Who is the most powerful soldier in gaming?


New member
Aug 29, 2012
Going purely by abilities alone, I personally find Titus most capable. How many soldiers have acid spit, can eat brains to gain knowledge and the other 17 less-freaky things Astartes have before factoring in power armour with its varieties?

Dirge Eterna

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Apr 13, 2013
Any Space Marine from Warhammer 40K. But Psykers are the most powerful individual space marine. If you want to go more crazy then possesed Chaos Space Marines or Chaos Sorcerers.


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Nov 29, 2010
Sephiroth, no question. He can fly, teleport, no-clip through walls and floors, has a 6 foot nodachi, can cast very powerful magic, is immune to elemental magics and has an innate connection to the earth via his mother's crazy alien genes. He's also incredibly strong, fast and dangerously intelligent.

He was bred to be the perfect soldier, and the perfect soldier he was. And bonus points; since he's from final fantasy, guns automatically do less damage to him, because guns are worthless [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GunsAreWorthless]. Suck on that, master chief!



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May 13, 2010
I'd say the soldier, is the best soldier. The tf2 soldier that is.

He jumps by shooting a rocket at his feet. I don't even know how he can get air with balls that massive!


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Mar 30, 2011
Doomguy or Quake marine. Though to be fair I class them more as "most manly" rather than "most powerful".


New member
Sep 23, 2010
AuronFtw said:
Sephiroth, no question. He can fly, teleport, no-clip through walls and floors, has a 6 foot nodachi, can cast very powerful magic, is immune to elemental magics and has an innate connection to the earth via his mother's crazy alien genes. He's also incredibly strong, fast and dangerously intelligent.

He was bred to be the perfect soldier, and the perfect soldier he was. And bonus points; since he's from final fantasy, guns automatically do less damage to him, because guns are worthless [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GunsAreWorthless]. Suck on that, master chief!

Mother's Alien genes? Oh you mean the parasite his daddy infected him and his mother with, My mistake ;p As for intelligent, the guy is duped and used as the pawn for someone elses plan the entire game. And he's killed by some lucky punk stabbing him from behind.


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Jun 7, 2010
The player charact... Oh, nevermind then. I'll just go with Shepard like everyone else. That guy or gal had some resources at his disposal by the end.

Leonardo Huizar

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Jul 1, 2012
Ratchet from Ratchet & Clank

Hes battled through at least 5-10 years of his life, hes taken down giant mecha, armies of robots, thousands of mutant wildlife, hostile aliens, robotic mutant aliens, robot space pirates, a f*ck ton of shoot-em up flight missions, has an arsenal of 150+ items each more diverse/wacky/cruel than the last, has saved hundreds of worlds, and championed several arenas across the universe.

Plus his greatest and most broken weapon ever: the R.Y.N.O. [Rip You a New One]


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Dec 5, 2007
Captain Titus from Space Marine.

He's a soldier. The best soldier. THE Super-Soldier, molded from an exceptional human being into an immortal killing machine that can chew metal, spit acid, bench press 50 tonnes and swat bullets from the air at point-blank range. Adeptus Astartes are the most powerful form of soldier ever conceived. They were forged by the techno-sorcery of a living god as the ultimate soldiers, for the purpose of conquering the entire galaxy.

And he's British, and therefore even more awesome.

And to stave off the inevitable argument, I will provide a link.


Mister Chef vs a Space Marine of the Adeptus Astartes. It was a draw, 5 votes to 5.

The thing to remember is, Chef is the best of the Spartans. So to make it fair, you have to compare him to the best Marine, who is pre-heresy Abaddon. Which is straight-up no contest because Abaddon is an enormous bad-ass who wears Terminator armour and moves just as fast as anyone else in regular power armour. I use Pre-heresy Abaddon because he doesn't have any of the chaos blessings or daemonic powers at that point, which muddy the water on the issue of how much is him and how much is daemon jizz.
Apr 5, 2008
Adept Commander Shepard -> James Heller -> Prophet

Adept Shepard because Singluarity. I always play Vanguard, but the ability to create a miniature black hole, put them into stasis or toss them around with telekinesis puts Shepard comfortably off the damn charts.

James Heller because he's an ex-military Alex Mercer, who was, for all intents and purposes, the Grim Reaper given flesh.

Having Prophet in the list does not in any way reflect that Crysis 2/3 is any good. In fact, both are God-awful games that are tedious and repetitive CoD wannabes (I couldn't even play 3 for more than 2 hours). But the nanosuit does make him badarse.


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Jun 19, 2010
Point Man and Fessel from FEAR are fairly devastating, especially once Alma starts helping them out. Point Man because he's so goddamn fast, and Fessel because he can do the whole 'flesh off the bones' thing.

Also Prophet from Crysis. For gameplay purposes he's not too OP, but apparently in the books he's downright ridiculous.

Also, the various Bioshock protagonists and the guy from Dishonored.

From the ones suggested so far Id probably go:

Prophet > Chief > Shepard[footnote]Though in fairness I haven't played all the Mass Effect games yet[/footnote] > Dishonored guy > Point Man > Bioshock protagonists > Various COD protagonists > Various Battlefield Protagonists


New member
Oct 1, 2012
Ryan Hughes said:
What matters is not who is the strongest, but who is the most compelling. 'Soldiers' as you say are nothing but characters in a fictional work, so it would really come down to who is the best character.
You bring up a good point.

EDIT: Not only is she a philosophy driven soldier, she also fought in WW2... pregnant, and can deflect projectiles by firing a gun full of infinite ammo (because Sigint said so thats why) and will snap your arm in half if you even dare try to take her head on.

There, I just won the thread.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
1. Master Chief: In terms of pure physicality.
2. Commander Shepard: In terms of utility.
3. Captain John Price: In terms of personality.


New member
May 9, 2012
What measure are "human" in this context, and i'm not splitting hairs a lá Dracula (have at you!) but rather wondering if we're allowing cybernetic enhancements, demonic possesion, laboratory experiements gone 'orribly 'orribly wrong.


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Aug 6, 2012
I'm convinced that anyone who doesn't pick Space Marines doesn't know anything about Warhammer. I mean, these are soldiers who probably each have kill-counts in the tens or even hundreds of thousands, minimum. They turn the tide in battles in which they represent only a billionth of the total number. Their guns don't shoot bullets, they shoot high-explosive rockets that would shred any armor today. Their armor is practically impervious to the 40k's artillery, not to mention the flashlights guardsmen use, and that's if they allow themselves to get hit. Librarians have been known to tear up scores of enemies every time they unleash their warp energies. And this is in a universe that's leagues ahead in destructiveness compared to Halo, I believe. Also, Master Chief and Shepard are into that lame stuff of "infiltrating the enemy" and "taking cover." Titus wades into melee combat alone against hundreds of greenskins at once, that's just part of the job description.


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Jul 20, 2010
Samus can take missiles to the face, kill people just by jumping into them, and can turn into a ball and roll around. She can fire laser beams and super-missiles our of her hand[cannon], run at super fast speed (And if she runs into you at those speeds, you're toast), and, as a ball, she can set off an energy bomb strong enough to melt walls and human flesh. She constantly goes on missions in hostile enviourments, more often than not being completely alone on an inhospitable world, relying only on her own abilities to complete her mission, and get out safely. She's infiltrated various heavily fortified and heavily guarded enemy bases, and wiped out hundreds of enemies all by her self, and even taken on giant monsters and robots (Kraid, Ridley, the giant robot in Prime 2). She can walk in water without being slowed down, and has even been able to walk through lava and acid 100% safely.

Did I mention that she can take missiles to the face?