Women: Do you consider yourself superior to men?


New member
Sep 14, 2010
(Man here)

Not equal, superior, or inferior.

Worthy of the same treatment? Of course. But men and women are not the same. Looking down my pants can tell you that.

Either way I'm pretty sure without one of the sexes humanity would end a reasonably short amount of time.


New member
May 11, 2010
I dont consider female superior. We as the human species are all dumb as hell, we just have different levels of stupidity, myself included. I am not a feminist, never will be. I believe that everyone no matter what color, age, sex, or sexual interest should have the same rights and be able to make the same mistakes.


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Jul 25, 2008
OmniscientOstrich said:

Hatred of men.
I thought everyone suffered from that.

Men don't like other men unless they are bros. Women don't like men, unless they EARN their affection.


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Sep 20, 2008
retyopy said:
Now, I must first ask that you don't dogpile me under mountainous piles of shit and hatred. I'm just asking a question, so theres no need to get all crazy about it. And, without further delay, on with the thread!

So lately, what with all of these "zomgz feminists r bad" and the equally retarded comments that dogpile them under mountainous piles of shit and hatred, (see what I did right there?) I'm getting the feeling that quite a few woman consider themselves superior to men. Plus, being non-illiterate, I read books, and one female character will ineviatably turn to another female character and say, "use your superior feminine amazing brainpower to get the retarded man-children under control," or something along those lines.

And now I wish to know: Do you consider yourself superior to men? And if you do, justify your answer.

So... Yeah.
With all the stupidity on that feminism thread, I feel superior to quite a few men right now >.> They COULD learn about feminism, or they could just spout stupid rhetoric. If I heard 99% of that thread in University, I'd wonder how you didn't fail.

And any female character saying that is not a feminist: retarded MAN-children implies that men are stupid and 'feminine amazing brainpower' is just that whole GURL POWAH crap that doesn't solve anything nor manage to define what the fuck that is. Seriously, Bella is not a feminist character (even if a female wrote it -_- females can be sexist towards themselves just out of sheer stupidity).


New member
Apr 19, 2008
Not entirely on topic but very amusing. I know a lot of women who have penis envy. They swear up and down that they wish they were born men so that they would have a penis.

On topic I've never noticed any women that think they are superior and only one who thinks she is inferior (but she has some serious self esteem issues so I guess that's to be expected)


New member
Mar 5, 2011
Well to be fair, there are some women superior to men but, there are men that are superior to women,
I'd like to thing we are all hapless victims of the sliding scale of sanity


New member
May 11, 2010
An old friend of mine considered herself a feminist. She was halarious. she would get pissed qhenever a female on a television show, movie, or game would be viewed in a sexual fashion. However when she watches a show which features a "sexed up" male (in this case Twilight /shudder) she would go "omg he's sooo hawt" /drool. Oo She would become pissed when a male finds a woman highly attractive, but the other way is okay?


I Have No Idea

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Aug 5, 2011
The-Epicly-Named-Man said:
I'm literally waiting for the one asshole who says they do, just to be different.
Fawcks said:
I consider women superior to men (on a general level)
Well that didn't take very long at all.

OT: I'm not a woman, so I guess I can't chime in here


New member
Jan 6, 2011
Treblaine said:
OmniscientOstrich said:

Hatred of men.
I thought everyone suffered from that.

Men don't like other men unless they are bros. Women don't like men, unless they EARN their affection.
Bit of a jump from indifference, or dislike to outright hatred though, no?


New member
Nov 23, 2008
Haha, yes, and I consider myself inferior in other aspects.

Hello I am a Feminist, Not a Fem-nazi. And I like men, what would we do without their lovable straightforward thinking.


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Sep 8, 2011
AkaDad said:
Women can do what men can do AND give birth. I have to go with yes, they are.
Men can write in the snow with there crotch. What could be more beautiful than that?


New member
Jan 21, 2011
Fawcks said:
I consider women superior to men (on a general level), but I'm a guy so you probably don't care about my opinion. ;c
Here's a product of modern society. Men are told they are worthless from day 1.


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Apr 24, 2008
bit_crusherrr said:
Fawcks said:
I consider women superior to men (on a general level), but I'm a guy so you probably don't care about my opinion. ;c
Here's a product of modern society. Men are told they are worthless from day 1.
I think that's just the result of having very little self confidence. I don't believe it's anything new.


New member
Jul 24, 2009
Some things men can do better, some things women can do better. Finding the balance is what is hard.

Personally, i don't care. If a women thinks she can keep up with me and do a job, im good with it. Ive worked in factories where i had to catch up to women, because of experience level. I work with women today. Some of my coworkers can do things that i wouldn't do skill wise, and cant do.

Rights wise, ok equality. Just remember you cant have all the good things without some bad ones too.


New member
Mar 2, 2010
The only thing that a certain sex is superior to the other is in the field of athletics. That is the one thing that is undebatebly true. Actually women are usually (maybe almost always) better parents. There is clearly the maternal instincts that are coded into women that men don't have as much of. I know there may be exceptions to these rules but in the majority yata yata yata you know the rest.

Things like intelligience are kind of tricky to figure out because even if one of the two sexes is intellectually superior, there's still not a big chance that it could be proven.

BTW, I am of the male persuasion.


New member
Feb 15, 2009
Obviously not. And that you assume that lots of women do clearly shows what immature girls you apparently hang out with.

Women acting like chauvinist pigs are just as bad as men acting like chauvinist pigs.

'Record Stops.'

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Sep 6, 2010
Daystar Clarion said:
Nobody hates feminism (well, except misogynists).

People hate femi-nazism.

And the whole "use your feminine wiles to control his puny male brain" is just a joke. Nothing to be taken seriously.

No different than the whole, "more importantly, why isn't she in the kitchen making me a sandwich?" jokes.

We like to poke fun at the old gender stereotypes.
Me? I CAN make a sandwich for myself, I'm just a lazy freeloading bum. But if I had a wife...I'd make stuff I can make for myself, by myself. Sandwichs I can do, Eggs I can do(Barely), I can do Noodles, I can do microwave, I can a surprising amount of things, and if I can do it so it takes less stress off of her back, I'll do so.

But....OT: I'm a man, and I generally think that Women and Men are on the same page, but that we both tend to get a bad-rep for thinking ill of the other.