Will you forgive Bioware if they bomb ME3?


New member
Apr 8, 2010
zama174 said:
Fuck no.. After making ME1 and 2 so amazing if they some how bombed Mass Effect 3, I would never buy another game of there's. Why? Because they would have crushed my soul, and that is a wound time cannot heal.
Dear god, my thoughts exactly. After finishing ME1 ages ago, and just (literally yesterday) finishing Mass Effect 2, getting an almost perfect finale (only Miranda died, thank god for that) and being uber hyped up over the next game, I feel they would have to die in an obligitory fire if they somehow stuffed it up.

Thankfully I've never played Dragon Age 2 (or 1 for that matter), so Bioware still has a clean record in my books.


New member
Mar 15, 2011
Racecarlock said:
Probably, but then again I'm not really interested in mass effect after completing the first one and not buying the second. Face it guys, it's the plot of halo, but replace "Halo" with "Reapers" and "Flood" with "Geth" and "Covenant" with "Reaper slaves I guess" and you pretty much have the same story but with dialogue and side missions. And dating. It was never that smart or cerebral. People say 2 was "Dumbed down" but dumbed down from what, exactly? Because all I got with mass effect 1 were some shooter levels with weapons selection and upgrading and a dialogue system where talking is about as exciting as looking at a wall painted two different colors and picking your favorite and side missions which never got more complex than shooting something, shooting a boss something, and a fetch quest followed by more shooting. It's not an action RPG, it's a shooter with bells and some geology homework on it.

Because that makes sense. Halo's story is the same as the Lord of the Rings, but replace "Ring" with "Halo" and "Uruk-hai" with "Flood" and "Covenant" with "Saruman". They pretty much have the same story, amirite? It's not like the biggest similarities are purely superficial, what with both being sci-fi with aliens, humans, ancient races and what have you.

OT: I highly doubt they'll botch it. If they do, and it's genuinely bad (worse than DAII), I'll be severely disappointed. ME3's the only game I'm looking forward to more than Skyrim.


Nov 11, 2009
Sure I would be disappointed, but it's not like Bioware is my personal friend, they are jsut a games developer that makes some pretty decent games, so why should I feel personally attacked if the game wasn't how I wanted it.


New member
Sep 15, 2009
CarrionRoc said:
Ruwrak said:
CarrionRoc said:
If they had the entire trilogy planned then there would be no way to drop the ball barring publisher interference and even then it'd be EA's fault.

But if they just give us a shit ending with an excuse to make another trilogy or more sequels, then yes (e.g. God of War III and Halo 3).
Well the ending is all up to you isn't it?
It up to me in the limits they give.
As it is with all multiple ending games right?
But still your playstyle & choices should reflect in the ending.

But Bioware won't bomb ME3 really.. I mean it's their paradehorse.

Ed130 The Vanguard

(Insert witty quote here)
Sep 10, 2008
Bioware has already been booted off my "auto pre-order" and "grab DLC" lists after Dragon Age 2.

Another disappointment will drop them back to "get during a Steam Sale"... well crap, I guess they'll drop right back to "acquire from Uncle," where BF3, COD and other such single player gems languish.

REcaptcha: arcipti societies


New member
Feb 26, 2009
from the footage ive seen, it looks incredible. it will at the very least, be as good as ME2.

but if it was somehow horrible, i would forgive them. id be sad as hell that the game was bad, but every developer makes mistakes. even the big ones are forgivable.


New member
Jun 14, 2011
I would find it very hard to forgive them if they botched it. A few reasons of how it could be botched.

1. if they play the old multiplayer/singleplayer card. It having multiplayer (even if it will be optional) they think they have the escuse of slacking off on the single player quality because it has multiplayer.

2. If they become too DLC happy. Sure i don't mind DLC infact i think it brings added life to my games. But if they release DLC which was sopposed to of been in the game anyway too often it can leave a nasty taste in the mouth and makes people look at there games disks thinking did they purchase a full game?

3. Too much streamlining. Yes some is good but ive seen it far too often when developers go too far and streamline it too much in an attempt to try to appeal to everything while possibly alienating the existing fans.

NOW a bit of possitive to somewhat even out this post.

From what ive heard n read there bringing back the weapon mods so you can custermise your death machines the way you want em.

Not only weapons but squad armour and ability custermisation will be making a comeback too.

Polishing the combat even further.

There just a mix of rumours and whatnot but be nice to see the custermisation of ME1 with the better combat of number 2 best of both worlds? Ill just leave this here too. Some rumours and comfirmed features etc.



