Why I am not going to buy Mass Effect 3


New member
Nov 7, 2010
Jaric93 said:
I loved Mass Effect, and Mass Effect 2 but after watching this video I have cancelled my pre-order

This kind of thing just goes too far and is the king of money grabbing nonsense I just can't stand. All I ask is that you watch the video and consider the implications.

Edit: The video in short explains that bioware and ea are forcing you to pay for a game changing character those of you who who have played mass effect will realise the significance of this kind of Team-mate.
It is a Prothean
The content is only avalible for those who are willing to fork out for the collectors edition or pay extra for day of release DLC
Yes yes yes, you know what they're really doing don't you? increasing the price of the game for everyone, its an equalizer.

I pre-ordered the collectors edition for more than 120USD, my country (Australia), is a little fucked, but moving on. Others could've paid 95-100USD for the standard (both on PC), but now they'll be forced to pay and extra 10-15USD when the game comes out, if they want all the content that I paid for, by buying the collectors edition.

And seriously, what's the difference between buying the game, wait a month for DLC, it comes out, and it changes the game?

Frankly I'm fucking pissed at the c*nt who complained about this in the first place (not the OP, the original), because he removed a nice surprise for me and all of my fellow collectors edition pre-ordering buyers, fuck him, he should've just stfu about the detail imo.

So, that's it, the game is more expensive than initially advertised and/or the DLC is available sooner and/or the game has had a major public spoiler revealed before its even launched, how great.


New member
Sep 13, 2010
Jitters Caffeine said:
Coreless said:
SycoMantis91 said:
I think it's far from obvious that this Prothean is an integral part of the story. What did the Protheans do? They saw the Reapers come down, and then most of them were killed. The ones that weren't really didn't have much success figuring out how to stop the Reapers, they just figured out a way to hide their most important minds and hope their pods could outlast the invasion. I would actually be amazed if this Prothean has some crazy inside knowledge that no one else does. The best he/she could do is replay the attack in his/her head again. If it wasn't able to figure something out by the time the Reapers left, it's probably not going to.

I'd love to see this Prothean and talk to it and find out from its perspective about its race, the attack, etc. but I think too much is assumed when we all say "this is going to be extremely important!" We don't know that. But yea, EA does suck but I'm not surprised and will still buy this game as soon as I have the expendable cash.
For all we know at this point, this Prothean could have been on some distant planet shoveling sh** for a living and really doesn't know the whole story of what happened and becomes a team member because they find him on some abandoned world or something and he happens to be a good fighter. Is there any proof out there that is concrete about what his actual role is and just how crucial to the plot he really is?
The leaked script revealed his entire history and backstory already.
He wasn't an interstellar janitor, he was put in stasis SPECIFICALLY to survive the genocide of their species so he could reveal the secret of destroying the Reapers to whoever found him.
Fixed that for you some people get really angry over spoilers and no he wasnt, he was put in stasis to
find a way to eliminate all reapers completely, not save the next cycle of sentient s


New member
Sep 13, 2010
Conza said:
Jaric93 said:
I loved Mass Effect, and Mass Effect 2 but after watching this video I have cancelled my pre-order

This kind of thing just goes too far and is the king of money grabbing nonsense I just can't stand. All I ask is that you watch the video and consider the implications.

Edit: The video in short explains that bioware and ea are forcing you to pay for a game changing character those of you who who have played mass effect will realise the significance of this kind of Team-mate.
It is a Prothean
The content is only avalible for those who are willing to fork out for the collectors edition or pay extra for day of release DLC
Yes yes yes, you know what they're really doing don't you? increasing the price of the game for everyone, its an equalizer.

I pre-ordered the collectors edition for more than 120USD, my country (Australia), is a little fucked, but moving on. Others could've paid 95-100USD for the standard (both on PC), but now they'll be forced to pay and extra 10-15USD when the game comes out, if they want all the content that I paid for, by buying the collectors edition.

And seriously, what's the difference between buying the game, wait a month for DLC, it comes out, and it changes the game?

Frankly I'm fucking pissed at the c*nt who complained about this in the first place (not the OP, the original), because he removed a nice surprise for me and all of my fellow collectors edition pre-ordering buyers, fuck him, he should've just stfu about the detail imo.

So, that's it, the game is more expensive than initially advertised and/or the DLC is available sooner and/or the game has had a major public spoiler revealed before its even launched, how great.
Allow me to assuade your rage, the dipshit that spoiled the part about said character didnt really spoil anything, there are still lots of surprises in the game. Even though the spoiler character does indeed provide a richer interaction with the characters and information about the ME universe, his contributions to the main plot arent enough to make him and important part of the plot.


