Why I am not going to buy Mass Effect 3


My brother answers too!
Dec 22, 2010
Jaric93 said:
I loved Mass Effect, and Mass Effect 2 but after watching this video I have cancelled my pre-order

This kind of thing just goes too far and is the king of money grabbing nonsense I just can't stand. All I ask is that you watch the video and consider the implications.

Edit: The video in short explains that bioware and ea are forcing you to pay for a game changing character those of you who who have played mass effect will realise the significance of this kind of Team-mate.
It is a Prothean
The content is only avalible for those who are willing to fork out for the collectors edition or pay extra for day of release DLC
It's not part of the story, it's just bonus DLC. The story can be and WILL be included with the full game. Calm your jets dude.


New member
Nov 25, 2010
I made it 20 minutes in to the video and realized that it was just a rambling manifesto after the first 5 minutes. I can understand his displeasure regarding the DLC however, that could have been A LOT more concise, holy crap.

That being said, I am going to reserve judgement on this until more information is divulged. If the Prothean is completely absent from the normal retail version of ME3 then yes, I will be livid. However, if the DLC is the difference between a quest giving Prothean and a squad mate Prothean with NO IMPACT on the story, then I'd really have no issue with that.


New member
Dec 11, 2008
I won't be buying it either. I played ten hours into the first one, and I was not having fun playing it. Which is why I didn't get the second game and also why I will not be getting the third.

The Pinray

New member
Jul 21, 2011
Why are "hardcore" gamers such self-entitled cry babies?

The game is going to be good. I will buy it. I will enjoy it. Have fun with that stick up your ass, friends.


New member
Dec 21, 2011
I think it's far from obvious that this Prothean is an integral part of the story. What did the Protheans do? They saw the Reapers come down, and then most of them were killed. The ones that weren't really didn't have much success figuring out how to stop the Reapers, they just figured out a way to hide their most important minds and hope their pods could outlast the invasion. I would actually be amazed if this Prothean has some crazy inside knowledge that no one else does. The best he/she could do is replay the attack in his/her head again. If it wasn't able to figure something out by the time the Reapers left, it's probably not going to.

I'd love to see this Prothean and talk to it and find out from its perspective about its race, the attack, etc. but I think too much is assumed when we all say "this is going to be extremely important!" We don't know that. But yea, EA does suck but I'm not surprised and will still buy this game as soon as I have the expendable cash.


New member
Aug 17, 2011
i don't really see why this is such a big problem. If anything it will be like the Arrival DLC for ME2, that was all up in the plot, but was it essential? no.
I also don't get why you guys think day 1 dlc is bad. if it was dlc to begin with, why not be glad that if you want to buy it, you can buy it sooner?

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Jaric93 said:
God, that guy might not necessarily sell your point the best way possible.

His complaints about being entitled to full game content but dismissal of online passes is really ridiculous. More to the point, he assumes a lot more content than has actually been specifically stated.

Great for sensationalism, bad for anyone actually looking for honest discourse. It's not rational to assume that this is going to be integral to the plot, despite the Protheans being a major chunk of the ME canon.

And you are not entitled to it.

That being said, I wholly endorse your right to boycott a product based on feeling that you are being mistreated by the producer or that the deal as-is sucks. I think for all the shit EA's pulled, the people opting out of the game will be too few to make a difference, and the DLC will sell well enough to send the message that this is okay. But by all means, fight on.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
Coreless said:
So did you just get into gaming or something? the industry is and always was, about making money...lets me say it again...the industry is and always was, about making money. If this is a problem for you then I think its time to give up gaming because people have been charging for excessive DLC for ages now and I don't see it changing anytime soon.
As demonstrated by the freeware games of old?
Look, this might not be inherently obvious to the kids who think gaming was invented by the xbox 360, but most game devs don't do it for the money. To think otherwise implies you've not been around the gamin community for long yourself. This is new, and it is still being trailed by publishers. Gamers eventually need to draw a line in the sand and stop buying games that are shamelessly scamming them.

