Will you forgive Bioware if they bomb ME3?


New member
Jul 10, 2010
Probably, but then again I'm not really interested in mass effect after completing the first one and not buying the second. Face it guys, it's the plot of halo, but replace "Halo" with "Reapers" and "Flood" with "Geth" and "Covenant" with "Reaper slaves I guess" and you pretty much have the same story but with dialogue and side missions. And dating. It was never that smart or cerebral. People say 2 was "Dumbed down" but dumbed down from what, exactly? Because all I got with mass effect 1 were some shooter levels with weapons selection and upgrading and a dialogue system where talking is about as exciting as looking at a wall painted two different colors and picking your favorite and side missions which never got more complex than shooting something, shooting a boss something, and a fetch quest followed by more shooting. It's not an action RPG, it's a shooter with bells and some geology homework on it.


New member
Mar 20, 2009
Seeing as they already bombed ME2, and DA2... NO.


Cheshire the Cat said:
I am still unsure if I am willing to forgive them for bombing ME2.
The company that brought us Mass Effect and Dragon Age: Origins aint the same one that brought us ME2 and DA2 and we are poorer for it.
ninjas... damn...


Smug Platypus
Dec 19, 2008

I consider myself a major Bioware fanboy. I loved them since the time of Baldur's Gate. But I dislike the direction they've been going recently. Mass Effect 2 had some questionable design decisions that I didn't fully support, but I defended it since it also had a ton that I did like and the changes from the first game were more good than bad (IMO). Still, it left me concerned. Dragon Age 2 was an OK game, but it was not up to Bioware standards. It was rushed, the plot was weaker than ME2's (and that's saying a lot), the recycled environments were a running joke in the gaming community, the wave-based combat was just ridiculous, etc.

While DA2 was OK on its own, it definitely indicated a downward trajectory for the studio. For me ME3 is the make-or-break point. If they screw it up, I resign from my fandom of them and will likely be reconsidering my currently guaranteed purchase of TOR. If ME3 turns out bad, it'll mean that the developer has gone to shits.

On the bright side, most of what I saw of ME3 has left me optimistic. I just hope they make DA3 and make it good...


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
on the contray I have no reason to think ME3 will be bad, I prefered ME2 to ME1 so as I said..no reason to dislike it

I just hope to god it isnt the DA2 situation all over again...I think Ill stay way from escpaist when ME3 comes out


New member
Jul 30, 2011
Under no circumstances.

I only bought a Xbox360 for Mass Effect, because I played it on a friend's console and loved it so much I needed to play my own copy but also had to buy the console for it.

If they ruin the story, or make it less than my imaginary hype level, which is on par with finding unquestionable proof that religions I dislike are false.

I won't forgive them, no. I mean, Mass Effect is 'effectively' (heh) Farscape + Star Trek Voyager merged into one beautiful story, then splashed with a little Starcraft and Lexx.
I don't see how its possible to screw that up, unless they end the trilogy the same way Farscape's season 4 (final) ended. Was so bad the studio had to make a movie to fix everything, which luckily had the best ending any movie ever had ever.


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
I would, but I don't think my wrist would

(to clarify I have a Mass Effect Tattoo)


New member
Dec 17, 2010
Yeah, because I'm apparently the only person on the planet who never got into Mass Effect.


New member
Jul 10, 2009
I've never gotten into BioWare games, even though everyone loves them. Therefore, for me, it would be good if they did screw it up. At least, in the eyes of the fans cause that means they might make something I will actually want to play.


New member
Feb 17, 2011
I will not. See, being a hardcore (emphasis on that adjective) Bioware fan, I understood their position when they were purchased by EA. I realized that some titles would have to take a beating, and was very thankful when I saw they were letting Dragon Age take the hit (And to their credit, while still trying to make it a decent game). Seeing how beautifully Mass Effect 2 was executed, I realized that they were letting an off-hand title take the hit for EA to milk for money while they kept their flagship title to themselves, mostly untarnished.

If Mass Effect 3 bombs, all of that goes out the window and it shows that Bioware has let ME go down the plughole as well. The only exception to this would be if it was ruined in a way that couldn't feasibly be blamed on EA, such as truly bad gameplay mechanics, rather than generic, gimmicky ones designed for Mass Appeal (if you see what I did there).


New member
Oct 22, 2009
I already lost complete faith with DA2. I don't expect greatness from them anymore. So if they make something good I'll just be pleasantly surprised.

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
Don't care about companies either way, if the game turns out to be shit it will go on ebay quick and I'll be vary of their products in the future, mind you that state was earned by Bioware a long time ago.


Tastes Like Chicken!
Apr 11, 2008
MiracleOfSound said:
I've played Mass Effect 3 and I'm pretty confident it's going to be amazing.
Well then it's settled. I'll hold you to your word then.


New member
Oct 14, 2011
they have made great games and they WILL NEVER bomb out on ME3. HOWEVER if they do a BAD job on ME3 then it will be EA's fault for making them rush it


New member
Aug 22, 2011
I never played Mass Effect because my PC is too crap to run it and I'm getting a 360 later because I'm tired of upgrading my PC and developers are slowly dropping making PC versions, it saddens me.