Women: Do you consider yourself superior to men?


New member
Apr 10, 2011
retyopy said:
I'm getting the feeling that quite a few woman consider themselves superior to men. Plus, being non-illiterate, I read books, and one female character will ineviatably turn to another female character and say, "use your superior feminine amazing brainpower to get the retarded man-children under control," or something along those lines.
Just a suggestion. But basing your views of internet fora and fiction? Not incredibly smart.

If we read about something it automatically triggers related memories. So if we read about women who feel superior to men, we suddenly recall all sorts of instances from our own lives where this happened and have trouble recalling reverse situations.
Same for you reading a book like that, it suddenly triggers all kinds of related memories and you're left thinking "wow! This happens all the time!".

If you're interested in this sort of stuff you're better off taking a course at your local university. Doing some research and finding neutral and objective study books. Reading the works from famous philosophers and psychologists throughout human history (though be critical of people merely claiming to be famous).

If you've actually done a study in a related field you could always use google scholar to find articles on these matters, though they're bound to be a lot more complicated and more theoretical in nature.


Little Miss Vampire.
Jul 13, 2010
A difficult question, but I'll endeavour to answer truthfully.

Am I superior to a man simply because he is a man? Nope.

Am I superior to a man because I've put time and hard work into something? Well that largely depends on the man, I mean there's tons of stuff I'm rubbish at, like cooking, cleaning, being generally domestic and mechanical engineering etc. In other words, I'm better than some, equal to others and some are superior to me in their respective fields.
Gender isn't the be all and end all of a person.


Me, I'm Counting
Sep 24, 2008
The-Epicly-Named-Man said:
I'm literally waiting for the one asshole who says they do, just to be different.
I had a good laugh at this, because there's always 'that guy' who makes a point of being deliberately contrarian. Brilliant that the second post thought exactly the same thing.

retyopy said:
Well, girls freak out at the sandwiches, so why can't I freak out over the punieness of my inferior male brain?
Because men have never been in a position of inferiority. Patriarchy was the dominant social norm the world over and still is today in many communities. Just look at the middle east - women having to walk behind their male masters, women being traded off as wives like commodities, and in a recent case an arabic woman of 17 being murdered by her parents for trying to avoid an arranged marriage.

It's all about context. It's the same reason as why people are more sensitive over racial issues over blacks rather than racial issues over whites - because historically blacks were mistreated severely whilst whites were the global dominant ruling force. Women have only just recently got the vote and the right to become doctors, lawyers etc. Even to this day women are payed less than men for doing exactly the same job and there's a pervading "male culture" in nearly all social circles.

I'm male myself, but i have a certain sense of misandry for my own gender. I personally do not like 'laddish behaviour' and stereotypical 'male culture'. I don't play nor watch sport, i don't talk about old cars like they're the bees knees, and i don't ever feel the need to 'compete' as so many other men seem to. I generally tend to find men far too shallow and outright distasteful, though i know that's a gross generalisation. Now, i don't necessarily see women as being superior, the fairer sex has its flaws too. I think, again, it all depends on the context. You can't just say that women are superior and state it as de facto; if you see a situation where a pair of meatheads are acting like simple minded sexist douchebags, then yes, the woman is going to feel above them. But that doesn't mean she will feel that way about all men. She might feel that way about the meatheads but have all the respect in the world for her male boss or her male friends. I think it's kind of silly to place an entire gender in one basket, much in the way it's silly to assume all feminists are feminazis.


New member
Jul 13, 2011
well i'm a guy and frankly i find woman can be considerably superior to men man rush in all the time and dont think before they act womanon the other hand to imma point one thing out half my friends are girls and all of them are smarter then pretty much every guy i know thats just my opinion frankly it doesnt bother me both sides have their ups and downs guys are usell bigger built then woman (Though woman can still some times become strongerthen man) and woman are usell smarter then men again some times it can be the other way around


New member
Aug 24, 2009
Daystar Clarion said:
Nobody hates feminism (well, except misogynists).

People hate femi-nazism.

And the whole "use your feminine wiles to control his puny male brain" is just a joke. Nothing to be taken seriously.

No different than the whole, "more importantly, why isn't she in the kitchen making me a sandwich?" jokes.

We like to poke fun at the old gender stereotypes.
The problem lies with the people that still believe old gender stereotypes. And the more someone repeats those kinds of jokes, the more it seems to me that they aren't really joking.


New member
Jan 11, 2011
Lol, I don't consider myself superior, I just think that men and women are better at different things. For example, I will always agree, that men are stronger, however, I would say that women are more agile. The same can be said about our brains and mindsets. We're just different, not superior. And that's why, by completing each other, we can live together :D


New member
Aug 24, 2009
Gralian said:
The-Epicly-Named-Man said:
I'm literally waiting for the one asshole who says they do, just to be different.
I had a good laugh at this, because there's always 'that guy' who makes a point of being deliberately contrarian. Brilliant that the second post thought exactly the same thing.

retyopy said:
Well, girls freak out at the sandwiches, so why can't I freak out over the punieness of my inferior male brain?
Because men have never been in a position of inferiority. Patriarchy was the dominant social norm the world over and still is today in many communities. Just look at the middle east - women having to walk behind their male masters, women being traded off as wives like commodities, and in a recent case an arabic woman of 17 being murdered by her parents for trying to avoid an arranged marriage.