Most indie developers and modding teams either charge the bare minimum to support development or rely entirely on donations. If you were to ask any game developer...ANY developer they would say they make games because they love to play them, not because they can make money. If you're good with making tedious code work and want money, you go work for IBM or a bank, you don't develop games.
Go to your collection, look at your games and take out the ones published by EA, Activision and THQ (publishers who really push DLC) and throw them into the garbage or delete their games from your hard drive. If you don't do this, then you are still supporting excessive DLC and its "money grubbing nonsense" and quite frankly I can't take a word your saying seriously. If your going to take a stand because of one game, then you need to take a stand against everyone that does this which is pretty much...most of the industry.
Did you actually watch the link? The issue isn't with DLC itself. THQ DLC is generally unimportant to the core game. So you can buy a couple of extra units for dawn of war a few months after launch? fine, that's not really any different from releasing the same thing in an expansion pack. The issue isn't with charging extra for extra content, the issue is with charging extra for core content. It's unethical to create a game and simultaneously release an "extra" pack that contains story elements necessary to the story.

If it was developed during the games development and is crucial to the story, it is a part of the game. If it is either aesthetic (and therefore irrelevent to the story), free (to those who buy new) or developed after the game is released then it can be considered DLC (though downloadable content should never really be on the game disc to begin with).


New member
Sep 9, 2009
Pluvia said:
So people say they're not going to buy ME3 because of this, which means they had the money to spare for ME3 but have now decided to not spend it on it.

So, what are you spending that money on? What in your normal day to day life is a much better investment? You don't need that money to live otherwise you wouldn't have considered spending it on trivial games in the first place, so what is better? Clothes? Drink? Extra food? What?

Why do gamers whine about inconsequential bullshit? This is pocket money, this isn't anything new that the gaming industry has invented, and I dunno about you but there's nothing that I would spend this money on that could be considered better than this.
Well I don't know about you but I like a lot of different types of games. I might not spend it on ME3 because I will have decided there are better games worth my time/money. I have a list of games/movies/books that I add to quite often and that I intend to complete one day. Right now it contains probably around 1.5k worth of things that I hope to get in the next 5-10 years. I would rather spend that 10-20 bucks on that list then on one Prothean that is Day 0 DLC. And the business move they have made makes me less likely to buy games from Bioware in the future. So now I have 60 bucks that I can instead use to buy something like Catherine. Or maybe I'll use it to buy the final Season of Avatar. Who knows.
Sep 14, 2009
eh i will agree this is pretty shitty, i won't cancel my pre order, i just won't get the collectors edition..simple as that. ill wait till the character either goes down in price or they have some kind of holiday sale on DLC stuff.


New member
Sep 9, 2009
Zachary Amaranth said:
God, that guy might not necessarily sell your point the best way possible.

His complaints about being entitled to full game content but dismissal of online passes is really ridiculous. More to the point, he assumes a lot more content than has actually been specifically stated.

Great for sensationalism, bad for anyone actually looking for honest discourse. It's not rational to assume that this is going to be integral to the plot, despite the Protheans being a major chunk of the ME canon.

And you are not entitled to it.

That being said, I wholly endorse your right to boycott a product based on feeling that you are being mistreated by the producer or that the deal as-is sucks. I think for all the shit EA's pulled, the people opting out of the game will be too few to make a difference, and the DLC will sell well enough to send the message that this is okay. But by all means, fight on.
I'm technically not entitled to anything. But I don't go around paying people to punch me in the gut, I pay them to give me something. If I decide that what they are giving me is not worth my money I don't buy it. I hate it when people say "You're not entitled to it" and other such tripe. Of course we aren't, entitled would mean they should give us the game for free. If you bought a car and the manufacture said, "Okay here's your car... by the way there is no A/C, it costs extra." Would you say, "Oh that's okay, it's not integral to the car anyways. It will run fine, do everything else perfectly. I'm fine without the A/C." No you would be pissed. A/C is standard feature, it is designed into the car from the get-go. It's not needed but it is a feature that should be there without having to pay extra.

That's what this is. They are charging us extra for a feature that would be considered standard on any other game. Sure we aren't entitled to it, we don't even need it. But we thought the company was going to be nice to us, try to take care of us, not try ask us to bend over and take it. If they commit to bad business plans we have a right to go elsewhere. Some of it is us just being whiny, but this is an industry. The customers whine, if the company doesn't fix it the customer goes elsewhere.

