White House Denies UFO Contact


New member
Nov 4, 2008
What I would find far more baffling, is if the government took the petition and went "17,000 people! Shit, we better de-classify this info and tell everyone!"
Dec 27, 2010
Snotnarok said:
If aliens did know about us and were capable of easily traveling the stars, why the hell would they stop by OUR planet and talk? That's like any one of us stopping by an ant hill and trying to talk to them.

We're a tiny race who can't get past our own religious views and xenophobia, why would ANYONE visit?
And yet you fail to realise that your "we are not worthy" mindset is exactly the same as any mono-theists. But let's reverse the question a bit anyway. If we ever achieve intergalactic travel, do you think we'd simply ignore any signs of possible life, intelligent or not. Applying relativistic logic doesn't help much either in this argument. It's simply extremely unlikely that any species could have developed to such an advanced stat that our own intelligence is the equivalent in their eyes, as ant's are to us.


Stuck in a vortex of sexy horses
Jun 27, 2011
They got an answer, but it was not one they liked. That means they are lying!


New member
Nov 17, 2009
Wouldn't a better conspiracy involve convincing people there are Aliens? And that they want to kill us all in order to take over our planet? It'd give the any President a pretty good excuse to take over the country indefinitely, and perhaps even the entire world. It'd be pretty easy to pull off too, if you could convince people that the Aliens couldn't survive on our planet, and that they need to steal people's bodies (Kinda like invasion of the body snatchers). That way you could easily alienate (no pun intended) anyone who speaks out against your attempt to take over the world but accusing them of being an alien agent, and sending them off to a "medical facility". What's this? Russia is calling us out on our attempt to take over the world, welp, guess the Aliens got to Putin, we'd better depose him in order to stop the aliens getting a foothold in Russia.

I sure hope no one capable of pulling something like this off is reading this post. =\

Double A

New member
Jul 29, 2009
buy teh haloz said:
Why did I read that as "we don't want to spend more on the space program. Now get off our backs."?
Because Carl Sagan still shows no signs of coming back from the dead.


New member
Jun 17, 2008
I for one wouldn't exactly call us a space faring race as a few people have.
We have barely taken people to the moon, and in the vastness of space thats not even half way to the end of your nose.
I agree with the "why would they bother to contact us" as we are a backward uncivilized species that does anything and everything to get one up on its own people.
But a petition signed by only 17,000 of 8billion people yeah lets take that seriously. Heres a pat on the head now go outside and play..


New member
Nov 17, 2008
The-Epicly-Named-Man said:
Snotnarok said:
If aliens did know about us and were capable of easily traveling the stars, why the hell would they stop by OUR planet and talk? That's like any one of us stopping by an ant hill and trying to talk to them.

We're a tiny race who can't get past our own religious views and xenophobia, why would ANYONE visit?
And yet you fail to realise that your "we are not worthy" mindset is exactly the same as any mono-theists. But let's reverse the question a bit anyway. If we ever achieve intergalactic travel, do you think we'd simply ignore any signs of possible life, intelligent or not. Applying relativistic logic doesn't help much either in this argument. It's simply extremely unlikely that any species could have developed to such an advanced stat that our own intelligence is the equivalent in their eyes, as ant's are to us.
It's not a we're not worthy thing, we're not ready is what I'm saying. Why would they want to talk to a sentient species who's not advanced enough to share with and who's still killing each other over land and money like that?

I know if I was flying around in the Enterprise I'd avoid our culture for more than a few reasons.

Robert Ewing

New member
Mar 2, 2011
I feel so sorry for the US government. Every alien in the universe ends up shitting on their country. It's never a country that would actually be beneficial to start from.

China has the most used language, i.e mandarin. So surely that would be the first place to start.

Poor U.S of A. Everything happens to them. Hollywood told me so.


New member
Oct 25, 2009
EverythingIncredible said:
The Government never lies to us. Hell, even when the Atomic Bomb was being made they didn't cover that up. They were being completely clean and open about that.
Just like during Watergate!


New member
Dec 19, 2009
Heroes and Cons said:
Treblaine said:
RedEyesBlackGamer said:
When it comes to a lot of people doing dumb things we have far more worrying examples:
-justin bieber
-transformers movies
-other popular things that i think suck
I'm a Christian. I will thank you not to make fun of Creationism or call it a "dumb, worrying issue".
I assume that was sarcasm in your response there old chap, but if not ignoring scientific evidence that... Oh wait in that case you're religious. Never mind, a reasonable argument based on empirical, provable, repeatable data is lost on you people. Interestingly this is the same problem with the "aliens are here" crowd. So hey, I guess I got that one back on topic.


