World of Warcraft Subscriptions Continue to Slide


New member
May 10, 2011
Players who have lapsed eh?......Yeeeeaaaah..... they just couldn't take the mediocre game play and 90% idiot/troll ratio that makes any thing but a big raid or pvp event worth the time.


New member
Jun 16, 2010
Xanthious said:
I don't know, I'm a six year veteran of WoW and for some reason Cataclysm just isn't "doing it" for me. I don't know what it is exactly but there just feels like something is missing. I know a lot of guild members are saying the same thing. We can't put our finger on it but something that was there in the previous three chapters just isn't there any longer.
personally my big problem with wow at the moment is that firelands is such a huge grind and the difficulty curve from BWD is like a shear cliff(my guild downed nef and ony before the patch and cant down a single boss in firelands.) now that would be ok if we could go do another raid thats slightly easier but no at the moment we have firelands which is above our gear lvl atm or go do raids that are so easy i can afk during cho'gall now. the problem is they didnt release progression raiding like they did at launch (BOT, BWD, and finally throne switching for bosses as needed.)


New member
Apr 26, 2011
The quests were overly repetitive. The economy gets trashed every time a new expansion comes out. There are huge areas of the game including cities completely devoid of players. The mobs are nearly universally identical across area to area so there's not much new to find when leveling a new character of a different race or faction. Crafting is a joke. No one wants the crap you make until you've maxed out your skill so you blow thousands in gold making garbage. Raids are pointless unless you're on a quality computer in which case you could be playing something more fulfilling. The lack of random events saddens the heart.

I still like WoW but it gets boring fast. I can only ever seem to remain interested for a month before I get bored. I have a two month subscription card sitting on my desk that I bought back in June and I just can't seem to force myself to continue playing and the more Blizzard gets desperate for players the less interested I become. I personally just want something new. Most MMOs try to copy too much from WoW and it ends up feeling like a less populated reskin of what I got tired of.

If Blizz is worried about the drop in subscribers you guys should listen. They've spent millions of dollars on market research and there are plenty of examples of fallen empires. Myspace died almost over night but at first there was nothing but a tiny trickle of people jumping over to Facebook. The more people leave, the more likely others will. If you servers population drops 30% you're going to notice that on the auction house. Blizz was smart enough to give players the cross server raids/dungeons and that might help a while. But players are going to wonder whats happening when over half their guild never logs on and when Stormwind and Orgrimmar start looking like Silvermoon city.

On a side note: The gaming industry has been run by the accountants for far too long.


New member
Jun 29, 2010
Xanthious said:
I don't know, I'm a six year veteran of WoW and for some reason Cataclysm just isn't "doing it" for me. I don't know what it is exactly but there just feels like something is missing. I know a lot of guild members are saying the same thing. We can't put our finger on it but something that was there in the previous three chapters just isn't there any longer.
The extra 5 levels. :p
But seriously, I felt the same way. Just cancelled my subscription a few weeks ago. The game just feels dead to me. It's too easy to do things on your own, I think. Back in vanilla WoW you were pretty powerless even after you hit 60 unless you were raiding. I feel like the game has just lost that spark. There's no community to it.


New member
Dec 9, 2009
With SWTOR coming up, as well as the daunting Guild Wars 2 on the horizon, I would say WoW's days are just about numbered as a game people actually want to play. Most of the subs they have now are people who just get on to do some dailies and maybe raid since it's just part of their routine. If Blizzard's payment plan was a month of actual playing time for $15 I bet their revenue would drop to a laughable amount.

Hell Blizzard even as their own new MMO coming out. Most WoW subscribers in the future will probably be kids who like WoW's handholding cartoony gameplay, and people who think of their wow subscription the same as the daily newspaper that they don't read but still get.

I doubt WoW will ever really "die" but it's quickly becoming something that nobody wants to play, and it's increasingly obvious that the devs just don't fucking care.


New member
May 4, 2011
anyone else just want a warcraft 4? dota came out of warcraft 3, what has wow given us other then years of grind?


