Will someone please explain why hitting a girl is bad but hitting a guy is fine?


New member
Apr 4, 2010
Most girls are by default weaker than men, and a slap in the face that could leave a guy pissed off will most likely transport them to Narnia for half an hour.
If they are weaker we "should" not hit them, just like you wouldn't hit a guy with glasses ether.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
the idea that a man can't hit a woman originates from the time when women were "unequal" to the men, and thus weaker.

i belive its stupid that a man can't hit a member of the opposite sex, but only in self defence.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
Men and Women are not 'equal' in the sense that they are the 'same'. The word is used to say that while different in many ways, both sexes are of equal value to society. Thus, hitting women, who may well be physically weaker or with less aptitude for violence, is not very 'manly'. The equality between the sexes is about societal value, not physicality or ability.

Besides all that, would I hit somebody just because 'I can'? I wouldn't hit a woman, because I respect the 'office' that women fill. That is the office of 'the mother', 'the nurturer' and 'life giver' and have been brought up to protect that. The instinct that someone 'needs to be hit' for something, is not an instinct to revel in, if one values advancement.


New member
Sep 1, 2009
Are you serious OP? I really, really hope this is trolling. Otherwise, I'll explain it. ONLY SCUMBAGS HIT WOMEN. Equality has nothing to do with it. Fairness between the sexes is based on opportunities afforded each gender being equal. It isn't a physical thing. Most sports aren't co-ed, certainly no contact sports are. No-one pretends men and women are physically equal. Any man that hits a woman is the very worst kind of scum imaginable.


Nightingale Assassin
May 20, 2009
Men are generally stronger, and whenever a man blows off steam on his girlfriend by hitting her when she can't defend herself, that's when it's unacceptable.


New member
Oct 27, 2009
I never understood this either. This why I never gave a fuck. If I'm physically threatened by anyone (except a small child for...obvious reasons), I will fight back. When I've been attacked by both males and females, I've struck back upon them both.


What type of steak are you?
Apr 26, 2009
eggy32 said:
somelameshite said:
Males on average have more hit-points than females.
That may be true but men have one easily accessible weak point, couple that with the fact that most of womens' shoes such as stilettos re pointy and you've got a formula for easy massive damage.
Massive damage?

More like...


Mr. Doe

New member
Aug 15, 2009
If you have to ask this then you'll never see the reason behind it and will just flame/argue with people trying to get the notion of Chivalry into your head.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
eggy32 said:
For some reason people seem shocked by the fact that I'm as willing to hit a girl as I am to hit a boy, why is this?

Is it not sexist to say that girls cannot be hit by us guys? After all, males and females are apparently equals, so why does this not apply to violence.
Same reason guys can't use the women's public toilets YOU JUST CAN'T!!

Don't give me that "but that's sexism" bullshit, women ARE physically weaker than men, a punch that would barely phase a guy can shatter a girl's jaw. It's the same reason men and women cannot punch a kid, and that's not ageism.

Of course there are exceptions (such as if your life is in immediate danger) but that "he hit her" is not normally expected.

It's just it is only sometimes "accepted" for guys to punch each other in the face as (1) they can take the physical attacks, and (2) this is part of natural male confrontation, better thump each other in the face and resolve it there than let the rage escalate into calculated murder.


New member
Mar 30, 2010
cheftacular said:
This whole concept strikes me as a little dumb. I got in trouble at school for smacking a girl who, might I add, is considerably larger than me (in more than one way) AFTER she hit me. I got in trouble for hitting a girl. She didn't get in trouble. I'm getting the sulphuric scent of hipocrisy here - women want to be treated equally, but now when it comes to things NOT in their favour?
Women don't want equally. They want to be paid like men and treated like women.

Baron von Blitztank

New member
May 7, 2010
It makes no sense to me either.
I personally don't hit anyone unless they attack first, regardless of gender or anything else.


New member
Jul 17, 2009
If your getting attacked by a women, subduing her is a valid course. To hit implies to strike and men are generally strong enough to take her down gently and avoid lashing out. Therefore it is a little odd to say you will strike a women. If she was truly going at you and you didn't have much of a choice then yes, I would even smash her in, for my own safety. But it's just a little harsh to say you would in casual conversation.

It's also an honour thing. Pick on someone your own size-like rule encoded into our culture.


New member
Jan 17, 2009
twasdfzxcv said:
Women don't want equally. They want to be paid like men and treated like women.
We were having a discussion about this in my English class. I brought up this exact point, but I forgot my teacher was a feminist-hippie-creep. Big mistake.


New member
Jan 11, 2010
Traditional gender roles. As women have always been seen as the 'weaker sex', and were therefore expected to be passive, it simply wasn't on for a man to abuse his physical superiority. That attitude is pretty bullshit, sure, but you'll still find that a lot of women are abused violently/sexually by men. Anyway, I consider any violence to be bad, not least because i'm weak as a kitten myself.

also, some people here seem to be confusing 'different' with 'inferior'. I don't give a shit if men are (typically) stronger or if women have different organs. Socially, you're still equals. No reason for it to be otherwise.

Booze Zombie

New member
Dec 8, 2007
WanderFreak said:
I love how the arguments FOR generally include things like "men are physically stronger than women" or "woman have less upper body strength."

So you're saying ALL women are weaker than men?

Oh, you're not? Some are stronger?

Well then you don't have an argument.

If hitting one is fine, hitting the other is fine. I'm not advocating going around hitting people for no reason, but if you give me a reason, male or female, I will put you down.
God damn ninjas, stealing my thoughts...

Bravo, sir.
Equal opportunity means I can kick the asses of all threats that come my way, not just the male ones!

If strength was what matters in a fight, big strong men wouldn't be killed all the time, by the way, Internet.


New member
Nov 12, 2009
Honestly I don't know. Personally I cannot hit a girl even if they piss me off to the point where if she was a guy I would have slit their fucking throat and curb stomped their head in. I will cuss them the fuck out and make them feel like shit though. But I cannot bring myself to get into a fist fight with them.