, so very little of us actually have one already. So, to amke things fair, I'm going with slow, lumbering zombies.

Oh, and all the gun shops are on the OTHER side of my city, so I'm pretty well dead. BUT, this is what I'd do:

1) Heavily improvise weaponry. The 2 tennis racquets in my room, the fighting sticks my mum has for her karate, shovels, kitchen knives (Big ones, not butter knives or anything), rakes, broomsticks.

2) Grab some snackage and supplies. Just enough to make it to other survivors. Then we can work from there.

3) Once met up with others, hopefully a big group (Likely, as I live 50 metres away fro a school that is used in case of emergency), declare war on the zombies. 'd probably stay back, working on a thing to kill them easier. Maybe they can't stand bug spray? Water? Babies? We won't know unless someone tests this out.

Thats all I have so far.


Lock 'n' Load
Feb 22, 2008
Fangface74 post=18.68064.623181 said:
needausername post=18.68064.622839 said:
And also I'm slightly concerned about the amount of people that have (or at least claim to) own a sword/fighting axe that is kept next to their bed alongside a gun.
Do you think there's a Zombie forum out there with a thread entitled "Attacking Gamers in their domicile", with reoccurring posts such as 'Me sIck (nO punn iNtenDed) oF aLL tHe FuckiNg kAtaNas In bEdrOOoms!'
Josdeb post=18.68064.623207 said:
Most of you guys are pretty scary. Why do you all own katanas/maces/battleaxes/etc?
Okay, maybe its an American thing. I'm from Australia and we can't legally own a weapon without applying for one, so very little of us actually have one already. So, to amke things fair, I'm going with slow, lumbering zombies.

1) Heavily improvise weaponry. The 2 tennis racquets in my room, the fighting sticks my mum has for her karate

I'm starting to to feel the same way about all the mom's who know karate! what was it like growing up and you didn't want to tidy your room???


New member
May 22, 2008
Fangface74 post=18.68064.623213 said:
Josdeb post=18.68064.623207 said:
Most of you guys are pretty scary. Why do you all own katanas/maces/battleaxes/etc?
Okay, maybe its an American thing. I'm from Australia and we can't legally own a weapon without applying for one, so very little of us actually have one already. So, to amke things fair, I'm going with slow, lumbering zombies.

1) Heavily improvise weaponry. The 2 tennis racquets in my room, the fighting sticks my mum has for her karate

I'm starting to to feel the same way about all the mom's who know karate! what was it like growing up and you didn't want to tidy your room???
Lol, its very scary. My mother has actually knocked me unconcious by accident before. And she's almost back-handed me in the head before when I snuck up on her. So, if she's out there fighting the zombies, I'll feel a little safer. (Safer as in I know the zombies are in for it, not cause she beats me up or anything.) (I just realised that sentence could be taken as both, so I'd thought I'd clarify)


Lock 'n' Load
Feb 22, 2008
Monopoly, a quote would have been useful there, just sounds like you were wondering round a mall and typed what you thought! ;)

I was thinking, seeing as you don't know how large the undead outbreak is, and assuming it's BIG! Are canned goods essential once escape and refuge have been acheived?


New member
May 22, 2008
I don't really think knives will be effective against zombies. You might stab it or slice it a couple of times, but that will hardly even slow it down. And if it grabs you you're down, since its mates are right behind it, and even if you do kill it, there are more piling up behind. Even with something like a katana or metal pole, you're unlikely to escape, since it's unlikely that you'll manage to dispatch a lunging zombie unscathed. And those of you fighting with your bare hands, it doesn't matter if you know karate, you're screwed.

As for me, I'd climb out my window onto the roof, jump to the ground, and run like hell. No point trying to kill zombies unless you absolutely have to, since there are always more of them.


New member
Aug 13, 2008
Alright, here we go.

For weapons I have an odd shaped sword(about as sharp as a doorknob) I picked up at a medieval fair, an old baseball bat, and a cane with heavy metal skulls on top that could crush a skull quite nicely. All conviently located on the floor (the sword is sheathed so no worries about cutting off my toes) in my bedroom. There are also a variety of other odd things I could use but these were the best. And there are two rifles located under my parents bed, one black powder the other I really don't give a crap. Of course plenty of knives and sharp objects in the kitchen but honestly would be useless against an endless zombie horde as they require me to be well within arms reach of the zombies trying to eat me and I would have to hit directly in the soft spot of their eye or temples(or whatever that soft spot on the side of the head is) to take them down. In the garage are I'm sure some sort of useful tools for zombies or otherwise but I wouldn't honestly know since my garage is a clusterfuck of boxes and odd sharp things lying around. So me (and the useful pack mules known as 'family') would grab the weapons and get the hell out of there in the PT Cruiser, which is close enough to the house that the zombies won't notice us until their crushed under our squealing tires.

