Will someone please explain why hitting a girl is bad but hitting a guy is fine?


New member
Jul 2, 2008
That ain't proper, man. Not saying it couldn't be a fair fight in some cases, but still, culture and psychology (in a mentally balanced individual) dictate that this is not proper behavior. I'm sure there's multiple instinctual drives at work, on top of upbringing, that dictate to us that...(this could sound highly insensitive, I don't mean this in any way except metaphorically, but this is a touchy issue in any respect, I'm sure)...."breaking a vessel" probably isn't conducive to perpetuating the species.

God damn that sounded cold even to type...

It's so weird. I had some girl randomly wallop me upside the head, and asked me to hit her back. I couldn't do it. Damn I wanted to, so badly. Really badly. But, I just couldn't do it.

I 'unno. I'm no expert. I'm going to stop trying now. It's an uncomfortable subject. Strangely.

Guess momma raised me right. Or something.

Or maybe it was seeing what some "human" males were capable of after too much drink and a load of stress to burn in some nights in my youth. Could be part of it...but that's neither here nor there.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
I've always heard women can handle pain more than men (childbirth, etc.).

Anyway, violence without provocation is wrong, no matter who you hit.

That being said, if a woman does something that you'd (rightfully) hit a man for doing, she should get the same reaction.

I generally find it insulting when a guy says he'd never hit a woman. Even if women are smaller on average, most men aren't capable of doing insane damage with a single punch.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Thanks for the stuff about physiology and all that, really cleared up this whole subject.

By the way I'd like to clear up that I don't go around just hitting women or men, I was just wondering why hitting a female is considered worse than hitting a male.


New member
Feb 18, 2010
Females are baby carriers. Pure and simple. It has nothing to do with strength, nothing to do with pain endurance. Society protects its denizens that can give birth more than those that cannot. This applies to essentially all populations of almost all species (because I'm fairly sure there'll be those one or two somewhere that break this code, there always are).


New member
May 10, 2009
I operate on the 'In Bruges' rule, if anyone comes at you with a deadly weapon you can pound on them all you like (resist the Pun).

On topic you bring up a good point but like everyone else says Girls are usually weaker than guys and i believe you should only hit someone if they hit you first (or hit my mates first :)) and in my experience girls tend to throw things when they get angry.


New member
Jul 3, 2010
man, I hate it when I end up in a fight with a girl. I have to hold back NOT because I belive its wrong to hit a girl, but because if I did fight as I normally would, I'd have her friends, all the onlookers, and everyone else I know against me, evan joining in. Look, if the girl is going to antaganize me to the point where its either quick violence now, or where im a hair trigger to everybody, then im going to treat her as I would everybody else. Same if she attacks me. Not that I could hurt anyone, I'm a nerd :p


New member
Dec 6, 2009
It is not socially acceptable to beat a women because they are considered a weaker sex that men are supposed to protect, not to attack. It's a patriarchy thing. It's like beating a child in a way, except it is socially acceptable to beat your kids regardless of their sex. This doesn't mean that you can beat your wife though. Marriage is about respect and stuff like that.

Housebroken Lunatic

New member
Sep 12, 2009
FargoDog said:
It all depends on context really. There's guys I knew who would look shocked at me for saying it's acceptable to fight back against a girl and then go and emotionally scar their girlfriends; I will never understand the male gender.
Hehehe, you think supposed "psychos" like myself would be any "easier" to understand?

Look, I might not have too many qualms about burying a knife edge inside the body of a woman (or man) whom I feel threatened by. But that doesn't mean im not complicated. :p


New member
Jan 24, 2010
i will only hit her if she hits me and even then only once

if how ever a man hits a woman because hes mad and she has not touched him that how ever is wrong and he needs a beating


New member
Jun 23, 2010
Marter said:
Males are usually stronger. They can do more damage.

That's the way I look at it anyway.

And it's a societal thing. It has always been worse, so that thought is in people's minds.
This pretty much sums it up. Also, girls have a lower pain threshold, so you're causing more pain.

Lunar Shadow

New member
Dec 9, 2008
I go by the rule of "Never hit someone weaker than me". I tend to go for joint locks to resolve a violent situation, so if the person is stronger than me and I can't get a lock because of it, then the striking starts, namely an open hand strike to teh the throat. I am technically a pacifist, but when I am in that kind of situation I try to end it as quickly as possible. And just to clarify if it reaches this point, shit has hit the fan as I try to at least solve situations peacefully.


New member
May 21, 2010
It's called a double standard. Men are also allowed to sleep around. It all evens out in the end, don't you worry.

PS, I am a guy.


I forgot what this was before...
Jul 10, 2009
Nobody hit anybody, unless your asking for it, damn Neonnightlife.


Lemon Meringue Tie
Aug 18, 2009
Girls are generally weaker than guys. It might not always hold true but most guys can often underestimate their own power and hit harder than expected.

Sure, I'll punch guys as a joke, on the arm or whatever, but it literally never hurts them. Guys have punched me before, as a joke, in the same way, thinking they're hitting me as hard as they hit me, but it's often painful as fuck, and i'm left with a bruise and my eyes get all watery.

I don't even think men & women can be equal. We're superior to each other in different ways so being equal is impossible.

I reckon that women are generally treated with more respect by decent men because we're the reason the human race continues as it does. Think about it. You exist because of your mother, a woman. Your mother exists because of her mother who exists because of her mother, and so on, all the way back to the beginning of humans. Humanity owes everything it has to the women of the world.


New member
Dec 14, 2008
Because the feminist movement has been all about getting rid of the faults of chivalry while keeping the benefits.

Malone II

New member
Jun 3, 2010
WanderFreak said:
I love how the arguments FOR generally include things like "men are physically stronger than women" or "woman have less upper body strength."

So you're saying ALL women are weaker than men?

Oh, you're not? Some are stronger?

Well then you don't have an argument.

If hitting one is fine, hitting the other is fine. I'm not advocating going around hitting people for no reason, but if you give me a reason, male or female, I will put you down.
The average man is stronger than the average women. Some will be stronger than the average man and they would be body builders.
Men have much higher testosterone (obviously, that's what makes us men) which would in turn make men stronger. It's why some male body builders take testosterone pills, to help increase strength and build more muscle mass.

Never hit a women unless she attacks first. It's not right when a man is naturally stronger.