What's YOUR zombie escape plan?


New member
Jul 24, 2008
Plan A (fast zombies) - climb out my bedroom window and make a dash for the garage, as there
are no weapons inside the house
- close the big heavy door and barricade the windows. I'd have to hide
as i'm desperatly unfit and couldn't outrun the undead.
- then i would bunker down and hope for rescue/zombie starvation. If
that fails, i would fire up the chainsaw and open the door a crack, wide
enough for the blade but too narrow for them to attack me through.
hopefully the zombies would run into the blade in an attempt to get me.
repeat until all nearby zombies are dead. In case of infectious blood,
i'd wear a welding mask.

Plan B (slow zombies)- Escape my bedroom and go to the tool shed for weapons, e.g a machete,
a sickle, axe.
-I live in the country and have a large garden which would provide me
enough space to kill off the zombies.
- once the shambling hordes have been defeated, i'd fortify my house and
lie low.


New member
Jun 30, 2008
slow zombies:
i own lots of tools, power tools, gardening equip, and construction material (pipes, iron bars) i could stay in my house cos of all the barring on my windows and my steel door, but i'd have to step outside to clean up the front of my house to keep from getting mobbed.

f*ck that, i'm camping my house. i can walk across the roofs to plunder supplies from other houses, but that's about it.

UPS Express

New member
Aug 1, 2008
Indigo_Dingo post=18.68064.618358 said:
Grab my iPod. Go to my garage and grab a Sledgehammer. Put iPod on and start my Music To Fight To playlist. Grin like a maniac. Start doing whatever feels natural.
Fuck yeah. Run into my basement, grab a Tomahawk and the high-powered weed whacker.

Although the weed whacker might sound unwieldily, it's got a nice strap on it and I can use the tomahawk if the get too close.

John Galt

New member
Dec 29, 2007
My plan is to hide in the local flea market. It is surrounded by heavy, chain-link fences, within walking distance of my house and many other stores(super-market, Lowes, Wal-Mart), it has a gun store, furniture depot, and quite an extensive produce section(non-perishables can be looted from surrounding stores). It's also owned by locals in the community so factional violence should be at a minimum as well as population(most of the stores are owned by one or two people at most). Oh and it's got a gator pond so there's a secondary food source right there. Yep, I think I'd pull out okay against even the Olympian zombies.

Johnn Johnston

New member
May 4, 2008
Follow these [http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rls=GGLR,GGLR:2005-38,GGLR:en&q=peterborough+to+RAF+Wittering] directions to get to the nearest RAF base, and get some almighty boomsticks. There are also runways - supplies can get in, and we can get out if it gets too hot.

UPS Express

New member
Aug 1, 2008
Indigo_Dingo post=18.68064.618358 said:
Grab my iPod. Go to my garage and grab a Sledgehammer. Put iPod on and start my Music To Fight To playlist. Grin like a maniac. Start doing whatever feels natural.
Fuck yeah.

1.Grab the Tomahawk and the high powered weed whacker from the basement,
2. Grab the incredible sharp survival knife and the rifle from my step dad's room,
3. Fight my way back up the stairs and exterminate all zombies in the house
3.b Barricade front door
4. Run to my room and grab a bag to put supplies in.
5. Fight my way to the kitchen,
6. Dump out all perishable liquids and fill up containers with water
7. Drive to nearest wal-mart and begin fortification process.

Wulf Legend

New member
Jul 8, 2008
nuke the place and hope the radioactivity doesnt backfire and make them stronger, smarter, faster, and/oror shoot laser beams out of their eyes or mouth.


New member
May 21, 2008
1. Barracade door with dresser
2. grab claymore (sword)and other stuff
3. use escape ladder to jump out connecting bathroom window
4. ride bike to car dealership down the road
5. live.


New member
May 28, 2008
You know, on second thought, everyone's answer is violence, so it's no wonder the zombies are going around killing everyone.

I'd try to be friends with them though understanding and meaningful conversation.


New member
Mar 12, 2008
If this very second they came through my door i wou ld cease to write.. this post an.. dd.. argh help!


New member
Aug 11, 2008
My plan is inspired by Max Brooks's The Zombie Survival Guide. I would get home on foot and take out by 7 inch blade while trying to get home(Zombies aren't gonna eat me first). There I would grab my kit(Tight Clothes, Other Weapons[Firearms, crobar, etc.], Med kit, Some food and water, etc..) Then cut my long hair short(not bald or buzz, just to my neck). There depending on what outbreak(taking it's a level 3 or 4) I would try and contact my friends and get together by going to there house and teaching them some basics. Then with weapons ready we would get out of town(big city) on foot. Then once out of town either find the nearest military base or set up a fort at an abondoned house and wait for help.
If hiding out then we would leave after a a few days and move from small town to small town using up supplies, Defending ourselves from zombies.

Kinda long but it's better to be perpared for nothing then unperpared for something.


New member
Aug 6, 2008
ok here is what i would do.

-first i would grab my Katana's and my survival knife.
-get in the truck.
-pick up my family and best friend.
-plow my way to the military base here in town.
-set up a survival post and wait for help.
-get a sniper rifle and pick them off.
-help comes we are rescued
-in case above does not work set up some mines and wait it out in a bunker.
-if food supply runs out we make a run for it and go to the nearest town.
-Drift from town to town city to city until every last one of us is either a zombie or dead.

yea thats what i would probably do but if they are like in my house or lawn and no possible way of escape i would whip out my sword and give them one last fight.


