Why do people completely ignore how great 98% of Mass Effect 3 was and just focus on the ending?


New member
Mar 7, 2011
because no matter how delicious a meal is, if the last bite you have tastes literally like shit, then you will never call that meal a "good meal", i'll agree that i liked 98% of the game, but the ending just leaves a feeling of "so 3 games for that... GOING TO RANT ON THE INTERNET", basically what im trying to say is that the ending was shit, its not a small problem, and it manages to outweight much of the good in the game sadly.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
NewYork_Comedian said:
Yeah I was let down, and even hated, the original ending to Mass Effect 3, but does that mean Bioware is now the worst triple A developer in the world and I will never buy any product they make ever again? HECK NO! Am I going to ignore the rest of the GOTY-potential game that had points that literally made me laugh out loud and cry tears of sadness for the characters? Hell no! Developers sometimes trip and make mistakes, and just because you didn't like the ending to the game doesn't mean that Bioware will never make any decent product again.

That is just how I feel about the whole cluster-f. Just my opinion on the matter and I hope at least 2% of the raging escapist community agrees with me.
First you answer me why ME3 keeps being braught up after its been long since gone over.

Anyways, I cant give you an answer, as it doesnt really make sense to me either. Though I would say it might have something to do with the Co-op MP. While it works, whoever thought, "HEY! Lets make unlocking things in multiplayer a game of chance, and charge people for them!" needs a swift kick to the balls.

Acton Hank

New member
Nov 19, 2009
Leonardo Chaves said:
ChrisRedfield92 said:
You're not making sense, You need to act like the Collectors didn't exist, not disagreeing that plot took a back seat in ME2 but if you didn't stop the Collectors they would have kept kidnapping human colonies and then attacked Earth.

And saying that ME3's plot suffered because of ME2 while saying that ME2's plot was unrelated to ME3 doesn't make sense.
The Collectors feel like a DLC plot honestly, it doesn't progress the overarching trilogy in any way.

Squadmates come up with that, "they will attack Earth", but in reality you find out that they are not equipped to do that, all they can do is hit and runs on small unguarded colonies, Collectors are like the janitors of the Reaper empire.

And apparently if you didn't stop them, Vega would have done it.
Shepard could've spent the entire ME2 scratching his balls lol.
Sorry, when do we find out that the Collectors don't have the means to attack earth?
And if the Collectors are the "janitors" of the "Reaper empire" what exactly is Saren and Sovereign?


Noisy Lurker
Jul 16, 2008
Having never played Mass Effect, this is the impression I've got:

Imagine me serving you tacos. Yum.
How about some bacon? delicious!
Top it off with a hot-fudge sunday!

It's a bum warming your food between his thighs

Acton Hank

New member
Nov 19, 2009
Leonardo Chaves said:
ChrisRedfield92 said:
Sorry, when do we find out that the Collectors don't have the means to attack earth?
And if the Collectors are the "janitors" of the "Reaper empire" what exactly is Saren and Sovereign?
First, they have to run or get killed by a single Guardian laser.
Second, you arrive at their home world and they have one ship.

Their entire race was conquered by one ship and a strike team, that doesn't spell to me that they can openly attack the home planet of a council race.
They could only do hit and runs, secrecy and the Omega-4 Relay were their only defenses, the day they openly expose themselves is the day they get shafted.

Sovereign was the Reaper with the most important mission of all, his failure slowed the Reaper plans considerably. As Sovereign himself would tell you he was their vanguard.

Saren was just Sovereign's head henchmen.
First, they probably examined the defenses and deduced that the Guardian laser was useless, and then Shepard and EDI fixed it,

Second, who's to say that when the Collectors attack earth they won't do it city by city?

Third, Sovereign's death didn't slow them down considerably, It delayed them for a few years, these things are millions or possibly hundreds of millions of years old, a few years is nothing to them.


New member
Jun 26, 2008
If anything I think it speaks to how important an ending is to a story. The fact that many gamers (myself not necessarily included) walked away from Mass Effect 3 keeping only the bad taste that the ending left them with in mind, as opposed to the juicy sweetness that made up the bulk of the game, doesn't have to mean just that gamers are focusing on the wrong thing, but also that Bioware screwed up on a point that carried a lot of weight. An ending may only be 2% in terms of length, but in terms of importance it's much more than that.

Also, and this is speaking more for myself, I think the somewhat messy ending casts a shadow over the story as a whole. The fact that the threads weren't tied together in a coherent manner doesn't just mean a failure in writing that one particular moment, it makes you question if there was ever any thought or purpose behind the "threads" to begin with. And that applies doubly in a story like Mass Effect's which relies a whole lot on mystery and revelation.

Like I said, I haven't been the most vocal about the Mass Effect 3 ending and I do think the reaction went a little bit overboard. But what I'm trying to get at here is that it's not unreasonable to get upset over a game (or book or movie) over the ending just because the rest of it was good or even phenomenal.
Nov 28, 2007
Is it unreasonable to get upset at an ending, and have your overall experience tainted? No, it's not. I felt the same way, and it put me off replaying through ME3 before the EC.

However, it gets ridiculous when the people who disliked the ending (and ME3 in general) basically say that anyone who did like ME3 is wrong. They don't just have a different opinion, they are flat-out wrong, and if they enjoyed ME3, then that is proof that they are less evolved intellectually.

Honestly, to anyone who says that Bioware has lost their touch in making good characters, I provide a challenge. Show me a romance more well-written than the romantic arc (including the second game) than Tali's and Garrus's. Because I have yet to see a game that manages to make a relationship feel that natural.

