Why I am not going to buy Mass Effect 3


New member
Jul 15, 2010
Somebody summed it up in another forum for me.

"Would it have been acceptable if Garrus had been made DLC instead? After all, he's not VITAL tot he plot, is he?"

Of course it wouldn't. And the Protheon is clearly important after 2 games of building them up.

Also, not spoiling anything, after reading the script and the method of defeating the Reapers...he is going to be INCREDIBLY important.

It's EAware abusing easily pleased customers again.

Blaze the Dragon

New member
Jan 8, 2010
I know this has already been said, but it's true. People are making way too many bad assumptions based on the simple fact that this character is a prothean. I think it's obvious from this fact that you will at least be coming across other protheans in the game anyways, so I think we're going to learn about them either way. Chances are this character was made with no more effort than a re-skinned gun with different stats. It was probably made like this:

"Hey I have an idea for dlc, lets give them a prothean as a team member."
"Yeah, that shouldn't be too hard. Just copy-paste one of the ones from the back of that group and apply the standard combat animations to them."
"What stats should he have?"
"I dunno, just take the stats of some other character and teak them a little."
"What about lines"
-looks offscreen-"Hey Jerry! Here, go record lines for an hour."
"Well then, it looks like we're done."

I mean, sure that's also an assumption based on no evidence, but my claim is just as valid as his. What if the character is a clone or something like Grunt, and therefore has no memories of the Protheans. What if you get him right at the end of the game and he's just there so you can say that you have a rare species that people don't normally have, on your team cause you're awesome and has no real relevance to the plot other than maybe a loyalty mission you do for them, assuming they have those in ME3. *coughlegioncough* Hell, maybe you get him at the beginning, but nobody can understand his language apart from a few very basic words he might be able to speak to shepard (so that he still makes sense as a squad member) and doesn't say anything else for the entire game. All we know is that there is indeed at least one prothean in this game, What a twist! Frankly I wouldn't be suprised if you mean like, 200 of them just sitting around somewhere.

What if I'm right and this character has very little to do with the game and is basically no different than a new gun, or practically cosmetic? That boycott would be pretty silly the now wouldn't it. That's like saying, "Don't vote for Obama because if you read too much into a speech he gave, he hinted that there's a small chance he might, possibly do something in the future that you might not like, maybe... perhaps." At least wait a second before shouting boycott at everything, jesus christ calm the hell down. I was probably gonna wait a little while before getting this game anyways, if it turns out that this DLC guy actually makes a real huge difference in the plot, then maybe I'll wait till the game goes down in price. Hell, you do realize that if he does reveal something, you can look it up on youtube, since it'll be in a cutscene anyways, and lore is unlikely to be paragon/renegade dependent, so it's not like yo'll be missing out on gameplay or anything.

My point is that you're all jumping to the worst possible conclusion, like not having this DLC will drastically change the game for you. News flash, I think we're gonna learn more about the protheans in ME3 regardless, unless of course people are complaining because you have to pay 10 bucks to be able to romance and sleep with a Prothean in which case, fine do your thing, I guess you're justified since that is something you definitely won't be able to do without him?

Shouldn't people be talking more about the fact that this basically confirms that you will be meeting protheans? That's a much more realistic and probable assumption than "you're game is ruined forever if you don't buy the DLC."

Okay I should really stop and go to bed, but just one more:

Canadish said:
Somebody summed it up in another forum for me.

"Would it have been acceptable if Garrus had been made DLC instead? After all, he's not VITAL tot he plot, is he?"

Of course it wouldn't. And the Protheon is clearly important after 2 games of building them up.

Also, not spoiling anything, after reading the script and the method of defeating the Reapers...he is going to be INCREDIBLY important.

It's EAware abusing easily pleased customers again.
That example is flawed. I agree, if they removed Garrus from the game it'd be unreasonable, BUT the keyword here is removed. He was already in the game, and removing him would obviously detract from it. This is ADDing a character, he might not really do anything, like I said earlier. sure they've built up the Prothean RACE during the games, but they didn't build up any specific character, at least not in the games I played. I hate repeating myself, but chances are we are going to meet some other god damn protheans in this game, not just the one for DLC.