New member
Jan 26, 2009
Man, the 'unforgivable' hate BioWare gets.

Look. They didn't make Duke Nuke'm Forever, they didn't make X-Men Destiny. Dragon Age wasn't that bad. Yes, it was flawed, but it's not the burning stinkhole of terrible you're making it out to be. The game is an above average effort from a company where 'above average' is a low point of their game making prowess.

I can see why it's a disappointment, but really? It doesn't deserve -this- level of animosity, nor is it even rational to assume that Mass Effect 3 is going to be bad because of it. In fact, given that a lot of Mass Effect 2 was a response to fair criticisms on Mass Effect 1, they'll take the fair criticisms of Mass Effect 2, keep what worked from both games, and make something glorious.

I still have faith in BioWare, because if the absolute worst thing they've done is still an above average effort... then you're a pretty damn good company and you make pretty damn good products.
Nov 28, 2007
They better not bomb Mass Effect 3. Otherwise, I'd have to change my avatar. And I've had it since before ME2 came out.

Luckily, nothing I've read has made me think that ME3 will be anything less than fantastic. Of course, I'm a fanboy, so my opinion is invalid.

DracoSuave said:
Man, the 'unforgivable' hate BioWare gets.

Look. They didn't make Duke Nuke'm Forever, they didn't make X-Men Destiny. Dragon Age wasn't that bad. Yes, it was flawed, but it's not the burning stinkhole of terrible you're making it out to be. The game is an above average effort from a company where 'above average' is a low point of their game making prowess.

I can see why it's a disappointment, but really? It doesn't deserve -this- level of animosity, nor is it even rational to assume that Mass Effect 3 is going to be bad because of it. In fact, given that a lot of Mass Effect 2 was a response to fair criticisms on Mass Effect 1, they'll take the fair criticisms of Mass Effect 2, keep what worked from both games, and make something glorious.

I still have faith in BioWare, because if the absolute worst thing they've done is still an above average effort... then you're a pretty damn good company and you make pretty damn good products.
Very well put. I commend you, as a huge Mass Effect fan (yeah, avatar, and serious consideration of getting a tattoo of Tali would point towards that). Also, I find it honestly amusing at this point how many ME2 haters have come out of the woodwork since the "disappointment" of DA2 simply being a slightly above average game instead of a great one.


Elite Member
Dec 25, 2008
Never, not even if the entire development team came to my house, dropped on their knees and begged for forgiveness whilst trying to give me offerings of cake. They've already screwed over the KoTOR series by turning it into an MMO cash cow, and that was my favourate Star Wars thing of all time, if they screw up Mass Effect I will never even acknowledge any of their games again.

However, if the footage I've seen of the game is any indication of the quality of the finished product, I doubt that'll be an issue.


New member
Feb 10, 2010
I will rage at EA first and at Bioware second. I'd rage pretty hard though. The Mass Effect team really loves it's product and I think that EA will be the one to blame the most if it bombs.


Elite Member
Nov 7, 2007
I wish people would clarify what was so bad about ME2. All I'm seeing is a bunch of whining for no particular reason.

Michael Hirst

New member
May 18, 2011
Well if it comes down to an Indepdendence Day style computer virus or a magic Reaper off button I'm going to be really pissed off with the cheap writing, so if they fuck up ME3 I will be rather pissed off with Bioware and if they can screw up ME3 I'll just assume they've crawled ALL the way up EA's ass.

I doubt it will come to that though I think the first 2 games have been pretty good and Bioware will want to make an impact with the end of the trilogy, Dragon Age 2 was bad and to me the old Republic looks dull as hell but that doesn't mean the entire staff can't make another ME good.


New member
Sep 24, 2010
For what it's worth, I'm going off the assumption that this post says DA 2 is terrible leading to a loss of trust already and that ME 2 is a disappointment compared to ME 1 (even though I don't feel that way).

Of course I'd forgive them. It's childish to condemn all projects by a developer simply because they made couple of bad games. It just means that I'd know better than to pre-order or buy their products early in the release cycle. I'd have to do that extra bit of research on each individual game to ensure it'll be to my liking.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
MiracleOfSound said:
I've played Mass Effect 3 and I'm pretty confident it's going to be amazing.
...Can I invite you over? I think we can try a brain trans... I mean, a brain stimulation over ME3.


OT: Not really. They made Neverwinter Nights, so on a scale from 1 to 100 on how much I like them they're about 100. Was 120 before they sold rights to NwN to the OTHER company that made the game shit. And I didn't care about DA 2 at all.