Why are you a Vegetarian?


Dec 15, 2008
Poketom said:
I don't eat ANY animals because I don't like the thought of eating something that couldn't defend itself physically or mentally.
Well, plants have no mental capacity, but they still can't defend themselves physically, except by toxins, thorns, or maybe by being a Venus FlyTrap.

Now, I just thought about that... A Venus FlyTrap is a plant that eats meat... What do you vegetarians think about that? If your beloved plants eat meat, why shouldn't you?

Christopher Dudgeon

New member
Mar 24, 2010
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Meat is good, Meat is tasty, Meat is AWESOME

Just to clarify I classify myself as a Carnivore!

No Veg in my diet and I am as healthy as a Carrot!


New member
Jun 23, 2009
Lineoutt said:
Mmm ok Ill let you have that. Some vegetarians can be snooty as are some people who eat meat. I am a vegetarian but I don't try to pull other people in. I just see it as a preference, I can't and shouldn't make people do anything they don't want to do. But there are people who do and from the way you described it sounded like your dad was being an ass. If she was a ***** in the first place I guess I can understand it though.
Yes, you are right, and my dad may have been a little arrogant too. He didn't act like the bigger person, he just gave into his emotions instead of letting it go. And ya, she was a bit of a *****, but that's no reason for my dad being like that I guess. You are clearly an example of an awesome vegetarian for not pushing that on everyone. Thank you good sir, I hope the leafy greens treat you well the rest of your days.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
AdmiralMemo said:
Poketom said:
I don't eat ANY animals because I don't like the thought of eating something that couldn't defend itself physically or mentally.
Well, plants have no mental capacity, but they still can't defend themselves physically, except by toxins, thorns, or maybe by being a Venus FlyTrap.

Now, I just thought about that... A Venus FlyTrap is a plant that eats meat... What do you vegetarians think about that? If your beloved plants eat meat, why shouldn't you?
Well for a start plants don't feel pain and a Venus fly trap or any other plant with defence mechanisms can't think for it's self so can't consider the consequences. you even said that 'plants have no mental capacity' yourself.


Volcano Girl
Feb 5, 2009
I'm not and could really care less if you aren't. Just don't be a dick to me about eating meat and I won't be dick to you about not eating meat.


New member
May 16, 2009
I personally am vegetarian only because I despise the taste of meat.

I utterly hate it. I don't do it for health reasons, I don't do it because I want to feel like I'm better than anyone else. I do it for the same reasons anyone would avoid something they think doesn't taste good.


New member
Apr 15, 2010
Even from when I was a little baby, I never enjoyed meat.

I officially announced myself as a vegetarian when I was 4 years old, and I am currently 16.


Well, 2 reasons.

1) The prospect of eating the insides of an animal is disgusting for me, the thought of it makes me wretch. Not because it was once alive, but because it was an animal and its just...ew. All the blood and...*shudder*

2) The smell puts me off, and I'm guessing that when I was young, I didn't like the taste either. I also don't like the texture, so I can't eat Quorn.

I've had all sorts of health problems without it, but meh, I'm trying to have as balanced a diet as I can><.

And no, I also don't eat fish.

FUN FACT: I do eat Haribo, and therefore gelatine. The thought of what it is is vile for me, so I just don't think about it, and I can't see it so...yeah.


New member
Dec 26, 2010
Honestly, humans have evolved first from eating plants, to eating meat, and now to omnivoirs. If your tend to overthink and overcomplicate all the issues into a black and white picture, then your as big a hypocrite as anyone else out there who preaches that one is healthier than the other. If youre a vegans just because you dont like the way our meat is being packaged, and killed, then why dont you go out to a farm and do it yourself. you dont see anyone here who eats meat complaining about how an animals killed. Vegans, you try to make excuses for things which shouldnt even raise conflicting issues in the first place. Peta is a joke. We have EVOLVED to eat both meat AND plants. Its in our nature to eat meat. The appendex was originally there when we ate alot of plants. When we stared to eat meat, the appendex became useless, and is going to be gone in the next 15-20 generations, BECAUSE WE STARTED TO EAT MORE MEAT. Meat is essential to our wellbeing, just as much as vegetables are.


Senior Member
Jan 24, 2010
Poketom said:
As simple as I can put it...

I don't eat ANY animals because I don't like the thought of eating something that couldn't defend it's self physically or mentally.
Which plants obviously can.
This statement basically tells us all you're a cannibal, but fair enough, if that's your gig =D

OT: I don't understand this at all, it's unhealthy to be a vegetarian, you miss out on so many delicious things, and you create a pain in the ass problem for those that have to cater to your new arbitrary needs.

Even so, I wouldn't hold it against individual people, try not to take offence from this, as I can be a bit dense when I think I have my facts straight. I guess I'll just write it off as another one of those things I don't understand the point of, like religion, for example.

