Why I am not going to buy Mass Effect 3


New member
Dec 19, 2007
i hope bioware didn't cut it but since all we have is some leaked script and conspiracy's i'm not sure what the truth is but right now I'm in favor of what bioware themselves say


New member
Apr 26, 2011
spartandude said:
i think the difference (for me atleast) is that this is essentially cut out of the game and then sold back to us for extra money. if it was created after the game we'd be happy as it would be extra content, as opposed to cut content
What is funny is that people have been insisting that it was created afterwards as though it were an afterthought rather then a deliberate act. Remember that it was originally announced months ago, and the devs posting have occasionally screwed up and refereed to it by it's original title 'The Prothean' rather then it's new title. Because it was written as DLC way back at the beginning of the design phase.

tony2077 said:
i hope bioware didn't cut it but since all we have is some leaked script and conspiracy's i'm not sure what the truth is but right now I'm in favor of what bioware themselves say
Sorry, I've caught too many of Bioware/EA's guys in lies to trust them further then I can fling a mack truck.

Actually, you know what, let me take the time to prove that this was removed from the original game and made DLC.

When it was originally brought up as a part of the collectors edition, Christ Priestly responded "Sorry, that was a mistake from old text. It is being removed. Hate to be a killjoy."


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Dec 19, 2007
BaronIveagh said:
spartandude said:
i think the difference (for me atleast) is that this is essentially cut out of the game and then sold back to us for extra money. if it was created after the game we'd be happy as it would be extra content, as opposed to cut content
What is funny is that people have been insisting that it was created afterwards as though it were an afterthought rather then a deliberate act. Remember that it was originally announced months ago, and the devs posting have occasionally screwed up and refereed to it by it's original title 'The Prothean' rather then it's new title. Because it was written as DLC way back at the beginning of the design phase.

tony2077 said:
i hope bioware didn't cut it but since all we have is some leaked script and conspiracy's i'm not sure what the truth is but right now I'm in favor of what bioware themselves say
Sorry, I've caught too many of Bioware/EA's guys in lies to trust them further then I can fling a mack truck.
some times i think just because ea is involved that makes everything bioware say a lie or some conspiracy to screw us over


New member
Apr 26, 2011
tony2077 said:
some times i think just because ea is involved that makes everything bioware say a lie or some conspiracy to screw us over
Well, when you have stuff like this going on...

BaronIveagh said:
Actually, you know what, let me take the time to prove that this was removed from the original game and made DLC.

When it was originally brought up as a part of the collectors edition, Christ Priestly responded "Sorry, that was a mistake from old text. It is being removed. Hate to be a killjoy."


New member
Apr 15, 2009
I'm not buying it because I didn't particulary enjoy the first or second (I know how unique am I!) there wasn't anything wrong with them, just weren't my cup of tea.....which is odd because usually i like sci-fi shooters and bioware games..ah well, i doubt my lack of purchase will bring bioware to it's knees


New member
Jan 9, 2010
The point about boycotting isn't to seriously hinder Bioware or EA. It is to show that 1. costumers wont stand for X treatment and 2. that there is more money in NOT acting like a dick, than there is in acting like a dick

Yes, an individual is powerless, a few thousand individuals? powerful.

Especially when considering that every lost sale to this DLC is effectively a lose of 60$ while everyone that buys the game and DLC is a gain of 10$ because without the DLC they would have bought the game anyway. This means that in order for it to be worth putting out the DLC there needs to be 7 people who buy the game+DLC for every person that boycotts for a profit. There probably will be more than a 7:1 ratio of boycotters to buyers, but even there is still the message that is sent.

I suppose there is also the CE and thos people that bought it and those people that cancelled their preorders because of this, but you get the idea.


New member
Sep 13, 2010
Zeel said:
Jaric93 said:
You can wank all the way off, good friend. Why the hell would you think this is about money. You thiiinkkkkk all those people cant afford 80 dollars? Don't be ridiculous. This has nothing to do with money. This is an unethical practice. If its ready for release, who are you to tell me I don't get to play it because EA games doved it 'special content'.

I dont see how your money is any greener than mine. Why do you get the full game and I don't? I paid the full price.

If you are a "real" fan you don't need incentive to buy the game, thus your special content is totally unnecessary.