And on the script thing. I didn't read it to avoid spoilers, but based on what you said, I can assume this. The protheans are going to be important to defeating the reapers, frankly that could easily be assumed without spoiler script. However, before this leak were you going to yourself saying, "Oh clearly we're gonna get a prothean teammate cause that's the only way that the protheans could be involved with the defeating of the reapers, and not any of their technology, knowledge, or even their people themselves could be involved." You're now assuming that because protheans are involved with the reapers, that this squadmate will be important, which is sort of backwards thinking, like saying something predicted an event, only after the event occurred. Like I said, I didn't read that document, so I may be completely wrong and it might say "Then the Prothean squadmate kills the reaper, unless you don't have the DLC in which case you're screwed." on it's last line, but whatever.


New member
Jun 21, 2011
Kay I may have missed this,A bit to heavy on the ranting in the middle for me to read it all, But when I first played the demo I was confused,

Minor Spoilers if you haven't played it

I didn't understand how I went from destroying a collector ship in a Cerberus vessel to being grounded in an alliance base. well after asking around I discovered the missing link. A mass Effect 2 DLC, explaining the coming of the reapers, the destruction of a galaxy, Shepard being grounded, and I'm sure to play a big part in ME3, The Batarians hatred toward Shepard.
All of this seems pretty big to the plot.

This isn't the first time Bioware/EA has done this and I didn't hear big outrage over that DLC. Yes I think that having a Prothean on your team will have big implications on the game and that with-holding that for money is wrong, but really until the game is out and its proven that he is a big part of the game, he's just a DLC like Kasumi, Fun to have on the team, but no big change if she isn't. The only thing this has made me do is be wary. I won't buy the game right away, I'll wait see the reviews and then buy it, and maybe buy this DLC also, But I'm buying it cause I want a Prothean team-mate,Not because I have to buy him to finish the game.


New member
Oct 12, 2010
I'm not buying this because EA expects me to pirate it.
I'm just going to watch other people play, that's waaay less effort for almost the same experience.


Walking Mass Effect Codex
Jun 11, 2010
It just seems like he spends the whole time ranting about the existence of a day-one DLC that is sold with the Collector's Edition. To be honest, I have no problem with that. I paid an extra 20$ for the CE, I better get some damned DLC. Also, this new teammate, while a Prothean, probably would be in the same vein as Zaeed and Kasumi. I don't see this as game-breaking at all.

What I don't understand is how people can complain about this, but not about Arrival. Without that DLC (that you have to pay for) you wouldn't understand how ME3 even starts! THAT is more vital than the Prothean teammate. I have a friend that refused to buy the DLC for ME2, and when he played the ME3 demo, he had no idea why Shepard was discharged and on trial. He was completely lost until I told him about what happened in Arrival.

But seriously, this is all speculation. His argument is founded on assumptions.


New member
Sep 2, 2011
Same here. I was on the fence about buying Mass effect 3 but this just pushed me away from it. I may buy at used at some point but there are other titles coming out around the same time I want to get that don't hate the customer.

Edit: Poster above me.
What did happen on arrival? I never heard of it and just assumed they did the same thing Gears of war 3 did and covered the section between games in books or something. That's actully pretty damn crap of them.


New member
Nov 16, 2011
Why do people give a crap what total biscuit thinks? If you are getting influenced by him, then you should probably never get an opinion by anyone ever because you'll just instantly change your mind and never have an independent thought again.


New member
Nov 16, 2011
MrDeckard said:
Well all I have to say about that is....

Good luck with the boycott! You know, because those have worked so well in the past...

Sorry, but this is a very minor problem and to be honest, we are NEVER going to stop EA from doing this crap.
People not buying their games would. Maybe if so many people, like you, would drop your attitude and stop buying their games despite them pulling this stuff and breaking down and being wusses and effectively saying "I don't like what company X is doing but i wana play their gaaaaammmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeee"

Until then, you're right. Nothing is going to stop them from pulling this crap, when YOU and others let them.
Aug 1, 2010
girzwald said:
MrDeckard said:
Well all I have to say about that is....

Good luck with the boycott! You know, because those have worked so well in the past...

Sorry, but this is a very minor problem and to be honest, we are NEVER going to stop EA from doing this crap.
People not buying their games would. Maybe if so many people, like you, would drop your attitude and stop buying their games despite them pulling this stuff and breaking down and being wusses and effectively saying "I don't like what company X is doing but i wana play their gaaaaammmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeee"

Until then, you're right. Nothing is going to stop them from pulling this crap, when YOU and others let them.
Well I'm sorry if you think I'm a "wuss" for saying so, but as Mass Effect is one of the greatest series in gaming and I would pretty much play the final installment no matter what bullshit EA threw at me.

Yeah, I don't like what they are doing. However, even if every single person who read this thread boycotted and they all got three friends to boycott with them, there would STILL be zero dent in EA's profits from ME3.

