Why does Rape exist?

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
SaneAmongInsane said:
canadamus_prime said:
iblis666 said:
rape is a evolutionary accepted form of passing on ones genes that in many humans has been perverted into something less about procreation and more about dominance(though truth be told i dont understand the dominance motivation but i do understand the motivation to pass on genes)
No it is not! Rape is not about mating. For mating to work properly both parties, the male and the female, have to be willing participants. That's why most other species, esp. other mammals, have elaborate mating and courtship routines. If it was simply a matter of picking a female a boinking her, whether she wanted you to or not, those afor mentioned routines wouldn't be present.
Plenty of species of animals aren't like that. Some even kill the other afterwards.

It's probably a left over of our genetics from when we were feral, a need to keep the status quo. Rape/Racism/Murder happens when people can't rise about their primal instincts.
I've only heard of a few species of insect that do that and even then it's typically the female killing the male. However if you want to admit that the human race is no better than insects be my guest, I won't argue with you.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Clockworkjester1295 said:
anyway, rape seems to be something that will just happen, whether it be psychological or just stupidity or scumminess. One controversial view ive held on to my whole life is that the death penalty in Australia should come back, especially for rapists. Some people were given life and exploited their chance (rapists) so i think its only fair they have their life taken from them too. They are worse than murderers in my opinion.
Two problems with that...firstly, it's at least in part the usual knee jerk reaction to not being able to convict enough people, to punish the ones you do convict more seriously. Though, this is more a concern when dealing with lesser crimes, not such an issue here.

Secondly, if you increase the punishment for rapists to close (or in this case, beyond) that of murderers, then they may as well kill the victim afterwards...nothing to lose, and it might help prevent them being convicted.

In general, I don't disagree, though.

Although, given that 1 in 3 women worldwide are raped ("only" about half that in civilised nations)...well, if you're average rapist rapes 10 women each, that makes something like 1 in 30 men are rapists. That's a major demographic, works out at more than 100 million men worldwide.

Killing off all the rapists would mean killing more people than the second world war...or none whatsoever, depending on your point of view.

It also means that you go past dozens of rapists every day on your way to work/school.


New member
Aug 22, 2010
MasochisticMuse said:
I want to make something very clear,

Rape is not about sex.
Never a truer word spoken.

MasochisticMuse said:
-How many sexual partners have you had
-Are you a prostitute
-Have you ever engaged in consensual intercourse with the accused
-Did you agree to meet with the accused on the night of the crime
-Were you drinking the night of the crime
-I was under the impression that this question is no longer allowed as evidence in rape trials.

-A fair question if she is one, but ultimately irrelevant to the matter at hand (or it should be)

-This is where shit gets tricky, cos that sounds like the first question any defence lawyer with half a brain is going to ask. Especially since a good majority of rapes are committed by someone the victim knows.

-Even if they did, its unlikely that they thought they would be at risk of a serious assault and is therefor just a fishing trip. Objection sustained.

-Sadly, this too is not an unfair question. The presence of freely imbibed alcohol changes the ball game considerably.

MasochisticMuse said:
You do not deserve to be raped for having enjoyed consensual sex with multiple partners in the past.

You do not deserve to be raped for dressing provocatively.

You do not deserve to be raped for drinking at parties.
Correct a thousand times over; this needs shouting from the highest possible mountain top with regularity.

MasochisticMuse said:
And yet, if a woman has done any of these things, suddenly it's not such a crime to rape her. Suddenly "she was asking for it" and even though it was the rapist that made the conscious decision to rape, to violently attack another human being, suddenly it's not his fault because the victim failed to take the necessary precautions to avoid getting raped. And so the rapist almost invariably walks free.
A sad state of affairs that boils my blood, believe me.

OT: lets distill it down shall we chaps.

Rape is a power trip. Ask any police officer who's a part of rape squads, sex is almost never a motivation. It is a vile desecration of your sanctity as a human being and the most vicious kind of assault that can occur.


New member
Feb 24, 2010
EmperorSubcutaneous said:
katsumoto03 said:
EmperorSubcutaneous said:
katsumoto03 said:
AccursedTheory said:
katsumoto03 said:
AccursedTheory said:
Rape is a crime of dominance.

For the most part, it has nothing to do with sex.

I'm surprised so many Escapist don't know that.
Yeah, it's odd to see how many people think it's about the sex and nothing else.
It's actually getting to the point of sickening me.

Yeah. It's a problem that's not even exclusive to this. You know, the mindset that Rape is all about the sex, depression is when you're feeling bummed, ect.

Ignorant people will be ignorant, I guess.
At least it proves that they're mentally stable enough that they can't grasp the real reason? Maybe? I guess?
Wait, so you're saying that only mentally unstable people can understand rape?

