Why I am not going to buy Mass Effect 3


New member
Apr 9, 2009
Well, I was actually planing on buying the collecters edition, but there isnt a collecters edition for the 360 on Amazon.

But I have to ask, Is the Prothean Really that important to the game? And dont give me the fact that its a Prothean to be an acceptable answer. Will this character actually have some significant affect on the game? Is not having the Prothean going to put the game in a no-win situation? Cause if it isnt going to affect the game at all, and I can still play through and beat it without any problems, I dont view this as any less of a dick move, but is really not all that serious of deal.

SajuukKhar said:
What they humorously forgot to mention in the video is that

1. The DLC was not CUT from the game because it was never IN the game originally
2. You DO NOT need the DLC to get the best ending in the game
3. The Prothean IS STILL IN THE BASE GAME, all the DLc does is make him abe to join your squad.

I love how people are following the word of a BLATANT liar in some childish attempt to get people to not play the game.

However considering the shit people did to that one bioware employee and that people can find valves hats as a scam only shows how decedent, corrupt, and overly entitled the average gamer is nowadays.

its sickening.
Now if that number three is true, than this whole arguement has become null.


New member
Sep 26, 2010
godofslack said:
SajuukKhar said:
3. The Prothean IS STILL IN THE BASE GAME, all the DLc does is make him abe to join your squad
Source? because I've been listening to Totalbiscuit for years and when he's long he removes his videos and recants his arguments with an apology. If you can prove that I'm sure he'll be more than willing to remove the video.

As a rule of thumb I trust someone who I know has a strict code of ethics rather than some random on the internet.
It was in the leaked script.

Also TotalBiscuit? a strict code of ethics? no offense but he really isn't much better then any average joe on the internet, the ONLY reason he takes down his vids later is because he knows if he doesn't he will get flamed hard by the fans of said game.

Dont take "coving his own ass" as "ethics", its silly.

godofslack said:
Bull shit http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/325/index/8006985/1 7 months ago.
Are you purposefully ignoring the fact that the DLc WAS STARTED back then but WASN'T FINISHED until recently, or do you just not understand that?


New member
Dec 31, 2009
I just wanted to preorder this game retail,not knowing if I will get any preorder bonuses,until I read this news today.

I'm just thinking how much EA thinks it's gonna milk it's customer with dlc through the big franchises that we are most looking for.

I can't afford a Collector's Edition,because I need to keep money for Guild Wars 2,Diablo 3,Starcraft 2 Heart of the Swarm and World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria,so this move might just stop me from buying the game alltogether.

I'm still on the fence if I should buy it or not.


Senior Member
May 8, 2011
SajuukKhar said:
godofslack said:
SajuukKhar said:
3. The Prothean IS STILL IN THE BASE GAME, all the DLc does is make him abe to join your squad
Source? because I've been listening to Totalbiscuit for years and when he's long he removes his videos and recants his arguments with an apology. If you can prove that I'm sure he'll be more than willing to remove the video.

As a rule of thumb I trust someone who I know has a strict code of ethics rather than some random on the internet.
It was in the leaked script.

Also TotalBiscuit? a strict code of ethics? no offense but he really isn't much better then any average joe on the internet, the ONLY reason he takes down his vids later is because he knows if he doesn't he will get flamed hard by the fans of said game.

Dont take "coving his own ass" as "ethics", its silly.

godofslack said:
Bull shit http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/325/index/8006985/1 7 months ago.
Are you purposfully ignoring the fact that the DLc WAS STARTED back then but WASNT FINSIHED tll recentlly, or do you just not understand that?
Nothing you say has any evidence. The leaked script could go both ways, saying he was cut from the game or just makes him a squad member. And even if you do think that is the only reason why he removes them I still trust someone who HAS to cover their own ass than someone with no accountability whatsoever.


New member
Sep 26, 2010
So you trust someone who takes down his videos only because HE IS FORCED TOO and not because he CHOOSES TO BECAUSE ITS RIGHT.

ohhh dear god, the levels of extreme fanatic devotion people have to internet game reviewers is saddening.

xSKULLY said:
is this the new project 10 dollar? all games have day 1 DLC made up of content which should be part of the main game because EA is a greedy bag of dicks? and lots of people on this website are willing to let it slide like "herpa derp dont buy it then cause i will its not important", do you want to roll over so EA can piss on the over side of your face?

just think what would jim sterling do?
*Looks back on all the day 1 DLC for other bioware games*

which one of them needed to be part of the main game to make it a whole game?

ohh wait...... none of them.


New member
Jul 7, 2010
endtherapture said:
I am going to buy Mass Effect 3 because I enjoyed the demo and I am looking forward to the conclusion.

If there is all this extra DLC giving new guns, art books etc. etc. I don't really care, I don't have to buy it, I'm not being forced, so I won't buy it.

