Worst game(s) you've ever completed

Andy Farren

New member
Jan 22, 2013
Tricky, because I don't often finish games. I suppose Fable 3. I'd heard about the crappy ending well before I bought the game, but I had to see that badness for myself. And yeah, it sucked.


The leading man, who else?
Aug 23, 2009
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Funny thing is, I didn't hate it at the time. I've put hundreds of hours in Skyrim and only afterwards did I come to realize how shallow and empty that game actually is. Like Bethesda were so busy building a world, they forgot to make a game.

Dragon Age: Origins
At the end of the game, my only thought was: Is this it? Awful world filled with awful people. Just kept playing, hoping for it to get more enjoyable. So many party members and I hated every last one of them. Yes, especially you, Alistair, you smarmy prick!

The Enquirer

New member
Apr 10, 2013
I wasn't a huge fan of Killzone 2. I finished it but I just barely managed to do so. Maybe I just had this bad of aim but it just seemed like enemies took forever to die so it was just so slow paced. Not like slow paced where you had to be very careful, slow paced as in you know where everyone is, it just takes forever to kill them.


New member
Apr 24, 2010
Frontlines Fuels of War.
I'd gladly replace the thumb sticks with broken glass if it meant I could change the awful controls.

Resident Evil 6.
Everything. Literally everything is mediocre about this game. Leon's campaign is 1/3 zombie T-Rex fighting, 1/3 boring underground faffing about, 1/3 OK. And that's the best campaign.

I'm going to give special mention to Lost Planet. I almost complete it, but everything was so boring that I gave up--twice.


New member
Mar 22, 2012
Aliens Colonial Marines. Man was I glad I got that game used so I wouldn't support Gearbox's (lack of) effort.

Brendan Stepladder

New member
May 21, 2012
Lot of hate for Halo... I'm surprised, there's no installment that's outright terrible. I guess hype can do that, though.

Anyway, probably Mario Party Advance. It's not the worst game mentioned in this thread, given that I abandon anything egregiously bad quickly. Still, Mario Party + No multiplayer = Suck. Just not Sonic '06 levels of suck.

The sad part is, I actually really like beat 'em ups. No mater how bad they are. I thought Lego Star Wars and fucking Nicktoons: Battle for Volcano Island were good games. I have really low standards in that genre. If I ever play God of War or Zelda: Four Swords Adventure I'd presumably orgasm.


New member
Oct 27, 2012
Far Cry 3.
Haven't "completed" it as such, but i've basically completed it and i'm at the second island. So many reasons as to why i don't like this game.
It's incredibly buggy, you can barely play the game without running into several bugs. I've just finished the co-op and in one small section, my friends and i found about 6 bugs. in a tiny 5 minute segment of the game.

The story is, to put it bluntly, shit. You're supposed to be some normal teens/young adults, lost in an island. The second you get a gun, all of the character build up is broken and he immediately turns into a rambo character after being terrified of killing anybody about 5 minutes ago. His friends are all pretty shitty characters as well, they don't really seem like humans, and they're not really very likable.

The AI in the game is really bad. Even on the hardest difficulty, the AI is still sort of broken. Sneaking is dull and annoying, and pointless to do past the first mission and the mission involving stealth on the second island.

The textures in the game look sort of melted and just not good in general. Character models especially in the game look really ugly and horrible. That's playing on high graphics quality.

The side missions and activities in the game are boring and just borderline broken. The missions at an allied camp are pretty much the same every time, usually just "kill a bear" or "assassination". Finding the radio towers and recapturing the bases around the world is also not interesting and just tedious after the third or fourth time you've done it.

It also has some terrible pacing, you become overpowered about 3 or 4 hours in. The crafting system is mostly not needed because of this- i managed to get to the second island just fine with one weapon, basic loot sack.. etc. The only thing i upgraded was my wallet, because i wanted to buy the revolver that i unlocked from achievements on uplay. Money is pretty much useless in the game, since you unlock just about everything that requires money, very quickly. Even if it was useful, the misc. items that you find which you sell are also useless because of how little money they give you, that and they take up space in the loot rucksack which you also need for skins and such. You don't really need health needles considering after you get a few skill points, the healing that you can do without any syringes will bring you back up to almost full health, and syringes are barely any quicker than that.

The game has dubstep.


New member
Jun 29, 2009
I have to say like someone else did earlier in the thread that some peoples choices are kinda hilarious. Well received AAA games. Really lads? Do we not finish our genuinely bad games anymore?