I could go on about how natural they felt, but I don't want to make too long of a post. But like saying the entire game was perfect (it wasn't, it had its problems), saying that there was nothing good about it, and that the entire game was average at best, and that the 9's and 10's it's been receiving are a conspiracy, man, is equally fallacious.

Acton Hank

New member
Nov 19, 2009
Leonardo Chaves said:
ChrisRedfield92 said:
First, they probably examined the defenses and deduced that the Guardian laser was useless, and then Shepard and EDI fixed it,

Second, who's to say that when the Collectors attack earth they won't do it city by city?

Third, Sovereign's death didn't slow them down considerably, It delayed them for a few years, these things are millions or possibly hundreds of millions of years old, a few years is nothing to them.
Would you stop being ridiculous, seriously...

The Guardian laser was non-functional when they first arrived, so they proceded as usual, once it was operational they had to get the hell out or risk being blown up.

Second that's the most ridiculous plan i've ever heard, congratulations.
They would get intercepted by an armada while leaving the Solar system.

Well they had to change their plans from surprise attack to open warfare, they showed their existence to the galaxy... i would say that's a big problem.
First, Your argument is what exactly?

Second, Who'se to say they won't use tactics to adapt to that, they disabled the Normandy with a virus didn't they?

Third I'm pretty sure that once you launch a full scale invasion on all planets with space traveling races that those races will be aware of your existence; it doesn't matter if they changed from surprise attack to open warfare.

In Mass Effect 3 they still spread through the galaxy without much opposition; any less and they wouldn't have been the "inevitable end of everything and everyone"


Oct 4, 2011
bannanaky said:
if you rode a roller-coaster and right as you got off you threw up all over the place and were sick to your stomach for the next several hours, would you ride the roller-coaster again? would you say you really liked roller-coasters? no. because it was a sickening experience.
The problem with that is you're sick from going all over the place in the roller-coaster, not how bad it was.


New member
Mar 17, 2009
But I don't think it was 98% great. Even ignoring the ending, the game was a disappointment. The way the side quests got dumbed down to just scanning galaxies, and the fact that the N7 missions were just multiplayer maps but in single player were both let downs. The whole scanning thing just felt like it was supposed to be part of a larger system that wasn't there. It felt unfinished and a little too janky for a triple A game. And there was that run away from the Reapers minigame that felt like an additional waste of time. It had problems upon problems. It appeared rushed.


New member
Nov 5, 2010
So... anybody else miss the cool ME2 sidequests that were ditched in ME3? I sure still remember all that nonsense with the vague quest journal entries and crapload of fetch quests.

Oh yeah, the ending too but... why the side quest ditching?

Why no spaceship combat?


New member
Mar 30, 2012
I'd rate ME3 above average but it wasn't great, my biggest problems with it:
-Lack of side quests, with a few exceptions the side quests were completely replaced by tedious fetch quests which don't even include dialogue, you just overhear people talking and get their stuff.

-Removal of character control and neutral dialogue. Not much to add here, Shepard keeps talking without you ever choosing a dialogue option, sometimes he says stuff you don't want him to. And on top of that they completely removed the neutral options and force you to choose paragon or renegade options which are often polar opposites, there needs to be a middle ground.

-Unsatisfying combat. Maybe I'm biased here because the single playthrough I did was on Insanity but the combat wasn't fun, I felt like I was unloading clip after clip into HP sponges, the combat with the standard troops was ok, but anything above that bored me to tears.

And the most personal one for me:
We have to fight Cerberus, I supported Cerberus in ME2, I thought of them as a necessary (minor)evil which we needed to defeat the big bad Reapers they had serious potential as a morally grey faction only to have BioWare turn them into the Masss Effect equivalent of Team Rocket in ME3... It's just terrible.


New member
Sep 6, 2009
It was good, not great, but o.k.

The decision to change the story for the third game could have been handled better, it was like only the minimal amount of thought was put in to it.

Most of the game was fun, Mordin's death was well done, but Legion? The "how" and "why" confuse me, how is direct dissemination any different from direct upload? His came off as meaningless.

For me, the ending, it wasn't so much as being talked down to by Glowbrat, it was that the choices rendered all the suffering, sacrifice and moral dilemmas experienced up until that point; Obsolete.


New member
Jul 19, 2011
People like to focus on the negative on the internet, save for a few sane sites. I still say "Mass Effect 3" was great, even with the ending. It's like everyone was expecting every single storyline you ever experienced in the entire series was going to converge and tie up neatly at the END (much like Hollywood movies do, and Hollywood is complete garbage), but instead we spent most of the game WRAPPING UP THOSE STORYLINES. People were massively complaining about BioWare not finishing all those little subplots we had along the way of the adventure at the end, when in reality, they were all finished DURING the actual game.

As for the end, I think the Indoctrination Theory is the perfect and most obvious answer, but is just being held in our face like a carrot on a string to keep people debating over it, thus letting E.A. come out with controversial D.L.C., hence making more money from those that are obsessed with proving the theory, or busting it. That's just E.A. being an asshole and trying to milk the franchise for every last penny, which is why I have boycotted E.A., not BioWare. If BioWare ever sees the light and breaks away from E.A., I will happily purchase another game from them.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
Newby_Newb said:
To be honest, I found all of Mass Effect 3 to be huge letdown.

Even without the bad ending, I don't think that it deserves any GOTY awards.
^This. The ending was just so incredibly bad that it got all of the attention, it doesn't make the rest of the game good. The fact that the taced on multi-player is the best part of the game says a lot.