why do americans "dislike" europeans?


New member
Jun 20, 2009
Chipperz said:
1 - I don't really know how you can claim "Europeans" as a group. Germans are completely different from the Irish (both surprisingly lovely people, but I'll be damned if Irish women aren't hot and German women aren't a hair away from being men themselves :p)
Oh, really? Let me present Heidi Klum, German topmodel :p


Dec 1, 2009
Tarrok said:
1 - I don't really know how you can claim "Europeans" as a group. Germans are completely different from the Irish (both surprisingly lovely people, but I'll be damned if Irish women aren't hot and German women aren't a hair away from being men themselves :p)
what part of germany have you been to?!?! i was there for a year and alot of those women are freaking beautiful not to mention women outnumber men 4 to 1 in germany!!! *sigh* germany.


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Apr 27, 2009
Bloodstain said:
Chipperz said:
1 - I don't really know how you can claim "Europeans" as a group. Germans are completely different from the Irish (both surprisingly lovely people, but I'll be damned if Irish women aren't hot and German women aren't a hair away from being men themselves :p)
Oh, really? Let me present Heidi Klum, German topmodel :p
See, that just proves my point! A jawbone that could be used to break steel and shoulders that looks like she was raised by giving her a pneumatic drill and told to dig up the autobahn! :p

(This is just a joke, by the way, before someone gets really pissed off and starts telling me how wrong I am. Heidi Klum... Mmmm.....)

robert022614 said:
Tarrok said:
1 - I don't really know how you can claim "Europeans" as a group. Germans are completely different from the Irish (both surprisingly lovely people, but I'll be damned if Irish women aren't hot and German women aren't a hair away from being men themselves :p)
what part of germany have you been to?!?! i was there for a year and alot of those women are freaking beautiful not to mention women outnumber men 4 to 1 in germany!!! *sigh* germany.
See above - I am well aware there are hot German women. Of course, they're rare, but that makes it a game! Kinda like finding bigfoot! :D


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Jul 29, 2009
xanith02100 said:
Same reason any other country dislikes any other country: blatant ignorance and/or stereotyping.
I guess that sums it up, although I never really heard about this.
And I'm European. Not from the West, either; right in the middle of Eastern Europe. This place is weird.


New member
Nov 26, 2008
How many more topics are going to be about, "Why do most Americans (blah blah blah I really hate Americans so let's rip on them)?"

It's a bit disingenuous to accuse Americans of casting a wide net with their negative stereotypes when you're casting a wide net with your negative stereotype.


Big Brother
Sep 23, 2008
I'm an American in Europe and I fucking LOVE Europe, only thing I miss is the food :/

Jolly Madness

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Mar 21, 2008
My relationship with americans is like my relationship with the rest of the world, I like some of them. Hell, America's full of idiots, so's the rest of the world, but America's bigger so we get more cases to laugh at. I think we'd all be better off with a little self irony.


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Mar 23, 2009
Mookie_Magnus said:
captainfluoxetine said:
As a nation Americia is incredibly young.
Now that's an understatement. England(Monarchy) is about what? 944 years or roundabout there? Geez... In 56 years, you guys will be celebrating your millennium birthday. Think about that.
Well the country as a whole is even older then that, we were invaded by the Romans in 56 BC and they had full control at about 43 A.D and that's really how Britain began... before then we were tribesmen. So you could say, we've been a "Civilised" Country for 1957 years.


New member
Sep 10, 2009
I think it's a political thing. Europeans tend to be more Marxist (i.e. "left") and history-based while Americans are highly influenced by the capitalism of Ayn Rand et al.

Leftish people believe in a big government that takes care of the citizens. The standard rebuttal to this is that it's naive and people will exploit the system. Socialists also TEND TO BE less eager to go to war, so that might be taken as weak or cowardly.
Also, Europe countries have (mostly) longer histories then the USA does, so there often is a traditional "ruling class". This might be seen as Elitist.

The Laisez-Fare capitalism of the US believes that citizens should take care of their own business. Opponents see this system as narrow-minded and stupid (They took our Jobs!). Americans tend to be rather aggressive in their foreign policy, which Europeans sometimes see as arrogant: they get the impression that the US wants to make the entire world American. And who are they to say their system is the best?

Note: I am not a sociologist or anything. And I'm European myself. This is mostly speculation, so if I'm wrong please correct me.


New member
Mar 6, 2010
Might I remind you people that your busiest (island)city was actually part of Europe before the Dutch decided to sell it for 1$. Harharhar The moar you know!

Soviet Steve

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May 23, 2009
Chipperz said:
Don't you see a problem with this? Is the rest of the world really that irrelevant to Americans? Doesn't it terrify you that a nation that just doesn't care enough for this kind of statement to come up so easily believes it should police the world? God, this entire statement scares me.
Yes, I never claimed that I was comfortable with this, but this has been the status quo for 70 years and is unlikely to change for quite a while. You get used to living with it.

Chipperz said:
Also, two last points;

1 - I don't really know how you can claim "Europeans" as a group. Germans are completely different from the Irish (both surprisingly lovely people, but I'll be damned if Irish women aren't hot and German women aren't a hair away from being men themselves :p)
You're damned then, German ladies might have the mouthes of bureaucrats but there are many fair maidens south of the Danish lands. >_>

Chipperz said:
2 - It's been said a few times that Americans hate the French, and that's a good thing. No. No it isn't. The English and the French have turned hating each other into an art form for almost a thousand years, we have been taking the piss and knocking the shit out of each other for most of recorded history, and this has built a complex relationship of loathing and respect between us. Noone else has any claim to anything as petty as "hating" the French - you're all doing it to be "cool". Posers.
My opinion of the French is controversial and shall remain undisclosed. ;D


New member
Jun 20, 2009
Chipperz said:
See above - I am well aware there are hot German women. Of course, they're rare, but that makes it a game! Kinda like finding bigfoot! :D
Comparing hot women with bigfoot...awesome! :D


New member
Nov 9, 2009
Its really just a lot of mutual ignorance and stereotyping.

Personally while I would love to visit the US

(I mean a proper visit not the "see britan in a day" package tours that exist. There is NO WAY you can get a real feel for a culture from something like that, but thats a whole other rant)

I honestly can't see myself trying to live a normal life over there like I can in other parts of Europe.

Alex The Rat

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Jan 8, 2010
kiwi_poo said:
I was wondering why Americans (not all of them) say Europeans are ugly and never wash.
Americans are actually Europeans anyway, right? so why do they insult Europeans?

And another thing: why do American racists say immigrants should go back to their country?
Wouldn't that mean that they should leave back to Europe and stop whining? Or are they all just massive hypocrites?
You realize that in making this thread you're doing exactly what you claim most Americans do: Making broad statements based on zero actual information. The vast majority of Americans would never claim that Europeans are ugly and never wash, and if you've met one who did seriously believe that then I'm sorry that you didn't get a good representation of the populace.

Also, saying most Americans are European is like claiming that we're all actually African. Sure, my great grandparents came from Europe, but unless there's some hidden knowledge or identity transferred through blood (and there clearly isn't), that doesn't mean I could go to the Netherlands and say "hey, I'm just like you!" It's just silly.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
Actually we hate that whenever a european guy shows up in America, he manages to cockblock the whole country. Our women think your accents are hot, and we hate it.


New member
Mar 28, 2009
I don't base my opinions on a single group of people. Most Europeans I know are pretty nice.
[small][sub]Not to mention that their accents are cool....[/sub][/small]