New member
Nov 27, 2009
Reported alien behavior is the best argument against alien contact.

Would you really travel billions of miles to buzz hippies and probe the rears of hicks?

And keep doing it for decades?


New member
Sep 20, 2011
EverythingIncredible said:
If there were secrets, we wouldn't know about it.

Thing is though. They actually did a REALLY good job and only revealed it when it became impossible to cover up. Because you know, turning Hiroshima into a radiated smoldering wreck is difficult to cover up.

But they did cover up Trinity...somehow. Don't ask me how.
If they covered up Trinity how did you find out about it?

That's my point - the American government can't keep a secret: Watergate, Bay of Pigs, Contra, etc. Yet people are saying the Americans covered up the Roswell UFO crash and have managed to keep a perfect lid on it and every subsequent encounter with supposed aliens for over 50 years?

And if the American government is some cloaked cabal of world-manipulating villains covering up alien life, why? To appear menacing in B-rated Hollywood flicks? To study alien technology that doesn't seem to have born fruit considering every technological achievement in modern history can be traced back to World War 2? Or to deny their existence just for shits and giggles like they did in Plan 9 From Outer Space?

Because a cabal of villains would at least ensure the American dollar was worth four times the British Pound, even if it meant forcing the London banks to do change the exchange rates after kidnapping the queen. Something. They'd get something done.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
SidingWithTheEnemy said:
Treblaine said:
Nothing remarkable or inexplicable about Oswald.
Maybe, but I'm siding with Kevin Costner here... ;-)
I take your washed up Waterword star and raise you, the legendary Bill Cosby

It really is.

That kid at the end, that's you.

That's a fictional movie. How the hell are you citing it as evidence? Oliver Stone wasn't even trying to be factually correct, he was trying to make an exploitation thriller that barely even qualifies for the "based on" a true story. What... did you think this was a documentary? A faithful reproduction of the events? Nope.

As for what his speech says, the way it begins "Hitler always said: the bigger the lie, the more people will believe it"

That goes BOTH WAYS. It is a BIG LIE to claim a conspiracy killed the President. Also, any essential truth if not true is a big lie. Democracy could all be a facade, that would be a HUGE lie but the thing is big lies are hard to keep, Hitler had all his big lies found out and exposed incontrovertibly within years.
Also, it's Godwin's Law in the FIRST TWO SECONDS! That's a record.

"oswald... wanted attention"

Straw man argument. He was a communist fanatic, a simpleton who thought he could kill the president and just walk away. He didn't want to get caught, he didn't want attention.

"what is the constitution if president can be murdered under suspicious circumstances"

You (and others) concocted those circumstances by obfuscating the clear evidence, with help of incompetent investigators cocking up the investigation but there is a phrase you'd do to learn well, often used in British Politics "Cock up or Conspiracy".

"how many illnesses, accidents, etc will happen before they are exposed for what they are"

This is conspiratorial thinking at it's best. It's impossible that people can ever die of natural causes, there always has to be foul play. That a drug addict can die from a drug overdose. Wow, he must have been poisoned, John Belushi was getting too close to the truth!

"american public has yet to see the Zappruder film"

Yeah, it only obscenely shows their President having his head blown open. Maybe THAT is why it isn't sent to every tabloid! What it supposedly reveals is UTTERLY IRRELEVANT. Costner's character is an anti-intellectual who disparages "fancy physics" and insists blindly that the head will always move away from the direction a bullet if fired on. Real world tests reveal this to be a false assumption. Hit a watermellon on the side with a tangential trajectory and the body will fly laterally to the path of the bullet.

"smells like it, feels like it, looks like it. Call it what it is. Fascism."

Spurious superficial logic, with typical anti-intellectual "I'll just call it" approach, certainly not using scientific vigour. He doesn't seem to know the first thing about fascism, refusing to be given autopsy photos of a murdered president is NOT fascism!

"To reverse Kennedy's Withdraw from Vietnam"

Kennedy was completely committed in Vietnam, just 3-week before he was assassinated he supported/allowed a coup of the very unpopular Diem government at the hope of more joining the communist cause. He sent so many advisers, spies and other agents and spent so much money on South Vietnam and nothing about his past actions and commitments indicated he'd go against that.

