Will you forgive Bioware if they bomb ME3?


New member
Aug 21, 2009
Probably not. I'm not so jaded to assume that just because BioWare is dealing with EA that EVERY SINGLE ONE of their games will suck from now on, and I have no reason to believe Mass Effect 3 will be anything less than fucking awesome. The RPG elements are deeper than ME1's, the combat is the same as (if not improved from) ME2, weapon mods actually do something, and even the tacked on co-op mode looks promising.

Honestly, if Mass Effect 3 turns out to be anything less than the best of the trilogy, I'll hop in my TARDIS and fly on a dragon because dreams are the only place any of those can occur.


Elite Member
Aug 24, 2010
Nope, They already bombed Dragon Age 2.

If ME 3 isn't the best thing ever Bioware is dead to me.

I'll be a Bethesda fanboy after that!

Assuming Skyrim is good.


Souplex Killsplosion Awesomegasm
Jul 29, 2008
I've played ME3, it's pretty much the same as ME2 gameplay wise, with some slightly deeper RPG elements and melee weapons (Finally)!
Some of the bad ideas have returned, like full regenerating health instead of rebounding shield and standard health with med-gel, you still can't equip your companions with armor, and for some reason they got the impression that people liked thermal clips.
That said, the last game they released was DA2, so I'm still wary.

Don Savik

New member
Aug 27, 2011
the ego in this thread is hilarious

they will have to earn MY trust back because MY heart will be crushed because I had a deep relationship with a masked clawed foot chick and a blue chick Q_Q they are my favorite games evar and I demand it to end according to my satisfaction!

People, especially bioware fanboys/girls, lets just take a chill pill and calm down. We have other games to play if its turns out not that great. Its not the end of the world.


New member
Dec 31, 2009
I don't think they can bomb ME3,merely because all the games in that trilogy were a success.Keeping the same "recipe" as it would seem they have with minor tweaks,I think,will make this a good game.

Dragon Age 2 on the other hand was streamlined as everyone knows and that's why it had so many problems with it's fans,me included.The storyline was decent enough,but the combat was a bit too action`y for my tastes.


New member
Oct 11, 2008
Yeah. I would. Why?

Because I don't judge a developer on one fuck up. Yeah, one. I loved Dragon Age 2.

Plus, what if their next game is the greatest they've ever made? The greatest game EVER made? Would all you naysayers forgive them then or would you be stubborn as usual and try and rip the game apart?

I'm honestly unsure. All I know is that if that happened, I'd be laughing.

When it comes to ridiculously blanket statements such as "I'LL NEVER FORGIVE THEM FOR RELEASING A SUB-PAR PRODUCT!" people are either assholes or hypocrites when a better product comes out.

And this is coming from an optimist.


New member
Apr 24, 2010
I've been enjoying Bioware's games for years. Dragon Age 2 was just ONE bad game out of MANY great games they made that I enjoyed. Therefore I'd probably give them another chance even if ME3 is terrible.


New member
Jul 10, 2010
Scorekeeper said:
Racecarlock said:
Probably, but then again I'm not really interested in mass effect after completing the first one and not buying the second. Face it guys, it's the plot of halo, but replace "Halo" with "Reapers" and "Flood" with "Geth" and "Covenant" with "Reaper slaves I guess" and you pretty much have the same story but with dialogue and side missions. And dating. It was never that smart or cerebral. People say 2 was "Dumbed down" but dumbed down from what, exactly? Because all I got with mass effect 1 were some shooter levels with weapons selection and upgrading and a dialogue system where talking is about as exciting as looking at a wall painted two different colors and picking your favorite and side missions which never got more complex than shooting something, shooting a boss something, and a fetch quest followed by more shooting. It's not an action RPG, it's a shooter with bells and some geology homework on it.

Because that makes sense. Halo's story is the same as the Lord of the Rings, but replace "Ring" with "Halo" and "Uruk-hai" with "Flood" and "Covenant" with "Saruman". They pretty much have the same story, amirite? It's not like the biggest similarities are purely superficial, what with both being sci-fi with aliens, humans, ancient races and what have you.

OT: I highly doubt they'll botch it. If they do, and it's genuinely bad (worse than DAII), I'll be severely disappointed. ME3's the only game I'm looking forward to more than Skyrim.
Hey, I'm just stating my opinion honestly. What, is criticizing mass effect not allowed here? Or is it brutal honesty? I just didn't like mass effect very much, and complaining about it won't change my mind.

Prof. Monkeypox

New member
Mar 17, 2010
Probably not, because if they manage to screw it up, it will likely be due to the obnoxious added bullshit thrust on the game by EA to make it more "accessible" to the mainstream.

I will not forgive them if they let themselves become EA's *****.
May 29, 2011
equalplatinum said:
I've never gotten into BioWare games, even though everyone loves them. Therefore, for me, it would be good if they did screw it up. At least, in the eyes of the fans cause that means they might make something I will actually want to play.
That's a bit incredibly selfish, don't you think?


