Who are your favorite homosexuals in fiction?


New member
Mar 9, 2013
At first I thought this would be a tough question. Then I remembered Omar from The Wire.

So, yeah. Him.


Turtle Who Lives in the Clouds
Apr 17, 2008
jhoroz said:
teebeeohh said:
jhoroz said:
It's more implied than outright stated, but I'm going to say Gus Fring from Breaking Bad and Leeron from Gurren Lagann.
how is Gus homosexual? like where is that implied? maybe i missed that but i always felt he was kinda asexual, with no interest whatsoever.

I would have to go with Omar from the wire, best robbery in in anything i have ever seen/heard/read/played.
And the cop from six feet under, he was so incredibly normal.
It's hinted that his partner who was killed in that flashback was his lover. This was discussed in a podcast by Gus Fring's actor, Giancarlo Esposito. There's also that German guy who killed himself in the beginning of Season 5 when he heard Gus was dead. It could be because he was about to get caught, but I think it was also because there was something more going on between them.
Gus also mentions that he has a family and kids. While it's not unheard of for a married guy to leave his wife for a guy, it's less likely for a gay dude to get married and have kids. I don't really see it.

Wereduck said:
From Deep Space 9; Elim Garak, the bad-assingest cardassian in explored space.
I don't really get this one either, he totally had the hots for Dukat's daughter.

Can't really think of any others that haven't been mentioned though.


New member
May 24, 2009
LiberalSquirrel said:
Since Dumbledore and Renly Baratheon have already been mentioned multiple times, I'll give a shout-out to some as-of-yet-unmentioned characters that I rather like: Ringil and Archeth from the A Land Fit for Heroes book series. They're both fully-realized characters, with real struggles; there's no skirting around the fact that they are homosexual (no "hinting" at their sexualities here, since it's a series that seems to be trying to grab the "grittiest fantasy series" title from A Song of Ice and Fire) while still not making their sexualities their sole defining trait; and - what's really unusual about them - they're two of the three main characters of the series.
Ooh, I was wondering if someone would mention Ringil and Archeth before me. Ringil especially is someone that I would count as one of my favourite fictional characters of all time. What I find particularly interesting about him is that not only is he a world-saving hero who just happens to be gay, but he's a world-saving hero who's gay in a society so socially regressive that homosexuality is considered a crime worthy of a very lovely death-by-impaling. The fact that he even tries to protect other people, despite all the abuse he's been put through and all the corruption he sees around him, is what I think makes him a much stronger hero than most other fantasy protagonists, even though a lot of his actions throughout the books aren't exactly noble.

But beside those two, there's also Arcade and Veronica from Fallout: New Vegas. They're two of the most likeable followers in the game, who just happen to be gay. Christine from Dead Money might also deserve a mention, being Veronica's ex-girlfriend and my favourite Dead Money follower.


New member
Mar 7, 2012
tselski said:
tselski said:
jhoroz said:
teebeeohh said:
jhoroz said:
It's more implied than outright stated, but I'm going to say Gus Fring from Breaking Bad and Leeron from Gurren Lagann.
how is Gus homosexual? like where is that implied? maybe i missed that but i always felt he was kinda asexual, with no interest whatsoever.

I would have to go with Omar from the wire, best robbery in in anything i have ever seen/heard/read/played.
And the cop from six feet under, he was so incredibly normal.
It's hinted that his partner who was killed in that flashback was his lover. This was discussed in a podcast by Gus Fring's actor, Giancarlo Esposito. There's also that German guy who killed himself in the beginning of Season 5 when he heard Gus was dead. It could be because he was about to get caught, but I think it was also because there was something more going on between them.
Gus also mentions that he has a family and kids. While it's not unheard of for a married guy to leave his wife for a guy, it's less likely for a dude who has already been in a gay relationship to get married and have kids. I don't really see it.
Yeah, but we never see them in the show, do we?
Apr 17, 2009
Renee Montoya. Its an integral part of her characterisation without being purely for titillations sake, and I did like the way she was slowly reconciled with her family (pre New 52 anyway. I haven't read enough of their new universe to know how she's doing, just that she got a slight reference in the Batwoman comics)

Also she kicks ass. Like, all the ass


New member
Jun 17, 2009
jhoroz said:
teebeeohh said:
jhoroz said:
It's more implied than outright stated, but I'm going to say Gus Fring from Breaking Bad and Leeron from Gurren Lagann.
how is Gus homosexual? like where is that implied? maybe i missed that but i always felt he was kinda asexual, with no interest whatsoever.

I would have to go with Omar from the wire, best robbery in in anything i have ever seen/heard/read/played.
And the cop from six feet under, he was so incredibly normal.
It's hinted that his partner who was killed in that flashback was his lover. This was discussed in a podcast by Gus Fring's actor, Giancarlo Esposito. There's also that German guy who killed himself in the beginning of Season 5 when he heard Gus was dead. It could be because he was about to get caught, but I think it was also because there was something more going on between them.
wasn't the guy killed in the flashback his literal brother? the reason why his chain of restaurants was called "the chicken brothers" or something? The German guy killing himself, ok i can see that but being german myself i have to say that we generally don't kill ourselves over dead lovers unless they are part beautifully engineered car.