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Donno what he's on about. I personally left because they didn't choose either a subscriber- or microtransaction based model, and just went with both! If yer gonna have yer players fork out money on a monthly basis EVERYTHING IN THE GAME should be accsesable, and the price for something like a server-transfer or a faction chance (which is an entierly automated proccess by the by) which is pretty critical to your fun-having in the game, is just infuriating!

(Also, any game grows kinda stale after 4-ish years of playing it, no?)


New member
Feb 28, 2008
Archemetis said:
How about instead of solely catering to the 'end-game' crowd. We actually have a content patch that has something for the little guy whose still levelling?

Cataclysm in my eyes is one of the best expansions so far if only because it gave me new things to do while I levelled.

Now, it's fucking boring again because I've seen it all... Again.

I realise it's easier to update with new, level-capped content because it's at the end, it can just be added on.

But just adding in the occasional new quest for those still on their way to 85 wouldn't hurt.

Why not spend some time slowly re-working content from previous expansions?
I'm not saying reboot it all entirely, maybe just have a look at some of the quests and re-work them to more fit the style you've currently got?

I know that whenever I level a new character I dread hitting level 58 because I know I can only put off going to Outland for another 2 levels.

With some refreshed content in Outland I probably wouldn't feel like I have to slog through PuGs for ten levels...
This is what really, really bugs me. I feel like too much attention is paid to expansions instead of focusing on developing for the current state of the Warcraft universe.
I mean, if they took all the effort they put into Cataclysm and just kept rolling with constant additional content for the Lich King arc and endgame content, they could better deal with the disappointment of the top-tier equipment being outranked by leveling quest rewards one level later.
They could also have gotten the entire world on one chronological page. *cough*Outlands and Draenei*cough*

Sonicmixer said:
KeyMaster45 said:
Inb4 the WoW haters show up shouting victory for X mmo as dethroning the giant.

I think the problem might be that there are veteran players who just got burnt out with the game. Hell I know at the end of Wrath I was so burnt out I let my subscription lapse and haven't really felt like going back. It's another expansion which means another year or two of grinding to the top of content only to have the board reset again with the next one. After going through vanilla, BC, and Wrath I just didn't feel like doing it anymore.

Despite the big revamps in Cataclysm it's still the same game, and the players who've been around for a long time are probably getting bored with the same old grind of content patterns.

Xanthious said:
I don't know, I'm a six year veteran of WoW and for some reason Cataclysm just isn't "doing it" for me. I don't know what it is exactly but there just feels like something is missing. I know a lot of guild members are saying the same thing. We can't put our finger on it but something that was there in the previous three chapters just isn't there any longer.

I think what's missing is that their big bad guy isn't one with lots of rep outside of novels. Though I'm not sure how well that stands up, Illdian got lots of his back story from the War of the Ancients novels. (at least the parts that made him into more of a tragic figure than he already was)

Another thing could be that Arthas was a pretty big and epic target for us to kill. I mean we have to face it, Deathwing just doesn't measure up in the depth/badass department of Arthas, he's just kind of a "bleh", flat villain.
I totally agree KeyMaster,

I don't think its a coincidence that the interest has started to decline after the last bit of content that was directly related to the other Warcraft games was used. I remember the announcement of Cataclysm and my first question was "Who the heck is Deathwing?" It took me awhile to figure out he actually was in Warcraft II, and it took reading the novels to finally feel up to date with what was going on. I was emotionally attached to the stories of Illidan and Arthas, but Deathwing (and perhaps anything else they come up with) just isn't cutting it. If I'm not emotionally attached then all the flaws start to show and it becomes just old hat.
Taking Deathwing seriously?
How am I supposed to feel like this is a threat that can defeat Ysera?


New member
Oct 1, 2009
MajorDolphin said:
On a side note: The gaming industry has been run by the accountants for far too long.
Every industry has been run by the accountants for far too long.

Random Fella

New member
Nov 17, 2010
Baldr said:
Cataclysm unbalanced the character classes, they nerfed/changed the play style of some stable classes making them harder to play while boosting other classes making them way to easy to play.
Pretty much... Mages...