New member
Jul 23, 2009
Coreless said:
So did you just get into gaming or something? the industry is and always was, about making money...lets me say it again...the industry is and always was, about making money. If this is a problem for you then I think its time to give up gaming because people have been charging for excessive DLC for ages now and I don't see it changing anytime soon.

Go to your collection, look at your games and take out the ones published by EA, Activision and THQ (publishers who really push DLC) and throw them into the garbage or delete their games from your hard drive. If you don't do this, then you are still supporting excessive DLC and its "money grubbing nonsense" and quite frankly I can't take a word your saying seriously. If your going to take a stand because of one game, then you need to take a stand against everyone that does this which is pretty much...most of the industry.
And if enough people were to actually take a stand on one game, particularly one as heavily anticipated as Mass Effect, then that would send a VERY clear message that we are sick of this shit.
Now, you are correct in thinking nothing will come of this, because people like you lack the conviction to do anything about these shameful practices, or worse, don't think anything is wrong with them.

You should feel ashamed


New member
Apr 26, 2011
SajuukKhar said:
Ill just leave this here
You do that, because by Bioware's own admission, it's wrong.

The Current Day one DLC was excised during the production step. It was, sadly, originally part of the core game that was in fact, removed as cut content. It was later re-added as DLC.

Also: I love Bioware's explanation, which basically boils down to 'He was too awesome as written and taking focus off Sheppard, so we canned him."


New member
Apr 23, 2008
the only thing that seems to separate this from say, Re5 versus dlc is the fact that isn't on the disc, actually considering the nature of the dlc they could've just put the dlc and charged for a key and there would've been only 2 differences
1. shorter download
2. easier to pirate
so it seems like EA is pulling the same bullshit on us as Capcom did with Re5


New member
Oct 29, 2009
Zeel said:
Jaric93 said:
I loved Mass Effect, and Mass Effect 2 but after watching this video I have cancelled my pre-order

This kind of thing just goes too far and is the king of money grabbing nonsense I just can't stand. All I ask is that you watch the video and consider the implications.

Edit: The video in short explains that bioware and ea are forcing you to pay for a game changing character those of you who who have played mass effect will realise the significance of this kind of Team-mate.
It is a Prothean
The content is only avalible for those who are willing to fork out for the collectors edition or pay extra for day of release DLC
I hate these threads about why people aren't going to buy a certain game. Because you're so damn special. Obviously it must not be that game-changing if A.) anyone can get it, and B.) you obviously don't need it to play the game. That collectors edition wouldn't be that special anyway if something awesome wasn't in it, and the way SEs go, the more expensive it is, the more awesome. So stop acting like you're too good for the game as a whole just because of some DLC. If the REAL reason you're mad is because you can't afford it, just stop bitching, and/or get a job. Otherwise, close eyes, tilt head back, and rotate head 45 degrees in disgust, and stop reading *here*. A real fan bucks up and buys the special edition. You're talking like its such a crime to do this when it happens ALL THE TIME.
You can wank all the way off, good friend. Why the hell would you think this is about money. You thiiinkkkkk all those people cant afford 80 dollars? Don't be ridiculous. This has nothing to do with money. This is an unethical practice. If its ready for release, who are you to tell me I don't get to play it because EA games doved it 'special content'.

I dont see how your money is any greener than mine. Why do you get the full game and I don't? I paid the full price.

If you are a "real" fan you don't need incentive to buy the game, thus your special content is totally unnecessary.
Perhaps it was the plan all along to release it as DLC and the team finished early? Or the game already went gold? Kinda like the Back to Karhand maps for BF3. The special edition got it for free. The only question was its release date, really. I think those weren't heavily started until after the full game was released. But I digress, it all really depends on the development cycle. Also, I edited my post like 2 minutes after I posted it.


New member
Aug 19, 2011
8-Bit_Jack said:
Coreless said:
So did you just get into gaming or something? the industry is and always was, about making money...lets me say it again...the industry is and always was, about making money. If this is a problem for you then I think its time to give up gaming because people have been charging for excessive DLC for ages now and I don't see it changing anytime soon.

Go to your collection, look at your games and take out the ones published by EA, Activision and THQ (publishers who really push DLC) and throw them into the garbage or delete their games from your hard drive. If you don't do this, then you are still supporting excessive DLC and its "money grubbing nonsense" and quite frankly I can't take a word your saying seriously. If your going to take a stand because of one game, then you need to take a stand against everyone that does this which is pretty much...most of the industry.
And if enough people were to actually take a stand on one game, particularly one as heavily anticipated as Mass Effect, then that would send a VERY clear message that we are sick of this shit.
Now, you are correct in thinking nothing will come of this, because people like you lack the conviction to do anything about these shameful practices, or worse, don't think anything is wrong with them.

