Why I am not going to buy Mass Effect 3


Itchy Witch
Apr 24, 2011
odanhammer said:
My Question , would everyone be screaming , if this DLC was free. But the game was delayed 2 more months?
I would be screaming. That'd be the 3rd, I think, time they'd delay the game. I know, 3rd time's the charm, but that would be ridiculous.
And for what? Bugboy popsickle?

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
SajuukKhar said:
Zachary Amaranth said:
Key word there being "alternate." It's not like you have to pay 15 bucks to see how the game ends.
I would go one step farther and say its not like you have to pay 15 bucks to see 95% or more of the games endings
Quite likely.

As far as I can tell, you are still getting a full game experience.

Mycroft Holmes

New member
Sep 26, 2011
OT: I could care less about the prothean, I won't be buying ME3 because of Origin. Hopefully at some point in the future they put out a GOTY edition on steam with all the DLC attached so I can finally play it.

Riza said:
I can't be the only one that isn't buying the game because of the bad, and i mean bad design and direction it went in ME2. Collectors...bugs with guns that are better then what technology has developed, boring and long sequences of combat, low challenge gameplay on higher difficulty.

I stopped caring about the game when i got to the part where i had to mow down a ton of weak enemies that are alike to zombies (the human things at start of ME1) to be followed with the game bugging out, i wasn't enjoying it since the collectors started.

Main things that turn me off were high amounts of easy, predictable, no challenge enemies, that take too long to clear.
Yes the enemies that die in about 5 second of sustained fire on insanity mode; take way too long to kill. If only they had stuck to the great ME1 combat that was standing in the open, firing nonstop for 8 minutes to kill a single dude because no one does any damage to each other. With fun enemies who had abilities like, stop you from shooting by overheating your weapon so that the fights take even longer, or use biotic abilities to disable you so that the fights take even longer.

Riza said:
Long uneventful missions that you have to soldier through in order to get a glimpse of the story you are interested in. The way it went from dialogue during missions to 1-liners and 1 conversation after the mission.
What? You have like 4 full on conversations during Miranda, Zaeed and Jacobs respective loyalty missions. Recruiting Garrus there's like 15 different conversations. What do you want Mass Debate Effect?

Riza said:
On the other hand, the dragon age series went from epic, drawn out typical fantasy to a more complex social and political story that i really enjoyed, so there is that to look forward to.
What is this... I can't even.


New member
Sep 2, 2009
I'm not buying it because of origin. No it's not some boycott for the noble cause of fighting corporate injustice or anything stupid like that, I just don't think origin is worth putting up with.


New member
May 28, 2009
endtherapture said:
I am going to buy Mass Effect 3 because I enjoyed the demo and I am looking forward to the conclusion.

If there is all this extra DLC giving new guns, art books etc. etc. I don't really care, I don't have to buy it, I'm not being forced, so I won't buy it.

It doesn't seem any different to Shale DLc or any of the character DLCs for ME2 or DA2 or anything.

Actually those DLC where available to everyone who bought new. This one is only available to those who pre- order the game

Iron Criterion

New member
Feb 4, 2009
Jaric93 said:
I loved Mass Effect, and Mass Effect 2 but after watching this video I have cancelled my pre-order

This kind of thing just goes too far and is the king of money grabbing nonsense I just can't stand. All I ask is that you watch the video and consider the implications.

Edit: The video in short explains that bioware and ea are forcing you to pay for a game changing character those of you who who have played mass effect will realise the significance of this kind of Team-mate.
It is a Prothean
The content is only avalible for those who are willing to fork out for the collectors edition or pay extra for day of release DLC
Look. If you love the Mass Effect series why would you not want to play the conclusion? Especially if you are basing your opinions entirely on speculation?

This Prothean apparently appears in game anyway, you just can't have him as a squad member without the DLC. And I fail to see how he is an important story character, he is the last of his kind from a race that failed to stop The Reapers; at best he can provide more lore and help ensure the Protheans' efforts were not in vain (small consolation). At worst he'll get killed and the Prothean race will be extinct and everything will be status quo.

He isn't going to be a game changer.

Rinshan Kaihou

New member
Dec 3, 2009
I'm not going to read through all 12 pages of this, but I'm going to add my 2c anyway.

