What's YOUR zombie escape plan?


New member
Aug 12, 2008
Run to the nearest mall >_>

But really

I'd grab what food and water that I could carry. Put it in the back of my truck. Grab my best friend and my roommate. Break into a gun shop. Block the doors and windows. Then stay downstairs and on the roof. Then when we ran out of food. I'd get into my truck and drive to the nearest shop.

Lame..I know.


New member
Jun 11, 2008
1) procure quiet re-usable braining or decapatation tool
2) quietly move all food and water to 2nd floor
3) dismantle stair case
4) create sound proof room/cage for the crying babies to stay in
5) using scrap material fashion temporary (easy to take down) walkways to neighboring roofs
6) obtain more food, water, weapons
7) create pitfall trap between rooftop and neighboring old folks home. using myself as bait, lure occupants of old folks home into said trap
8) take over all resources of old folks home

basically, after this point i would slowly and quietly pac-man myself from building to building constructing rooftop pathways and collecting resources. i would also probably setup some kind of audio playback device away from where i would be working in order to reroute zombies.

primary goals would be to eventually work my way to a grocery store to have long term liveable supplies. guns and heavy machinery are definitely not part of the plan as the sound would only draw more attention and it is probably the most typical path for survival.. meaning direct human to human conflicts over weapons.

my plan basically follows on the premise of staying off their radar.


New member
Aug 12, 2008
Yeah but isn't there that theory that zombies always know where the living are and just congregate around where the living are? I always thought they could smell us or something.


New member
Aug 12, 2008
I really like this thread, so I'm gonna start coming up with eventualities to foil everyone's plans one by one, just because I feel like it.


New member
Jun 17, 2008
Sosakitty post=18.68064.622046 said:
I really like this thread, so I'm gonna start coming up with eventualities to foil everyone's plans one by one, just because I feel like it.
Try it for mine, because assuming that I'm able to get the gardening supplies I think my plan is solid.


New member
Nov 21, 2004
the monopoly guy post=18.68064.620187 said:
Andraste said:
Dude, I'm totally going to Russ' house. He's from Texas, so he's prepared.
man, Texas gets all the attention when it comes to guns.

we have them too... and lots of them.
OK. So I'll either go to Russ' house OR the monopoly guy's house.

Better go make him my friend...


New member
Aug 9, 2008
Depends what kinda zombies we're talking.

If it's the slow stupid Dawn of the Dead kind (the original that is, not the remake), I shall simply walk slowly away from them and laugh at their affros.

If it's the fast, scary 28 days later kind, I'll... well, I'll die, pretty quickly.

and if it's the regenerators/iron maidens, I'll curl up into a ball and cry like a child

Elim Garak

New member
Jan 19, 2008
Ha! I have a full sized batleth in the window of my office at work. And another one at home. Zombie jerky anyone? Q'Pla!


New member
Aug 7, 2008
Well if its Romero zombies then simply close (and lock) the windows and doors as from what I can tell from the original Dawn of the Dead they be be loads of them and cannibals, But not that good with closed doors/windows. Then when I get hungry slowly walk to the closest shop and be very careful about what I buy then return slowly to my house.

BUT if its the 28 Days Later/Night of The Living Dead I will ... hmm what would I do, Oh start a cult!!!!! I mean why not at least I got a shot of predicting the end of the world and there being a good chance it will be true. And I would be the leader of a cult, zombie's attack well nice knowing you (they can all sacrifice their lives for me) and I will hide in a cardboard box Solid Snake style!


It took 6 months to read my title.
Jun 6, 2008
First thing, a non-ammo using melee weapon (I happen to have a sharpened katana next to my bed as well as a boken for when the katana blade rusts/blunts to uselessness), Next is an ammo consuming ranged weapon for zombie killing (There's a 12 gauge shotgun with a couple boxes of shells in my closet). I would then get several friends with weapons together and head for a well defensible location with food or means of food production (Twinkie factory! or maybe not) Since it would have to be a farm of some kind, the best bet would be a prison farm with the fields walled off. I know of one fairly close to where I live. There would probably be weapons there too.


New member
Mar 20, 2008
Wolfwind post=18.68064.621461 said:
You know, on second thought, everyone's answer is violence, so it's no wonder the zombies are going around killing everyone.

I'd try to be friends with them though understanding and meaningful conversation.
And if that doesn't work...
Call in the wolfpack for some food!!!


New member
Aug 7, 2008
crimson5pheonix post=18.68064.622815 said:
First thing, a non-ammo using melee weapon (I happen to have a sharpened katana next to my bed as well as a boken for when the katana blade rusts/blunts to uselessness), Next is an ammo consuming ranged weapon for zombie killing (There's a 12 gauge shotgun with a couple boxes of shells in my closet). I would then get several friends with weapons together and head for a well defensible location with food or means of food production (Twinkie factory! or maybe not) Since it would have to be a farm of some kind, the best bet would be a prison farm with the fields walled off. I know of one fairly close to where I live. There would probably be weapons there too.
Good plan, just 1 question:
What's a prison farm?
Like for violent cows and exposing chickens?
And maybe a Bull in on an aggravated assault charge that is a bit of a Loner that none of the prison yard Gangs mess with because he is the only killer. And an old and wise goat that has been in the farm for longer then any of the guards. And a skinny undernourished pig that maintains his innocence who is in on a fraud charge?

(Sorry I know I went a bit far, I crossed a line but I couldn't resist, It's actually a good idea for a book, if I ever write a book thats gonna be the setting)


It took 6 months to read my title.
Jun 6, 2008
A prison farm is a low security prison with farm land next to it where convicts may work in to shorten their time, they're usually cotton farms around here but it wouldn't be hard to convert it to corn farming.


New member
Aug 7, 2008
crimson5pheonix post=18.68064.622831 said:
A prison farm is a low security prison with farm land next to it where convicts may work in to shorten their time, they're usually cotton farms around here but it wouldn't be hard to convert it to corn farming.
Cool thanks although I would like to point out that there is gonna be some prisoners that might not want to share their farm

And also I'm slightly concerned about the amount of people that have (or at least claim to) own a sword/fighting axe that is kept next to their bed alongside a gun.


It took 6 months to read my title.
Jun 6, 2008
Well any prisoners out in the field would have split and the ones in the cells can shut it or get a sword through the bars. If the prisoners are still there, than so are the guards and they wouldn't mind sharing and by extension the prisoners wouldn't mind sharing.....or else.


New member
Jun 22, 2008
Heres what I would do, I would go raid my brothers room for aerosal cans/lighters. Then store said things in a backpack. I would go outside and get my dads weedkiller spray can thingy, attach said lighter on the end and start putting gasoline+water in there.. So FLAME ON!Also get my dads three airifles, One pistol and shotgun, Now don't give me shit about the air rifles, If you hit them in the head it might be able to sever the brain because of soft tissue. Grab generator all the gas I can get, Everything vehicle related that would be needed on the run.

More later.


New member
Aug 10, 2008
First of all, I'd start up my 'Zombie Distraction Plan I', which is basically Michael Jackson's Thriller. (What? Everybody knows zombies can't resist 80s music.) Next is the elimination part: since zombies can move as long as they have joints (the bone-ish ones), my best bet would be to get a blender or meat grinder, cut of bits, and make some smelly, unhealthy meatballs with pieces of bone in it. Or I could get our good old pair of sledgehammers, and start flailing around. (it would be rather suicidal, but still a fun way to go down...)