Poseidon7Trident said:
Honestly, humans have evolved first from eating plants, to eating meat, and now to omnivoirs
Omnivoirs see everything.

Sorry, couldn't help myself, it's not your fault, and I spell things worse than you do - don't worry. I merely pointed it out because it was a chance mistake that might make a few people laugh - it is in no way a dig at you or something I would say reflects badly on you.

[sub]Just taking care not to start some arguments =)[/sub]
May 14, 2010
Personally I have never met a reasonable and socially active vegetarian. That is, I think, because vegetarianism doesn't really have anything to do with saving the world (or the cows). It has something to do with wanting attention, since "vegetarian" is nothing but a title. If you really have a good solid reason for not eating meat, then why would want a title? Because it makes you feel special.

Carnivore power.


Claiming that you are saving the animals by NOT doing something is retarded. If you really believe in your case, get out there and save the animals from their cages, instead of being a whiny little princess.


New member
Dec 6, 2010
I find it hard to understand sometimes why people view being a vegetarian as a good thing. Don't get me wrong, you can choose to not eat meat for whatever reason and that's totally fine with me. I just don't really get why that is viewed as 'better'.


New member
Aug 20, 2008
bad rider said:
Vegetarian, because if you have a choice between eating meat and not eating meat choosing not to is the more logical choice.
If you live your life logically, you will be Spock. And no-one wants to be Spock. They want to be James Kirk, space pimp extraordinaire. Or something like that, I've never watched Star Trek.

But yeah, when concerned with their own enjoyment and happiness, no-one thinks 'logically'. They go with what produces the better feeling, or the more of it. That's the logic of emotion, as oxymorincal (that's not a word, James, that's not a word!) as it seems.

I eat meat. I do so happily. I have a convenient detachment between the happy little farm animals and the delicious mass they later form on my plate.
By which I mean I don't consider them to be one and the same, but entirely separate substances. It's handy, really, I never look at a cooked chicken and think 'that used to have a head, full of thoughts and emotions! And now it is dead, all so that I can be full again.' I think 'mmmmmmm, chicken.'


New member
Dec 8, 2009
Zeeky_Santos said:
tanis1lionheart said:
No, it's silly, at least for humans.

We're omnivores, that's what our body craves and, most of the time, needs.
Prepare to be scared by a diagram:

Vegetarians, each of those teeth was put there with a purpose through thousands of years of evolution. You cannot deny it. We were made to eat meat and veg. Not one or the other, but both, it's genetically hard wired into us, don't fight nature.
first of all fuck evolution, and second, you never ask a vegan, vegitarian that question, my girlfreind flips when i ask it


Sep 22, 2009
Mostly the last option; the mass production of meat we have on the scale it is now is wasteful of resources and environmentally unfriendly. But, really, my initial reason for vegetarianism was for my own health.


New member
Nov 1, 2010
jakeEHTlovless said:
first of all fuck evolution
I lol'd.

The diagram is basically all you need. We are designed to eat meat, meat is delicious. If I had to kill my own animals I would, because I love bacon that much. Luckily thanks to the invention of specialised commerce I don't have to, I can just go to the butcher/supermarket.

A vegetarian who doesn't eat meat for moral reasons is like a soldier who jumps out of the helicopter in full combat gear and then just sits down on the floor.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
Zeeky_Santos said:
jakeEHTlovless said:
Zeeky_Santos said:
tanis1lionheart said:
No, it's silly, at least for humans.

We're omnivores, that's what our body craves and, most of the time, needs.
Prepare to be scared by a diagram:

Vegetarians, each of those teeth was put there with a purpose through thousands of years of evolution. You cannot deny it. We were made to eat meat and veg. Not one or the other, but both, it's genetically hard wired into us, don't fight nature.
first of all fuck evolution, and second, you never ask a vegan, vegitarian that question, my girlfreind flips when i ask it
What question? There was no question, only solid evolutionary fact. Fighting nature will get you nowhere.
i was just sayin fuck evolution, and i guess i should of broke those two thoughts apart, the question was the topic of this thread


New member
Nov 1, 2010
jakeEHTlovless said:
i was just sayin fuck evolution
Fuck evolution? Fuck the thing that is responsible for you being able to sit in front of a computer and type 'fuck evolution'? Surely you jest.


New member
Mar 16, 2009
The way i think about it is

If someone doesn't eat meat because of the "meat is murder" bullshit, then they are discriminating against plants because plants have a completely different type of life. Either way you're killing.

So then i think "Hey, Hitler and Stalin both killed a lot of people, but Hitler is hated and had to suicide because he discriminated in his killings. Stalin lived a pretty long life and had a nice mustache."

So the next time you think of going vegetarian for the "meat is murder" cause, think this. Vegetables are alive and active. They contribute as much to the world as animals do (you know oxygen and pollen and stuff).

They meet all standards required to be counted as alive. They just dont have a cute face. You would be eating something over something else because they're different. You need to kill to live anyway, why discriminate?