Why don't YOU have Skyrim?


New member
Nov 22, 2007
For the same reason I don't play Minecraft. They are both objective-less time sinks.

Now before everyone gets on my ass about it... Sure Skyrim does have a story, and quests and objectives and all that happy horseshit. But if you plow straight through that you end up with the sort of empty feeling that you've missed most of the game because you wanted to see the plot.

On the other side of that coin: The second you stop paying attention to the story and go off on your own you get so bogged down in side quests and exploration that by the time you're ready to go back to the story line you're so far out of the proverbial loop that you may as well just start the whole damned thing over again to get a rehash on the plot.

Then you have all the crafting and mining and skills that do fuck all for the story line and just exist as an artificial way to inflate playtime and make you think that the game is engaging you just because it's taking you longer to beat. It's not taking longer to beat, tard boy. You're just standing in one spot longer and watching an animation of some asshole swinging a pickaxe to obtain ore that you're NEVER going to use because it's too heavy to carry around.

Then there the skill trees. I watched a friend of mine start the game over 6 times because he had (in his words, not mine) "fucked up my skills and got stuck." And that got me to thinking that if one of the top selling points of this game was user-chosen level progression paths, then they fucked that up royally. If you can get irrevocably trapped someplace because you lack the skills to free yourself then they are locking you into doing things their way anyway and all their customization options are just for show. Sure, it offers a level of realism to in-game situations based on your skills, but to me that seems TOO real. I play video games to escape the harsh reality of the world, not be reminded of it at every turn.

The Elder Scrolls series takes everything I hate about Minecraft and MMOs and rolls them in a little package that they want me to pay $60 US for. Thanks. No.


New member
Mar 18, 2011
Because #1 I don't have enough money for it and #2 I'll be getting it when I have at least 100 hours free xD (Christmas xD)


New member
Aug 22, 2009
Saints row the third, quite simply.

Skyrim had no pre order bonuses, and it being bethesda, I expected that if I got it for christmas, the bugs should be mostly ironed out by the time I start playing.

And quite frankly, as awesome as skyrim probably is, I downright need saints row 3. I was that big a fan of saints row 2 that the thought of not getting saints row 3 on launch is absurd, and I neither have the time or money to buy and play both.


New member
Nov 17, 2011
Just_A_Glitch said:
I have zero interest in the game.

I don't like Bethesda games. At all. They're too open for me. I lose track of what I'm doing and just do fuck all, accomplishing nothing and getting zero satisfaction out of it.

Plus, UMVC3 just came out. Duh.
I didn't like any of the previous Bethesda games due to the crappy game mechanics.
I absolutely love SKYRIM!
You're missing out. BIG time!


New member
Dec 15, 2007
Dirty Hipsters said:
I don't really like the fantasy genre as it stands. There's so much one could do with the fantasy genre, but everyone seems content to just retread what Tolken did over and over again. You have all the same races, and the race dynamics never really change (elves hate dwarves, everyone hates elves because they're snobbish dicks, etc). It's like no one really has any new ideas.

Seriously, I'm just as sick of the fantasy genre as a lot of the people on the escapist as sick of the "modern warfare" genre. The stories change but somehow it's always the same thing with every game.
To be fair, there are no dwarves in Elder Scrolls.

Oh sure, there were, once upon a time, but Morrowind went to a lot of trouble to make sure you knew they were gone and I've never seen them in Oblivion, either.

Speaking of, I don't have Skyrim because I've only recently got a PC capable of running Oblivion, so by the time I get that far down my list of priorities (Portal 2 and Bioshock are much higher) Skyrim might almost be affordable.


New member
May 2, 2011
Because I'm poor and got hooked by the free Diablo III + WoW beta access promotion before I remembered and went "SHIT! Skyrim's coming soon!" and wistfully stared at all the cool kids dual-wielding spells and whatnot. >.>


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
My computer cant properly run it. I do play it on friends computer (he has it).

Don Reba

Bishop and Councilor of War
Jun 2, 2009
jamart said:
So, why don't you have God-in-a-box, I mean, Skyrim yet?
I prefer shorter games that don't leave me feeling like I wasted my time. :)


New member
Apr 24, 2010
rebooted my pc and the video card is misbehaving... I DO have it but I can only play it on minimal settings. Do not want! Getting a new pc as soon as Christmas is over YAY!


Coxa no longer floppin'
Jun 22, 2009
Because I have a MASSIVE backlog of games, I'm not letting myself buy any more until I play them all, Then after Sonic Generations, AC:R I may get Skyrim.
Feb 28, 2008
A few of my reasons:

  • I don't have an Xbox or a sufficiently powerful PC with me at the moment
    I'm not insanely hyped about it like some people-... I may get it, eventually, but I'm not in a "Oh my gosh I'm missing out if I don't get it right NOW" sort of thing. I mean, it's not even like it's multiplayer ...
    I don't have the money
    I don't have the time
    I would play other games if I had the time (Devil May Cry?)
    I would buy other things if I had the money


New member
Sep 6, 2008
Oblivion was horrible, and Skyrim is still expensive.

I'll probably get it when it becomes cheaper, as I did really enjoy fallout 3.


New member
Aug 22, 2010
Because I refuse to pay 60 dollars for ANY game, no matter how full of awesome it is. The line needs to be drawn somewhere, and I've drawn mine.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
I just couldn't care less about the franchise. In the middle of exams, so once I'm done with them I have to start Arkham, UC3, Mario 3D, Skyward Sword. Once all those are done I'll probably try and 100% Barbie in Adventure Pony Land or something before even considering getting Skyrim. Do not see the appeal.


New member
Mar 7, 2010
I have the money.
I have both a relevant console, and a PC capable of playing it on maximum.

Why don't I have it?


That's why.

Plus, I have about 6 other games on my desk, all waiting in line to be played. I'll be damned if some TES is going to jump the queue. And after my experiences in open world games, I just end up arsing around, ignoring the storyline, and seeing just how many attempts it takes to make a building implode with mines, and a sledgehammer (Oh hi Red Faction, didn't see you there)