I really wonder why we don't just.... never mind I can't reveal this plan. Ignore me now uhh I wasn't here *Smoke bomb* *Coughing*.
That is very true.TheKittyMan said:and even if you didn't, liking a show doesn't mean anything. People can not like the show, fine. I know people who didn't enjoy powerpuff girls and it blew my mind then, too, but it doesn't change that I liked it.AssassinJoe said:I'm a 4th degree black-belt who can break cinder blocks with his hands, I'm pretty sure I have enough mancards that this show doesn't affect me.
I can debate faulty logic, such as saying we're all "disgusting perverts because this show is for little girls", when Lauren Faust said it is designed for kids and their parents to enjoy.Baneat said:But, you can't debate personal taste, there is no objective good in any media, or even any strong arguments to suggest that there are objective merits. It's so pointlessBags159 said:I'm just replying to people because debating is fun. It's even more fun when half the people you're debating with are horrible at it.Baneat said:I think you're trying to justify it now,Tucker154 said:Who tries to justify it? We all know its a show made for little girls. To bad they failed at making it a hit on its targeted audience. Its just I fun show that as soon as you start watching it (and if your like me, the 1 hr after he sit down staring at nothing, just trying to figure out why the hell you enjoy it).Kipohippo said:It's a show for little girls that people try to justify for some odd reason. Tell me what is mature about ponies with tatoos of rainbows on thier buts prancing around singing about friendship. I mean, holy shit, other kids shows make fun of it for gods fucking sake.
But that got me thinking, arguing on the internet over your own personal taste is just unbelievably stupid. It's not like a regular argument where you're trying to convince a conclusion. Will anything ever said to you stop you from liking this show?
To me it seems like
"I like ponies"
"Oh-ho! I think not! *reasons*"
Best you can do is recommend it, but do you really give a shit about people you don't know who disagree on something like this?
Completely agree. Its just my taste in a show, I guess. But what I was trying to say to him was, it dont matter that its "girly", just that we like it. Thats 'bout it.Baneat said:I think you're trying to justify it now,Tucker154 said:Who tries to justify it? We all know its a show made for little girls. To bad they failed at making it a hit on its targeted audience. Its just I fun show that as soon as you start watching it (and if your like me, the 1 hr after he sit down staring at nothing, just trying to figure out why the hell you enjoy it).Kipohippo said:It's a show for little girls that people try to justify for some odd reason. Tell me what is mature about ponies with tatoos of rainbows on thier buts prancing around singing about friendship. I mean, holy shit, other kids shows make fun of it for gods fucking sake.
But that got me thinking, arguing on the internet over your own personal taste is just unbelievably stupid. It's not like a regular argument where you're trying to convince a conclusion. Will anything ever said to you stop you from liking this show?
To me it seems like
"I like ponies"
"Oh-ho! I think not! *reasons*"
Best you can do is recommend it, but do you really give a shit about people you don't know who disagree on something like this?
That's the sort of attitude that stops men from enjoying little things that are awesome like puppies and kittens. -_-AssassinJoe said:That is very true.
But the sad fact is that some people won't even give this show a chance because they assume that it's really girly. So my point is that if you're secure with your masculinity, it shouldn't matter if you see a show like this and happen to like it.
You forgot QUALITY animation, drum machines, and two-parters abound.Jailbird408 said:I've only seen a few of the early 80s episodes when I was younger, when everything was covered in syrup and song-and-dance numbers.
I think a lot of people who jump on the Gir bandwagon YEARS after the show is off the air are like that, but there are people who liked it during the shows airing time. lolitchcrotch said:it's just one of those things, it's become cool because you wouldn't expect it to, and thinking it's cool even though there's no clear reason why it's cool is apparently in itself cool.
like gir from invader zim...yeah, he says random stuff...apparently that makes him incomprahensable cool... and just going along with all the "don't try to understand it, just trust me when i say he's cool" hiding the fact that NOBODY understands it, also makes you cool.
Nah man.Kipohippo said:So what, once i watch it and either like or dislike it you wont love me/tolerate me anymore? Lol.JaceArveduin said:Ok mate, I told you (or was that in another thread?) that we would love and tolerate you until you were either converted or have a legitimate reason to not like it.Kipohippo said:Ahh fuck, sorry guys. Withdrawl anger bouts. Happens to the best of us. Fucking opiates. Ill try it tomorrow when I'm hopefully in a better mood. It takes me a while to realize it's the withdrawl talking. Sorry.
seconded,TheYellowCellPhone said:Here's an image I made in MS Paint on the subject:
See that odd thing hanging in the top right corner of the site? That's a search bar. You'll be waist-deep in My Little Pony threads if you search for it. Read the answers there.
Save your strength and arguments for when people start to get dangerous with their views,Tucker154 said:Completely agree. Its just my taste in a show, I guess. But what I was trying to say to him was, it dont matter that its "girly", just that we like it. Thats 'bout it.Baneat said:I think you're trying to justify it now,Tucker154 said:Who tries to justify it? We all know its a show made for little girls. To bad they failed at making it a hit on its targeted audience. Its just I fun show that as soon as you start watching it (and if your like me, the 1 hr after he sit down staring at nothing, just trying to figure out why the hell you enjoy it).Kipohippo said:It's a show for little girls that people try to justify for some odd reason. Tell me what is mature about ponies with tatoos of rainbows on thier buts prancing around singing about friendship. I mean, holy shit, other kids shows make fun of it for gods fucking sake.
But that got me thinking, arguing on the internet over your own personal taste is just unbelievably stupid. It's not like a regular argument where you're trying to convince a conclusion. Will anything ever said to you stop you from liking this show?
To me it seems like
"I like ponies"
"Oh-ho! I think not! *reasons*"
Best you can do is recommend it, but do you really give a shit about people you don't know who disagree on something like this?
Thought I'd give you all the benefit of the doubt and watch the first episode. It was unimaginably stupid.godfist88 said:perhaps this will answer your question: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JeJ6-gN0eB4
??? I don't recall anyone calling it mature... it's silly and funny and it has likeable characters, That's all.Kipohippo said:It's a show for little girls that people try to justify for some odd reason. Tell me what is mature about ponies with tatoos of rainbows on thier buts prancing around singing about friendship. I mean, holy shit, other kids shows make fun of it for gods fucking sake.