Okay you find a live prothean. While this is indeed important to the ME Mythos and codex, it's probably not all that relevant to the rest of the game. The dude has been asleep for 50,000 years, and probably doesn't know that much more about the reapers than you- maybe less. So, for the purposes of Mass Effect 3, I don't think he will be particularly important to the whole "SAVE THE EARTH" thing.

Day-1 DLC doesn't really bother me. If he turns out to be much more substantial than Zaeed or Kasumi, I'll eat my keyboard.

I love Mass Effect enough they could probably include the ebola virus in the box and I would still buy it.


New member
Jul 23, 2009
Coreless said:
8-Bit_Jack said:
Coreless said:
So did you just get into gaming or something? the industry is and always was, about making money...lets me say it again...the industry is and always was, about making money. If this is a problem for you then I think its time to give up gaming because people have been charging for excessive DLC for ages now and I don't see it changing anytime soon.

Go to your collection, look at your games and take out the ones published by EA, Activision and THQ (publishers who really push DLC) and throw them into the garbage or delete their games from your hard drive. If you don't do this, then you are still supporting excessive DLC and its "money grubbing nonsense" and quite frankly I can't take a word your saying seriously. If your going to take a stand because of one game, then you need to take a stand against everyone that does this which is pretty much...most of the industry.
And if enough people were to actually take a stand on one game, particularly one as heavily anticipated as Mass Effect, then that would send a VERY clear message that we are sick of this shit.
Now, you are correct in thinking nothing will come of this, because people like you lack the conviction to do anything about these shameful practices, or worse, don't think anything is wrong with them.

You should feel ashamed
Lmao....lol.....sorry if I don't suddenly drop to the floor to kiss your boots in forgiveness over some stupid DLC. If you really want to take a stand against something that is actually important and make a difference....go join the red cross.
You are forgiven for that, although really, why leave a job unfinished? my boots could REALLY use the cleaning.
The red cross has nothing to do with the conversation. You are just so desperate to prove yourself right that you are trying to throw in a moral argument for your apathy. We arent talking about medical issues, we are talking about economic ones. Sure, some kids in africa are riddled with AIDs, but that has no bearing on the fact that we are being ripped off by the videogame industry as a whole. Guess what, go out, save little African Steve's life, make AIDS go away, bring the african continent out of its deplorable poverty-stricken conditions, and make them just comfortable as us. THEY'RE GONNA BE RIPPED OFF TOO. This topic is exclusively concerned with OUR economic sphere, not how much tuberculosis medicine they have in third-world nations.


New member
Aug 31, 2011
Loop Stricken said:
Coreless said:
The industry is and always was, about making money...lets me say it again...the industry is and always was, about making money.
No shit. I don't mind that, but this move is effectively holding content to ransom.
tendaji said:
Why are we assuming the Protean is going to be a huge importance to the game?
Because he's a Prothean, plain and simple. Without the Protheans we'd effectively have no Mass Effect games.
Protheans aren't that important to the story just one of many species wiped out. Just the most recent. Might as well be an Ewok for all the effect on the game it will have.


New member
Apr 26, 2011
rudolphna said:
Okay you find a live prothean. While this is indeed important to the ME Mythos and codex, it's probably not all that relevant to the rest of the game. The dude has been asleep for 50,000 years, and probably doesn't know that much more about the reapers than you- maybe less. So, for the purposes of Mass Effect 3, I don't think he will be particularly important to the whole "SAVE THE EARTH" thing.
While I agree on the whole 'save the earth' thing, his VO suggest that he is quite a bit more knowledgeable about reapers, but the information may or may not be out of date. I love his comment that 'They used to be smaller, in my time."


New member
Apr 9, 2008
8-Bit_Jack said:
Coreless said:
8-Bit_Jack said:
Coreless said:
So did you just get into gaming or something? the industry is and always was, about making money...lets me say it again...the industry is and always was, about making money. If this is a problem for you then I think its time to give up gaming because people have been charging for excessive DLC for ages now and I don't see it changing anytime soon.

Go to your collection, look at your games and take out the ones published by EA, Activision and THQ (publishers who really push DLC) and throw them into the garbage or delete their games from your hard drive. If you don't do this, then you are still supporting excessive DLC and its "money grubbing nonsense" and quite frankly I can't take a word your saying seriously. If your going to take a stand because of one game, then you need to take a stand against everyone that does this which is pretty much...most of the industry.
And if enough people were to actually take a stand on one game, particularly one as heavily anticipated as Mass Effect, then that would send a VERY clear message that we are sick of this shit.
Now, you are correct in thinking nothing will come of this, because people like you lack the conviction to do anything about these shameful practices, or worse, don't think anything is wrong with them.

