The Angry Wolf said:
Glover on N64. I never could finish it when I was younger, recently went back to it, completed it, and now I want all the time I wasted during my childhood back.
I had that game! Never completed it though. The ball mechanics were broken, being so unpredictable that it was a matter of luck more than skill which determined whether you finished a level or not. Strangely, I enjoyed it to start with, but the boss fights were IMPOSSIBLE without using cheats.
Worst game I ever completed though? That's a tough one. I will say either:
X Men 3: The Official Game - was fun for the first 10 minutes as each of the three characters, but then after that, it was just dull, tedious and awful.
GoldenEye Rogue Agent - the Hoover Dam level nearly made me rage quit entirely, but I didn't because the premise (a guy with a magic eye that had killed James Bond on a mission of some sort, forget whether it was a VR mission or a real one,
joins the villains). How the hell could that have gone so badly?! That has the recipe for an AMAZING James Bond game!
Halo 3 - I just didn't find it fun. I hadn't played the others, but I understood what was going on. Really didn't like it. The trailers made it out to be the amazing finale to a trilogy that was the flagship title of its company's games consoles, but it amounted to fights across random terrain with a handful of AI soldiers who couldn't do anything right, and one of my least favourite levels in any game ever -
Cortana. It was awfully designed, with the Flood thrown in, which was a recipe for disaster. I have been told that I'd like Halo 3 more if I'd played the first two, but I doubt that. However, my girlfriend did buy me Halo Anniversary for Christmas and it is my favourite next to 4...doubt I'd enjoy Halo 3 any more than I did, though.
BioShock 2 - THE FIRST ONE ENDED...well, IT ENDED! WE DID NOT NEED A SEQUEL! If anything, a prequel should have been the first thing 2K Marin should have thought about, but no. They go and create a story about a rival of Andrew Ryan's
who isn't even mentioned in the first game and make her this big threat with Big Daddy-esque female henchmen. This game did sound pretty good when it was revealed that the Big Sister was just one enemy that hunted you throughout the game, being an enemy akin to Nemesis from Resident Evil. That would have been pretty great, but they changed that to a Big Sister being more like a Big Daddy encounter (and we had those too) albeit more powerful and more threatening. Having us as a Big Daddy was cool and all, and I will say this - the gameplay was much improved over the original, but for that to mean anything to me in any game under the BioShock brand, it has to have a good story, which sadly, BioShock 2 did not have. It was unnecessary, it scrapped its good ideas during production (Big Sister should have been like Nemesis, dammit...) and Sofia Lamb was not Andrew Ryan. We already had an opponent of Andrew Ryan, and his name was Frank Fontaine. Fontaine provided one of the best twists in gaming I've seen (I didn't play System Shock 2 so it was great for me), and also one of the stupidest boss battles in gaming which kinda marred the work of art that was BioShock. I wouldn't have even dared touch this game if it hadn't been for my friend saying it was better than the first one (which he later confessed to be a statement of one in denial for buying the sequel at full price on release), but I did, and regretted it.
And also, BioShock didn't need multiplayer. Like Dead Space, the atmosphere kinda disappears once more than one person is sharing it.