How is it Unethical?

If not EA who should decide what Special content is?

What is your definition of Special Content?


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Sep 13, 2010
PingoBlack said:
Has anybody watched that linked Total Buiscuit video?
It has by far the best demo of how BAD it is for excluding mayor parts or plot characters from main game.

As he talks, you see the demo of ME3 in background. It shows the start of game in which you go back to your ship and there is Liara T'Soni.

Sheppard doesn't react. At all. No shock, no surprise. Now ...
How in hell does that make sense to people that DIDN'T buy The Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC?
So yeah, BioWare pulled that bad trick once already. Anyone in this thread claiming "Prothean is not story important, he is like Zaed". Is he? Or is this a Liara situation?

"Oh hi Shep. Yeah, I'm no longer pissed off and sitting at a desk in some backwater. Did you have sex with anyone in meantime?"

CarlMinez said:
As much as I love TotalBiscuit, I can't help feeling that he is rather overreacting.
I'm more annoyed he missed Liara thing and how mayor story character is also must pay DLC. As I mentioned, it is in the demo he has for background.
you did read the part on the side of the loading screen on the demo that said, that this part of the demo takes place deeper in the game right?


New member
Sep 13, 2010
spartandude said:
Oro44 said:
Is it me, or is, like, half of the forum topics now dedicated to some controversial Bioware discussion?
its because many people (including myself in im honest) treated bioware as the earthly manifestation of christ, and in the space of about 2 years have gone down hill quite a bit
hence many of us tend to see bioware as representing the down fall of the quality of the games industry
Funny, since I keep hearing over and over again, that bioware turned to shit after Dragon Age, and Mass effect before that.


New member
Sep 13, 2010
tony2077 said:
BaronIveagh said:
spartandude said:
i think the difference (for me atleast) is that this is essentially cut out of the game and then sold back to us for extra money. if it was created after the game we'd be happy as it would be extra content, as opposed to cut content
What is funny is that people have been insisting that it was created afterwards as though it were an afterthought rather then a deliberate act. Remember that it was originally announced months ago, and the devs posting have occasionally screwed up and refereed to it by it's original title 'The Prothean' rather then it's new title. Because it was written as DLC way back at the beginning of the design phase.

tony2077 said:
i hope bioware didn't cut it but since all we have is some leaked script and conspiracy's i'm not sure what the truth is but right now I'm in favor of what bioware themselves say
Sorry, I've caught too many of Bioware/EA's guys in lies to trust them further then I can fling a mack truck.
some times i think just because ea is involved that makes everything bioware say a lie or some conspiracy to screw us over
How is a game, going to screw you over?

Its a game for fucks sake, you are totally in your consumer rights to tell a company you dont like to fuck off. but going gungho and being adamant about how they should make shit for free is nuts, its never going to happen, you can just tell them to sod off and never bother with them again.


New member
Dec 19, 2007
boag said:
tony2077 said:
BaronIveagh said:
spartandude said:
i think the difference (for me atleast) is that this is essentially cut out of the game and then sold back to us for extra money. if it was created after the game we'd be happy as it would be extra content, as opposed to cut content
What is funny is that people have been insisting that it was created afterwards as though it were an afterthought rather then a deliberate act. Remember that it was originally announced months ago, and the devs posting have occasionally screwed up and refereed to it by it's original title 'The Prothean' rather then it's new title. Because it was written as DLC way back at the beginning of the design phase.

tony2077 said:
i hope bioware didn't cut it but since all we have is some leaked script and conspiracy's i'm not sure what the truth is but right now I'm in favor of what bioware themselves say
Sorry, I've caught too many of Bioware/EA's guys in lies to trust them further then I can fling a mack truck.
some times i think just because ea is involved that makes everything bioware say a lie or some conspiracy to screw us over
How is a game, going to screw you over?

Its a game for fucks sake, you are totally in your consumer rights to tell a company you dont like to fuck off. but going gungho and being adamant about how they should make shit for free is nuts, its never going to happen, you can just tell them to sod off and never bother with them again.
i don't know ask the people that think that way. i haven't seen it myself


Searching for common sense ...
Aug 6, 2011
boag said:
you did read the part on the side of the loading screen on the demo that said, that this part of the demo takes place deeper in the game right?
I clearly heard him say that demo contains the start of game and first mission ... Clearly that must be VERY far into the game then? Even far into demo it is still early in the game, no?

