Women: Do you consider yourself superior to men?


New member
Aug 8, 2008
Let me allow these ladies (as representatives of their entire gender) to answer your question.


The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
To be honest, I think the whole feminazi[footnote] not feminists in general, I mean the super bitchy extremist ones, which I refer to as feminazis to avoid confusion.[/footnote] "men are the scum at the bottom of the barrel!" attitude more or less comes from general hatred, and blaming the evils of the few on the many, rather than a straight up superiority complex. Every argument against feminazis I've ever seen, or witnessed where the status of women themselves was brought up, the feminazis tended to skirt around that with tangents and rhetoric. A good example is that

Sh directs you to the comments section to show her greater detailing of her opinion in answer to questions. Not only do the men (there, at least) debate it with her quite calmly, she gives a prime example of skirting around the whole woman superiority thing, as though that somehow stops her from being sexist.

When asked if the list applies to women:

II) I?m answering your question with a question: Whether it is or isn?t, how is that relevant to you? How does that relate to your own behavior?
When the person debating with her (Samuel) explains he wants to know, so as to expand his knowledge of her argument to understand the list:

As for why men shouldn?t be focused on whether I would apply the list to women? Because what I am saying is that, if individual men are serious about fixing these issues then they should be considering the part they play in this mess, rather than spending their time trying to play gotcha with whatever ?crazy? feminist has come across their path. It?s not at all intellectually dishonest for me to refuse to play that game ? if a man considers my post to be a legitimate social critique, then it shouldn?t matter to him whether I, personally, would apply it to women. That simply isn?t relevant and, again, it?s placing the onus for fixing his problems on women. That isn?t what this blog is about. And if a man does not consider my post to be a legitimate social critique, then, again, it shouldn?t matter to him whether I apply it to women, because he doesn?t consider it to have merit in the first place.
TL;DR on that last one: "I'm not answering your question, because if you want to prove you're not approving of rape, you should stop arguing with me, and follow the list I set out."
Or at least, that's what I took from it.

I linked the article as source citation, and since I am only quoting it, that should give context for those who need it.


New member
Jan 27, 2011
Nope. I just consider myself superior to those I'm superior to, regardless of gender. (Who doesn't?)

Seriously, it's base ignorance to consider yourself superior to someone because they were born with different sexual organs than you.


I'm back, baby, & still dancing!
Dec 27, 2010
Mackheath said:
You use a lot of generalitivity (if thats a word) but I agree. =p

Also love the avatar. Wish I had those dance moves.
If it isn't a word then it should be =P

And my avatar thanks you for your compliment. (I like to pretend it's Garrus dancing. ... ... What? >_>)

Fiz_The_Toaster said:
I sure as hell am.

It's like, then go live on an island if you're so sure that you can do a better job, and leave me alone. That whole crap makes me want to rip my ears out. Typically I start being that asshole that starts making terrible comments, and it's funny watching the person saying that hear "their fellow gender" saying such things.
I usually grit my teeth and politely disagree with them, which apparently goes over their head completely. Maybe I should try your method? Damn my indecisive and submissive nature![footnote]Which has nothing to do with my effing gender! ARGH[/footnote] *shakes fist*

I seriously don't know what those people - I say people because I've heard men say it too - are thinking when they say things like that. Who the hell put our gender on a fucking pedestal and how do I get off this thing? I'm afraid of heights.

Oh and if you're making a sandwich, can I have one too?


New member
Jan 6, 2011

1. Belief in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes.


Hatred of men.

Apparantly there are a fair few men on this site who lack the possession of a dictionary. Feminism is not misandry, it does not stand for female superiority, feminists are individuals of both genders with their own perspectives, methods, ideologies and morality all united under the one same desire to bring gender equality to fruition. That's it, please keep this in mind when posting on threads pertaining to gender politics.

OT: I'm a guy and consider myself inferior to a lot of men and women, which I judge on an individual basis, regardless of gender.


New member
Jan 15, 2011
I consider myself superior to women in the art of holding open doors, waiting politely for them to sit down first...

Wait, is that sexism or just manners and chivalry?
It's getting really friggin hard to tell with some people...

If being more courteous to the opposite gender is sexism, is considered wrong, I don't want to be right.

I also consider them less likely to be able to stand up for themselves against drunken assaults. I, however, CAN take a punch (With some exceptions, some women are pretty damn hardcore) (The first person to make a wifebeater joke I strangle through their webcam) So I'm going to do my best to defuse the situation, or defend the woman involved.

