NortherWolf said:
DugMachine said:
tl;dr Talents were changed for the better.
No, they really weren't. They were dumbed down and, maybe it's because I've sicne played better games but when I went back to wow for a short stint the talent system just screamed: "LOOK AT ME ! YOU DON'T NEED BRAINS TO FIGURE ME OUT!!!!"
There we go, that's how you found out your talent spec now and then, lots of brainpower needed there. Some people crunched the numbers and said what the best spec was in order to perform your job, you would look it up and copy it. Aside from 1 or two points, you didn't deviate because it would gimp your performance. Sure there were lots of places to click, but in the end you had no choice but to choose the same spec as everyone else in order to perform properly.