And you still completely ignored the bit that its not first time mayor plot character was DLC that you had to buy, which was the main point I was making.


New member
Sep 26, 2010
PingoBlack said:
boag said:
you did read the part on the side of the loading screen on the demo that said, that this part of the demo takes place deeper in the game right?
I clearly heard him say that demo contains the start of game and first mission ... Clearly that must be VERY far into the game then? Even far into demo it is still early in the game, no?

And you still completely ignored the bit that its not first time mayor plot character was DLC that you had to buy, which was the main point I was making.
The demo contains the start of the game and a mission MUCH FARTHER INTO the game.


New member
Sep 13, 2010
PingoBlack said:
boag said:
you did read the part on the side of the loading screen on the demo that said, that this part of the demo takes place deeper in the game right?
I clearly heard him say that demo contains the start of game and first mission ... Clearly that must be VERY far into the game then? Even far into demo it is still early in the game, no?

And you still completely ignored the bit that its not first time mayor plot character was DLC that you had to buy, which was the main point I was making.
Yes the loading screen says that mission takes place a lot further into the game.

As for your point about the Shadow broker DLC, its a moot point, She doesnt affect the main plot of ME2 at all. Does she affect the overarching plot of the entire ME universe? Yes!

But does that mean that you should get her DLC for free? NO, its like saying that just because you bought one Dragon lance book about how Raistlin Rose to power, you should get all the other books for free.


Searching for common sense ...
Aug 6, 2011
boag said:
But does that mean that you should get her DLC for free? NO, its like saying that just because you bought one Dragon lance book about how Raistlin Rose to power, you should get all the other books for free.
Easy there ...
I never said I should get it for free. But still, I don't agree with main plot characters being sold separately.

So I decided to not buy any more. Well, Origin full hard disk scanning helped as well.


New member
Sep 13, 2010
PingoBlack said:
boag said:
But does that mean that you should get her DLC for free? NO, its like saying that just because you bought one Dragon lance book about how Raistlin Rose to power, you should get all the other books for free.
Easy there ...
I never said I should get it for free. But still, I don't agree with main plot characters being sold separately.

So I decided to not buy any more. Well, Origin full hard disk scanning helped as well.
1.- I agree with you, main plot characters should be included int he bare bones game, the thing about the Prothean is, HE IS NOT CENTRAL TO THE PLOT, if asked about the main mcguffin that is plot central he has no idea what you are talking about, if you ask him about Ilos, he
starts asking of others survived
He makes colorful remarks about characters and races and overall ADDS to the background information of the races in the game. but HE IS NOT MAIN PLOT RELEVANT!

2.- Origin is a blight, which is why I ended up buying a console instead of a Gaming PC.

Jitters Caffeine

New member
Sep 10, 2011
Coreless said:
SycoMantis91 said:
I think it's far from obvious that this Prothean is an integral part of the story. What did the Protheans do? They saw the Reapers come down, and then most of them were killed. The ones that weren't really didn't have much success figuring out how to stop the Reapers, they just figured out a way to hide their most important minds and hope their pods could outlast the invasion. I would actually be amazed if this Prothean has some crazy inside knowledge that no one else does. The best he/she could do is replay the attack in his/her head again. If it wasn't able to figure something out by the time the Reapers left, it's probably not going to.

I'd love to see this Prothean and talk to it and find out from its perspective about its race, the attack, etc. but I think too much is assumed when we all say "this is going to be extremely important!" We don't know that. But yea, EA does suck but I'm not surprised and will still buy this game as soon as I have the expendable cash.
For all we know at this point, this Prothean could have been on some distant planet shoveling sh** for a living and really doesn't know the whole story of what happened and becomes a team member because they find him on some abandoned world or something and he happens to be a good fighter. Is there any proof out there that is concrete about what his actual role is and just how crucial to the plot he really is?
The leaked script revealed his entire history and backstory already. He wasn't an interstellar janitor, he was put in stasis SPECIFICALLY to survive the genocide of their species so he could reveal the secret of destroying the Reapers to whoever found him.