Why do people hate Oblivion,Fallout and maybe other Bethesda games


New member
Oct 12, 2010
Buggy and a some people don't like Bethesdas blend of RPG and FPS gameplay. I don't either. They won't descend into the hate category while they remain moddable, the tools could use some work though.
Aug 17, 2009
It's one of the rules of the Internet: Whenever a piece is written outside of the core of a fandom, there's a 70/30 balance of people who disagree with the piece commenting to people who agree. The kind of comments you read aren't indicative of the actual amount of people who agree or disagree.

There are legitimate grievances, no doubt, but you're far more likely to see someone disagree with a piece of coverage than agree, and since almost every bit of coverage Bethesda games get is positive, the people who don't like the product make their voices louder.

Herr Uhl

New member
Sep 25, 2010
Letdown on the part of previous fans for the most part.

As for Oblivion, the horribly implemented level scaling and uninteresting and badly acted (with a few exceptions) NPCs.

Fallout 3 was just empty. What I remember from previous games are the good characters, what I remember from FO3 is the grey and the green. And a main story that is about as interesting as staring into your bellybutton.

Did I hate either? No. Did I raise them to the skies as the best games ever made? A no to that too.


New member
Aug 7, 2009
I personally didn't like Oblivion, at all. I thought it was boring, badly paced and badly designed. My reasoning:

- the combat is stiff and lacks the feeling of impact. You don't feel like you're actually hitting an enemy. Which is really important in a P.O.V. game in this genre. Add that the combat usually had very straight forward mechanics. Beat someone untill he dies, blocking looked cool but was rarely worth it and most enemies never gave a challenge.

- the leveling system. It was okay, but the scaling system really destroyed it. Your first character was doomed to fail and would have a hard time killing rats. It also took away the feeling of becoming stronger. You never felt improved.

- presentation as a whole. There were, what, 3 voice actors? To add insult to injury, they weren't really great voiceactors either. The music was decent. The graphics were good at the time but didn't hold up over the years. The interface was terrible as well, with tons of submenus that didn't have a reason for existing. The artdesign wasn't all that great either. Everything looked quite generic, there wasn't really an area at all or enemy that made you think "wow! never seen that before".

- the gliches. You can't bash these games without naming the glitches. I don't understand how this game is allowed to have a ton of them, but when Dark Souls has one glitch people cry foul. I remember booting Oblivion back in the day, launch day, and could barely get it to work. And when it did most quests didn't work, at all. Add crashes and quests that never work (such as the cure-vampirism on the consoles) and you've got a buggy game.

- the quests. Most of them were the typical snatch and grab or snatch and kill missions. Granted, a few were very interesting.

- quicktravel. I know it's a handy, but giving it from the getgo, kind of ruined it. Why would I travel by horse if I can go there in 1 second.

- the story. I could probably think up a better more interesting story in 5 minutes then this right here. And i'm a terrible writer.

- the oblivion gates. The first one was awesome, the latter ones made me cry. Reused for the win?

Seriously, the closer we are to Skyrim's launch I'm more and more tempted to make a topic like this, except backwards. "Why does everyone love Oblivion so much"?

Right Hook

New member
May 29, 2011
TrilbyWill said:
i dont think ive ever heard anyone say they hate Oblivion. they complain about bugs, but i dont think they write off the entire game as a steaming pile of horse shit's crap.
Yeah they do, it's really annoying.
Jul 29, 2011
I think the worlds they make lack adaptebility to the player and consistency. Like when I come back to Vault 101 dressed up in a powerarmour, a semi-auto shotgun and at my side stands Star Paladin Cross, and the asshole that took controll of the vault threatens to kick my butt with his jeans over-alls and hunting rifle. I thought to myself "Really, that's your response to my, at first, diplomatic aproach?" It ended in a bloodbath ofcource, by Cross killed all the people so did'nt loose any karma points.

In oblivion it's consistency that is the main problem. All the guards are by default telepathically connected to each other. If you get busted for stealing or killing someone you cant lay low in another region. Pluss if an NPC is busted it's insta DEATH PENALTY!

New Vegas was just litted with invisible walls, and that annoys the crap out of me. It makes the wasetland sandbox feel more like a broken wasteland elevator.

Other than that I have spent more time on theses games than I should, for they look good and the things that do work, work so very well!