That's... Flawed logic, to say the least.
That's absolutely not what I was saying. I was agreeing with you and just trying to find a possible positive in the common belief that rape is about sex.

Just figuring that maybe their thought process goes something like "Well, I have sex with people because I have sexual urges and because I find those people attractive. I guess that's what rapists do too."

I always look for positives in things, and it seems to get me into trouble more often than not...
Oh, sorry about that. I misunderstood.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Because they can't control their sexual desires? It's imprinted into our DNA so some people may be unfortunate enough to get the wrong ideas.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
AccursedTheory said:
Rape is a crime of dominance.

For the most part, it has nothing to do with sex.

I'm surprised so many Escapist don't know that.
I actually learned that my freshman year of college in Psych class.

Rape rarely has anything to do with actual propegation, in fact there are more rapes where the victim is killed afterwards. Rape can be seen as either a means of punishment and/or humiliation, and even just plain sadists who get their kicks from hurting the victim.

there are some sick fuckers, IMO...


New member
Aug 20, 2009
because people cant control their libido (the only way too get rid of rape is if all men would cut of their balls but that would end up making humans extinct)


New member
Sep 30, 2010
Because people like having power, and people like sex. Some people are assholes, and get power by abusing sex.

Why is this a question...?


New member
May 26, 2010
If you take any first year biology course, you'll learn why. The most successful individuals are the ones who mate and reproduce. And since rape is VERY likely to lead to you producing offspring, any genes associated with rape (such as ones controlling aggression and sexual desire) will be selected for. It sounds terrible, but way back thousands of years ago, you could have had great success producing offspring by raping women...


Sep 9, 2010
canadamus_prime said:
SaneAmongInsane said:
canadamus_prime said:
iblis666 said:
rape is a evolutionary accepted form of passing on ones genes that in many humans has been perverted into something less about procreation and more about dominance(though truth be told i dont understand the dominance motivation but i do understand the motivation to pass on genes)
No it is not! Rape is not about mating. For mating to work properly both parties, the male and the female, have to be willing participants. That's why most other species, esp. other mammals, have elaborate mating and courtship routines. If it was simply a matter of picking a female a boinking her, whether she wanted you to or not, those afor mentioned routines wouldn't be present.
Plenty of species of animals aren't like that. Some even kill the other afterwards.

It's probably a left over of our genetics from when we were feral, a need to keep the status quo. Rape/Racism/Murder happens when people can't rise about their primal instincts.
I've only heard of a few species of insect that do that and even then it's typically the female killing the male. However if you want to admit that the human race is no better than insects be my guest, I won't argue with you.
Same. Though Dolphins have been known to rape human women, according to a quick google search.

Only thing that makes the human race special is that we're capable of rising above our primal instincts.


Night Angel
Jan 8, 2009
It exists because an individual was brought up in an environment that forced or encouraged them to abandon empathy as a means of physical or mental survival which in turn allows said individual to commit acts that have no regard for its effect on others.


New member
Feb 12, 2011
marblemadness said:
If you take any first year biology course, you'll learn why. The most successful individuals are the ones who mate and reproduce. And since rape is VERY likely to lead to you producing offspring, any genes associated with rape (such as ones controlling aggression and sexual desire) will be selected for. It sounds terrible, but way back thousands of years ago, you could have had great success producing offspring by raping women...
^ +1

Not so much first year bio at my university, but the point stands nonetheless.

Also, for pretty much all sexually-reproducing organisms, males which have no reproductive success (i.e. can't get chicks of their own) are left with "forced mating" (the fancy academic way of saying "rape") as the only manner by which their genes will be passed on, and selection favors males who participate in this strategy just about as much as those who mate with a consensual female. Evolution doesn't discriminate how you pass on your genes, just how well.
If life were a game which has many rounds (generations), and sex allows you to continue to the next round, consider rape as a valid form of cheating/circumventing the rules (of course I don't condone it morally or anything).

Edit: Also, (responding to Qmonster) I write my post here as "males rape females" since it's much more common, but females can do it too, sure.

Super Edit: Super also, any animal behavior (humans being animals, too) can have multiple reasons and origins, so the dominance thing isn't out of the question. But I think I either prefer the biological/evolutionary answer or it's more true than the psychological alone - I'm far too tired to figure it out though. Maybe I'll hyper edit in a thought later.


The Cerulean Prince
Nov 5, 2008
Rem45 said:
quantumsoul said:
There is a kind of rodent(I forget the name of the species) that once it reaches puberty, rapes all females he can until he dies of exhaustion. Oh and some kinds of ducks gang rape as well. So evolutionarily it exists. At least for animals that lack complex social groups.