Aug 5, 2009
Alorxico said:
1.) Lower the monthly fee. It doesn't have to be drastic, but until the economy turns around, that might be a good idea to keep players and gain new players.
2.) Find away to herd all the players who care more about Gear-Score and damage numbers onto their own server so those players who just want to have fun don't feel unwelcome and cancel their subscriptions.
I think if these two points are addressed I know a few people who would be happier for it. One of the reasons new players are scared away it's the abbreviations, the numbers and the need to conform to an ideal style of playing the game. It can quickly suck the fun out of it. I like to read quests and take in the lore, but when I'm in a group they just want to do the quests and level so they can do higher dungeons.


New member
Jul 16, 2009
Aeshi said:
where the slightest slip-up meant death
Funny, as in my experience Lich King 25m HC was the hardest fight in WoW by a long, loooooooong stretch.

But well, on the whole I can agree with that it certainly doesn't feel as epic as it used to. Not calling doom and gloom yet though, as at most these are the first indications that WoW is not everlasting.

Big surprise, I know.


New member
Jul 29, 2011
Can said:
300k out of 11.1 million subs? WOW THE GAME IS DYING! ABANDON SHIP! AIIIEEEEEE!!!111!1!!1!
Bit behind on the news?

It had just over 12 million subs at the start of the year.

It lost 600k subs last quarter and 300k this one.

Thats close to a million loss.

To put it plainly they have gone from 12 million to just over 11 million. They might still have the big numbers but they are losing big numbers aswell.

Also bear in mind that people would still have been subbing yet the numbers are still dropping meaning more people leaving than signing up.


New member
Nov 3, 2008
My biggest problem with wow is the insanely stagnant servers. My main is stuck on a server that has like 1,000 people at peak times. This really sucks compared to servers that run around 15k at peak times. It is hard to find groups, the economy is terrible (hell the Unheeded Warning is still running 10-15k despite the fact that the nerf made it garbage), and there is next to no raid progression. And the only solution to this is to server transfer. Blizz used to address this issue by letting people move around with the occasional free transfer to help fill out servers. But now that they realized that people will fork over $25 to transfer a single character they just let the servers that are falling apart rot and die. Which is such a shame because I know people who have multiple characters on a single server and transferring all of them would run in the hundreds of dollars and they just aren't willing to fork over that much money and they would rather quick than logging on every day, waiting 45 minutes for a ZA/ZG group, having 0 pugs for any raids, and having to pay inflated AH prices. Blizz needs to get its act together and merge these low pop/low progressions servers already.

Sarah Frazier

New member
Dec 7, 2010
savandicus said:
Vrach said:
So they're down to 11.1 million, which is actually the number counting free accounts (you know, those things people don't pay for?). I wonder how far they're down for real. Cause this ain't LOTRO where those free accounts are paying microtransactions or some shit like that, it's just a trial account.

Good to see it losing it's stranglehold - it'll make way for the new and better MMOs that are coming in '11/'12 :)
I think you've missunderstood, that 11.1 million is the active number of accounts paying the monthly sub, if they counted free accounts and inactive accounts they'd probably be in the hundred of millions.
And how many of those billions are people who once had the money to run multiple accounts but had to let one or more go due to lack of funds? That's not even counting the untold numbers of trials made by spammers and bots...

Never trust a sub count.

OT: With even half the number of active subs it has now, WoW won't go belly up for a few years and it won't be because of some new game otherwise WoW would have gone under already. The reasons people are leaving now are too many to list, but with an MMO that's turned into a chat room with mini-games to play with friends, the effect is likely to snowball as more people leave to join their friends elsewhere. It will take more than another 5-10 level expansion to get people back and keep them. It will probably require a whole re-working of even the way things look in order to really grab people's interest and convince them to stay a while just to see the new pretty things.

Sarah Frazier

New member
Dec 7, 2010
Rednog said:
Blizz needs to get its act together and merge these low pop/low progressions servers already.
YES YES YES! The last time I tried to play WoW, I saw only a few servers that weren't at low pop at all times of the day. Rather than opening up new servers, they need to start closing the ones that can't even get 5k people on at once. Think of the money saved by having fewer servers to maintain. It could all go to whatever other projects they have going as well as the added benefit of moving the one or two GMs overlooking those servers to someplace else. Everyone will benefit. (maybe)