Ego extravaganza
Aug 10, 2008
I'm a passionate hater of all bethesda games, simply due to the fact they're all First person games. I find first person games impossible to immerse in. Also, the characters are one-dimensional, the story is uninteresting, the gams are nigh unplayable unmodded (even fans seem to admit this) and it doesn't matter how huge of a world it is, if it's filled with boredom, I ain't exploring it.

Lord Quirk

New member
Aug 15, 2011
I dislike them because of all the bloody micromanaging you have to do! (I've only played fallout 3/nv, perhaps Skyrim is different, i dunno). I also am angry with all the bugs.
Dec 14, 2009
Caramel Frappe said:
Daystar Clarion said:
They may be buggy, but Bethesda games are some of my favourite around.


[HEADING=2]Holy shit! 5 days until Skyrim![/HEADING]
Dude, did you buy a calendar just so you can keep track of how many days are left of Skyrim? That's what I did and I keep getting more and more excited! W00T!

OT: Mainly what I dislike about Oblivion, Fallout and some other Bethesda games is that they make you want the DLCs to the game. There are so many, that by the time you purchase them all- you're paying over more then the cost of the game itself. A temptation I will try to avoid but for Skyrim... I am ready to take any DLC off the market and download it! :D
[HEADING=2]Holy shit! Yes I did![/HEADING]

I think I'm going to have a stroke.


New member
Jan 27, 2010
Personally, I don't like the elder scrolls games because they are as one friend of mine called them: "A huge, wandering around, steaming pile of shit". I pretty much agree with that. Bethesda has managed to make a series of games that takes all the fun out of exploration and replaced it with virtual miles of bland landscape before finding something remotely interesting.
They always seem to involve(lately anyhow) notable actors for roles that last like 10 minutes. Patrick Stewart lasted about that long. Technically, Liam Neeson lasted longer but his total in game time was about that. I don't know if new vegas had one or not and nor do I know if Sean Bean lasted through oblivion but honestly, I don't really care that much. The games just aren't that fun to me


New member
May 19, 2008
To be blunt, the Elder Scrolls series (and Fallout 3) tries to be too many things at once. It wants to be a mage game, a stealth game, a fighting simulator, a epic RPG, a FPS and a whole lot of other things at once.
I play the games because I admire their ambition. I get tired of playing them because so far, Bethesda has failed to deliver what they claim to do. But I want them to keep trying, because it's still better than them just giving up and making Generic Shooter XIII instead.


New member
Jul 4, 2009
Oblivion was generic. The setting just felt boring compared to Morrowind. They also dumbed down the game quite a bit from morrowind as well which isn't that bad but the writing wasn't all that great either. The graphics were also horendously ugly, not bad, but just ugly. All the characters in the game looked like aliens and every single dungeon in the game looked exactly the same.

Fallout 3 is a good game, just a shitty Fallout. Fallout 1 and 2 was great. They had awesome writing and you had to think about what stats to use. You can easily max out your character in FO3 so it took away all the thrill of leveling up.


New member
Jul 17, 2011
Neverhoodian said:
- Potential game-breaking bugs and glitches. I remember accidentally getting my character stuck in a wall once when playing Morrowind. I was forced to reload my last save and lost approximately three hours' worth of progress. I've learned to implement the tried and true "save early and save often" axiom when playing Bethesda games.

- Wonky combat. Morrowind is perhaps one of the most egregious offenders, with its simulated dice rolls that have you miss 9 out of 10 swings with a weapon you aren't proficient at. Oblivion improved on it somewhat, but it still largely consists of hyperactive mouse clicking. As for Fallout, generally the best approach to combat is lining up a bunch of headshots over and over again using V.A.T.S.

- Lackluster story. When you boil it down, most plots of Bethesda games are "a great peril threatens the land, and you're the only one that can defeat it."

- Awkward implementation of NPCs. They typically only have a handful of voice actors and repeat many of the same lines. They also have a tendency to stare at the player constantly, giving them a creepy vibe. Then there's the issue of psychic guards in the Elder Scroll games that are more than happy to chop you up into bloody little chunks because you tried to steal someone's napkin.
EvilPicnic said:
a) I like a plot I can sink my teeth into

b) Lacklustre characterisation of npcs. Coupled with poor voice acting and strange faces I found it difficult to identify with any of them. I think the only one I can remember now is Martin.

c) A 'standard' fantasy setting that boiled down to lots of bland wooden towns with forests inbetween. I read/watch/play a lot of fantasy and am pretty bored of that setting by now.

