Which video game franchise do you think has the least pleasant fanbase?


New member
Sep 5, 2011
League of Legends has the worst community. I've never even played the game but I have a friend that's a solid player in it and I can only imagine how horrible the community it must be if they all act like him and as he describes it! XD


New member
Jun 28, 2011
Supertask said:
w9496 said:
I have a problem with them because most of the Elder Scrolls fans I know talk down to me like I'm some dirty peasant just because we don't share the same interest in games.


On the hype issue, I can ignore the hype in small doses, but when literally 1/2 of the threads in the gaming discussion section are Skyrim threads, I just can't. Doesn't Bethesda care enough about their fans to have a dedicated forum for that kind of crap?
Yes the hype may annoy you, but I don't see how it makes the fanbase unpleasant, like I said, it's not directed at you - it's the fans talking amongst themselves. And don't you think it's a little hypocritical to complain about being talked down to for not sharing the same interest in games one moment, and then two paragraphs later to call forum threads "crap" simply because you're not personally interested in the game?
The hype makes people unpleasant to be around because not everybody is shitting their pants over Skyrim, and those who are tend to talk about it nonstop. I've had to alienate a couple of friends for a little while because Skyrim is the only thing they talked about.

Perhaps I should clarify on the "crap" thing. I understand that it's a new game, and that people are excited, but we don't need threads about every little tiny detail like quirks, your characters appearance, backstory, or family chain.

I'm not interested in the game very much myself, and I can see how others would be. It's just annoying having everything about it thrown in your face.


New member
Sep 10, 2010
Call of Duty or Halo, as cliched as it must sound by now.

I'm not a fan of multiplayer games in general, but when I did play TF2, people were generally nice. Ditto with Starcraft (2), Diablo, Guild Wars, etc... But the "potentially console mainstream multiplayer shooter" demographic really does come off as the most unpleasant. In my experience at least.

sextus the crazy

New member
Oct 15, 2011
Call of duty. Not everyone is an asshole, but the ones that speak generally are. Even on the PC, where people are generally much less dickish, the ones who talk are still assholes.


New member
Jan 23, 2011
As much as I like CoD, (which is quite a lot) its fanbase is utterly insufferable. Everyone using a mic is doing so for one reason: to distract you. They taunt when they win, they cry when they lose and they sing to put you off constantly.
One of my friends once said: "If he's not your friend, he's a 13 year old from Yorkshire who wants to prove he's 'ard to his mates."


Aug 25, 2008
COD, Halo can get pretty nasty although there fanbase is split into people who like the story, and people who play it because they are to young for COD...work out who are the dicks...

To be honest i can't think of any others, all the other franchises seem to direct to there own fans, these games only seem to get other players when everyone else gets sick of the 2 games above. When new COD/Halo games come out, other games are dead. Gears Of War is a prime example.


New member
Mar 12, 2009
Brace yourselves, shit storm is coming

the otakus, hands down. i was with a group of freinds and aquantinces in a library and someone casually asked me if i had read this random manga that's been around and no one cares about it. i said "no, how is it?" this one younger otaku girl takes a huge breath in, runs through the library, grabs it off the shelf, shoves it in my face and shouts "YOU MUST READ THIS!!!!". i hate this kind of bullshit and she was just annoying. so i grabbed it and sarcasticly said "oh yeah this looks nice" then i chucked it across the library and said to her "if you were to calm down and create an intelligent comment as to why i should waste my time with this book form of entertainment, maybe i wouldn't of thrown your second child across the room".

i know this is a question for which video game's fanbase, so to pick a fanbase with these kind of people ummmmmmmmmm OH final fantasy. they're otakus. now by fanbase i don't mean the people who liked the FF7 back in the day, i mean the people who go to stupid anime conventions in Final fantasy cosplays and then play the soundtrack on a portable stereo and act out a fight scene for everyone to watch. it annoys the crap out of me, the living crap out of me. some of us have jobs people, or college, or both! so keep shit to yourself so the rest of us can get on with our lives.


