Serge Drago post=18.73968.817700 said:
You're right this thread is about Obama. If you want to leave his connections with people that lock others into a church and set fire to it out of the equation than be my guest. The fact still remains that Obama has a few, less than commendable people surrounding him. But to say I have no case at all against this Marxist is idiotic. Obama wants to raise taxes on the very people that make jobs in this country. When the cost of business goes up the owners decide to cut their costs and the people in their employ are just another business expense on the balance sheet. Obama's policies, if accepted by a potentially liberal congress, will cost jobs across the board.
Uh...did Raila Odinga himself lock people up in a church and burn them? Did he sanction it? What evidence do you have of any of this? Oh, none? Of course not, because that would be logical. And even if you had a photograph of Odinga burning the people himself, does that mean that Obama - who met the man a few times at most - supported those actions? I am certain that if such evidence had emerged, the visit would've went quite differently.
John McCain honors and respects G. Gordon Liddy, Watergate conspirator, and a man who in recent years has said on his radio show that federal agents should be shot in the head. Should we hold McCain accountable for his associations with Liddy? I don't support McCain, but I'm not making this case, either, because it's ABSURD.
Funny how after a quick and nonsensical statement, you abandon your case for Obama's associations, then move on to other "reasons" you don't support him. You make a few more statements out of hand, with no basis in fact, and with a clear misunderstanding of policy. Then you call him a Marxist. Do you even know what a Marxist is? Have you ever read the Manifesto? Probably not. To even call Obama a socialist would be inaccurate, but it'd be a lot closer than communist, which is what you are calling him. You are one ridiculous individual.
Who knows what your real reasons are for being against Obama, but what is clear is that you are going to be against him regardless of what the facts are. That makes you ignorant, and also someone that no one with any sense should be listening to...
Obama is not perfect. He has and will continue to make mistakes. But as for a reason - to the original poster - for why we can vote for him in spite of those mistakes, is because HE acknowledges mistakes he has made, and his own CAPACITY for making mistakes. He, in turn, would LISTEN to those who disagree with him. That is an admirable quality.