Which video game franchise do you think has the least pleasant fanbase?


New member
May 13, 2011
David Bjur said:
w9496 said:
Just because everybody else is naming off first-person-shooters, I'm going to say The Elder Scrolls. I literally can't go anywhere on the internet(even xbox live) without hearing about Skyrim, or how much I suck because I don't play Skyrim
^This. The The Elder Scrolls trolls as I would like to call them, and it seems you have met them, are blind, irritating and igonrant since to them it makes sense to use the word 'dragons' as a argument when they try to convince people to spend their already spent money on Skryrim and it makes sense to them to say that "...to get the full experience and to tie everything together you'll have to come up with a own backstory" even though it doesn't make sense why YOU should do it if Bethesda hasn't.
Sorry for my bad English.
I think Bethesda fans defending Oblivion is a more irritable offense then Skyrim.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
Which game community is the worst? Oh, I don't know. Any game community that breeds an air of superiority and exclusion? So....

Call of Duty
Gears of War
Any MMO ever
Dota and it's spin(rip)offs.
Hardcore RPG/JRPG crowds
Any group formed to fawn over one genre and hate on all others as "inferior"
Etc, etc, etc

Oh, also the communities that crop up solely to hate on and insult other gamers who like a game the group doesn't. The epitome of childishness.

Am I jaded and cynical? You bet ya. Am I speaking mostly truth with the above? More than likely.

David Bjur

Hazy sucks, Daystar Moreso
Nov 21, 2011
David Bjur said:
^This. The The Elder Scrolls trolls as I would like to call them, and it seems you have met them, are blind, irritating and igonrant since to them it makes sense to use the word 'dragons' as a argument when they try to convince people to spend their already spent money on Skryrim and it makes sense to them to say that "...to get the full experience and to tie everything together you'll have to come up with a own backstory" even though it doesn't make sense why YOU should do it if Bethesda hasn't.
Sorry for my bad English.
I think Bethesda fans defending Oblivion is a more irritable offense then Skyrim.[/quote]
Well, I haven't met many hardcore Oblivion fans, so I can't really have an opinion that matters to that.


New member
Sep 20, 2011
Final Fantasy. And less specifically, Squareenix Fans. I've had people try to chew their way through their computers and into my throat for voicing an opinion against FFXIII.


New member
Feb 9, 2011
The RPG crowd is the one that comes to my mind now especially Bioware's "fans" whether there's news about ME3 or that new game they've been teasing

I hear a lot of bitching about how ME3 is going to some CoD rip-off because the 2nd game ditched the crap inventory system so you didn't have to go through all your teammates equipment to make sure it the best then change it again because you found a crate with more weapons or armor 5 minutes later because you found some more stuff and have to start all over again.
The 2nd game also improved the combat and 3rd will add different modes and multiplayer to try and give an enjoyable experience to everyone which dooms the entire game to be crap

And then there's the new project that they're working on with the only clues being 1 picture and a 2 second long video with some tanks driving around. A lot of the reactions I've read are like this:

1. "That's it, I've lost all faith in Bioware"

2. "It looks like Bioware's finally sold out to make a CoD rip-off"

3. "It's set in a desert/wasteland=Fallout"


New member
Feb 3, 2009
THe worst that I ahve met ahve all been Halo/CoD fans, though there are certainly misbegots among all the populations of video game fandom.


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Jan 19, 2008
Anyone that defines themselves as a "fan" of a videogame to the point where they argue with people about how great their chosen game is, is a tool. They're of a common genus with console fanboys. There are more important things than videogames.

Yak Johnson

New member
Jun 14, 2011
Stubee said:

You have to be pretty fanboyish to be still playing a game that old and the fans come off a bit creepy as well.
I just got into TF2 about a month ago, and it's better than any other competitive FPS I've ever played. It gets updated regularly, so what's the problem with playing it?


New member
Nov 21, 2007
Stubee said:
Deef said:
Stubee said:

You have to be pretty fanboyish to be still playing a game that old and the fans come off a bit creepy as well.
I don't understand how someone has to be a fanboy to enjoy playing an old game? Not everybody likes the latest games, and certain older games may have a greater appeal for them.
Its a basic classed based shooter of which dozens of games have improved the formula over the years yet the fans cling to it because its made by valve.
Um...what? Name me one game that has a better class-based formula than TF2? One that's improved, more varied, more unique, and more balanced. And no, games like Battlefield 3 don't count as they have very limited class options and barely differ in the ones offered.

Also, everyone I know that still plays (myself included) still play TF2 because, ignoring the fact that it's fun as hell, it is STILL the best online, class-based FPS available. It's not because it's made by Valve.

Likewise, it's because it's still supported. Something most other online games lose after the first year. We're still getting loads of free updates and content. We're still getting addons and such.

So...maybe so many are still playing the game because it's still a fantastic game instead of, you know, because we're just "stupid fanboys". Or is that too hard for you to believe?


New member
Apr 3, 2010
League of Legends, maybe? I don't know. Quite a few candidates.

Of those that I'm a part of, though, probably the Touhou fanbase. Rarely aggressive, hateful or anything like that, mind you, and there ARE many fans that are quite nice and generally don't fit into this category in the slightest, but few fanbases are quite as unsettling and/or creepy. It's really quite something, and my main reason for not readily admitting to being a fan of the series in many places. Unfortunate, really.


New member
Nov 25, 2011
In my personal experience, I would have to go with WoW Alliance side, and not just raiders.

As others have said, it seems CoD and Dota style games have the worst reps.


New member
Jan 3, 2010
Stubee said:
Deef said:
Stubee said:

You have to be pretty fanboyish to be still playing a game that old and the fans come off a bit creepy as well.
I don't understand how someone has to be a fanboy to enjoy playing an old game? Not everybody likes the latest games, and certain older games may have a greater appeal for them.
Its a basic classed based shooter of which dozens of games have improved the formula over the years yet the fans cling to it because its made by valve.
Yet I can't think of one. I know a lot of FPS that got better graphics but worst aesthetics but that´s about it.


New member
Aug 6, 2009
I've had the worst experience with the Halo fanbase, watch any Halo gameplay video on YouTube in which the player is of average or below average skill, the comments section will definitely be full of people who are crying for this guy's head because he's a "noob". Also most of them are too young to play the game and think that since they have anonymity they can do and say anything, which leads to a lot of really annoying 12-year-olds in pre-game lobbies who never shut up. I once received a message after a match of Halo that said "u suck fag", how charming and mature.


New member
Sep 6, 2009
All of them. Every single game of every single genre has a hardcore militant wing who will tell you; "You suck! Go play instead."


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
People who only like pretentious, "arty" indie games like Braid. Which is kinda hard to take seriously when Braid was a relative bestseller and (apparently) cost $180K to make. C'mon, guys, you can't seriously tell me you've never wanted to just shoot people? ...Ever? Modern Warfare 1 has the scene where you get nuked, if you still want your shooter to be "arty"...Oh hell, what do I care? Keep your head inside your XBLA hole; just stop judging others for playing 'fun' games, even just as a break between more thought-provoking stuff.