
New member
Sep 8, 2009
I can get what you're trying to say and the comic is even kind of funny, but you've kinda been resorting to this sort of thing a lot lately. The satirizing stick might be a reliable tool for webcomic-ry, but there's only so many times you can clone hitler and beat him to a broken pulp on national television before the crowd gets bored, no matter how much they hated him initially, or how righteous it may make you feel.

Critical Miss is just starting to feel, well, stale. Yes, stupid people are stupid. We get that. Opinions like being able to "make people straight" (even with the clever reversal with the chiropractor angle), or "Radical feminists are always extremists" are very mock-able, and most will agree that arguments about videogames on the internet generally are lacking certain elements of quality, and some white people are a little too eager to play the victim. But there are more methods of criticism than mockery.


New member
Mar 18, 2012
kklawm said:
Got nothing against the studies, got nothing against the sources, my point was not targeted specifically, it was just against the statement 'statistics don't lie'. Statistics can, when there's people involved, they will. By their nature, there is some factor of incorrectness of any statistic because a statistic is a collected measurement of something. But some statistics are generally correct of course.
Fair enough. Sorry for the snarkiness.


New member
Mar 2, 2011
Trilligan said:
I'm reminded of that scene in Blazing Saddles.

"I told you to wash your hands after them cross-burnin's"
Wow, that's funny as hell, thanks, I'll link it to keep this thank you post informative!



New member
Nov 9, 2010
Jamz said:
Dansrage said:
Jamz said:
Well. I suppose the mass immigration of Turks into Germany after WWII has led to a lot of problems in modern Germany, but I'm not sure exactly to what degree.
I see what you're promoting and I agree with you in many ways, but I'm not sure if this method of execution is actually a reasonable way to go about it. Your first and second points I totally agree with. That being said, I believe that immigrant competition for employment is actually a good thing for the nation as a whole. I believe that healthy businesses need to compete for workers with the ability to get things done. Not every native is entitled to a job, especially when there are those who are willing to do a better job for the same wage. It's the same reason why I'm torn on affirmative action, but that's a separate conversation.

I agree that there's too much unskilled immigration, but I'm not sure how the problem can be remedied in a decent way. On the one hand, I don't really see an effective way to limit this unless there were tighter immigration restrictions put in place to prevent this, but I'm pretty sure that those regulations are pretty tight as is (I may be mistaken though. would like a 2nd opinion).

The language is another thing I'm torn on. On the one hand, it states that there will be no national language in the United States. But I don't speak Spanish and I'm not sure if I like its proliferation. That being said, I don't know if it's "right" for us to limit that. At the very least, I believe that it should not be helped along. But what exactly is "helping it along"? There must be some middle ground, but I don't know what/where that is.

Also, what the shit is up with all the censorship in these forums?
I don't believe that any foreign national has a right to emigrate anywhere, it's a privilege, especially for people who come from 3rd world countries, for them it changes not only their lives but the lives of all future generations of their family.
I believe immigration should be treated more as a privilege and something to be valued and appreciated more than something to be abused. It is after all, a form of charity for unskilled workers, and a great opportunity for the skilled.
I don't demand that all immigrants be a rocket scientist or a doctor, but that they make an effort to adopt the local culture and the local values.

As a good example I'd like to cite Britain.

Nobody has any problem with Indian Hindu and Sikh immigrants, they integrate, they join local communities, they work hard, they contribute massively to the local culture and economy. I'd even go as far as to say I respect and appreciate Indians in Britain, I consider them British. But then Pakistani Muslims are loathed, they're violent, hostile, aggressive, where they live crime rates inflate and the community loses all trust and social cohesion.
The only difference between an Indian Hindu and a Pakistani Muslim is their culture and their willingness to integrate.

To put it frankly, people who show no willingness to integrate, are openly hostile to the local culture, do not embody it's values and contribute nothing should be deported forcibly. They have no reason to be there, no right to be there.

