why do people get so hyped for dual weilding

Kit Fox

New member
Mar 29, 2009
Because if you could dual weild retarded weapons like bazooka's I think its would be over the top awesome

Ace of Spades

New member
Jul 12, 2008
tpizle said:
im not saying it doesnt look cool what im saying is how does it make the game better than it was with one gun
It's really just there because it looks cool. I had fun dual wielding needlers in the short time I spent playing Halo 2.


New member
Oct 10, 2008
Let me put it this way. I'm holding a desert eagle. I already look pretty awesome. Now I'm holding TWO desert eagles. I just got twice as deadly(disclaimer: at close range).

It's a basic principal: Badass + Badass = 2xBadass

Now to take the question seriously, it's just for looks. Sometimes it can actually be useful too(if you are dual wielding two guns that have drastically different uses then you're ready for either situation).


Elite Member
Nov 6, 2008
Because you can do twice as much damage. I mean, take Left 4 Dead for example. If I couldn't dual wield, then there would be no way I could have gotten Akimbo on expert.


New member
Jul 15, 2009
two weapons. double carnage! oh just had an awesome thought.

dual wielding sniper rifles.

lie on the floor, a rifle on each eye, cross your eyes and shoot with both!
go on, develepors, put that on the box blurb, i dares you...


New member
Jul 11, 2008
Because way back in the original Unreal Tournament you could dual wield enforcers. Those things were so accurate and fired fast enough that it really just felt sexy awesome to use them. Others game designers saw that and tried to mimic it, but never quite got back to that level of awasome. The Dual enforcers from UT are still the funnest dual wield I've ever come across.

And cuz two metaphorical penis extensions are better than one.


Gone Gonzo ..... no ..... wait..
Jun 18, 2009
SakSak said:
obex said:
two swords one legend, Iceingdeath and Twinkle you all know who im talking about

One prob- Four problems with this:

A) He is an elf.

B) He has spent most of his life mastering that two-handed fighting style

C) He is naturally ambidextrous.

D)He could throw something like a dozen coins per hand into the air (by flicking his fingers, so not that high) and catch them all before they hit the ground the first time he did it as a child. And he did it without really trying all that hard.

Drizzt is, in essence, a natural two-handed expert with almost superhuman reflexes, hand-eye co-ordination and speed with hands. Even the Drow considered him a natural expert and that training him as anything other than a warrior would have been a colossal waste of talent. And they are fricking Dark Elves.

So no dual wielding for us mere humans, specially not with firearms, if you want to hit something other than yourself.


2 lots of guns one legend you know who im talking about



New member
Apr 3, 2008
The_ModeRazor said:
I'm not even sure you're from this planet.
OT: because it's fuckin' awesome. And looks totally badass. That's rather obvious isn't it?
this ^^


New member
Aug 29, 2009
i'll take a well ballanced assault rifle over dual-wielding any day of the year, but i'm just weird...


New member
Oct 5, 2008
Dual wielding is absolutely retared in real life: you can't control the recoil of either weapon or use the iron sights of both weapons.

To all the people saying 2 pistols = 2X the rate of fire = 2X the power you are wrong. The biggest limitation on how fast you can fire off effective shots is how well you can control the recoil to keep the gun on target, not how many guns you have. If you're controlling the recoil properly, you can fire effective shots real fast and because you can keep the gun on the target, and holding one pistol properly will always give you better control of the gun.


This is an example of a dual wielder [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nY41ko_LAZw].

This is an example of a speed shooter [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJ5Pts9dUdA] - he knows what he's doing so he uses one gun held properly and is not only more accurate but he can fire faster because he can control the gun.

In a semi realistic game like MW2 it's just stupid.


New member
Jan 4, 2009
Kajin said:
WhiteTiger225 said:
Heres the problem with bringing up terrain. It is NOT because it rendered the swords useless, a sword was just as good at stabbing as anything else and can still out range your knife, while still being able to parry said knife swing while injuring your arm in the process. Why the legionaires lost was due to a few factors
1. Unfamiliarity of terrain.
2. Untrained in fighting in such terrain
3. Forest terrain rendered their team tactics and strategies moot.

I bet you out of all the enemies that routed the legionaires, only 1-2 of them who could afford better used a knife of any kind. A short sword at the least. Forests really arent as dense tree wise as you might think. Underbrush is a ***** yes, but not as many new trees grow as the forest gets thicker. Why? Because the canopy the trees form prevent the much needed sunlight from fully nourishing new seedlings. And again, you bring no point up that promotes the use of actual evidence of dual wielding being effective. Heck, you even negated by yourself one upside to using a single knife in battle, let alone 2. A narrow hallway is a killing field for short ranged and unshielded soldiers, why? Because as you said, we can only stab. But with spearmen down that hall, what good is your dinky little dagger going to do in terms of getting up close to the spearmen or swordsmen who has a 4 foot reach and doing a killing blow. Since you have a knife you obviously won't be too well armored, and the most chainmail would do (what soldiers normally wore for metal type armor) is help prevent the blow from going through you, a killing lbow would still be very easy, and possible with you outranged and forced into a narrow hallway.
Yeah, pretty much the only advantage to a knife is it's ability to remain hidden. Damn you and your logic! Gah! It burns us!

The only anime I've ever watched that implemented dual wielding was one piece and if anyone ever used that show as a basis for how the real world worked I'd lose every ounce of faith I have left in humanity. I've also never played assassins creed, so nyah to your bad self
I was sleeping, excuse me. :)

Here's a thread about common weapon stereotypes, extremely interesting:


New member
Jun 28, 2009
MaxTheReaper said:
I've yet to see someone wet themselves over the ability to hold two guns at once.

And it usually comes at an accuracy penalty anyway, so I don't see the allure.
I wet myself at the new multiplayer trailer... if only you were there, then you could say "Hey, I once saw a guy wet himself over a trailer!"