New member
Nov 17, 2010
All of them suck, fanpeople and haters alike.

I haven't been in a single fandom that doesn't have the worst of both sides to offer.

Edit: Isn't there a theory on why people are so horrible over headphones/threads?


Mwee bwee bwee.
Feb 4, 2009
Sonic the Hedgehog, definitely. If you have a different opinion on something, expect them to shit all over it, because they definitely will.


New member
Mar 22, 2010
I still stand by my notion and opinion on my choice being Elder Scrolls and w9496 has already stated what i originally wanted to say but i shall add a little more.

I can usually put up with a little hype but i cannot ignore when people make a topic everyday filling the forum with Skyrim alone considering SR3, Rayman, Anno 2070, Shinobi, Need for Speed: The Run, The King of Fighters XIII, WWE 12 and many more have come out so far within the same month as Skyrim and yet i see hardly any topics on nearly all of Nov's game releases apart from the usual AAA titles.

Oh and i remember starting a Fall of Cybertron thread a couple of days ago only for it to be shoved back and forgotten because there were so many Skyrim threads taking up the gaming discussion list.

Oh and just an FYI i don't hate the game at all in fact i plan on getting it sometime during the new year.

And also ignoring the hype? what about the time when the Pony fans came on here and you all wanted them to just vanish and they even made their own group so why can't the people on here so they don't end up spamming the boards?.


New member
Feb 17, 2010
The Oblivion "community". I mentioned that I didn't particularly like Oblivion, to a few mutuals the other day. The replies were pretty much in this vein. "ZOMG Y U NO LIKE OBLIVION?!?!? WHAT U MEAN IT HAVE NO DIRECTION?!?!? U LIKE FINAL FANTASY MOAR?!?!? U FAG GO WATCH SOME GURLIE GAYBOYS TAKE TURNS TO STYLE THEIR HAIR WITH THEIR OVERSIZED SWORDS FOR 34TH TIME!!!!1!!1!"

Do I get extra points for mentioning COD.

On a lighter note, it's nice to see that Assassin's Creed isn't being mentioned here


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Sonic the Hedgehog fans. Must I remind anyone of the Sonic 4 boycott, and the potition for Smash Brothers Brawl.


New member
Nov 17, 2010
mega48man said:
i know this is a question for which video game's fanbase, so to pick a fanbase with these kind of people ummmmmmmmmm OH final fantasy. they're otakus. now by fanbase i don't mean the people who liked the FF7 back in the day, i mean the people who go to stupid anime conventions in Final fantasy cosplays and then play the soundtrack on a portable stereo and act out a fight scene for everyone to watch. it annoys the crap out of me, the living crap out of me. some of us have jobs people, or college, or both! so keep shit to yourself so the rest of us can get on with our lives.
Wait, wait, what?

So you mean to say that if a Trekie went to a Star Trek Convention dressed as William Riker and acts out a scene from a random episode, it's ok? While playing the opening theme song in the background?

Or if a gamer goes dressed as Link and fights Ganondorf for shits and giggles, it's perfectly fine? Even with the battle music on full blast?

Why do you single out the otakus when any hardcore fan of any fandom does what you described for their book/tv show/movie/game? Hell, any moderate fan will dress up to join with friends just for the pictures.

You had a bad time with this chick, but you're making a massive mountain out of a minuscule molehill.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2011
COD fans seem to think they are gods among men and Portal fans piss me off. I can't even mention cake without getting a ten minute lecture on why it doesn't exist from them.