Instead, lot's of people don't get to have a great gaming experience just because they thought it mean something if they stamped their feet and crossed their arms.

If that's what YOU want to do, that's fine. Just don't think I'm a "wuss" for knowing how ineffectual boycotts are.


Searching for common sense ...
Aug 6, 2011
MrDeckard said:
Sorry, but this is a very minor problem and to be honest, we are NEVER going to stop EA from doing this crap.
And this, ladies and gentlemen ... Is also the reason WHY it won't work.

I wonder when will people realize EA actually needs customers? Of course, they prefer sheep ... but they will also sell to wolves once sheep are not available.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
It's a little fucking annoying, but I'm still gonna buy the game; I've got too much invested in the story to not know how it ends. Ofcourse I can watch the whole game on Youtube, or something, but that would totally lack the personal experience of playing it through with my own Shepard.

I won't buy the DLC untill I've actually played the game through a couple times though.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
boag said:
Loop Stricken said:
Coreless said:
The industry is and always was, about making money...lets me say it again...the industry is and always was, about making money.
No shit. I don't mind that, but this move is effectively holding content to ransom.
tendaji said:
Why are we assuming the Protean is going to be a huge importance to the game?
Because he's a Prothean, plain and simple. Without the Protheans we'd effectively have no Mass Effect games.
I would like to address your points.

1.- we wont know if they are holding content for ransom until the game is releases, Zaeed was not a plot centric character even though he was integral to the Blue Suns, who are major antagonists in ME2

2.- That is a poor logical conclusion to reach, just because Shepard is human it doesnt make every other human as important.
Both would be correct, if humans were the race that went extinct 50,000 years ago, wiped out by the same things we are fighting in ME3.

I am extremely on the fence, having just finished the demo (no multi yet, servers are going down in an hour and people ain't playing it this early anyway). The game still has pretty fun combat, people complaining about lack of variety now get a "hybrid" between then ME1 and ME2 class systems (not as many "trees" or "rows" to put points into as in ME1, but almost twice as many as in ME2), dialog is still good, and guys I like are returning (at least Mordin, Wrex, Garrus and Joker). I especially like Wrex being back on the team.


New member
Apr 26, 2011
It was inevitable I guess. (Both threads like this and the DLC itself)
I just won't get the DLC, you know, being a sensible person and everything.


New member
Jun 15, 2010
A few statements have been issued stating that is not game changing DLC. It's a bonus squad member, like Kasumi.

This is a damn petty reason not to get ME3. Some people really need to get off their high horse.


New member
Sep 30, 2009
Yeah... I've thought about it, I've done my research, I've looked up this, that, and the other thing, and I have come to the following conclusion: I will not buy Mass Effect 3 until the DLC "From Ashes", the object of the uproar, becomes free to download. And screw the collector's edition.

For those of you who haven't heard, Bioware has responded to the outrage with the following post. Taken from http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/323/index/9403705/1

There has been a lot of discussion about the DLC offering but we wanted to clarify a few things...

- "From Ashes" includes the Prothean squad mate, an adventure on Eden Prime, a new weapon, and an alternate
appearance for every squad mate. Note that these alternate appearances are in addition to the ones already advertised in the CE.

- The Collectors Edition has been advertised from the beginning as containing a bonus character/mission, but we were not at liberty to provide the details. The Prothean is optional content that is certainly designed to appeal to long-time fans, which is why he is part of the CE offering (the version many fans would be likely to purchase). Mass Effect 3 is a complete - and a huge game - right out of the box.

- The content in "From Ashes" was developed by a separate team (after the core game was finished) and not completed until well after the main game went into certification.

- The Collectors Edition has been sold out in most places for some time now, and is becoming very hard to find (many players prefer not to purchase the digital version). As such, we wanted to make this content available so that SE buyers could also incorporate the Prothean into their game.

We'll be releasing some images and video about this pack in the coming days.

As always, we are extremely thankful for all of your support. We pulled out all of the stops to make Mass Effect 3 the best game ever, and we can't wait for you all to experience it.

Sorry, Bioware, but I just don't quite buy it.
In particular, I'd like to pick out the phrase, "the version many fans would be likely to purchase." I read that, and I can't help think, "We at Bioware know our fans are kinda sheepy, and many gamers have been waiting for ME3 for so long, we think we can get away with charging for this piece of content that should probably be free." Okay, maybe I'm reading into this entirely too much, but the thought still lingers.