It's not the norm for humans because we live in social groups and protect those that are close to us. I doubt prehistoric humans committed rape either. They were social too. It only happens if someone thinks they can get away with it.

Most rapes are caused by those close to the victim.
Its a matter of people not having self control.
Also, it really pisses me off when people joke about it. So many people are raped, I know two people, as yet others think its okay to just use it as a joke.
I'm going to quote the great George Carlin, "I believe you can joke about anything. It all depends on how you construct the joke. What the exaggeration is. What the exaggeration is. Because every joke needs one exaggeration. Every joke needs one thing to be way out of proportion."

It also depends on the context. Would I go up to someone who if I knew they were still dealing with a majority of that baggage and tell them a rape joke? No. There is a time and a place for everything and being smart and having manners is crucial. Does this automatically disqualify rape as a joke subject all of the time? EN-OH.

Now, with this in mind, I'll tell you this: My lover, who I've dated for almost three years now and is also a 20 year-old college student, was raped as a child a year or so before hitting puberty. Has she had to deal with that emotional baggage? Yes, she has. A lot of it, too. Have I helped her with some of said emotional baggage? Yes. Does she also make rape jokes? Yes, all of the bloody damn time. Do I laugh? Hell yes, I do. They're funny and if they're funny, I'm going to laugh. Do I tell her rape jokes, too? Yes. Does she hate me at all? No. Does she call me insensitive? No. Does she genuinely laugh at my jokes? Yes, just as I do at hers.

Now, as much as I hate absolutes and extremes, either everything can be aimed for to be a joke or nothing can be. You don't get to pick and choose which are or aren't suitable for joke material.

So, yes. You may know two people who have been raped, but I'm in love with someone who has been who thinks it's perfectly fine to use rape as a subject to joke about because she jokes about anything and everything and because she is smart enough to realize that a joke, whether it may be funny or unfunny, is simply that: a joke.

OT: Rape is, more often than not, about dominance. Sure, there are other reasons, but those are usually the oddball cases. This is backed by years of countless studies of rapists done by psychologists.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Clockworkjester1295 said:
A more important question perhaps, why do rapists exist? sure rape is embedded in our prehistoric instincts, but we are no longer Neanderthals and rape is never justified. Rapists exist soley to ruin lives, and more importantly to give us something to shoot at.
I have a few close friends who are female rape victims, and because of their experiences they have developed issues with trusting males. From being so close to people who have firsthand experienced rape, and seeing their lives ruined, i have developed an extremely hostile attitude towards rape in any form. I believe pornography is one influence, and i actively protest against it, i could explain why, but i dont want to write a novel here, the short of it is, i think people see rape fantasies in pornography and think its "cool" or "fun" whatever. I also think its mostly a male problem, i go to an all boy secondary school and the amount of sexism towards females i see each and every day, is appalling. Kids looking up to people like Charlie Sheen and Tiger Woods, overhearing conversations like "Tiger Woods cheated on his wife with tons of chicks why is he in trouble? i think hes a legend!" hearing shit like that really brings my piss to a boil, coming from kids so young who will grow up with attitudes believing that women are there as entertainment and dont have needs of their own, the attitudes displayed by many celebrities that are being looked up at by kids, the problem also seems to be the amount of sexism and male chauvanism in todays society. I try to be a gentleman like my grandfather, who always told me a real man would never yell at a woman let alone hit one, and whenever he watched the news, or read the newspaper, if he ever saw a rape story, he would often show me and say something along the lines of "see that man? hes a rapist, hes not a man, hes a maggot, dont you EVER turn out like that!"

Sorry for my life story, but i have a lot to say on this subject, its had a big impact on my life, and the lives of many people close to me. I understand if no one reads it or whatever, it is a bit long :p

anyway, rape seems to be something that will just happen, whether it be psychological or just stupidity or scumminess. One controversial view ive held on to my whole life is that the death penalty in Australia should come back, especially for rapists. Some people were given life and exploited their chance (rapists) so i think its only fair they have their life taken from them too. They are worse than murderers in my opinion.
Im dont think Porn has anyhting to do with it

we had a guy come to our school (all girls school) to talk to us how to avoid rape, he said as everyone else is saying here its not mainly about sex, but power, that your average rapist is not actually some macho man but usually shorter and mabye weak themselfs

also yes objectifiacation and sexualisation of women is present in society but I dont that thats a direct cause of rape, I guessing young men being at the age the whole "having sex with lots of girls" is jsut a common thing, it dosnt nessicarly lead to rape

somones upbringing (and I mean a particually twisted or brutal upbringing) and mental state I think are what causes rape