Lightning Delight

New member
Apr 21, 2011
I'm still gonna buy the game anyway because I loved the first two and have been really looking forward to the third. All this DLC doesn't really bother me, as most of it is an extra character or two or a random mission that have no effect on the game.

That being said, how the appleberry fuck does a goddamn Prothean not count as a major thing? It's a fucking Prothean. Minor characters I'm OK with as DLC, but a Prothean? That's low, EA.
(I'm not gonna blame Bioware for this because I like them and EA are dicks)


New member
Sep 9, 2009
Pluvia said:
Frozengale said:
Pluvia said:
So people say they're not going to buy ME3 because of this, which means they had the money to spare for ME3 but have now decided to not spend it on it.

So, what are you spending that money on? What in your normal day to day life is a much better investment? You don't need that money to live otherwise you wouldn't have considered spending it on trivial games in the first place, so what is better? Clothes? Drink? Extra food? What?

Why do gamers whine about inconsequential bullshit? This is pocket money, this isn't anything new that the gaming industry has invented, and I dunno about you but there's nothing that I would spend this money on that could be considered better than this.
Well I don't know about you but I like a lot of different types of games. I might not spend it on ME3 because I will have decided there are better games worth my time/money. I have a list of games/movies/books that I add to quite often and that I intend to complete one day. Right now it contains probably around 1.5k worth of things that I hope to get in the next 5-10 years. I would rather spend that 10-20 bucks on that list then on one Prothean that is Day 0 DLC. And the business move they have made makes me less likely to buy games from Bioware in the future. So now I have 60 bucks that I can instead use to buy something like Catherine. Or maybe I'll use it to buy the final Season of Avatar. Who knows.
So if you didn't really care about ME in the first place why would you care about this DLC?

Either you cared about it enough that you decided to boycott the game BECAUSE of this DLC, or you didn't care about the game much in the first place, which makes me wonder why you care about DLC for a game you don't care about?
When did I ever say I don't care about it? Mass Effect was a great game and Mass Effect 2 is one of my favorite games of all time. However I care more about not feeling like I'm getting screwed by a company then playing the next installment. Spending money is the only legitimate way I can tell a company they have done a good job. I go out of my way to make sure I buy games New, because I want the company to know in the only way I can that yes, I did enjoy their game. That I enjoy their company, and I want them to continue in the direction they are going. If I spend money on ME3 I'm sending Bioware the wrong message. I hope to be part of the Game Industry one day, so I care a lot about the direction things are headed. If I support a game and a company that I don't agree with, then I'm compromising my ideals.


New member
Aug 19, 2011
SycoMantis91 said:
I think it's far from obvious that this Prothean is an integral part of the story. What did the Protheans do? They saw the Reapers come down, and then most of them were killed. The ones that weren't really didn't have much success figuring out how to stop the Reapers, they just figured out a way to hide their most important minds and hope their pods could outlast the invasion. I would actually be amazed if this Prothean has some crazy inside knowledge that no one else does. The best he/she could do is replay the attack in his/her head again. If it wasn't able to figure something out by the time the Reapers left, it's probably not going to.

I'd love to see this Prothean and talk to it and find out from its perspective about its race, the attack, etc. but I think too much is assumed when we all say "this is going to be extremely important!" We don't know that. But yea, EA does suck but I'm not surprised and will still buy this game as soon as I have the expendable cash.
For all we know at this point, this Prothean could have been on some distant planet shoveling sh** for a living and really doesn't know the whole story of what happened and becomes a team member because they find him on some abandoned world or something and he happens to be a good fighter. Is there any proof out there that is concrete about what his actual role is and just how crucial to the plot he really is?


New member
May 2, 2010
I'm not going to buy Mass Effect 3 because they explicitly took the content that was supposed to part of what you buy as a final product (since it was developed using the same resources and time, before the release date) and are now charging extra for it. And they bloody well know what they're doing, since it's a Prothean member of the team, not just some random G.I. Joe (hence it's supposed to appeal to story fans as something mandatory).


Guild Warrior
Dec 14, 2009
I'm not getting it because then EA would get my money. Not gonna happen.