Worst Story in a game Ever


The Furry Gamer
Jun 29, 2010
Im gonna say Singularity

its story was a bit weird seeing that the big twist was half en hour in


Elite Member
Mar 20, 2010
Drakmeire said:
Well Master Blaster has a Storyline so insanely bad it's awesome
Kid has a pet frog who escapes and runs into his backyard and jumps into a vat of nuclear waste (that I guess happened to be in his backyard). the frog mutates and runs into the sewers, when the kid chases it he finds a tank (in the sewer I guess) so the rest of the game is trying to hunt down your pet frog.
What pushes it even farther into the "so bad it's awesome" territory is that there was even a novelization done of the original game ( http://blastermaster.wikia.com/wiki/Blaster_Master_%28novel%29 ). There was also a novelization done of Castlevania. Nintendo had too much money back in the day.


New member
Oct 26, 2009
I think I'm going to get hated on for this, but Dead Space.

The story has been done to death, every single thing that happend was so predictable and contrived I fell into a trance, when I woke up, I was done and had no recollection of what I had done, just droning around some boring rooms, fighting boring monsters with space ace mac. Bland himself.

Holy chrisp I was bored out of my mind.

Angry Camel

New member
Mar 21, 2011
Simple. Some evil ninjas want to raise the greater fiends because one raised herself and convinced... wait how the hell did Elizibet get out?

Anyway, the CIA is out to stop the fiends, dunno why they believed they existed all of a sudden. Ryu kills them all, gets in the land of the dead while still ALIVE, has to kill the fiends who are already in the land of the dead, then eliminate some super fiend that can resurrect at one drop of blood.

Before you asked that, it never really clicked with me how stupid it was. I knew it was dumb, but saying it just makes it sound even worse. Thankyou for helping me realize that.


New member
Mar 23, 2010
Mirror's edge... I love the game, but lets be honest here, the story aint the greatest... I get that she doesn't really care about the grand plan of the evil guys, that she only wants to save her sister, but the story sucks.

Love the gameplay tho.


New member
Feb 23, 2011
Definatly [PROTOTYPE].

You play as Alex Mercer some guys turned you in mutant, now u must get revenge. Nuff said.


Your friendly local nihilist
Dec 6, 2010
Crackdown. You jump around buildings and take out 3 gangs. Thats the storyline. Good game though.


New member
Jun 13, 2011
SuperToaster said:
Definatly [PROTOTYPE].

You play as Alex Mercer some guys turned you in mutant, now u must get revenge. Nuff said.
If you played the game to the end, you'd know that would not be the case. And if you devour all the web of intrigue targets you'd see that it goes a lot deeper too.

So no, it's not enough said.

And to add in with a story, I'd say...Alone In The Dark: Inferno, good gameplay, boring story.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
Legendairy314 said:
When I think about it, probably Duke Nukem.

In a nutshell: Aliens took hot chicks, kill aliens.
At least it's simple and fun.

Metal Gears Solid 2.

I'm sure that was just Hideo Kojima pulling a giant "Fuck YOU" to the gamers with THAT bullshit, every element that you could call as part of the story is just awful and is only made worse by the high expectations after the perfection of Metal Gear Solid.

Raiden, his emo faux-tough attitude, his ***** girlfriend, Paul Eiding phoning it in as Colonel Campbell. Solid Snake sidelined in his own story. The story is utterly ridiculous based on the most insultingly nonsensical conspiracy theories yet the game takes itself so seriously with HOURS AND HOURS AND HOURS of meandering, dull and contrived cutscenes.


New member
Mar 25, 2011
Dead Space 2 has a pretty wretched plot.

Government replicates alien artefact that drives nearby people insane. In previous incident also responsible for undead mutants that already wiped out a colony and two huge spaceships without effort. It is also of interest to a corrupted religion that wants to use it for their own nefarious purposes.

So the government decides they want to use this thing as a source of energy because apparently we don't have enough resources in friggin space. They get the blueprint for this by extracting information from protagonist by sticking a needle in to his brain straight trough his eyeball. At the end they still think it is a good idea to not destroy said artefact.

Protagonist is also stringed along by the ghost of his dead girlfriend. Who he learnt in the first game was just a figment of his imagination created by another artefact and he falls for this trick again.

Protagonist helmet also opens by itself whenever the plot requires it to.

There is more stupid parts but I don't care to bring them all up.


New member
Jul 14, 2010
Final Fantasy XIII was a convoluted mess. I finished the game, and honestly I couldn't coherently explain it if someone asked me too.