Almost forgot to mention. Food and water and such. My family loves bottled water. Can't get enough of the stuff, though I prefer to stick to the goodness of sugary soda(Jones, boo ya!). We have a few cases sitting around either in the fridge or garage(woo hoo). On top of that we have canned veggies up the wazoo. We'd probly end up packing only as much as we could carry in a backpack or suitcase(although a backpack is just fine since my dad has about a dozen of them for some reason unbeknownst to me). And there is plenty of space in the cruiser for these things.

After that we would most definitely head for the nearest naval base even though I'm sure that there would be enough traffic and zombies that snails being salted could get there faster. Although, if I had a choice in it, I would call my friends and see how they were holding up and hope we could all meet at the base. If any of them didnt have a ride I would try and get whoever is driving to head to wherever that friend is at and give them a lift. While an unneeded risk you have to realise that some of my friends own bigger/better guns/weapons than I do and will most likely have extra food. On top of that I'd need someone to talk to or I would go insane having to listen to my family for the rest of my short life.

After that it pretty much depends on what happens from there. If the naval base doesn't work(which it most definitely wouldn't) then I'd love to find some gated community that had the brains to keep it's gates closed from zombies and have nice big houses and plenty of vacancy due to the idiots who left the gated community to join the rest of the idiots in the naval base which was most likely screwed over. Then again that is what I would love and hope to find. The only thing much better would be some kind of military base not clusterfucked by the hundreds of people trying to get in or a prison(although the convicts could prove a problem if alive and psychotic) which I could get in and keep shut so I wouldn't have to worry about zombies sneaking in the middle of the night and devouring everyone. On a side note, finding a bus or rv would be nice, but I don't know anyone who owns them.

That is my escape/survival plan. I realize I've probably left some very important things out that would get me killed but I'm not gonna perfect this. I've remembered a few things that I forgot to put in, such as neighbors and pets. But I'm too lazy to go back from here so good day.


New member
Aug 13, 2008
Well, I own a pair of kama sticks (small scythe like weapons supposedly used by ninjas for silting throats and quickly tripping people) but they're made of stainless steel to they would only be able to kill one... maybe. I'd put on my huge boots, and my classic paint ball mask(it covers my entire head, and neck and has metal plating on the inside disgusting to look at and very uncomfortable, but I need something for my head) cover up the rest of my body in my coat suit(I don't know what its actually called, but its a padded suit for extremely cold weather, If I get bit, no teeth would get through, my bones would probably break depending on where I was but, but its better than becoming one of them) grab my cast iron crowbar (to take out any zombies I can't otherwise evade, and to open a door if need be) then make it over to my older brother's house. hes got the largest truck I've ever seen with a 2ed fuel take for emergencies, plus several rifles. hes VERY slow at just about everything so he'll more than likely still be there getting ready to get out of the city when I arrive.


New member
Jun 15, 2008
Well since most zombies aren't good with doors I'm pretty safe for the moment. My front door has a metal safety door, then a nice sturdy wooden door. Then all around my house we have a good sturdy wall, and a nice solid gate. So most likely they would just mill around outside my house.

Next I would hop over the wall to my neighbours house who happens to be mormon and has to keep a year of food on hand due to their religion. So if they are zombie food I can take all the food I need from their shed out back and bring it back over to my side. If not my neighbour is nice and will probably cook for us. There are lots of mormons in my neighbourhood so lots of food on hand.

Also the police station is right across the street from my neighbourhood so there will probably be lots of armed policemen and reinforced police vehicles within walking distance. I don't really have many weapons in my house. No guns, I guess we have a shovel out back, some bigass knives in the kitchen.

I guess if I had to leave my house or if they were already inside I would go out the window in my room to the roof and hop down onto the wall to go next door grab some food and then go out the gate to my car which I would then use to plow through zombies and get to the policestation where all those armed policemen could save me. If the policestation is zombie food I would just take all that food I grabbed and head out into the desert, which is only like an hour from my house, find a gas station out in the middle of nowhere with no zombies and stock up on food and water. Head for the closest military base or something.

This all of course hinges on what kind of zombies we are dealing with. If it's the slow shambling zombies I think I'm okay, if it's the more modern sprinter variety that knows how to work a door or climb over stuff then i'm boned.


