Which video game franchise do you think has the least pleasant fanbase?

Darius Brogan

New member
Apr 28, 2010
Call of duty. No competition.

There are bad-eggs in other games, but CoD has to have the most arrogant, elitist, angry fan-base the video-game industry has ever conceived.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
Bhaalspawn said:
canadamus_prime said:
Do you know of a video game franchise that has a pleasant fanbase? Or do you know of anything that has a pleasant fanbase for that matter?
Do they still qualify if they're incredibly condescending? Because if so, I can think of two...
No they don't, but tell me anyway.


New member
Dec 24, 2009
Any war online FPS, you already know why they are annoying
Tf2, tons of trolls and cheap ass traders
And angry birds, okay srsly shut up about angry birds


New member
Sep 22, 2011
There's a bunch of franchises that have equally as bad fan bases:

For shooters I'd say a two way tie between Halo and COD. That's the reason why I stick mostly to L4D2. At least when little kids screech in there they are booted almost immediately...

Lately however, I'd say Elder Scrolls (Skyrim in particular) has a pretty annoying fan base. From the 1000+ daily "ZOMG! I took a shit while playing Skyrim, u jelly?" threads that pop up here on an hourly basis, to the people messaging me on Xbox live saying "What? Dead Rising: Off the Record?! Y U no play Skyrim" it's about all I can take...

However, all of these pale in comparison to the DOTA community (and the TOB community for those who know what Tides of Blood is). It took me almost 6 months before the TOB community even acknowledged that I wasn't a noob and stopped booting me from the game lobby. And DOTA? I couldn't even play it for a month because I got booted from each lobby for not being uber from the get go.

The DOTA/TOB fan base makes all the others seem like girlscouts, in the sense that yes, they hassle you and annoy you a little, but they have those goddamn addictive cookies, so you forgive them.


New member
Sep 4, 2009
To make my opinion unbiased - My primary choice is the TES community; while my secondary pick is teh Borderlands community (a game I really dislike). Honourable mentions to The Sims & Total War communities.

EDIT: Misread as most pleasant, haha.

Least pleasant would have to be the League of Legends or equivalent fanbases. Closely followed by CoD fans generally, but more specifically on Youtube, who STILL post CoD montages expecting to become "famous". My brother included.

Disgraceful mentions to Battlefield's dedicated fanbase in-game for deciding the only way to play is the dirtiest way to play. They seem to have looked at how some twats on CoD exploit holes in every match, then they looked at how some players on Halo play cheap too; and then jam the fucking controller up their arses whilst fapping to a cheats website. Fucking cunts ditching good helicopters mid-flight, blowing them up because they're not flying, camping out of the map, sitting behind spawns, you name it - someone's doing it in your game - It's not far off what MW2 was originally, or Reach about 6 months ago.


Elite Member
Aug 8, 2010
From what I've seen lately, the Uncharted fanbase could charitably be described as retarded.

90% of the GameFAQS messageboard is taken up by impotent whining over Drake's Deception not getting the perfect score it apparently deserves.

I'd like to point out I'm a huge fan of the series, but even without playing the third installment I know it doesn't deserve a perfect score.


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
The idea that what game a person likes to play is an indication of how much of a douche they are is utterly retarded.


New member
Sep 22, 2011
Assassin Xaero said:
Call of Duty, Team Fortress 2, Halo, Battlefield, Minecraft, The Elder Scrolls...

But I think My Little Pony kills all of them combined, yet it isn't a game...
Totally. If we were talking fan bases in general I'd say My Little Pony is tied with the god awful Twilight "twihards." The disturbing thing about both groups I think is the age of their fan base (MLP being 20-40 year old men and Twihards being 30-50 year old women)

Epic Fail 1977

New member
Dec 14, 2010
The worst? Well I don't play MP games so I've not experienced the franchises with really bad reps. But I've spent time on the forums of various SP franchises/genres, and generally found them to be much more pleasant than forums like, well, the escapist forums, for example.

I find it interesting that each game/genre tends to attract a fanbase of a certain type of personality. For example the subsim.com forums (where submarine simulations are discussed) used to be full of people who were highly intelligent, but also very right-wing and militaristic and more than a little bit anal. The BSN, on the other hand, is mostly liberal/left-wing, very gay (in both the new and old meanings of that word) and rather... emotional. The arguments that happen on BSN contrast sharply with the (mostly) cool, rational, and well-researched debates I used to see over at subsim.

TBH I'm having a hard time thinking of a "worst" fanbase because when I do stumble across a bad one I don't stick around for long.