You should feel ashamed
Lmao....lol.....sorry if I don't suddenly drop to the floor to kiss your boots in forgiveness over some stupid DLC. If you really want to take a stand against something that is actually important and make a difference....go join the red cross.
You are forgiven for that, although really, why leave a job unfinished? my boots could REALLY use the cleaning.
The red cross has nothing to do with the conversation. You are just so desperate to prove yourself right that you are trying to throw in a moral argument for your apathy. We arent talking about medical issues, we are talking about economic ones. Sure, some kids in africa are riddled with AIDs, but that has no bearing on the fact that we are being ripped off by the videogame industry as a whole. Guess what, go out, save little African Steve's life, make AIDS go away, bring the african continent out of its deplorable poverty-stricken conditions, and make them just comfortable as us. THEY'RE GONNA BE RIPPED OFF TOO. This topic is exclusively concerned with OUR economic sphere, not how much tuberculosis medicine they have in third-world nations.
Yea. That seems to be the latest cop-out since the who over/mis-use of the term "entitlement" got old: there are bigger things to worry about. Yes in the world and yes those things are more concerning but the biggest thing concerning me about the game industry is how the companies are trying more and more aggressive ways to squeeze more cash out of the consumers. But this has already caused many of the consumers to buy less games and not replace broken consoles. This should concern every gamer.
Coreless said:
So did you just get into gaming or something? the industry is and always was, about making money...lets me say it again...the industry is and always was, about making money. If this is a problem for you then I think its time to give up gaming because people have been charging for excessive DLC for ages now and I don't see it changing anytime soon.

Go to your collection, look at your games and take out the ones published by EA, Activision and THQ (publishers who really push DLC) and throw them into the garbage or delete their games from your hard drive. If you don't do this, then you are still supporting excessive DLC and its "money grubbing nonsense" and quite frankly I can't take a word your saying seriously. If your going to take a stand because of one game, then you need to take a stand against everyone that does this which is pretty much...most of the industry.
This seems to be the stance that the game industry is taking: daring us to not buy into their crap.
Well, here's one legitimate consumer who isn't buying into their crap anymore. And there are more and more who are getting fed up. So they better know when to stop because eventually they're going to invest big into something and find that there aren't enough gamers interested anymore.
The gaming industry has obviously taken their actual consumers for granted and that's really going to bight them in the ass. And it may be sooner than you think. Only a few of the ps2 owners I know bought into the current gen of consoles and I know even fewer who plan on getting into the next.


New member
Sep 26, 2010
BaronIveagh said:
rudolphna said:
Okay you find a live prothean. While this is indeed important to the ME Mythos and codex, it's probably not all that relevant to the rest of the game. The dude has been asleep for 50,000 years, and probably doesn't know that much more about the reapers than you- maybe less. So, for the purposes of Mass Effect 3, I don't think he will be particularly important to the whole "SAVE THE EARTH" thing.
While I agree on the whole 'save the earth' thing, his VO suggest that he is quite a bit more knowledgeable about reapers, but the information may or may not be out of date. I love his comment that 'They used to be smaller, in my time."
That "smaller" comment was words a Yagh actually.


New member
Oct 11, 2009
Iron Criterion said:
Jaric93 said:
I loved Mass Effect, and Mass Effect 2 but after watching this video I have cancelled my pre-order

This kind of thing just goes too far and is the king of money grabbing nonsense I just can't stand. All I ask is that you watch the video and consider the implications.

Edit: The video in short explains that bioware and ea are forcing you to pay for a game changing character those of you who who have played mass effect will realise the significance of this kind of Team-mate.
It is a Prothean
The content is only avalible for those who are willing to fork out for the collectors edition or pay extra for day of release DLC
Look. If you love the Mass Effect series why would you not want to play THE CONCUSLION Especially if you are basing your opinions entirely on speculation?
Yes the conclusion to this story line , but not to the mass effect games.


New member
Sep 26, 2010
So i've been reading the bioware social network and apparently people who got one of the space editions of ME3 has confirmed that the Prothean mentioned in the leaked script is actually a Porthean VI.