It doesn't seem any different to Shale DLc or any of the character DLCs for ME2 or DA2 or anything.
The difference is Shale and Zaeed were free with all new purchases, this is not, you either pay more for the DDE/Col or you pay for it as Day 0 DLC, your right its not essential, no-one is forcing it on you. but Day 1 DLC should imo only ever be vanity items, i'm not to keen on the EA project $10 they slap on EVERYTHING, but i'm also no to fond of the way the pre-owned market fucks devs in the ass.

im not going to tell anyone not to buy it, why, we'll 'cus i'm going to buy it, i want to know what happens i want to continue the saga, so to tell you to boycott it would be hypocritical.

and too all you who are saying, "ill pirate it, that'll show them". FUCK YOU, seriously go fall under a bus.


New member
Feb 3, 2011
This really is a big insult to ME fans. Its pure exploitation, and its going to at the hurt the Bioware reputation. That said I am invested in this series already, and I am vulnerable to exploitation (if the DLC turns out to cover major plot points I'm going to buy it). However if that turns out to be the case my goodwill towards Bioware is depleted.


Senior Member
May 8, 2011
SajuukKhar said:
So you trust someone who takes down his videos only because HE IS FORCED TOO and not because he CHOOSES TO BECAUSE ITS RIGHT.

ohhh dear god, the levels of extreme fanatic devotion people have to internet game reviewers is saddening.
I trust him over you, yes. You have no evidence towards any of your claims, and you have not been proven to be a MOSTLY trustworthy source.

V8 Ninja

New member
May 15, 2010
It's pretty coincidental that I've missed those $5-sales for Mass Effect 2 on Steam and then EA/Bioware completely pisses off any fans that were looking forward to the finale of the trilogy. Seems like I'm the luckiest bastard to have played a Mass Effect game.


New member
Mar 17, 2010
who the hell makes a 24 minute video about why they won't buy a game that has not even come out yet? I'm seriously sick of the Bioware/Mass Effect 3 bashing bandwagon. Nearly every major video game publisher does DLC in some form or other. I don't love it either but it's not going away.


New member
Sep 24, 2010
Kudos to the OP by deciding with their wallet. I hope you stick to your guns and don't resort to anything underhanded like piracy.

I for one intend to get the games 'standard' edition. Until which point I play through the standard edition and feel as though my experience was incomplete, I don't have a problem with what they're doing.

To me this is no worse than Shale from DA:O, or Catwoman from Arkham City. (I realized the video explains how these things are 'technically' different) These practices are admittedly annoying, but have yet to ruin the core gaming experience.

For those who want all the content but don't want to pay $20 more for it...we can all but guarantee a GOTY edition released in a little over the year. Your patience will be rewarded.


New member
Sep 30, 2008
Aye, i have the collectors edition ordered for 360. Keep bitching about it before it's out. I'll reserve my judgement for when i'm done with it.


New member
Sep 26, 2010
8a88leph1sh said:
who the hell makes a 24 minute video about why they won't buy a game that has not even come out yet? I'm seriously sick of the Bioware/Mass Effect 3 bashing bandwagon. Nearly every major video game publisher does DLC in some form or other. I don't love it either but it's not going away.
As long as the DLC isn't REQUIRED to get the best ending in a game, and or is the games ending ,I.E. Fallout 3's Broken Steel DLC, then people have literally ZERO right to complain about when it comes out, what it contains, and how much it costs.


New member
Mar 5, 2011
Since I have had the Collector's Edition pre-ordered since like september and have had no reason to cancel my pre-order. In fact, having played the demo, I've actually had very few problems with Origin so far, here I am, not giving a crap, since apparently I'm getting some more content that I wasn't expecting. So that's nice.

That being said it'd be somewhat nicer if the digital collector's edition had been somewhat cheaper because hey, a PDF artbook is definitely far worse than a physical one.


New member
Jul 18, 2009
So wait, would this have gotten any flak at all if it wasn't day 1 DLC for normal buyers, but Collectors Edition buyers still got it? I seriously doubt it would. That guy was pretty whiny it seemed to me. If he wants to not buy a game that he thinks will be good just because they're withholding a POTENTIALLY (I say that because we don't know for sure how important) important character on launch unless you pay $10.

Laser Priest

A Magpie Among Crows
Mar 24, 2011
Frankly, if this isn't total bullshit as I presume it is, then it's not going to have a major effect on the game. It will add if you're willing to pay for it, like DLC is fucking meant to do.

The game seems enjoyable, and I'm not going to let some sense of entitlement ruin it for me like it did for that twat in the video.

Jack Skelhon

New member
Mar 19, 2010
Personally, I don't see how additional DLC is going to affect my life in any way, shape or form.

I have bigger fish to fry.