It's all about context. It's the same reason as why people are more sensitive over racial issues over blacks rather than racial issues over whites - because historically blacks were mistreated severely whilst whites were the global dominant ruling force. Women have only just recently got the vote and the right to become doctors, lawyers etc. Even to this day women are payed less than men for doing exactly the same job and there's a pervading "male culture" in nearly all social circles.

I'm male myself, but i have a certain sense of misandry for my own gender. I personally do not like 'laddish behaviour' and stereotypical 'male culture'. I don't play nor watch sport, i don't talk about old card like they're the bees knees, and i don't ever feel the need to 'compete' as so many other men seem to. I generally tend to find men far too shallow and outright distasteful, though i know that's a gross generalisation. Now, i don't necessarily see women as being superior, the fairer sex has its flaws too. I think, again, it all depends on the context. You can't just say that women are superior and state it as de facto; if you see a situation where a pair of meatheads are acting like simple minded sexist douchebags, then yes, the woman is going to feel above them. But that doesn't mean she will feel that way about all men. She might feel that way about the meatheads but have all the respect in the world for her male boss or her male friends. I think it's kind of silly to place an entire gender in one basket, much in the way it's silly to assume all feminists are feminazis.
You win a prize for well-thought-out statements, sir.


New member
Aug 6, 2011
Nope! People are equal no matter what gender, religion, sexuality, skin tone etc.

Am I better at some things then others? Yes.

Are there people better at some things than I? Yes.

But at the end of the day we are all people who will one day walk the path of death :D


Guild Warrior
Dec 14, 2009
iLazy said:
Nope! People are equal no matter what gender, religion, sexuality, skin tone etc.

Am I better at some things then others? Yes.

Are there people better at some things than I? Yes.

But at the end of the day we are all people who will one day walk the path of death :D

you just won the thread. here, have an internet.


books, Books, BOOKS
Jan 19, 2011
United States
Do I think that I'm superior than men? No, because that would be extremely arrogant of me to say that. l like to think I'm equal with my opposite gender, and there are some things that I'm better at than men, and men are better at some things than women. It's what the things go round!

Now, I gotta go make a sandwich, I'm freaking hungry from all this food implications.
trollnystan said:
Why on earth would I consider myself superior to men? People are people are people. Men are (generally) better at some things, women are (generally) better at others. Beyond that, we ain't that different.

BTW, are there any other women out there that get pissed at the whole "If only women ruled the world, it'd be a better place!" spiel that some people spout? Men are (generally) more violent, but women are (generally) more vindictive and history is full of women manipulating behind the scenes for power and money. (Sorry, just had to get that off my chest.)

But I also don't hold with the whole, "women are imagining things, they ain't oppressed at all" which is occasionally followed by a "MEN are oppressed!" We're working out the kinks in this whole equality thing, people. If we could handle being oppressed by the patriarchy for a couple of 1000 years, I think you can handle a few decades of forced alimony payments, and whatever else (I'm not well-read on the subject), while the those kinks are (hopefully) ironed out. /gross over-generalisation

I just really wish people were considered people first, gender second. Traditional gender roles are not necessary in today's modern society.

Sorry. Incoherent rant over. *slinks off and readies flame shield just in case*
I sure as hell am.

It's like, then go live on an island if you're so sure that you can do a better job, and leave me alone. That whole crap makes me want to rip my ears out. Typically I start being that asshole that starts making terrible comments, and it's funny watching the person saying that hear "their fellow gender" saying such things.


New member
Sep 8, 2011
Yep! Other men have nothing on me!

Seriously though. Even If you are the greatest man or woman on the planet right now, a legion of men and women more capable have or will exist. Also, because of genetic diversity, there will always be men and women that defy general gender strengths. So you can never say something about men vs women and be right.

Now I'm off to grace the rest of this sight with my presence!


Sailor Jupiter Woman
Jun 10, 2011
I consider myself superior to these guys who start sexist threads like `OMG Whats up with all the wimmenz?!`.

But, seriously, no I dont consider myself superior to people because of whats in between their legs.
Unfortunately I have met many guys who DO consider themselves superior on this basis.


New member
Jul 12, 2010
No. I do find a lot of behaviours of men to be infuriating... and also blissfully simple/straight forward.


New member
Dec 11, 2010
There's a lot of negative association with the term "feminist," I think they need a new term. But in general the more extreme members of any group will get the most attention.

Regardless, I don't generally consider myself superior to men. To think that women are automatically better than men is still sexism, & still plays into the old stereotypes that there are inherent differences between both genders. For instance, thinking that women's "nurturing" nature is better than men's "aggressive" nature. When I do consider myself better than someone, which does happen on occassion, it's because of some trait of that person, not their gender.

There's still a lot of ground to be covered in terms of equality for both genders. Although women get most of the attention, men face it to. How about the ridicule a man faces if he wants to be a nurse or a stay-at-home dad?


New member
Jul 22, 2011
I don't think there are very many differences between genders in actuality, I think its just society that makes different genders think they have to act differently.

Nathan Crumpler

New member
Sep 1, 2011
retyopy said:
Daystar Clarion said:
Nobody hates feminism (well, except misogynists).

People hate femi-nazism.

And the whole "use your feminine wiles to control his puny male brain" is just a joke. Nothing to be taken seriously.

No different than the whole, "more importantly, why isn't she in the kitchen making me a sandwich?" jokes.

We like to poke fun at the old gender stereotypes.
Well, girls freak out at the sandwiches, so why can't I freak out over the punieness of my inferior male brain?
Who says you can't freak out?