Again, if chivalry is wrong, I don't want to be right.


New member
May 2, 2011
Patriarchy is, and was, just as damaging to low-status males as it is to females. And you're out of your mind if you think patriarchy, even in Western culture, is a thing of the past. Male privilege necessarily dis-privileges other males, even and thoroughly so far as in access to the opposite sex. Patriarchy will always exist insofar as enough women favor material appeals over the interpersonal, and reproduce with material-laden, high-status males rather than males of any other background. So, I might as well say that patriarchy will always exist; I don't imagine people suddenly becoming wise, or physical materials to become so ubiquitous so as not to remain a concern.

You will find that much social strife is related to, if not rooted, in access to the opposite sex.


New member
May 2, 2011
OmniscientOstrich said:

1. Belief in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes.


Hatred of men.

Apparantly there are a fair few men on this site who lack the possession of a dictionary. Feminism is not misandry, it does not stand for female superiority, feminists are individuals of both genders with their own perspectives, methods, ideologies and morality all united under the one same desire to bring gender equality to fruition. That's it, please keep this in mind when posting on threads pertaining to gender politics.

OT: I'm a guy and consider myself inferior to a lot of men and women, which I judge on an individual basis, regardless of gender.
If feminism is what it is supposed to be, by your account, would it not be better to call it Sexual Egalitarianism? The name alone, in that it implies a preference for the concerns of women, rather than the concerns of men, is going to always be divisive.


books, Books, BOOKS
Jan 19, 2011
United States
trollnystan said:
Fiz_The_Toaster said:
I sure as hell am.

It's like, then go live on an island if you're so sure that you can do a better job, and leave me alone. That whole crap makes me want to rip my ears out. Typically I start being that asshole that starts making terrible comments, and it's funny watching the person saying that hear "their fellow gender" saying such things.
I usually grit my teeth and politely disagree with them, which apparently goes over their head completely. Maybe I should try your method? Damn my indecisive and submissive nature![footnote]Which has nothing to do with my effing gender! ARGH[/footnote] *shakes fist*

I seriously don't know what those people - I say people because I've heard men say it too - are thinking when they say things like that. Who the hell put our gender on a fucking pedestal and how do I get off this thing? I'm afraid of heights.

Oh and if you're making a sandwich, can I have one too?
It's quite effective, the only thing is, it's really hard not to smirk or chuckle when they loose their shit. It usually ends with me being called a ***** and I get to call them pot!

Hmm...I don't know, I made a Philly Cheese Steak and it might be nasty by the time you get it....



New member
Jun 29, 2009
the spud said:
First things first, I am a man.

OK, now that we have that out of the way, I think that all these threads saying "OMG feminism is bad" make one common mistake; they apply the ideals of radicals of a small minority of members and apply them to the whole group.
Unfortunately, this happens a lot on all topics and groups. Course because the Bill O'Reilly theory (I'm louder so I'm right) has been implemented into many of our politics this of course has made it harder to distinguish who has legit ideas/concerns and who isn't loud and crazy.


New member
Sep 26, 2010
retyopy said:
That seems a little redundant, you could have just said you were literate.

Concerning the question I'm a young man and believe myself an equal of women.


New member
Jan 6, 2011
CentralScrtnzr said:
OmniscientOstrich said:

1. Belief in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes.


Hatred of men.

Apparantly there are a fair few men on this site who lack the possession of a dictionary. Feminism is not misandry, it does not stand for female superiority, feminists are individuals of both genders with their own perspectives, methods, ideologies and morality all united under the one same desire to bring gender equality to fruition. That's it, please keep this in mind when posting on threads pertaining to gender politics.

OT: I'm a guy and consider myself inferior to a lot of men and women, which I judge on an individual basis, regardless of gender.
If feminism is what it is supposed to be, by your account, would it not be better to call it Sexual Egalitarianism? The name alone, in that it implies a preference for the concerns of women, rather than the concerns of men, is going to always be divisive.
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. The name itself means nothing, there are plenty of words that sound much different to their meaning, but the above is the dictionary defintion of what Feminism stands for. The name isn't the issue, it's people who make sweeping generalisations on the basis of an extreme minority within the movement and subsequently associate feminism with misandrist doctrine that are the problem. If they're too ignorant to notice the difference, I don't think the same principles under a different name is going to do much to assuage them. Besides, changing the name isn't going to stop the people with more extreme beliefs hijacking it to push their own prejuidiced dogma.