America is a strange example when it comes to language and culture, is there an 'American culture'? I believe so, however the country and it's race and culture, are a patchwork of everything imaginable, from Polish Jews to African slaves. However there is one thing that defines America, and that is American values, the constitution, personal freedom and self-determination, when I visited America I was shocked at how many people, black or white, embodied these values and held them to be right. America is a patchwork of races and cultures and so it must be unified through it's values, they're the paste that fills the cracks between communities.
I believe if, for example, a Mexican immigrant, has no desire to embody these values and holds American culture in contempt, he should not be granted residence.

Illegal immigration surprises me too, that there is a debate at all shocks me, as these 'undocumented immigrants' have already shown a complete disregard for American law and values.

Censorship seems ok here actually, I've seen worse, as you can probably guess I'm used to being censored, lol.
I actually have to run here in a second, but I'll try to pound out a response real quick.

It seems like a lot of the immigrants here (granted, I'm not from a border state, so this is based purely off of conversations with others, the few interactions I've had with latinos, and *gag* news coverage) are relegated to subpar work despite having the wrong idea that they'll be able to come to the United States to make tons of money for themselves. Granted, I'm not defending this logic, but it seems that the United States is giving mixed signals and that's the gridlock that causes the problems. It at once tempts illegal aliens to the US by means of wages and a pretty easy loophole system, coupled with other benefits (I'm not sure if social programs target aliens, but I would imagine they would.) but they are not allowed to work in a way that would lead them out of exploitation by their employers. In this way, I think that they're stuck in a constant state of poverty and unwelcomeness which does little to want them to take American culture in the first place.

But maybe that's just after they get here. I do agree that keeping people who don't want to integrate out is a good thing, but the Latino culture is already so established that there's no longer a drive to integrate with the greater United States whenever you can just get by using your own cultural ties. Although I'm not sure, I've heard people from the deep south say that they can go to many places where if you cannot speak Spanish then you'll have trouble speaking.

To sum it up, I think it's almost too late because it's take hold instead of being prevented at the onset. But then again, with the border in the state that it is, perhaps it was an inevitability.

A big problem with the whole illegal immigrant thing also seems to be the expense incurred to deport them and keep them out, but then they can just cross again. It seems as if they don't really have anything to lose. They'll just get deported again.

I'm dating a Lithuanian girl. Where you from?

Also it's been a pleasure talking/debating with you.
Yes, likewise, I also have to go, and it's nice to have a civil discussion.

You make some good points, too.

I'm originally from Britain, but I live in France right now and I'm dating an American. I actually had to go through the immigration process I advocate, France is pretty good for that.


New member
Feb 26, 2012

...Doesn't Yahtzee wear a fedora?


Aug 31, 2011
Jamz said:
So do the two of you have any intention of addressing the initial comment involving my additional citations or are you going to cry about my copy/paste snafu?
Copy/paste snafu? The one where your only source to back up your claim turned out to be a study by an extremely racists group? That's not a snafu, that's you either failing to find any decent proof or just not caring enough to look into who did the study. I usually try to question where my source comes from before I embarrass myself. Learned that the hard way.

The fact of the matter is I supplied several independent sources and you're not acknowledging them. You're smug and you're unable to humble yourselves enough to realize that my sources were legitimate. Instead you're burying your heads in the sand and acting holier-than-thou. You are the worst examples of humanity; making blind assertions and then quickly retreating whenever the evidence is not in your favor.
Started to, but can't quote from a post that got a warning. But if you'd like, here:

-DOJ link didn't specify that it was black-on-white crime. White people getting assaulted more doesn't necessarily mean it's because of black perpetrators.

-BET link was one preacher saying black people were denying black-on-white crime. Probably true, but a matter of opinion. And irrelevant to the point. That black-on-white crime exists is a given. That some of it is horrific and racially motivated is a given. That racially motivated crime by blacks is systematic and widespread? Yet to prove it.

-FBI link had no point. It's statistics of arrests for various crimes. Says nothing of victims. Or hate crimes.

For a science student, you are really bad at research. I'm almost tempted to find something to make your point for you, but I'd rather order dinner.

But here's a tip: find a legit study or a news report linking to a legit study which examines race-motivated crime. Try prison interviews as a source. Particularly helpful if it then compares these crimes with general murder/assault/etc crimes. As in, is it a major cause for murder? Or are other factors more common? Even more helpful, how do these black-on-white crimes compare to rates and severity of white-on-black crimes?