New member
Mar 12, 2009
because my ex is an otaku, there. but my ex wasn't the chick i was talking about, that was a friend of hers.

otakus will take any opportunity they have to shove what they think "is the best thing ever" down your throat without making any intelligent conversation. not only that, they do those annoying japanese dances from the animes, squeel at high pitches whenever they read a fanc fic, and it's really not that big of deal, anime is just stupid. star trek and LoZ i have some respect for. trekkies at least keep this stuff to themselves and at their conventions. i'd call someone dressing up as link and ganon an otaku because it's from nintendo, but it's saved because it's a great game. these kind of people keep these things to themselves unless you ask for their opinion, and when you do, they give you their opinion without any sugar coating squeeling, just a straight forward "it has a very nice story/animation/gameplay/etc. and i think it's worth taking a look at".

see what i mean? ask someone about the death note and all you'll get is "I HEART RYUUUUUUUUU APPLLLLLLLES SOME OTHER STUPID FAN SHIIIIIT!"

Lt. Vinciti

New member
Nov 5, 2009
Portal fans seem to be annoying..if it isnt the rotting corpse of cake lies...its the fact -insert round object here- should be painted to look like Wheatly...also the fact it seems to out nerd Dr.Who (Im not sure why Ive never watched Dr.Who but it was a good show when I watched the old -hold it there for a moment- episodes)

FPS fans seem to be a close second...when people arent whooping and hollerin like its a frat party or the racist children...

Minecraft fans just as annnoying with the constant tears...

Da Orky Man

Yeah, that's me
Apr 24, 2011
Deef said:
Stubee said:

You have to be pretty fanboyish to be still playing a game that old and the fans come off a bit creepy as well.
I don't understand how someone has to be a fanboy to enjoy playing an old game? Not everybody likes the latest games, and certain older games may have a greater appeal for them.
Wait, TF2 is old? It as released in 2007. I still play Age of Kings from 1999, as well as Homeworld and Tachyon: The Fringe.

You may need to reassess values for age here.

As for the actual topic, no idea. I don't play enough games online to make a reasonable guess.


New member
Nov 17, 2010
mega48man said:
because my ex is an otaku, there. but my ex wasn't the chick i was talking about, that was a friend of hers.

otakus will take any opportunity they have to shove what they think "is the best thing ever" down your throat without making any intelligent conversation. not only that, they do those annoying japanese dances from the animes, squeel at high pitches whenever they read a fanc fic, and it's really not that big of deal, anime is just stupid. star trek and LoZ i have some respect for. trekkies at least keep this stuff to themselves and at their conventions. i'd call someone dressing up as link and ganon an otaku because it's from nintendo, but it's saved because it's a great game. these kind of people keep these things to themselves unless you ask for their opinion, and when you do, they give you their opinion without any sugar coating squeeling, just a straight forward "it has a very nice story/animation/gameplay/etc. and i think it's worth taking a look at".

see what i mean? ask someone about the death note and all you'll get is "I HEART RYUUUUUUUUU APPLLLLLLLES SOME OTHER STUPID FAN SHIIIIIT!"
What you're giving me as an example is probably a die hard fangirl of a tv show. Then, you've never been to the Twilight Section, because that section is filled with girls like that. Even mentioning that you don't like the book will get you at least 5 girls who will explain to you why Edward/Jacob is hot and deserving of your attention. I thought I was going to be mobbed. Or the section of any popular television show, like True Blood. I stopped asking for public opinions just because of that group of fangirls.

I'm saying it's not just the otakus of an anime that get seriously annoying and jam their opinion about their favorite form of entertainment down your throat. That stretches across anything. It's even been on this very website. The threads about PC vs Console? The threads about Microsoft vs Sony vs Nintendo? Dragon Age 2 vs Witcher 2? Star Wars vs Star Trek? All of them have people who can't explain what they love about a certain thing and spend hours with superficial reasons hoping they convince you.

And if that fails, they use cookies and memes.

Everyone has fallen to this point of when then can't win the debate over what is better, they fall to reasons that make no sense and don't add to anything.

It's not just the otakus. IT'S EVERY FANDOM THAT HAS EVER EXISTED. Every fandom has that die hard fangirl/fanboy that makes you want to hide them under a rock and pretend they never existed.