New member
Jun 16, 2008
Lucky me, I've got myself a Katana and Wakizashi. To grab those would be my number 1 prio. After that I'm very lucky again since my town is a garrison town having no less than 2 military bases within walking distance :D and lots of my friends are soldiers stationed there. On the other hand, I owe no car/bike that functions so I would be somewhat slow at getting there so the zombies would have the odds there. :( Also, I hear they don't like peanutbutter, so peanutbutter/jelly sandwiches hidden round the apartment could save you from starving if you are besieged. I've already hidden a dozen sandwiches under the bed and behind the TV :D


New member
Jul 25, 2008
baseball bat beside my bed, crowbars, shovels, etc. in the shed beneith my bedroom window. brother n stepdad are big, strong guys, im a demon behind the wheel (good or bad thing???). very large extended family within 5 minutes drive, all the men are construction workers so tools/weapons and ability to build barricade are all taken care of. only thing lacking are firearms, but there 2(?) gun shops between my home n extended family(s) homes, so a quick stop in the middle of the mayhem isnt completely out of the question.

long term plan is to steal a boat/ferry and cruse out to one of the many small islands inbetween vancouver and victoria.


New member
Jun 15, 2008
ANTI-SANTA post=18.68064.623305 said:
Limos post=18.68064.623292 said:
Well since most zombies aren't good with doors I'm pretty safe for the moment. My front door has a metal safety door, then a nice sturdy wooden door
Yeah, but how long until it gives way?
This is the thing most people don't realise. Because pain in our muscles cause us to stop we are only able to have that little 'oomph' of power. If we had that constantly our muscles would trear and break. Since zombies dont feel pain that little 'oomph' is constant for them, meaning a single zombie can tear down a barricade that would defeat three men. This also makes close combate extremely dangurous, because if they grab you they can break bones or even rip off skin so getting free from a zombie is very hard indeed.
If you notice zombies won't randomly start attacking walls or doors. They tend to mill about outside. It is unlikely that the zombies would know I was in the house at all. As long as I kept out sight and was quiet I should be safe, All the windows have blinds and the door has no windows, so there is no direct line of sight into my house from the street. As long as I didn't announce my presence I wouldn't expect them to start attacking my door.

And it's a pretty sturdy metal door, bars and all that. Even if they did start attacking it i'm pretty sure their hands would break down into nothingness before they could get it out of the frame, they would probably deform it pretty severly but I doubt they would get in unless they actually knew I was there.


Souplex Killsplosion Awesomegasm
Jul 29, 2008
we are going to assume you are within a zombies reach they will take at least three seconds to grab you and another 5 to bite you. Immediately grab my keys, sunglasses and wallet *For societey will be back shortly that will be $9.95 people and vending machines* load them into my bike bag. *I can take my sweet time with this as my apartment is 5 feet above street level, the windows are barred and the Zeds stair abilities are questionable what with rotted muscles and all.* Grab my bike and head straight for the bike shop. I can make it in about three minutes if I dont have to factor in traffic. From the bike shop I get a crowbar *as a compact head bashing weapon and prying tool for locked doors and food sources* and take a better bike *as Miss pedals is not doing so well as of late and I won't need to stop at gas stations assuming that they have any gas left and arent overrun* and try and convince some of the holed up bike mechs to come with me. We should be able to make it to what can only be described as "Costal fortress row" in fifteen minutes if we dont have to deal with traffic.

We arrive at the naval yard and fortress ourselves up. Escape by sea is now a valid option as there will be plenty of boats and zombos are not the best swimmers. This is our base, zombie proof, fire proof, idiot proof. At this point I suit up with whatever body armor I can wear and a few pistols. From here we go two blocks to the Vespa Mechanic/retailer to get a faster means of transportation that can carry a passenger easily and can be ditched within three seconds should the need arise as well as a larger survivor group. From here we all go various ways on our vespas collecting survivors and supplies meeting back up at the navy yard. At this point my plan begins to branch.

A. The stand. Walking corpses are very corpselike. This means they will attract Birds rodents and insects *I live in New York, we hav big rats* They also will most likely rot. We go expanding wall from the naval yard untill the problem solves itself.

B. Retreat. We load the survivors and supplies onto the boats. From here the plan branches a little farther.

B1. Local but expanding zombie problem. We all go down to Florida where the heat/humidity should result in accelerated rottage of any zombies that try to come the distance and number of guns should keep us safe.

B2. Continental. We head to Europe and laugh at all the fat American zombies.

B3. Global. We go to New Zealand where there arent enough people for the zombie outbreak to have lasted. We set up there and eat sheep for the rest of our happy lives.

Thats all I got.


New member
Aug 13, 2008
to escape the massive zombie horde that has magically didn't show up any where on the internet or the news and happened to appear at my door step i would have to grab my sister and use her as bait to distract the rather stupid living dead and walk past them to Walmart cause that is the best place in earth and has enough food and weapons to supply a small army. after i hav taken walmart i can make it my own personal death shop, and if someone managed to survive as long as me i wouldnt let them in my safe haven in "fear" they might be infected