WoW Player Claims Kicked from Guild for Being Deaf


New member
Jul 9, 2009
Arehexes said:
You should stop explain it and defending man, I don't think every one ran with a serious guild or help run one(or even a forum).

Organizations have rules like forums and guilds and other web sites. If you don't follow them you are supposed to be banned end of story. Also he said right here

He tells me that i can't raid unless i have vent. Guild rules and all. I was pissed. After a huge blow out between us i get removed from the guild and put on ignore. Our guild wasn't even that good. We did naxx full clear 10 man once.

What did he do to cause a "huge blow out", and note he didn't said he was kicked because he couldn't use vent. He was told HE COULD NOT RAID, it was after they had this fight he was kicked out. Now it seems your going to have get the Guildmasters side on this one also, and you guys seem to be quick to jump on the deaf kids side. Assuming he is "innocent" just because he is deaf.

Anyone I'm taking my own advice and stop with this, it's a one sided story of someone whining about how his life is bad because he is deaf(I know people who are worse off, he is f'ing lucking to not be crippled) and he his whining on a forum about how he can't enjoy his old guild even though the rules state you need Vent.
It has nothing to do with "explaining it", it's merely a discussion of what happened and you seem to point at me for being unable to understand. It was not about whining on a forum because he can't enjoy his "old guild", merely what happened and I doubt you know what it's like to lose friends to such a crippling injury. I'm sorry you know people that are worse, but it seems you would be the most likely to understand that this kind of thing is life-changing and he can no longer hang out with his friends in the guild he's been in for 4 years. Regardless of what happened, you seem to be taking the defensive in what I'm trying to point out and think you do need to take your own advice and stop with this, thanks.


Doctor Glocktor said:
Salem_Wolf said:
poiumty said:
Salem_Wolf said:
Yeah, you have a point: we don't have the full story. It's hard to tell what happened, personally I wouldn't put it past the guy who'd lost his hearing if he shouted first, I mean hard to imagine what everything he's going through is like, so, ya know. But yeah, while he didn't do it out of maliciousness, I'd at least hoped he'd say "no but you can stay in the guild while we figure things out". Either way, the guy lost a lot, but he looks to be making up for it.
See, the problem is that the story is very one-sided. He said himself that he didn't get kicked for being deaf. The guildmaster just told him he can't raid anymore. So there was really no incentive to kick him out of the guild until he provided one by contesting the decision.

Again, the guildmaster could have been a prick and just kicked him unreasoanbly, but until i know the full story, i am not condemning him on that decision alone.
True indeed. I would like to hear what the guild master says, then again might as well let them put it behind them and move on, hope for the best and so on so on. Hopefully not ALL his friends have left him, though, otherwise that would be horrible.
That's the thing. I really doubt the friends would've left him (If they even did, anyways) just for him being deaf. As I said before, if they stopped liking him after he got kicked, he did something.

In every guild I've been in, if someone was kicked, not *leaving of their own accord*, there's always been a massive blowout on chat as to why the person was kicked. I really, really doubt this was any different, and I also doubt that the guild leader would risk looking like a massive asshole for kicking him just because he's deaf. So if his guildmates stopped supporting him after he was 'removed' (very tricky wording, there) then its very likely, if not 100% that he did something to piss off the majority of the guild.

Him huffing and puffing saying 'Well, they never got that far anyway.' REALLY doesn't help him.

I used * for emphasis. He used very tricky wording; I can't tell whether he was kicked or asked to leave, or left because he didn't like it anymore and is just talking shit.

What happened to him is terrible, but his story there is very one-sided.
You're right, something big happened which likely caused them to take sides then it might very likely be the fault of the deaf player, I've been in a few guilds, some more "hardcore" than others, and there are strict rules but sometimes rules are levied a little in favor of fun. It sounds like this guild wasn't aligned towards "fun" and more towards the recognition of being a strong guild. Possible, just speculation of course. But he also mentions his friends he knows personally in real life stopped hanging out with him due to the frustration his new condition caused, so people are assholes just to be assholes, it's possible the guild master is an asshole just for the sake of being one, I know quite a few people like that.