On Topic: I would probably say MorphX which is an awful game developed by some russian company or something with a really cool premise and one potentially cool mechanic for leveling up abilities by connecting as many nods as possible through tubes

or Too Human whose failings are well documented here.


New member
Apr 14, 2013
I'm just going to go on recent memory rather than dig through all the games I've ever played. In that case, it's probably Assassin's Creed 2. I know a lot of people say this is the best and that the franchise just went downhill after this one, but this game just really got on my nerves to the point where I completely stopped playing the series. The thing is, I loved some of the additions to the game, such as the ability to lower your notoriety, or the Assassin's Tombs and Templar Lairs. There was also more incentive go go around the levels, and I enjoyed building up that one city. The thing is, it was so boring and repetitive. Once you free run across one set of rooftops you had virtually free run across them all. The combat never evolved past "hold block, wait for enemy to attack, decide to counter or dodge, counter or dodge, attack". On top of that, stealth was either broken or it destroyed any suspension of disbelief, which was only made worse when stealth was mandatory. The free running controls were still not designed well for any rapid changes in direction or precision jumping, but they still felt the need to force it at times. Oh yeah, and the game was really easy, to the point where the only challenge was in fiddling with broken mechanics. What's worse is it lasted for 30-40 hours if you wanted to do the few interesting things, and they didn't even have the courtesy to at least make you feel like an assassin, which was the major strength of the first game. You just felt like any other protagonist from any other game who was only an assassin because he was part of a group called The Assassins. And then it all ends with arguably the worst final boss I've ever played. Seriously, all I had to do was equip the shortblade and just spam attack him with it, and the fistfight only lasted as long as it did because they needed to get through the whole conversation (the guy was on one life for about half the fight!).

Toping off the annoying gameplay was the story. I don't mind if a person wants to talk about religion in a story, and I also don't mind if they let their biases come through in the story. Xenoblade Chronicles did it, and I love that game. Even the first game managed to pull it off the discussion well. However, Assassin's Creed 2 felt more like the writers were just preaching to us, trying to force their ideas down our throats. There was no room for actually thinking through the issues, just seeing things how they wanted you to see it, and not even trying to be subtle about it. Even when I was agreeing with them I couldn't enjoy myself. If I wanted that kind of obnoxiously dogmatic attitude, I'd just go to my local Christian bookstore and pick a random fiction book off the shelf. What's worse is that that random book, though openly biased, might be less dogmatic than this game was.

Needless to say, I can't think of many games that left such a rotten taste in my mouth that I not only have as little good to say about it as this one, but I also am repulsed at the very idea of continuing to play games in its franchise. Even my love of pirates is having trouble overcoming my dislike of the franchise when I consider getting Black Flag.

However, if I really go back, my least favorite game that I completed might be The Incredibles: Rise of the Underminer. I don't remember much, but I do remember a short, boring game that had one of the most broken co-ops I've ever played.


New member
Aug 15, 2008
Looks like I'm going with Final Fantasy II just like the other person above. Most bad games I had the sense to stop playing when I realized that they were bad. But not this one. I guess I can at least brag that I've beaten Final Fantasies I-XI, whatever that's worth.


New member
Mar 9, 2010
I normally don't finish bad games but with the creation of trophies I have dragged my feet through a couple I would normally sell back or forget forever.

Terminator Salvation- bad controls, limited enemy types and replaying the same section over and over until the game would stop cheap killing me. Those gold trophies were hard earned.

Shoot Many Robots- Me and a friend finished this piece of junk cursing it the whole time.

Resident Evil 6- enjoyed it at first.....a RE game where you can walk and shoot? ok sign me up! Weeks later as I was close to platinum I felt it was more work, less fun. I hated every character I played and wished they would all die in the end.

Xmen Destiny- shallow and repetitive.


New member
Jul 7, 2011
an annoyed writer said:
Some of the responses that I'm seeing here make me laugh my ass off. Halo? Assassin's Creed? Dragon Age? Come on man! You really haven't touched some of the deeper, darker depths of gaming hell. Here, let me present one of the worst ones I've played, and it's not even the worst I've touched:

Everything was broke as fuck, the levels were poorly designed, the character models resembled a kid's mediocre drawing of the toys, the music was looped as fuck, the textures were dated, it had aneurism-inducing voice acting, etc. It was so bad that I developed harsher standards for my games. It also helped develop a more critical eye towards EA for me. This was around 2003.
I forgot about this game when I originally put my choice down. Thanks for reminding me of that damn snowboarding scene and that cut scene that plays everytime you fail *shivers*.