New member
Apr 28, 2010
Depends on if and how bad they fuck it up, as a person who plays Bioware games exclusively for the story, charecters, and the world they build, I can safely say they could take tetris and add a bit where Commander Shepard talks to someone every 5 minutes and I would probably love it just because of the talky bits.

I'm the kind of guy who gets excited whenever a new codex entry comes up, and I could probably write a biographical essay on every charecter from KOTOR2, and that's the kind of thing I like in Bioware games, rich story, good charecters, and a fleshed out world.

If ME3 has these things it's golden in my mind.


New member
May 1, 2009
I already gave up on BioWare. They made the pile of crap that is Dragon Age II, don't you all remember? Plus, ME2 was awful compared to the first game, so I don't see how ME3 could even come close to being as good.
May 29, 2011
Racecarlock said:
Scorekeeper said:
Racecarlock said:
Probably, but then again I'm not really interested in mass effect after completing the first one and not buying the second. Face it guys, it's the plot of halo, but replace "Halo" with "Reapers" and "Flood" with "Geth" and "Covenant" with "Reaper slaves I guess" and you pretty much have the same story but with dialogue and side missions. And dating. It was never that smart or cerebral. People say 2 was "Dumbed down" but dumbed down from what, exactly? Because all I got with mass effect 1 were some shooter levels with weapons selection and upgrading and a dialogue system where talking is about as exciting as looking at a wall painted two different colors and picking your favorite and side missions which never got more complex than shooting something, shooting a boss something, and a fetch quest followed by more shooting. It's not an action RPG, it's a shooter with bells and some geology homework on it.

Because that makes sense. Halo's story is the same as the Lord of the Rings, but replace "Ring" with "Halo" and "Uruk-hai" with "Flood" and "Covenant" with "Saruman". They pretty much have the same story, amirite? It's not like the biggest similarities are purely superficial, what with both being sci-fi with aliens, humans, ancient races and what have you.

OT: I highly doubt they'll botch it. If they do, and it's genuinely bad (worse than DAII), I'll be severely disappointed. ME3's the only game I'm looking forward to more than Skyrim.
Hey, I'm just stating my opinion honestly. What, is criticizing mass effect not allowed here? Or is it brutal honesty? I just didn't like mass effect very much, and complaining about it won't change my mind.
We're not complaining about you disliking mass effect, we're complaining because you made a stupid comment about it.


New member
Jun 12, 2011
Yes, I can't really see Bioware outdoing ME2 with ME3, the same way ME2 completely outdid ME1, I can see it being on par, but I can't see it blowing me away again.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
I'm past forgiveness or giving a sh*t about Bioware. ME3 will be purchased simply because I'm already invested in the trilogy. Except for that I'm not buying another Bioware game.


New member
Sep 22, 2011
I'm pretty certain that they won't mess it up.

Now that I've said that, I believe that in the event that they did, it would depend on the size of the screw up. If they took away from single player to tack on multiplayer, then yes. I'd be pissed.

If they added the Mako back in (kill me now...) then I'd forgive them.

Aside from that, I don't see how they could mess it up...


Feb 9, 2009
New Jersey
United States
If BioWare does manage to somehow screw it up I will be upset, but I won't dwell on it. I'll just move on, and keep living my life. This would be after I'm done crying myself to sleep in my sock drawer of course.

From what I've seen/heard of Mass Effect 3, it looks amazing. I'm trying not to get my expectations too high, because I know if I do that I'll be disappointed no matter how good it is. I love the first game, and I love the second one(even though that's apparently a mortal sin in the gaming community now). I'm pretty confident that BioWare will deliver.


New member
Sep 9, 2010
I would not forgive them until the last of the galaxy's fade to darkness as their billions of stars are slowly extinguished one by one.

Yael Rivera

New member
Jul 25, 2011
Racecarlock said:
Probably, but then again I'm not really interested in mass effect after completing the first one and not buying the second. Face it guys, it's the plot of halo, but replace "Halo" with "Reapers" and "Flood" with "Geth" and "Covenant" with "Reaper slaves I guess" and you pretty much have the same story but with dialogue and side missions. And dating. It was never that smart or cerebral. People say 2 was "Dumbed down" but dumbed down from what, exactly? Because all I got with mass effect 1 were some shooter levels with weapons selection and upgrading and a dialogue system where talking is about as exciting as looking at a wall painted two different colors and picking your favorite and side missions which never got more complex than shooting something, shooting a boss something, and a fetch quest followed by more shooting. It's not an action RPG, it's a shooter with bells and some geology homework on it.
you my friend are a complete idiot... Mass Effect =/= Halo at ALL
and done get me wrong i love halo but you sir are an idiot

and no i wouldnt forgive them i liked dragon age 2 but it was a hugely disappointing i expected more and with mass effect if they bomb it i would die :(
but i dont think it will suck at all they've said this is commander shepard last hoorah they wouldnt dare screw it up


New member
Nov 14, 2009
No. I would never forgive them. Not. Ever.

This may seem petty and a bit irrational,
but Mass Effect 1 & 2 happen to be my favorite games.

That being said, I have faith in Bioware, and I'm interested
to see how the multiplayer turns out.