Best thing on the youtube comments xD
"looks like a pretty cool texture pack.
rgb5e 12 minutes ago"
"looks like a pretty cool texture pack.
rgb5e 12 minutes ago"
(emphasis added)...will reportedly add new features not found in Minecraft, like working mine carts...(emphasis added)
Haha, they already made serious money. They have sold well over a million units, XBLIG games have nowhere near that success.BioHazardMan said:The guy from Minecraft should just port to XBLA and make serious money.
Gamer Bytes found that each title only averaged about 13,000 trial downloads and less than 1000 full game sales.
Because the millions he's made(before the game's even done, mind you) just isn't serious enough, right?BioHazardMan said:The guy from Minecraft should just port to XBLA and make serious money.
That's like saying gee, I've made 50 million dollars, so why in the hell would I want to make 100 million?Nero Haven said:Because the millions he's made(before the game's even done, mind you) just isn't serious enough, right?BioHazardMan said:The guy from Minecraft should just port to XBLA and make serious money.
Eh. You can't copyright ideas. If you could, somebody could likely sue just about every major game developer for ripping off certain genres.BrokenBoySoldier said:Can anyone say breach of copyright?
Just as the iPhone was inspired by winMo, bb OS, and palm. OR just how the iPod was inspired by a bunch of products before it. But yea kinect is copy paste. So is windows mobile 7 right?Pugiron said:if you are real gullible, you believe an XBL Indie game maker came up with this game on his own. if not, you reealize Microsoft wanted a clone of Minecraft with "indie cred" and set this up. For those trying to say it's the same as Minecraft imitating infiniminer, infiniminer was gone already and the source code made public before Minecraft was made. It folded a month after release. This is as inspired bye" as Windows was "Inspired by" Mac's and that led to a massive out of court settlement by Microsoft. Just par for the course for MS. cut and paste software development.
Yeah but I think us console gamers have probably gotten used to using the Joypad by now so I imagine that it won't be too hard to get used to it. Specially if we haven't played it using a keyboard.Baresark said:Interesting. I wouldn't touch a game like this with a ten foot pole on a console, I am chiefly a PC gamer.
To be quite honest, I prefer the minecraft look. I think it has a retro charm to it all, if I had the choice I'd pick minecraft over this any day. However my computer is a piece of shit when it comes to running games so I'm stuck with this FortressCraft thing. Though I would love it if they managed to port Minecraft to a console.Baresark said:The only thing that looks better on this than on my PC is really only the water, and I'm not going to lose sleep over that.
Usually AFTER the original idea has bygone its age. copying ideas as they are...still fresh? to me, paying for this would be like paying some of the modders who make texture packs for minecraft. its kinda silly. aaand i wish this Dev focused on a more fresh and different idea. this way he just gets called a unoriginal douche.CrystalShadow said:Eh. You can't copyright ideas. If you could, somebody could likely sue just about every major game developer for ripping off certain genres.BrokenBoySoldier said:Can anyone say breach of copyright?
They all have a lot in common after all.
The sad thing is, as the article points out, minecraft itself was 'inspired' by an earlier project...
I just looked at the website for that, and if that doesn't look suspiciously similar to Minecraft...
Yeah, anyway, when a seemingly unique idea shows up, people seem to think it can be defended, yet the evidence of history shows only the most blatant clones can really be sued for anything. (even then... Tetris anyone?)
The whole industry copies and refines ideas all the time. We even expect them to, because what would happen if a company tries something unexpected that works differently to the typical ideas?
Yeah... There'd be complaints about it being 'wrong'.