New member
Aug 6, 2011
I REALLY want to say the Call of Duty franchise. But...

You know what, no. Call of Duty. It's a wasteland filled with all sorts of horrible mutants, trolls, and small children that know every curse word ever invented and freely spout it off every time they die, or kill another player. People give death threats over freaking Xbox Live messaging, or PSN, or whatever.

But still...

Well, actually, I can say nothing for certain. Because I also feel like LoL is a top contender. I play ONE game with a bunch of other people, and I'm being screamed at in the chat box. It boils down to "You're doing it wrong!" "Fuck you faggoty ****** dickface asshole ***** nerd!" "*insert a bunch of random slang terms and abbreviations used by people who play LoL religiously". Not to mention the high level people feel as if they have some sort of lordship over everyone else.

I just don't know. I think I might lean towards LoL. Solely for the fact that the response I get when trying to play the game from the community is so hostile that I just drop it and don't come back.


New member
Mar 18, 2011
Everyone saying LoL has obviously not played HoN. Out of all the moba games, HoN is by far the worst fanbase.


Nov 24, 2009
United States
any game franchise that get's tons of money(pokemon,sonic,LoZ,Halo,CoD etc)

Toy Master Typhus

New member
Oct 20, 2011
Red Orchestra, Arma, and Most Realism Series have pretty good fan bases. Not that any fan base is immune to bad apples but I have had the most pleasant experience with them compared to most groups.

The Hero Killer

New member
Aug 9, 2010
Street Fighter fans, but I have a problem with the fighting game community as a whole. I swear they would play a game with two stick figures fighting behind a blank background as long as the game mechanics were complicated enough and it had online.


New member
Oct 23, 2011
w9496 said:
Just because everybody else is naming off first-person-shooters, I'm going to say The Elder Scrolls. I literally can't go anywhere on the internet(even xbox live) without hearing about Skyrim, or how much I suck because I don't play Skyrim
David Bjur said:
^This. The The Elder Scrolls trolls as I would like to call them, and it seems you have met them, are blind, irritating and igonrant since to them it makes sense to use the word 'dragons' as a argument when they try to convince people to spend their already spent money on Skryrim and it makes sense to them to say that "...to get the full experience and to tie everything together you'll have to come up with a own backstory" even though it doesn't make sense why YOU should do it if Bethesda hasn't.
Sorry for my bad English.
Shadow-Phoenix said:
I'd say Elder Scrolls because of the non stop in my face hype and a mentally challenged fanbase.
Seems like everyone who has a problem with the TES fanbase is simply infuriated by the hype. I don't get this, if you've actually played CoD or Halo multiplayer, there are some real douchebags. Yet people hate on Elder Scrolls fans for no other real reason than that they love the franchise, and this creates hype. If you don't like the hype, ignore it. It isn't directed at you.


New member
Jun 30, 2009
I think everyone forgot what the question was about, now its just which are the worst fanbases. :(

You can give credit to some though.
The Kingdom Heart or Blizzard fanbase has the most patience out of anyone (oh and the half-life fanbase)
Most FPS fanbases at least defend their games unlike others.
At least Sonic fanbase still thinks Sonic can come back like some modern Frankensteins monster.
So as you see most fanbases are not as bad as you think.

On the other hand, word of advice to people who are fans of games (speaking to everyone here then), if you find someone badmouthing one of your favorite games tell them to stop nicely or explain why they might be skewing their information, DO NOT bring out the torch and pitchforks. Do not feed the trolls is all i am saying.

Personal opinion though based on experience, WoW raiders or at least experienced WoW players can be pretty big dicks alot of the time.


New member
Jun 28, 2011
Supertask said:
quote]Seems like everyone who has a problem with the TES fanbase is simply infuriated by the hype. I don't get this, if you've actually played CoD or Halo multiplayer, there are some real douchebags. Yet people hate on Elder Scrolls fans for no other real reason than that they love the franchise, and this creates hype. If you don't like the hype, ignore it. It isn't directed at you.
I have a problem with them because most of the Elder Scrolls fans I know talk down to me like I'm some dirty peasant just because we don't share the same interest in games.

I have actually played a lot of Halo and Call of Duty, and I can agree that there is a small vocal community that gives the other side a bad rap. On the other hand, I'm sure that if Bethesda ever included a multiplayer, that had the same number of players as CoD did, that there would be a similar issue.

On the hype issue, I can ignore the hype in small doses, but when literally 1/2 of the threads in the gaming discussion section are Skyrim threads, I just can't. Doesn't Bethesda care enough about their fans to have a dedicated forum for that kind of crap?