New member
Aug 12, 2008
What ever happened to the part where if the undead do get in where do you go? Because where there is one there will be others. Zombies always find you no matter where you are. The best idea is to be constantly on the move. If you stay in one place for too long you will be found. (That is of course if the movie rule is followed) But the thing I would do are find people who think like me (probably not a lot of them) and we would secure the town or city we want to make safe. Constantly on the move, we couldn't really be caught we would just leave a trail of bodies along the way. Places of importance obviously include Supermarkets, Gun shops, Hardware stores, Hospitals etc. I remember watching Diary of the Dead and seeing all these African Americans take over a small town and make it secure. Good idea but then you would have to expand your area. Leave a small group of people behind to maintain and fix up the section. Clear every house and people travel in packs of 3's if possible. After places have been secure you leave markers behind letting other survivors or people looking for survivors know that they are safe here. I guess I'd use a color system since colors are easy to understand since my country isn't so smart (you know I'm right).


New member
Aug 12, 2008
Also I probably would take small arms fire because a shot to the head is a shot to the head. You don't need a Desert Eagle to kill zombies more efficient. A simple 9mm will do or hell if you like the up close and personal stuff then wear tight clothes, have a helmet(make sure there is something to cover your face), have short hair and carry something sharp and your good. So all these people who are saying stuff like get a sniper rifle or maybe grenades are being stupid. Stay on the move and aim for the head. It works and none of those stupid cliche movie happenings will happen.


New member
Jun 17, 2008
Everyone here is missing the same component, longevity of their supplies. A bit of canned food and some bottled water will get you no where, even if you take hold inside a grocery store you'd need heavy rationing to last even a chunk of time. I'm assuming that these zombies will never die unless personally killed, so you need a solid plan.

I'd need about 20 people at the most for this. I'm setting this right where I live so the locations will follow suit. I will quickly grab a few blunt objects (probably baseball bats and then a large shovel) to make my way out of the house, I will then gather about 20 healthy and capable people to work with me. We will hold up in the Walmart or Target here (they're right next to each other here, so I'll pick whichever one isn't occupied or out of supplies.) We would split up into 2 teams. One will stay back, filling all containers with water (as running water will soon disappear, along with electricity.) The other half will head to Home Depot, and grab tons of gardening supplies and seeds for vegetables. We would also get stuff to fortify the entrances and generators for electricity which will be rationed so that we don't waste it.

Keep in mind that guns are hard to aim in real life, especially in a situation like this, so they're essentially worthless. On the way back we would stop at places that have some weapons that don't require ammo or anything, mainly blunt objects (bats, shovels, and the like) and check the sword shop that's here (it mainly sells replicas, but on the chance that they have authentic swords it's worth a check.) We may not do all of this in one trip, but they're things that need to get done quickly. We would blockade all doors with what we can and continue filling containers with water. Assuming it's the right season we will immediately turn the roof into a garden, this is why we stopped at Home Depot. We need soil and supplies for this. We would plant vegetables and stuff and when they're good we'll keep most of it for the winter. We would probably also check grocery stores around before we hole up for good for any more non-perishable food and to the library to get tons of books. You need something to do when not fighting for your life.

We would ration food (especially if we have more then the 20 max. limit) and just make any adjustments needed. We'd upkeep blockades daily and then probably start making babies. Hopefully someone is in whatever store (Walmart or Target) that we didn't go to and also have a good situation so that we can trade supplies if one is in need and there is a surplus. We might even build a small bridge between the two as a little job for people to keep themselves from going insane (which will happen to some.) After that, we just survive.


New member
Feb 23, 2008
In my room when i hear the moans of the undead, I'd grab my spare car key (on my desk) grab my bokken/hammer/other bashy object race down the stairs (either the outside ones to the balcony, or the internal ones, whichever is less populated)

Fight my way to the car, and drive to work, Locking the perimiter gate as i get there. Then fortify the rest of the building, grabbing axes or blades to deal with the infected that may be there (however that is unlikely) After everywhere is securely (or atleast partially secure) Turn on all taps to gather as much water as possible (find suitable containers first obviously). Then set about barricading the walkway from the factory i work at (producing drills, blades, e.t.c - could be used to produce weaponary and defencive structures) to the food factory next door, so i have a supply of food.

Make habitation in the walkways above the ceiling (with retractable ladder) as a last resort.

Once thats happened, work on fully securing the perimiter, then contact anyone possible and tell them of the shelter.

Wait out zombies.

in short, im fairly confident should a zombie invasion occur, ofcourse getting to work is the key, which with the shambling zombie, not a huge problem (i live in a fairly rural area as it is), could be very difficult if its rage zombies tho.


New member
Aug 12, 2008
Oh and I want to point out that technically the Infected from the 28 (I'll just refer to them as the Infected) series aren't undead. They are alive just infected and yes they can die by starvation that's where there is a big difference. The Infected like us need to eat and breathe. They are no different from regular humans except for the fact that their mental state changes significantly. And from what I recall, there is no physical difference from when the person wasn't infected to when they becoming infected (minus the red eyes)


New member
Jun 17, 2008
I like using fast zombies that are undead and can never die as it's more fun and challenging that way. If you can hold out for a week and be fine or if the zombies are clumsy and ineffective the whole attack would be quite underwhelming.


New member
Aug 12, 2008
Well it's not like you would have a choice in the matter of whether or not they will be more like the 28 infected or traditional zombies, but I suppose there is no harm in having a plan for both.