For the record, I didn't see that you were female. I thought you were a child with the way you carried yourself.

With that I drift off to bantown. Farewell all.
Thanks. I'd much rather be called young and stupid than be talked down to for being a chick. (No sarcasm. It's refreshing.)


New member
Nov 28, 2011
TheMadTypist said:
Opinions like being able to "make people straight" (even with the clever reversal with the chiropractor angle), or "Radical feminists are always extremists" are very mock-able
Radical Feminists ARE always extremist.

I can't find the source right now, but one of the principles of Radical Feminism is that "Women and Men cannot live together" and that men are "inherently sexist" unless re-educated.

That kind of thought is extremist, and doesn't allow for peaceful coexistance and cooperation.

If we lived in the world of the X-Men, and women were mutants, then "Radical Feminism" would be Magneto's Brotherhood (sisterhood?) of Evil Mutants, and Xavier's X-Men would be regular, moderate feminists.
Aug 31, 2011
kklawm said:
Overwuoted said:
99.9999999999999% of the WGDF in reality are white men
I can just see that... Like there's one WGDF or KKK member who's secretly a woman or is just painted white. 'No seriously, I'm white' or 'Let's kill all the blacks, except Barry, he's okay'.
*snickers* Or the member who is secretly a woman objects to a WGDF argument. "But...rape is fairly common." "Shut up, Dave, the numbers are all made up by feminists!"

Tbf, that's more a "men's rights" argument. But there's a bit of crossover between groups.
Aug 31, 2011
Jamz said:
Hey, I found the link you needed. But I don't think it proves your point. Actually, I think it does the opposite.



New member
Oct 4, 2007
Overquoted said:
Shingro said:
I get it fine, I just have a different objection that you seem unwilling to address. Sure, being called a brony would make some people cringe. Is that right? Isn't that just an aversion fad like every other dumb thing people are 'supposed to hate?' Why not put one in a fursuit? Make one a politician, give one a french accent. The thin one could hold up a justin beiber poster. Those groups of course are not ALLOWED to be pissed being intentionally associated with the racist behavior of the WGDF in the comic right? I mean they're *about* as annoying, so why not just all throw them in the same pool, 'bronies are as bad as racists,' front line news. I bet it'd get plenty of "omg best comic ever" cheers too.
If you want to object to bronies/hipsters/bros being considered obnoxious, go ahead. But this is the wrong place to do it.

And for the fourth bloody time, bronies are not being associated with racists. Racists are being associated with bronies. To make them seem even more obnoxious than they already are. The comic wasn't comparing racists and bronies. So unless you can say with 100% certainty that not a single brony anywhere is a racist or WGDF guy, then you have no valid objection. Because no one here is saying that bronies and WGDF guys are all the same.

Here: People with road rage suck. Racists suck. Racists with road rage suck even more.

You don't get it. You're getting upset over something that isn't there. You are literally failing to understand the basic point.
I understand what you're saying, I'm saying a different thing. You're working in categories, logic items. Math effectively even though it's categories.

I understand that (and it's getting awfully insulting that your constant refrain is that I don't, I certainly wouldn't insult your intelligence so.) Hell in a strict logical sense I totally agree with you. Is that what you want? Yes, an A is C and a B is C does not work retroactively on the group.

*however* What I'm saying is if you are a member of, or have close friends who are members of A or B that doesn't mean you're not allowed to be offended.

I'm saying "Do you see how this could be taken poorly by people in those groups or who know people in those groups? Why did Grey feel the need to call out these groups specifically furthering the aversion fads in the worst possible way."

If you can't, I'm not sure what to tell you. There's as far as I can see no effort at separation or distinction in this comic. I'd be more then happy if you or Grey pointed out where he started making fine distinctions. At best he's just taking whatever available opportunity to make fun of those groups, and that doesn't exactly make me go "Grey you're an alright guy."