Mylinkay Asdara

Waiting watcher
Nov 28, 2010
retyopy said:
Now, I must first ask that you don't dogpile me under mountainous piles of shit and hatred. I'm just asking a question, so theres no need to get all crazy about it. And, without further delay, on with the thread!

So lately, what with all of these "zomgz feminists r bad" and the equally retarded comments that dogpile them under mountainous piles of shit and hatred, (see what I did right there?) I'm getting the feeling that quite a few woman consider themselves superior to men. Plus, being non-illiterate, I read books, and one female character will ineviatably turn to another female character and say, "use your superior feminine amazing brainpower to get the retarded man-children under control," or something along those lines.

And now I wish to know: Do you consider yourself superior to men? And if you do, justify your answer.

So... Yeah.
Myself personally? Depends on the man I suppose, or group of men. Same would go for the question "Do you consider yourself superior to women?" as well. Which is to say the questions seems to really be: "Do you consider yourself superior?" to anyone, really. In what area? Morally? Intellectually? Physically? Looks? Net worth? Over all? The person who says yes to that would have to be pretty arrogant indeed.

I know what you're trying to ask, but it's a bit of a silly question.

(Also, and this is not to be mean, but because I'm in a class about this right now and happened to catch it: non-illiterate is .... literate would be the proper word to use.)


New member
Aug 21, 2010
ith all the femiist related tocs laterly.

omg i hate my keyboard

whats with all the feminist related topics laterly.


I'm back, baby, & still dancing!
Dec 27, 2010
Fiz_The_Toaster said:
....... Oh! Sorry, went into drooling-Homer mode. That is one yummy looking sandwich. Yeah, that'll do juuuuuuuuuust fine. *creepy look in eyes*


New member
Sep 8, 2011
I'm sorry this post is off topic, but I'm new to the site and would really like to start a tread. Can someone explain to me how to do that?


New member
Aug 6, 2011
Katherine Ciesla said:
retyopy said:
Now, I must first ask that you don't dogpile me under mountainous piles of shit and hatred. I'm just asking a question, so theres no need to get all crazy about it. And, without further delay, on with the thread!

So lately, what with all of these "zomgz feminists r bad" and the equally retarded comments that dogpile them under mountainous piles of shit and hatred, (see what I did right there?) I'm getting the feeling that quite a few woman consider themselves superior to men. Plus, being non-illiterate, I read books, and one female character will ineviatably turn to another female character and say, "use your superior feminine amazing brainpower to get the retarded man-children under control," or something along those lines.

And now I wish to know: Do you consider yourself superior to men? And if you do, justify your answer.

So... Yeah.
Myself personally? Depends on the man I suppose, or group of men. Same would go for the question "Do you consider yourself superior to women?" as well. Which is to say the questions seems to really be: "Do you consider yourself superior?" to anyone, really. In what area? Morally? Intellectually? Physically? Looks? Net worth? Over all? The person who says yes to that would have to be pretty arrogant indeed.

I know what you're trying to ask, but it's a bit of a silly question.

(Also, and this is not to be mean, but because I'm in a class about this right now and happened to catch it: non-illiterate is .... literate would be the proper word to use.)
I know, it's an inside joke.


books, Books, BOOKS
Jan 19, 2011
United States
BlindTom said:
Let me allow these ladies (as representatives of their entire gender) to answer your question.

Yes, I do believe that answers that question quite nicely, hilariously I might add.


books, Books, BOOKS
Jan 19, 2011
United States
trollnystan said:
Fiz_The_Toaster said:
....... Oh! Sorry, went into drooling-Homer mode. That is one yummy looking sandwich. Yeah, that'll do juuuuuuuuuust fine. *creepy look in eyes*
No no, ogle away, I make amazing sandwiches. Although I've never had someone look creepily into one, just as long as you don't do anything that's not kosher with it, have at it.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
I'm a man and I think women are better than men.

"Huh, well if you like women so much why don'y you marry one... oh"

That's the idea.

I don't mean in every aspect, just overall in the aspects that count. I mean who has ever gone to a party and said:

"YES! Not a single woman turned up, men everywhere. I'm not gay, I just think men are great!"

But feminists don't have to be arseholes, they can let people have their harmless fun without ruining the party.