Yeah, you're very right, it's one-sided and he could be trying to look like the wronged to elicit sympathy. It's possible, likely, maybe what happened but either way I do feel bad for the guy.


New member
Jun 27, 2008
SenseOfTumour said:
I'd also like to make clear that the VAST majority of posts in the thread find the guild leader's actions utterly reprehensible, and in no way is he representative of a typical WOW guild.

My guild is very casual, but we've still managed to do basic raiding without vent, before you pull you say 'stand there, dont stand there, when this happens do this, we all ready? ok, go pull.'

you don't need external software of any kind, some addons can really help I admit. Voice chat is nice, yet it's in now way essential.

I'm sure by now he's found a decent guild willing to take him on.
You should also make clear that there was a "blow out" before he was banned (which he said in the ORIGINAL POST).


New member
Jul 9, 2009
SenseOfTumour said:
I'd also like to make clear that the VAST majority of posts in the thread find the guild leader's actions utterly reprehensible, and in no way is he representative of a typical WOW guild.

My guild is very casual, but we've still managed to do basic raiding without vent, before you pull you say 'stand there, dont stand there, when this happens do this, we all ready? ok, go pull.'

you don't need external software of any kind, some addons can really help I admit. Voice chat is nice, yet it's in now way essential.

I'm sure by now he's found a decent guild willing to take him on.
I'm sure a lot of people understand he doesn't represent the majority, I've known very awesome guild leaders who make the game more fun and a more enjoyable experience. I'm hoping the majority of those condemning him have been in an enjoyable guild and know that one =/= all.


Quite Not Right
Feb 7, 2010
LogicNProportion said:
To the Guy: It's just a game. You'll find better people. (Most good guild on WoW who own in raids/etc don't even HAVE to use vent, as I've seen.)
There might even be some Guilds that are specifically for deaf people or Guilds that can provide links or things to help him better communicate again.


New member
Jun 27, 2010
DustyDrB said:
I guess it sounds like those people are jerks. I don't really know what guilds do in World of Warcraft, though.
They trick you into wasting time with a bunch of people who pretend to be your friends until you make a mistake or slip up.

Fuck guilds.


New member
Jun 27, 2008
I'm still wondering what happened between the deaf kid and the guild leader to cause a "big blow out", instead of a one sided story about a kid crying because he "can't raid with a guild". Makes me sick cause I know people who had it worse then that and lived with it.

Edit:By what happened I mean I wanna know the argument.

Caiti Voltaire

New member
Feb 10, 2010
SomethingAmazing said:
Composer said:
Doctor Glocktor said:
Composer said:
can someone tell me what vent is?
Voice chat.
well cant you just type?
Typing takes far too much time. Vent is necessary because you can convey orders while being at peak capacity. While typing, you leave yourself vulnerable. And by the time you are done typing, the order you were trying to convey is most likely outdated.
You're obviously just not typing fast enough. Kind of amusing how the performance arguments applied previously can be applied to that, too.

Who the hell are you to judge a hobby like this? Maybe you should accept that maybe people do things differently than you do and maybe they enjoy it. Maybe they enjoy the risk and reward of being a part of these competitive guilds.
If people enjoy being as competitive and narcisstically selfish, then they're no one worth taking the time for me to judge, really, in my opinion.

It was a dick move. That's the bottom line, and no amount of justification is going to change that. Youre putting meaningless performance in a entertainment product meant to be played and enjoyed over the feelings and emotions of another human being - another human being who has gone through something that is traumatic. There are words for this kind of thing, but Im going to cut off this post here before I start getting emotional and flame-y.


New member
Jul 16, 2010
Wait what ... since when are random humans worth anything?
The kid wasn't being kicked from the guild, the kid wasn't being allowed to raid.

Raiding can take hours and one person can fail it for everyone and waste 25 people's time.

1 screwing up for 24 .. THAT's the definition of selfish ..


New member
Jun 27, 2008
Caiti Voltaire said:
SomethingAmazing said:
Composer said:
Doctor Glocktor said:
Composer said:
can someone tell me what vent is?
Voice chat.
well cant you just type?
Typing takes far too much time. Vent is necessary because you can convey orders while being at peak capacity. While typing, you leave yourself vulnerable. And by the time you are done typing, the order you were trying to convey is most likely outdated.
You're obviously just not typing fast enough. Kind of amusing how the performance arguments applied previously can be applied to that, too.