People are people, if the comic wasn't SO savage I might not even care. You don't see any posts from me on the Eva comics you'll note and they're just as much people as everyone listed here. However the comic is SO savage and touches on VERY sensitive ground in the worst most harsh way. I mean... a zimmerman joke by a white guy using a black mouthpiece really? Right after he uses him to (arguably) trivialize the experience of being black and how it might shape your character... I dunno... As far as I can see it's an ugly and gross thing to do, and I'll admit it it makes me kinda mad.

If you're going to be savage, you gotta have laser precision, and this comic isn't even close to that. It's worse because he basically HAD a laser, and then widened it's scope intentionally with a few well placed accessories. THAT's what pisses me off.

I'm trying to communicate with you my perspective. I understand and totally agree with what you said. (minus all the 'boy you're thickheaded' style insults to me.) Can you at least understand the perspective I'm working with?


New member
Sep 15, 2010
Alcaste said:
JPArbiter said:
I did not find this funny at all... I can't say I was offended, but I did not find it funny.
Considering your avatar, that is just *deliciously* ironic.

What? If nobody else was gonna bite...
I thought about it. Didn't do it for three reasons:

1) Too easy/obvious.

2) Afraid of Mod Wrath. Seriously, the Mod Edits in this thread are terrifying. Not to mention the Warnings and Bans.

3) You beat me two it.

Thus, rather than saying it myself, I will simply tip my hat to you and say Kudos.

OT: Hilarious comic! ^^

And I'm gonna leave it at that and check out the next 26 pages of thread....
Aug 31, 2011
Shingro said:
You're upset about bronies/whatever being insults. Got it. But it's the wrong place to be offended over that. It's completely tangential to the topic at hand. (Any sub-group that has funny behaviors or hobbies is bound to get mocked. See: romance novel readers, train set builders, nerds circa 1986, etc.) So I'm going to leave it at that and walk away.

People are people, if the comic wasn't SO savage I might not even care. You don't see any posts from me on the Eva comics you'll note and they're just as much 'people' as everyone listed here. However the comic is SO savage and touches on VERY sensitive ground in the worst most harsh way. I mean... a zimmerman joke by a white guy using a black mouthpiece really? Right after he uses him to (arguably) trivialize the experience of being black and how it might shape your character... I dunno... As far as I can see it's an ugly and gross thing to do, and I'll admit it it makes me kinda mad.

If you're going to be savage, you gotta have laser precision, and this comic isn't even close to that.

I'm trying to communicate with you my perspective. I understand and totally agree with what you said. (minus all the 'boy you're thickheaded' style insults to me.) Can you at least understand the perspective I'm working with?
The Zimmerman joke was deliberate. It was meant to show how some white guys sincerely don't understand why the Zimmerman incident was so upsetting to many black people. They see it as a 'stand your ground' issue while everyone who isn't white goes, "Oh, great. Another unarmed black kid just got murdered by a white guy." Because it's common. (Because of prejudices that black guys are going to attack white people or are far more likely to commit violent crime than anyone else.) And because when it happens, regardless of the situation, the WGDF is there. Always. Everywhere.

Just like in the comic.


New member
Jun 26, 2008
Moth_Monk said:

...Doesn't Yahtzee wear a fedora?


A fedora too, not a trilby like you mostly see on peoples heads.

knight steel

New member
Jul 6, 2009
TopazFusion said:
umm, okay. If you guys are really this determined to get yourselves banned, might I suggest simply PMing a mod and asking for a banhammer straight to the face?

It's quicker and less painful than what's happening here.
Why don't you guys just lock the thread?

I mean if this was any other thread it would already be locked before it reached seven pages but for some reason you guys are keeping it open despite all the hostile flaming and attacks that are going on.

If you guys really care about all the attacking/warnings/bile just use your mod powers to close this thread and be done with it there no more discussion to be had.

That is unless you want the flame war to continue in order to gain more clicks and in turn earn more money from the advertisment's or perhaps you're not allowed to lock threads based on contributors works in which case why?

I'm not attacking you/the staff or anything I'm just genuinely curious as to why this has gone on for so long without definite action to stop it.

OP: I found the comic funny-Am I the only one who thinks the costume for the Omega guy is totally badass :D