New member
Jan 4, 2010
Devil May Cry 2 and Front Mission Evolved are the ones that stand out to me the most, although I suppose Vampire Rain is technically far worse. The former two felt more disappointing because I had more hope for them.

EDIT: I almost forgot Sonic the Hedgehog 2006. That game plays like a buggy, utterly broken alpha build. The final level and the snowboard sequences deserve a special place in gaming hell.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
Skorm034 said:
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3.
I loved the first so I felt compelled, less than a 4 hour campaign and I could still barely do it.
I found no enjoyment in the game. At all.
I felt the same about the second one. But in no way would I call it the worst game I've ever played.

Personally I finished most of the Master System and Megadrive back catalog back when I used to work for a games helpline (before the days of easy Internet access). A lot of those games were terrible but it was a job and I was getting paid.

I've also grinded my way through Final Fantasy VII (when it came out) because everyone was raving about it. Final Fantasy VII is a perfectly good game but I personally hated it more than any game I can remember. Possibly because it took so much of my life away getting through it (whereas the other games I hated only took a few hours). Hated the characters, random encounters, the story but most of all I hated the constant pauses and loading (I had played many cartridge games before this so original CD load times drove me nuts).

However, Dragonheart (on PlayStation) is without a doubt the worst actual game that I have completed. So bad that I now own it because I find it funny how bad it is.


New member
May 6, 2011
Can I say Secret of Mana for this one and call it a day? I mean, I didn't actually beat the final boss of the game, but I did reach that boss. ...no? I can't use that one? Fine... (mutters "Fuck Secret of Mana with a cattle-prod on fire" under his breath as he goes to think over his options)

Shadow the Hedgehog is another one where I want to count it but probably can't. I did reach an ending to that game (I think Semi-Hero Path, Dark Ending), but there are nine other ones like it, AND an 11th true ending that basically makes the multiple ending idea COMPLETELY POINTLESS. So, I got an ending, but not THE ending to that miserable mess.

The best one I can come up with is Sonic the Fighters, but I don't know if that counts either, since it's a fighting game and I played it on the Sonic Gems Collection - which, btw, is a very unfitting name for all the games on it besides Sonic Triple Trouble (which is actually fun). But yeah, it's one of those fighting games where you just mash buttons to win, very little technical skill.

...Goddamn, this is hard. Usually, if I don't like a game, I just don't play it. Then again, even if I do like a game, I might not play it because something else won my attention for now.

Eddie the head

New member
Feb 22, 2012
It might be cheating because if I don't like a game I don't finish it. But Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine is the most boring POS I have ever played. Just a dull slog.


New member
Sep 4, 2009
I'd say Far Cry 2, but I just stopped playing when I saw the second island.

I'd say Halo 4, but at the time I was deluded into liking it because I was a die-hard Halo fan up until about 2 weeks after launch.

Or even Dead Island, but I stopped playing that pretty fast.

I'm probably going to say...

Devil May Cry 4.

Damn that game was boring, repetitive, lame, stupid, irritating, obnoxious, limited, uninspiring, demotivating, disinteresting... and then once you get to the end you have to go back through it again in reverse!

Fucking dull game that, but the only one I thought straight off the bat "this is sooooo shit and boring" yet kept with it in the hopes that it might've possibly gotten better.

It didn't. I sold it the day I finished it, 3 days after buying it.


New member
Jun 24, 2013
The worst game i've ever completed is Bubsy 3D for the first playstation, i still cant understand why they even released that game, it has incomplete textures and the whole game is just a joke, the only reason i kept playing it was my curiosity of what i would see in the next lvl.


New member
Mar 15, 2010
The worst game I ever slogged through (and what a slog!!!) was Suikoden IV. After the game sloths along at an abysmally slow pace for many hours, it throws you into a bland final dungeon to fight a boss that is completely out of left field. I felt no sense of reward whatsoever from finishing the game.


New member
Jun 5, 2012
Terminator: Salvation

I thought the game must of had promise when the devs began but somehow for some reason the project became rushed or lost funding. On a good note, the platinum was very easy to get considering there was like twelve trophies in all and none were bronze. That's right... nothing but 11 Golds and a Platinum for seven hours of work.