Maybe they've use the/a Jacket like that in during some sort of Stakeout or Oddly Cold Night Other than that It's really just a few alterations of any Wonder Woman look. (Outside of having pants)Greg Tito said:Personally, I think the show should use the rebooted comic imagery that cast the Amazon woman hero in a more modern outfit, but that's probably just me.
Honey, you never care for anything.Yureina said:Better... but I still don't really care so much. >_>
whiteM1lk" post="7.274146.10605399 said:No one wants a wonder woman who wears pants!
I disagree.
The Pants is better in my option, much more pratical. Sure, she invincible in damn near everything, but I perfer that she look like she having fun, not going to the beach.
Yes. The makeup change is definitely another source of improvement.justnotcricket said:I think a big difference has been made by the fact that in the more recent show she's not wearing such bright lipstick. That combined with all the shiny latex in the previous shot gave her an unfairly...uh...inflatable..look, and in the more recent one she looks much more like a person and less like a doll. =)
Classic. I love that show.ZeppMan217 said:Too much clothes.
The devil's in the details.unabomberman said:They should've just gone with the newer costume in the comics. Would've gone better with a live action series, but oh well.
Anyways, this is definitely an improvement. It's a wonder what the darkening of a color palette can achieve.