Will you forgive Bioware if they bomb ME3?


New member
Aug 24, 2010
I don't think they can bomb it that bad. Sure the game might be less interesting than the other, great, games of the series, but I really doubt they are really going to make a mess of it.

And yes, I can forgive them a less than excellent game if it's like that because of trying to do something different (I personally liked DA2 and the different direction they took with the game, and the fact that they were willing to risk some innovation is a plus in my book)


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Cheshire the Cat said:
I am still unsure if I am willing to forgive them for bombing ME2.
The company that brought us Mass Effect and Dragon Age: Origins aint the same one that brought us ME2 and DA2 and we are poorer for it.
That is exactly how I feel. ME3 is make or break for me. If ME3 isn't the game I want, I won't bother with Bioware again. There are devs that still try to make the games I want, so I will be turning more and more to independents and to Obsidian, thank goodness for Obsidian.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
Well, Bioware's current-gen offerings are yet to disappoint me.

Sure, DA2 was below par for them, but I still enjoyed it.

ME1 was pretty good. ME2 was great, easily in my all-time top five. Everything I have seen and heard about ME3 shows a lot of promise.


New member
Feb 3, 2009
After what they did with Dragon Age 2? Definitely not.

Although, I have played the demo they were using at the games conventions recently, and it plays pretty well, so gameplay seems fine, let's just hope they don't fuck the story.


New member
Jul 31, 2011
No way. I'm already pissed that they took time to develop the pile of shit Dragon Age instead of Mass Effect 3.
Apr 5, 2008
Mass Effect 3 will be the last BioWare game I feel will be (somewhat) free of EA influence. I realise that is a very naive and likely untrue feeling, but as the Mass Effect and Dragon Age series' were in development before the EA buyout, and with BioWare's track record as an excellent developer of top-notch RPGs, I had a hope that EA would take more of a back seat.

After Mass Effect though, to my mind everything BW do in the future will be EA'd up. We're already seeing bu****t online passes since ME2. I won't give them credit for DLCs though...Neverwinter Nights premium modules kept the game alive for years and it was wholeheartedly approved practise then. Well, not the substantial ones. The rubbish armours and weapon packs are EA nickel and diming at its finest.

So I'll be buying ME3 whatever previews/critics say, it's certain and inevitable. After that, I'll decide as and when :)


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
Vault101 said:
I think Ill stay way from escpaist when ME3 comes out
Yup. Me too.

No matter how the game turns out, absolutely irrespective of what content it contains or does not contain, what changes are made or not made, these forums are going to turn into an absolute seething cluster-fuck when ME3 hits the shelves.

And the worst part is, no matter how much I promise myself that I'll stay away, I know full well that I'll be in the thick of it, hurling textual missiles like a fiend.

In a word... ugh.

MiracleOfSound said:
I've played Mass Effect 3 and I'm pretty confident it's going to be amazing.
You've played....

All my hate, man. All my hate. Also, envy.

Tufty94 said:
No way. I'm already pissed that they took time to develop the pile of shit Dragon Age instead of Mass Effect 3.
Uh... what?

You do realise that the two series are handles by two separate teams, right? With a third team working on SWTOR. Time spent on one is not time taken from another.


New member
Jul 7, 2011
Zack Alklazaris said:
Lets face it, when it comes to sequels to video games they tend to disappoint and don?t even get me started on trilogies. Now I can?t speak for everyone, but Bioware has been my favorite company for years. Aside from Dragon Age 2 it has never really disappointed me at all. With that being said

Would you forgive Bioware if they bombed Mass Effect 3?

For me I would have to forgive them. It wouldn?t be easy, but they have done so well in the past that they would deserve a chance to make it up somehow.
Sequels have earned a bad reputation because of the developers. A developer too often relies on the hype and success of the original, while showing off their new graphics in the trailer. Trilogies are brilliant if the team doesn't get lazy, and I loved Halo.

The thing is that Mass Effect is a user driven experience. The player creates and becomes their character and has a lasting impact on the game world. The world becomes what the player wants it to be.

Mass Effect 3 has got everyone excited due to the success of the first two games. Bioware is always looking for more ways to interact with their fan base.

Here's the thing, though:

Guy Jackson said:
I still haven't forgiven them for fooking up ME2.
You don't need to forgive them. Being a writer, I understand that if a developer decides to make a universe, a living, breathing world, then not everyone is going to be happy with the outcome.

The point is that it is their world, and they don't need to apologise for people not liking it (based on their own opinions, of course.)

However, if nobody likes the game, that is a completely different story.