Who the hell are you to judge a hobby like this? Maybe you should accept that maybe people do things differently than you do and maybe they enjoy it. Maybe they enjoy the risk and reward of being a part of these competitive guilds.
If people enjoy being as competitive and narcisstically selfish, then they're no one worth taking the time for me to judge, really, in my opinion.

It was a dick move. That's the bottom line, and no amount of justification is going to change that. Youre putting meaningless performance in a entertainment product meant to be played and enjoyed over the feelings and emotions of another human being - another human being who has gone through something that is traumatic. There are words for this kind of thing, but Im going to cut off this post here before I start getting emotional and flame-y.
I can tell, but there is one thing we need answers. What was the "big blow out" that happened between the Deaf guy and guild leader, without that all we have is a WoW kid crying that he can't raid. But from your post we should let the kid who can't kick a ball right due to a disability so we can be fair and we need to remove all "competition".

I mean honestly, this isn't life or death we're talking about. You die in a game, you respawn, you deal with it. God knows how many times I died because the random team I got in Guild Wars consisted of idiots.

But this is why I avoid games like WoW. The competetive mindsets of these people is completely and utterly dehumanizing and I want as little to do with it as possible.

To be honest if that's how you feel you should avoid any multiplayer, because there are people like that in any form of competition not just WoW.


New member
Jun 27, 2008
Danceofmasks said:
Wait what ... since when are random humans worth anything?
The kid wasn't being kicked from the guild, the kid wasn't being allowed to raid.

Raiding can take hours and one person can fail it for everyone and waste 25 people's time.

1 screwing up for 24 .. THAT's the definition of selfish ..
O_O someone read that little fact that he said he wasn't allowed to raid, had a blow out with the guild leader and then was kicked. Yes someone else knows how to read the whole thing and not skim.

Also we should let the deaf people fly planes, and the people who are legal blind. it's only far

Caiti Voltaire

New member
Feb 10, 2010
SomethingAmazing said:
Then don't take part in those guilds. They're near impossible to get into anyway.

From a guild leader's perspective, it would be a dick move to allow a deaf person who cannot get the orders in time to potentially compromise the guild's performance and slow it down. Pissing off 25 people at once. But seeing as you are the kind of person to judge others in such a fashion, that fact will never get through to you. Just remember, your idea of fun is not the same as everyone else's.
Why yes, I do avoid these games, for just that reason. Ultime Online guilds back in the day more than taught me how utterly rephrehensible some people can treat their fellow people as the means to trying to get a leg up on other guilds, and it strikes me as injust, and it always will. Is it on the same level as most of the stuff out there? No, it ain't. Its just a game. Both the kid and the guild could have moved on. Both the kid and the guild will still move on. This isn't going to change, and wouldn't've anyways. What could have changed is how it was handled.

I'll end how I began - "Sometimes the words, 'its just a game' seem frighteningly lame"

Caiti Voltaire

New member
Feb 10, 2010
SomethingAmazing said:
News flash: some people are competitive. And they like it. Deal with it.
I'll make you a deal: these people can stop being dicks, and I'll start dealing with it. Deal?


New member
Jul 16, 2010
Arehexes said:
Danceofmasks said:
Wait what ... since when are random humans worth anything?
The kid wasn't being kicked from the guild, the kid wasn't being allowed to raid.

Raiding can take hours and one person can fail it for everyone and waste 25 people's time.

1 screwing up for 24 .. THAT's the definition of selfish ..
O_O someone read that little fact that he said he wasn't allowed to raid, had a blow out with the guild leader and then was kicked. Yes someone else knows how to read the whole thing and not skim.

Also we should let the deaf people fly planes, and the people who are legal blind. it's only far
NOTE that I've been leaving the deafness out of it.
It has less to do with being deaf than it seems.

If someone can't use vent 'cos their computer won't install it, they won't be allowed to raid either.
If someone can't use vent 'cos they can't afford a mic, or their computer's soundcard is broken, they won't be allowed to raid either.