New member
Sep 26, 2010
defskyoen said:
odanhammer said:
My Question , would everyone be screaming , if this DLC was free. But the game was delayed 2 more months?
Except that what you're saying doesn't make any fucking sense, it's included with every "Complete Edition" of the game that people are ordering and the DLC is even on the disk with a minimal download to unlock it. You have to pay for something that is already on the game disc you bought, lol
You have literally zero evidence the DLC is on the disk in any form.


New member
Jul 23, 2009
GonzoGamer said:
8-Bit_Jack said:
Coreless said:
8-Bit_Jack said:
Coreless said:
So did you just get into gaming or something? the industry is and always was, about making money...lets me say it again...the industry is and always was, about making money. If this is a problem for you then I think its time to give up gaming because people have been charging for excessive DLC for ages now and I don't see it changing anytime soon.

Go to your collection, look at your games and take out the ones published by EA, Activision and THQ (publishers who really push DLC) and throw them into the garbage or delete their games from your hard drive. If you don't do this, then you are still supporting excessive DLC and its "money grubbing nonsense" and quite frankly I can't take a word your saying seriously. If your going to take a stand because of one game, then you need to take a stand against everyone that does this which is pretty much...most of the industry.
And if enough people were to actually take a stand on one game, particularly one as heavily anticipated as Mass Effect, then that would send a VERY clear message that we are sick of this shit.
Now, you are correct in thinking nothing will come of this, because people like you lack the conviction to do anything about these shameful practices, or worse, don't think anything is wrong with them.

You should feel ashamed
Lmao....lol.....sorry if I don't suddenly drop to the floor to kiss your boots in forgiveness over some stupid DLC. If you really want to take a stand against something that is actually important and make a difference....go join the red cross.
You are forgiven for that, although really, why leave a job unfinished? my boots could REALLY use the cleaning.
The red cross has nothing to do with the conversation. You are just so desperate to prove yourself right that you are trying to throw in a moral argument for your apathy. We arent talking about medical issues, we are talking about economic ones. Sure, some kids in africa are riddled with AIDs, but that has no bearing on the fact that we are being ripped off by the videogame industry as a whole. Guess what, go out, save little African Steve's life, make AIDS go away, bring the african continent out of its deplorable poverty-stricken conditions, and make them just comfortable as us. THEY'RE GONNA BE RIPPED OFF TOO. This topic is exclusively concerned with OUR economic sphere, not how much tuberculosis medicine they have in third-world nations.
Yea. That seems to be the latest cop-out since the who over/mis-use of the term "entitlement" got old: there are bigger things to worry about. Yes in the world and yes those things are more concerning but the biggest thing concerning me about the game industry is how the companies are trying more and more aggressive ways to squeeze more cash out of the consumers. But this has already caused many of the consumers to buy less games and not replace broken consoles. This should concern every gamer.
Coreless said:
So did you just get into gaming or something? the industry is and always was, about making money...lets me say it again...the industry is and always was, about making money. If this is a problem for you then I think its time to give up gaming because people have been charging for excessive DLC for ages now and I don't see it changing anytime soon.

Go to your collection, look at your games and take out the ones published by EA, Activision and THQ (publishers who really push DLC) and throw them into the garbage or delete their games from your hard drive. If you don't do this, then you are still supporting excessive DLC and its "money grubbing nonsense" and quite frankly I can't take a word your saying seriously. If your going to take a stand because of one game, then you need to take a stand against everyone that does this which is pretty much...most of the industry.
This seems to be the stance that the game industry is taking: daring us to not buy into their crap.
Well, here's one legitimate consumer who isn't buying into their crap anymore. And there are more and more who are getting fed up. So they better know when to stop because eventually they're going to invest big into something and find that there aren't enough gamers interested anymore.
The gaming industry has obviously taken their actual consumers for granted and that's really going to bight them in the ass. And it may be sooner than you think. Only a few of the ps2 owners I know bought into the current gen of consoles and I know even fewer who plan on getting into the next.
I could HUG you.

Weirdly enough, EA has an online pass game out that support 100%
If you don't have an online pass, you don't lose any CONTENT, you just dont get any bonuses from online play. And since you can get all the points you need buy playing the single-player (or purchasing them directly for money, if you are a sad person), this is a great system

Then again, knowing EA's track record, the next thing it'll try is online passes to save your data at all