"accuses literally EVERYONE of being party to this conspiracy from the CIA, FBI, Secret Service, Army, Politicians, Media"

This is where the conspiracy utterly breaks down, all these organisations have EVERY REASON to keep the president alive, and they have NO REASON to in any way assist in such an assassination. If they wanted rid of Kennedy there were other ways: there was an election in 12 months and he was having numerous affairs... duuh, soil his character. It's 1964, 30 year later remember the SHITSTORM over Monica Lewinsky. Or just frame him. That's how REAL conspiracies work, that's how Nixon tried to do it. And got caught.

"who profits most"

is the dumbest logic to base any motive. By that logic no one would ever want to be left anything in someone's will as they'd automatically be murder suspect number one if they die "suspiciously". It defies all logic to say "person who benefits most is most likely to have committed the crime". If a shop is broken into at great cost, thief makes off with $100 in cash but the repair man is paid $1'000 repairing damage... then the repair man benefited most from the crime... therefore he must have been the blaggard who broke into the store that night.

Except that's stupid. Why would a respected repair man resort to crime that could cost him life and freedom when there will ALWAYS be work and if the shop's broken it doesn't guarantee work for them, it could go to their competition.

The $80 Billion arms industry wasn't from Vietnam, it was for preparing for World War 3. Endless nuclear missiles, jets, radar and ships stockpiled for a war that ideally would never come. Swiss has a huge internal arms industry yet they haven't fought a war in 500 years.

"they're your property, you paid for them"

That logic does not work when a drunk driver slurs that at a police officer "heeuy, I pay you're salary, aaahhm ur boss" it does not work here. Secrets are secrets. Loose lips sink ships. Or in the Cold War, spare documents blow agents covers where they have their body parts fed to them in a Siberian hell hole. Paranoia was justified.

*Tragic loan trumpet starts playing*

You know that Oliver Stone and the editors were pissing themselves laughing when it got to this bit, they just did the "million mom's donating their dimes to his cause" they are piling on the schmaltz by the truckload.

"to see their kids got to Vietnam. Why?"

Because Communist North Vietnam was attacking and trying to invade South Vietnam, America's Ally. That's why.

In ALL of his closing argument he fails to summarise a single point of evidence for why the defendant is guilty. He just used this trial as a front for his nonsense conspiracy theory.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
EverythingIncredible said:
The Government never lies to us. Hell, even when the Atomic Bomb was being made they didn't cover that up. They were being completely clean and open about that.
Yeaaaah, but they didn't manage to keep that a secret for very long did they...

And is "refusing to talk about critical war secrets" the same as "lying" that is "saying something is so when it is not".

Hero in a half shell

It's not easy being green
Dec 30, 2009
Richardplex said:
...Did these petitioners really expect a different response? Even if there was alien contact the government wouldn't be like "S'up guys, so yeah, totally was alien contact, lulz"
Yeah, I'd have liked to see that happen, "We spent millions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of man-hours covering up our contact with this super-intelligent race of alien beings, whose presence we would obviously have a really really good reason to not reveal since we went to all that trouble, but since we got this petition of 17,000 names (just over half a percent of the American population!) we obviously couldn't deny it any longer.


New member
Feb 3, 2011
Richardplex said:

...Did these petitioners really expect a different response? Even if there was alien contact the government wouldn't be like "S'up guys, so yeah, totally was alien contact, lulz"

Snotnarok said:
If aliens did know about us and were capable of easily traveling the stars, why the hell would they stop by OUR planet and talk? That's like any one of us stopping by an ant hill and trying to talk to them.

We're a tiny race who can't get past our own religious views and xenophobia, why would ANYONE visit?
The same reason we would stop by an ant hill -with fire. But I see no apocalypse yet, so that isn't likely either. That or I just lived through it, which I'd also be fine with.
If we possessed the ability to travel the universe and visit other worlds we would. We would stop and study any planet with life (and any with some other interest) that we came across. If only to catalog it and its species. There is no reason that a scientifically minded society (they would have to be to have advanced technology) wouldn't do the same.

If they considered us intellectual equals (I.E. In order to pass moral judgment about our "Xenophobia/Religious View" then it would be worth while to learn about us. If they didn't consider us intellectual equals why would they care about our xenophobia/mass religious views? It would just be silly quirks of a primitive species.

Also ant analogy only proves my point. People have spent loads of time probing ant-colonies and figuring out how their social structures, communication, and so forth work.

Long story short: If aliens exist would have/are studied/studying us. That inherently involves some sort manipulation or communication. Whether any aliens know of us and if so if any humans know of them is the question.