New member
Mar 20, 2011
Sonic 2006.
How does a franchise go from "defeat this mad scientist" all the way to "try and get it on with a human female"?!


New member
Feb 26, 2010
RedBeta22 said:
I'm going to be controversial here a say the Mass Effect series. Just think about it.
Justify please.

Most were merely mediocore, which I railed against. But how can you justify calling mass effect's story worse then legitimately bad games?


New member
Aug 28, 2008
AdumbroDeus said:
RedBeta22 said:
I'm going to be controversial here a say the Mass Effect series. Just think about it.
Justify please.

Most were merely mediocore, which I railed against. But how can you justify calling mass effect's story worse then legitimately bad games?
You didn't think about it did you? I want *you* to tell me why it is a horrible story.

Iron Mal

New member
Jun 4, 2008
RedBeta22 said:
I'm going to be controversial here a say the Mass Effect series. Just think about it.
The fact that it delves into dealing with

mecha-crawfish-space-cthulhu? And the continued propagation of their species through the genetic defilement and assimilation or subjugation of other sentient species to continue a endless cycle of construction and annhialation beyond our human comprehension?

That isn't actually a terrible plot and I don't think you can even argue that it's delievered badly either.

I fail to see your point.

But back to the subject at hand, when it comes to saying what's a bad plot or not I disqualify anything that clearly is an excuse plot (so no Duke Nukem, Doom or Sonic, they're all about gameplay so judging them by their story would be unfair, you don't criticse a rollercoaster for not being educational) as well as arcade games (again, the premise is to jump into the action with is little delay as possible, it goes without saying that story will often be ommitted for the sake of streamlining the experience down to a reasonable playtime).

With this in mind, my nominations for worst plot-line ever go to (in no partiuclar order):

1- The Devil May Cry series: Honestly have the stories of these games ever amounted to more than 'hey look! demons! look at how badass I can be!'? If they have then I sure as hell couldn't tell.

2- Half Life 2: This one I have more of a problem with the execution rather than the premis itself (which isn't exactly too inspiring to begin with, Aliens invade and take over, only one man can stop them? The story is actually pretty damn clich'e ridden once you look past all the dressing and whimsy), I'm sure there are some pretty interesting plot points to be had but a lot of exposition and information is either left in the background or is completely omitted which often left me asking myself 'why do I care about this situation? for what reason is it that I fight on?'.

3- Most fighting games: I own all of the Soul Calibur games since number two and have played through every character's story mode and I still can't follow the basic story or even figure out who the hell the cannonical winner of each game is supposed to be.

4- Fable 2 and 3: Fable 2 suffered from massive cases of railroading during it's campaign (why exactly did I let Reaver get away with shooting Barnham? Even if I'm an evil bastard I'd probably still be mad at the guy for not letting me hve the satisfaction of killing him) and Fable 3 let the NPC's run riot and basically be the main heroes of the game, that's right, my hero (explicitly called 'the hero') felt like a side character in his own story of heroism and glory.

5- Alien Vs. Predator: Gold Edition: I liked this game overall but frankly, there wasn't a single bit of plot to be found anywhere, your character just moves from one dangerous situation to another with very badly acted sci-fi Skype messages giving you the most basic explanation as to why the hell you're there. The series got better about this as time went on but for the first PC game the story telling and plots were a major let-down (not to mention that all the bonus levels were just regular levels from a different perspective, shame on you Rebellion).

6- Farenheit and Heavy Rain: I haven't played Heavy Rain fully (and neither do I intend to) but I've heard that it's plot-line is just downright uninspiring, clich'e and badly thought out, what makes this worse than most is that this game was trying to be a narrative driven, cinematic experience so for it to fail in the story and writing department is definately not a good sign. As for Farenheit, same issue really, it tried to be what basically amounts to an interactive movie but all the way throughout I was picking out little plot holes and inconsistancies which kept pulling me out of the game and made me realise that the only thing that made me enjoy the game the first time around wad the novelty of never having seen anything like it before (and also the fact that everything seemed great before my teens kicked in and crushed all the youthful enthusiasm and life out of me), half of the crap that goes on makes no sense (giant ethereal bed bugs?), the characters felt flat and one dimensional (more a collection of mystery movie stereotypes than anything, my exact words when the protaganist's brother was mentioned was 'he's gonna be a priest, isn't he?' and lo and behold that I freaking called it) and a ton of supernatural shit gets thrown at us towards the end with no prior explanation or foreshadowing, all from a game that was clearly trying to be a masterpiece in terms of it's narrative and delivery.


New member
Nov 5, 2010

Dark shadow people, walking in a dark shadow world.

No story
No sound
No fun