d) Little variety in the dungeons. Hello generic cave #20, Hi Oblivion gate #15!

e) A combat system that basically comes down to clicking the mouse a lot, with very little feedback on whether you've connected. I like my fighting to either be more visceral, or more tactical

f) A messed up item levelling system. You spend hours questing to get an awesome sword and armour. Then you level up and suddenly every single bandit gets your ideal loadout. It spoils the fun of questing for something when it becomes so common, so quickly.
Those two posts sum it up pretty nicely. Oblivion comes off as a boringly stiff piece of wood in gameplay, story, characters, and environment. I'd vastly prefer a smaller game with good gameplay then a large game with the worst gameplay ever.


New member
Jun 30, 2009
well all of their games have been buggy but they have all been pretty decent. i think that oblivion is a great game with lots of, no you know what stroke that last part out, SHITLOADS of stuff to do, but after like 30 hours it started to become just dull. i mean, the dark brother hood and theives guild's quests was fucking awesome but everyone else's was just a rewriting of 1. go here
2. kill this guy(s)
3. grab this and that
4. return
on the other hand, the dark brother hood quest "party stopper" (you know, kill all guests and etc) was one of the best quests i have ever done, after theif and hitman and etc of course.
i hope skyrim will change much, otherwise we can call bethseda ignorant idiots who cannot learn from critizizm, that meaning YOUR GAMES HAS BUGS UP IT'S ARSE, PATCH 'EM.


New member
Jun 30, 2009
EvilPicnic said:
a) I like a plot I can sink my teeth into

b) Lacklustre characterisation of npcs. Coupled with poor voice acting and strange faces I found it difficult to identify with any of them. I think the only one I can remember now is Martin.

c) A 'standard' fantasy setting that boiled down to lots of bland wooden towns with forests inbetween. I read/watch/play a lot of fantasy and am pretty bored of that setting by now.

d) Little variety in the dungeons. Hello generic cave #20, Hi Oblivion gate #15!

e) A combat system that basically comes down to clicking the mouse a lot, with very little feedback on whether you've connected. I like my fighting to either be more visceral, or more tactical

f) A messed up item levelling system. You spend hours questing to get an awesome sword and armour. Then you level up and suddenly every single bandit gets your ideal loadout. It spoils the fun of questing for something when it becomes so common, so quickly.
QUOTE Those two posts sum it up pretty nicely. Oblivion comes off as a boringly stiff piece of wood in gameplay, story, characters, and environment. I'd vastly prefer a smaller game with good gameplay then a large game with the worst gameplay ever. QUOTE

this, pretty much. my most agree'd thing is the caves and no experience system. i have nothing against leveling skills (sneak, armor, blade, blunt, you catch the drift) but leveling them to level up.... just no.
and CTRL+V CTRL+C caves should all be deleted, really.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
DaemonicShadow said:
Apart from being made on Bethesda's engine with Bethesda's licensing and Bethesda's publishing? Na, they weren't involved at all.
Licensing/publishing =/= developing.

Also, I never said they weren't involved, just that they didn't make it...which they didn't.

New Vegas looked dated,
I don't care about graphics, as long as everything doesn't look like a piece of mud thrown at a computer screen I'm fine.

had a storyline that was about as immersive as a goldfish
I disagree, I find political storylines very interesting, and the back story of Caesar and other characters was also very interesting. Not to mention all of the other stories to be found, and the DLCs too.

and had none of the post-apocalyptic feel that made me enjoy Fallout 3. It was dreadful.
Please point out the part when Obsidian said they were trying to make it like Fallout 3. If they were trying to make it like F3 then they wouldn't have set the game in Nevada. Also, J. E. Sawyer even said they were going for a post-post-apocalytpic feel.

If you were hoping for the game to be similar to F3 in feel then you weren't paying attention.


New member
Oct 22, 2009
Although I'm certainly not a Bethesda hater, I enjoyed WET for instance, I didn't care for Oblivion (whole lot of nothing) and hated Fallout 3 because of the lousy story, the godawful dialogue, the lack of verisimilitude and, most of all, for the fact that Bethesda had no idea what Fallout was about.


New member
Apr 7, 2011
Daystar Clarion said:
They may be buggy, but Bethesda games are some of my favourite around.


[HEADING=2]Holy shit! 5 days until Skyrim![/HEADING]
3 days and 7 hours for me
gogo australia timezone