Even if Mass Effect 3 DOES fail, it probably won't be their fault. Infinity Ward derailed after their Activision takeover, and Modern Warfare 2 sucked because of that.

EA bought Westwood studios and Command and Conquer, and look at C&C 4. Terrible.

EA's Origin, supposedly deleting ALL pirated software (not only games) has been called a "worm" by many. This would be breaking the law. Even though pirating software is illegal, 2 wrongs don't make a right. Jaywalking is illegal, but that doesn't make killing jaywalkers acceptable.

All I'm saying is that EA has a bad track record.


New member
Nov 23, 2010
Nope, after what they did to their last game, Dragon Age 2 I'm not even buying it first day/pre-order/collector edition. Fool me once shame on you, Fool me twice shame on me. That's not going to happen.

The Dutchess

New member
Feb 24, 2011
I think my soul would be crushed. I have such high hopes for ME3. I literally think it's going to be the best game ever made.

Zack Alklazaris

New member
Oct 6, 2011
Racecarlock said:
Probably, but then again I'm not really interested in mass effect after completing the first one and not buying the second. Face it guys, it's the plot of halo, but replace "Halo" with "Reapers" and "Flood" with "Geth" and "Covenant" with "Reaper slaves I guess" and you pretty much have the same story but with dialogue and side missions. And dating. It was never that smart or cerebral. People say 2 was "Dumbed down" but dumbed down from what, exactly?
I really wish I could knock out this into the bs pile, but I never played Halo so I'm not sure if its true or not :(


New member
Mar 27, 2010
I'm already done with Bioware after Mass Effect 3, unless it's the best damned game I've ever played. Dragon Age II (and ME2 to a lesser extent) would land any developer on my "Never buy from again under any circumstances" list - it was just that bad. It's only because I'm an optimist, and I want to see how the story ends that I'm buying Mass Effect 3.

Seriously, unless Bioware really - and I'm talking large scale changes - gets their shit together, I can honestly say I will lose all interest in buying another one of their games.

Also, with regards to the whole ME=Halo thing? Yeah, there is a few similarities, but nothing too huge. Really, that's what a lot of writing is - plot devices reused time and time again. I'm sure there is some other source that you could say Halo stole from, and so on. Mass Effect is original enough that you can't claim plagiarism by any means.


New member
Jan 5, 2009
To be honest I don't think if Bioware bombs this it will matter. EA will dismantle it and sell off Dragon Age Mass Effect ect or give it to another branch to make.

Lets be honest here EA it has no troble buy a compony that has alot of fan and make decent money. Milking it dry and then cutting it apart and selling what left. They do it all the time. Rockstar barly got out of it.

Heck if they though they could they buy Valve and pump out half life and portal even few months.


New member
Sep 1, 2011
DracoSuave said:
I still have faith in BioWare, because if the absolute worst thing they've done is still an above average effort... then you're a pretty damn good company and you make pretty damn good products.
That's the problem though, they used to be utterly spectacular. I've bought every Bioware game since Baldur's Gate since I got it for Christmas so many years ago, and unfortunately it looks like Mass Effect 1 was their swan song. ME1 was the last time they released a game when it was done. I enjoyed ME2, but the simple fact was that it lacked so much of the Bioware polish that the first did. If you look at ME1, the PC version was released months later with a bunch of interface upgrades and extra features that took advantage of the different advantages of the medium.

ME2 did not have that. The interface was still optimized for controllers, the tutorial messages didn't even update keybindings once you'd changed them, you had to manually move your old saved games... etc. Regardless of any other design or story considerations, of which I had many, it showed a clear slide in the quality of the finished product. Several elements of the game were improved, but it was like comparing a rough diamond to what used to be a well cut emerald.

I feel that ME3 will be the final Bioware product I purchase unless they really change something about their finished games. If they bomb it, I will be very dissapointed that I am choosing to deal with Origin to install it.

Now, excuse me while I go boot up Baldur's Gate. Tutu modded version.


New member
Oct 26, 2009
IF they fuck it up? I don't know, I can't think of any other game in their libary that I really cared about, so I don't know, ME was the only series I liked.


New member
Sep 11, 2009
no , they shouldnt waste their tikme with sci fi stuff. i want my rpgs dark and fantastic, i want Dragon Age 1 part 2!


New member
Jul 9, 2011
Zack Alklazaris said:
I really wish I could knock out this into the bs pile, but I never played Halo so I'm not sure if its true or not :(
Not true, so you can just safely knock it into the bs pile. Most people don't even reply to comments like that, because of the sheer idiocy of it.