New member
Jan 9, 2011
LifeCharacter said:
To avoid delving into the rather large amount of homosexual characters present in the genres of manga/anime that focus on their characters being homosexuals, I'm going to go with:
I would go into why I think she's a great character, but a lot of it requires spoiling recent chapters of the manga and that's not something that anyone should ever do. If you're caught up, you should know why, and, if you're not, you'll probably get to it a little bit after the Female-Type arc is over, which is around the time she actually gets named.
I would argue that her sexuality is only implied by a joke she makes to ease her stress, and how she is very protective of, and pretty much always found accompanying Christa. Which can attributed to Christa being her closest, if not ONLY friend. And the accusation about Rayner's sexuality could be interpreted to mean he has no interest in women because of his duty/occupation, hence him throwing the accusation back to Ymir. That part seems to have convinced some people that the two of them are homosexual.

I guess the main reason I choose him is because he immediately springs to mind and is the only person I can really think of. That and the fact that I found most of his interactions with the protagonist hilarious, enjoyable, and genuinely flattering. He seems to be (mostly) aware of other people's comfort zones, and understands when to take something seriously.
Also, to be honest, I find him rather attractive. Whether that's because of his feminine posture, lean physique, sly and flirtatious facial expressions, voice actor, or all of the above; I'm unsure. He's certainly someone I'd want to be friends with if he was a real person.


New member
Mar 7, 2012
teebeeohh said:
jhoroz said:
teebeeohh said:
jhoroz said:
It's more implied than outright stated, but I'm going to say Gus Fring from Breaking Bad and Leeron from Gurren Lagann.
how is Gus homosexual? like where is that implied? maybe i missed that but i always felt he was kinda asexual, with no interest whatsoever.

I would have to go with Omar from the wire, best robbery in in anything i have ever seen/heard/read/played.
And the cop from six feet under, he was so incredibly normal.
It's hinted that his partner who was killed in that flashback was his lover. This was discussed in a podcast by Gus Fring's actor, Giancarlo Esposito. There's also that German guy who killed himself in the beginning of Season 5 when he heard Gus was dead. It could be because he was about to get caught, but I think it was also because there was something more going on between them.
wasn't the guy killed in the flashback his literal brother? the reason why his chain of restaurants was called "the chicken brothers" or something? The German guy killing himself, ok i can see that but being german myself i have to say that we generally don't kill ourselves over dead lovers unless they are part beautifully engineered car.
I lol'd


Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
piinyouri said:
Casual Shinji said:
Gemma from Ninja Scroll.

I'd like to see Russian gang bangers fuck with this guy.

Others would include Hana from Tokyo Godfathers, and Bill from The Last of Us. The latter mainly because of how subtly his orientaion gets hinted at in the game.
Wazza-HUH? Gemma is homosexual?
I assume this is stated in a wiki somewhere?
I've seen that film god knows how many times and I never picked that up.
I thought Yurimaru was the only one with alternative sexual preferences in that film?
Well, he's bi, but I'm willing to count it.

It's the scene were Zakuro tries to hit on Yurimaru, and when he knocks down her advances she spitefully reveals to him that Gemma perfers the company of men AND woman.

Also, while I'm here...

Kaorin from Azumanga Daioh.

Her hyper obsession with Sakaki is just crazy funny.


New member
Feb 25, 2010
Bara_no_Hime said:
Haruka and Michiru from Sailor Moon.
Aha, I knew I was forgetting someone when I made this topic. I love those two, too.

Why haven't they shown up in this topic more? They're awesome.

Also, they have like the best theme song ever.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
chikusho said:
Yeah, it's way less than obvious and mostly only hinted at in the story. But here's Ken Levine talking about it some in an interview.
Thanks for bringing that to my attention; interesting read, certainly makes his "I want to take the ears off!" poem make a little more sense.


New member
Jul 3, 2008
Bo (center of couch) and Lauren (the tall blond behind the couch) from Lost Girl.



New member
Aug 29, 2012
Rook and Chess from the Hexslinger Series. Who knew that a ex-pastor that can read bible verse to kill people and a borderline sociopathic gunslinger can turn out to be such a believable and romantic couple?

Kenbo Slice

Deep In The Willow
Jun 7, 2010
3 pages and no mention of Oscar Martinez from The Office? I've always liked him.

Willow and Tara are awesome as well.

I will also throw in Dumbledore and Wallace Wells.


Elite Member
Mar 17, 2010
Throw another vote in for Wallace, the dude's funny.
Other than him, Bill from The Last Of Us. He's a paranoid dude to be sure and kind of a dick sometimes but when you really look at the stuff he does for you, he's probably being nicer than he should. You come into his town, set off all his traps, "D**n near break [his]shootin' arm" and he still gives you a shotgun, a nail bomb, some extra gear, and runs through a legion of infected with you get get a battery for a truck for YOU, telling you you're and idiot the whole way. To be fair, it's said the he "owes Joel some favors" but the details are pretty hazy and I can't imagine what Joel did was anything short of saving his life at least ten times. Which is funny because that's how you meet him, with him saving your life.
Wow, that's a lot of text, I guess I never really thought about this until now.
Well, as long as I'm here:
I also love the way they handle it, making it an after-the-fact thing. You build your opinion of Bill and then at the end "Oh, by the way, he's gay."
If that isn't "His sexual orientation doesn't matter" freaking manifested I don't know what is.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
Magog1 said:
Is White gay? (the one with billy boy genius).
Pete White isn't gay, though some of the other characters mistakenly believe he is. In the latest episode, Billy's mother was convinced of the fact.


New member
Mar 18, 2012
I remember enjoying Micheal C Halls character's complete awkwardness in Six Feet Under.
I don;t believe the show handled is sexual orientation very subtlety, but he was an interesting character, who also happened to be gay so.