You should feel ashamed
Lmao....lol.....sorry if I don't suddenly drop to the floor to kiss your boots in forgiveness over some stupid DLC. If you really want to take a stand against something that is actually important and make a difference....go join the red cross.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
SajuukKhar said:
Ill just leave this here

That final sentence makes me laugh. We, as customers, couldn't possibly be exploited. I mean it says so right there at the bottom of that chart. Just because it seems like a shameless cash grab we have their word that's not what it is. Well I'm glad that's settled. Christ, I'm glad we have EA's word they aren't fucking us over. I mean EA would never do wrong by their customers after all. Looks like all the fuss was for nothing.

I mean I'd be worried if that chart seemed like self serving propaganda with the scent of pig shit all over it but that seems like a chart we can trust. I mean it's EA we are talking about after all. Good ol' EA!


New member
Oct 7, 2009
Dragon Age: Origins = Shale
Mass Effect 2 = Zaheed

Nothing new for day one DLC if it follows the same pattern it will be some interesting lore and interactions with a unique quest and have no major impact on the main story.
Seriously people get so bent out of shape so fast.


New member
Apr 26, 2011
Sangnz said:
Dragon Age: Origins = Shale
Mass Effect 2 = Zaheed

Nothing new for day one DLC if it follows the same pattern it will be some interesting lore and interactions with a unique quest and have no major impact on the main story.
Seriously people get so bent out of shape so fast.
Dragon Age: Origins = Shale
Mass Effect 2 = Zaheed
Dragon Age 2 = The Exiled Prince.

You left out one... oh, wait, that did change large sections of your interaction with the Chantry. Didn't change the end of the game, which was on rails anyway, but did change how you interacted with a major faction.
So... which has more impact on dev here, the more recent entry or the older ones?


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Aug 13, 2009
From my understanding, the character is still in the game but he can't be recruited as a squad member unless you get the DLC. So his significance in the story is not impacted by his position in your squad. Perhaps the character is aboard your ship but is only a legit squad member with a side quest if you get the DLC?

Damien Granz

New member
Apr 8, 2011
PatrickXD said:
From my understanding, the character is still in the game but he can't be recruited as a squad member unless you get the DLC. So his significance in the story is not impacted by his position in your squad. Perhaps the character is aboard your ship but is only a legit squad member with a side quest if you get the DLC?
If that's true you're still getting grifted because you're paying 10-20 dollars (depending on DLC or Collector's Edition) for a single 5 minute conversation that's already recorded and on your disk, and somebody at EA to hit the switch to let you play that character.

This, precisely is why things like Gameshark and the like are so heavily barred from this generation consoles.

Because I'd venture that 60% or more 'launch day' DLC is just you paying for a Game Genie code that 'activates' these guys.


New member
Dec 28, 2011
I'll buy it in about 3 years and just download it the content after I've finished the game once.


New member
Jan 4, 2009
I can't be the only one that isn't buying the game because of the bad, and i mean bad design and direction it went in ME2. Collectors...bugs with guns that are better then what technology has developed, boring and long sequences of combat, low challenge gameplay on higher difficulty.

I stopped caring about the game when i got to the part where i had to mow down a ton of weak enemies that are alike to zombies (the human things at start of ME1) to be followed with the game bugging out, i wasn't enjoying it since the collectors started.

Main things that turn me off were high amounts of easy, predictable, no challenge enemies, that take too long to clear.

Long uneventful missions that you have to soldier through in order to get a glimpse of the story you are interested in. The way it went from dialogue during missions to 1-liners and 1 conversation after the mission.

On the other hand, the dragon age series went from epic, drawn out typical fantasy to a more complex social and political story that i really enjoyed, so there is that to look forward to.


New member
Oct 11, 2009
seriously.. people get a life.

After 10 minutes of that video , i realized that NO one has any VALID point to why this DLC is a deal breaker.
Will add. Why does everyone keep saying that development budget went to this.... OF COURSE IT DID. Development budget goes to all DLC. 3 months from now more of that Development budget will have gone to other Mass Effect 3 DLC's.

You know i fully understand some people being upset about a leaked DLC on day one ruining some minor spoiler in the game. I get that part of it. But really to say its unfair that you IF YOU WANT TO , you can spend 10 more dollars to get some DLC that adds back story and another character to your party.
Honestly i've agreed in the past with bad DLC's or really any DLC's that don't truly add something.
But this doesn't sound like being greedy.
My Question , would everyone be screaming , if this DLC was free. But the game was delayed 2 more months?